The Day of Pentecost vs. Azusa Street…Part 2

25 Mar

In my last article, I stated that the Azusa Street ‘Revival’ was not of God.  I know I shocked many of you with that statement.

I say that because all I have to do is look at the FRUIT of each event to determine if its God or not.

What got many people all caught up in Azusa Street were the signs and wonders.  It was 1901…the country was recovering from the war and the Emancipation Proclamation.  Things were still in racial and economic upheaval.  Jim Crow laws still permeated the land.  People were looking for answers in uncertain times.

People started cropping up seemingly with some answers, Parham being one of the first ones.  Yet, no one has taken the time to find out WHO was Charles Parham?

Charles Parham came from the Methodist and Holiness background, started preaching at a young age, about 19 or so.  He was one of the first preachers to teach the ‘Joel’s Army’ doctrine, and he did NOT believe in eternal punishment, or hell.  (Joel’s Army is a movement where the followers believe that they are the end time warriors that will avenge God’s church thru bloodshed, if necessary. They are linked with the Dominionist movement).

Charles Parham was a full fledged member of the KKK in 1910…9 years after the Azusa Street ‘revival.’ How can the father of a spiritual movement be a member of the KKK?

Charles Parham was a free mason, a member of the Baxter Springs Masonic Lodge 12.

Charles Parham was arrested for having sex with boys in 1907, six years after the revival.

Charles Parham was documented to ‘mental, emotional, psychological and sociological disorders…’

Clearly, Parham didnt exhibit any fruit of salvation and deliverance in his own life-before OR after Azusa Street.  So one can only conclude that whatever he taught or introduced was NOT of God.

And who was Williams Seymour?

He was a one-eyed black man who wanted more of God than what he was raised with…but more importantly, I believe Seymour was a frustrated black man in the midst of the Jim Crow era who sought to unify believers, but he could not do that.  ‘The apple does not fall far from the tree’ applies here, for sure.

And since Parham was his mentor, Seymour was limited in what he could do.  It is reported that Seymour only put blacks and hispanics in positions of authority at the Apostolic Mission.

His greatest error was that he went ahead of God.  Instead of trying the spirits to see if they be of God, he ran to Los Angeles and started a movement that would sweep the world, but NOT with truth…but with gross error!

Being hungry for God and having gifts is not enough.  Many portray Seymour as this humble man who started a revival, but I present to you he had a religious spirit and false humility.

It is reported that witches and warlocks frequented the Apostolic Mission….often.  We only hear of the people speaking in tongues, being healed, slain in the spirit, etc. regarding Azusa Street.  We all assumed that EVERYTHING that went on at Azusa was God.  And it was not.

Seymour often wrote Parham for counsel and advice on how to handle the witches coming to services, holding seances and trances right in the middle of service.  Parham left him hanging and didn’t answer him.  I dont believe it was intentional: I believe it was because they both began to realize they opened up a spiritual can of worms and could not close it.  So now evil spirits were manifesting in the midst and NO ONE knew what to do to stop it.

All of the charismatic movements today involving holy laughter, rolling all in the floor, strange bodily contortions, etc during services had their birthplace…..AT AZUSA!!!

Seymour reminds me of the many preachers I see today who (prematurely) start a church, believing that God told them to do it.  The enemy sends some supernatural signs and because we all respect the supernatural, it is normally accepted that all supernatural signs in the I.C. MUST be of God.


The sad part is it has taken over a century for us to realize that!

The following is an excerpt from ‘The Life of Charles F Parham’ by Sarah Parham. Garland Publishing. 1985.

“Parham could not shift this awful pestilence. He was ‘repelled’ by what he witnessed and when he attempted to rectify the situation, Seymour and his followers split from him. They did not like it. This is exactly how Toronto Blessing leaders reacted to rebuke and help from faithful Christians. Parham saw hypnotists (occultists) practicing hypnotism at the altar. Later, he confessed that it was all of Satan, for he saw “hypnotic influences, familiar spirit influences, spiritualistic influences, mesmeric influences and all kinds of spells and spasms, falling in trances etc….” He refuted them as being of God, as his own wife testified.  It transpired that Parham was “not wanted” at Azusa Street. Why not? Because one of the elders was himself a hypnotist, who passed on the power to speak in tongues to others! Or as Parham put it: “chattering, jabbering, speaking in no language at all.”

He couldn’t stop the monster he created, in other words.

The spiritual portals that had been opened could not be shut.  Widespread deception just kept on breeding, and multiplying.  Much like a plague…

One more thing I want you guys to consider…

The word ‘azusa’ has an engineering meaning.  It is a wave, a tracking system of sorts, used in telecommunications to track the location of a device.  It operates in what is called the C-band of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Plainly put, it is a wave that operates in a radar.

I don’t think it’s an accident that the enemy chose Azusa to implant his tracking system for the masses.

You see, one has to ask WHY would the enemy do this?

It is because he wanted to impart, implant a wave in the spiritual ear of the masses so that when HE speaks, they will hear.

The enemy wants to cut off your hearing FROM GOD.  So he will mimic the voice of God.  He will send a spiritual movement even to mimic the Day of Pentecost, to throw off millions of people.  Make them THINK they are hearing from God, when they are NOT.  To do HIS bidding.

This is a day and a time where we MUST examine and RE-examine everything we may have believed was God, present it at the feet of the REAL Jesus and see if we be of the faith or not.

It is time to tear down our own self made religious and spiritual idols so we can see JESUS and HIM CRUCIFIED, RESURRECTED with ALL POWER in HIS HANDS.

If your allegiance is to a church, a man, a denomination, an experience in this hour…you are in danger.



3 Responses to “The Day of Pentecost vs. Azusa Street…Part 2”

  1. Anonymous August 4, 2014 at 1:51 am #

    That brings some light to me because i have also been testing fruits of andrew wannock and his ministry but all seem not of God! But what confuses me are the testimonies of people which seem to be true in pentacoastal churches.Please search for nonkolisa ngelekas testimony,it scares every christian,make research on it.I will keep on this checking this website.You may also search on the fountain lane revival of south africa.I have problems with the password of my email andso i use facebook.Please always update me i have liked your research.Thank u.NDYAMUHAKI BOAZ,uganda.


  2. wenonaruss March 27, 2012 at 3:14 pm #

    Hi, Prayer. Thank you SO much for your comments and encouragement!


  3. prayer0617 March 27, 2012 at 1:22 pm #

    So many “spirit-filled”churches have used Asuza street as their textbook. I remember the first I heard of it ever was when Billye Brim started talking about it on Beliver’s Voice of Victory. She was like a Pentecostal historian.They talked about pianos playing with no players “by angels” . Then there was that big event on the 100th anniversary. I think you did some great research into the fruit. I used to pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and I prayed in tongues. People called me a prayer warrior, but my spirit was always repelled against that title. I remember that when I would start praying in tongues I would start yawning and have to quit. Now after not praying in tongues in a long time and studying the movements and churches myself I am asking myself the unthinkable. Was praying in tongues NOT the Holy Spirit. I started listening to Andrew Wommack ministries tape on praying in tongues so I could get the baptism of the Holy Spirit to start and it was during that tape that I started…..So since the fruit of the Word of Faith ministries is not good I laid the tongue praying on the altar and never picked it back up. I examined the fruit of Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, etc even in Kenneth Hagins book “I Believe in visions” he said in one vision Jesus had told him he had been in disobedience for the last 30 years. Plus I realized that every person who had claimed to see Jesus just couldnt be true because Jesus would be saying a lot of different things. The article you posted regarding Aimee Semple McPhereson almost blew me over because so many people held her up so highly. Billye Brim also spoke a lot about her. Thank you for the research and the articles you write.


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