The Reality of a Babe in Christ

17 Mar

I recall Pastor Pam, of Pam Sheppard Ministries, saying that there is spiritual deception that can become a threat to a babe in Christ.

First of all, to become a babe in Christ, you will need to have a genuine born again experience, and not a false conversion.  If you have attended church all your life and proclaim yourself to be a Christian but you followed the easy believism that is being influenced around the world, or the “I accept Jesus” practice, consider that there is a big chance a genuine born again experience did not occur.

Pam Sheppard Ministries has a wealth of information on how to overturn a counterfeit birth experience. For a true salvation experience to happen, hearing the gospel properly is a must, as well as waiting for God’s call, and understanding the 3 R’s: Repentance, Rebirth and Resurrection.

In John 3: 1-8; Jesus is talking to Nicodemus about being born again in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Many times in scripture there is talk about birth, being born again, being children, being infants and babes. When you become truly born again in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, you are a babe in Christ. Paul says this in 1 Corinthians 3: 1-3.

From the video above Pastor Pam Sheppard says:

When you’re a babe, you are being modeled after Christ, even though you are an adult.

Babes in Christ need spiritual nurturing, and a born again babe can be deceived. I was sent 3 dreams that sent me to a pastor and a church. Later I find out those dreams were from the enemy. Looking back, it was a dangerous place and Satan had a seat there. Everbody was sinning over and over again. The pastor I was led to was a closet homosexual and a strong practioner in witchcraft. Common sense told me to run, but I thought, they know more about this stuff than me, even though the Holy Spirit taught me different things, they know God more and better than me . But they didn’t. It was a sinful, deceived, and dangerous place. The church was in such evil hands. When I went back, a minister tried to seduce me. But I overcame all that.

Satan wants to deceive a babe in Christ. As soon as you become a babe, his goal is to take you down. Babes can become childlike and can lose their common sense. Before being a babe in Christ, I was a rough and tough atheist. I became childlike in a lot of ways when I was hardly childlike in those 33 years before becoming born again.”

Yet God was with Pastor Pam, protecting her all the time she was in the church.

Pastor Pam Sheppard said during a Bible Study:

The intent with Satan is to cause you to not be fruitful. His goal was to cause me to lose my salvation. The devil wanted to take me to a place where I would say:  I don’t believe in this anymore. The enemy comes with so many attacks. One of the things about maturing is recognizing the devils hands in innocent looking things.

As a babe, the church was used as a way try to take me down. I was a babe that had to grow up with the help of the Holy Ghost. Every human being needs a parent in the natural. We all need a parent in the spiritual too, but we sometimes don’t get it. I was an orphan. I am mature, but still growing.

During that Bible Study, Pastor Pam shared about a woman named Mother Britton:

Mother Britton first joined the church at the age of 65 years old. Nevertheless, she became the most committed, faithful church member. Over the decades, she attended every bible study and from time to time, i was one of her teachers. One day, I visited mother Britton in a nursing home when she was 103 years old. To my amazement. I uncovered that in spite of 40 years of faithful attendance in both Sunday School and bible study, Mother Britton did not UNDERSTAND THE RESURRECTION. It was June 25, 2004, that spending the day with her, I explained the resurrection to her and the Holy Spirit immediately caused her to be born again. Mother Britton, now a babe in Christ, died before she became 104.

In addition, in her video, When Divorce Is a Blessing to a Christian, Pastor Pam warns that babes in Christ must be careful choosing a mate:

When a babe, you can become very foolish and lose your common sense; in all things particularly in choosing a man or woman. Because now you want a Christian man or woman. As long as he or she says ‘I am born again, I believe on Jesus’, you take his or her word for it and assume that’s true. Whether you are in ministry or not, the enemy’s strategy is try to hook you up with the wrong person for life.

Babes in Christ need to know when to flee and avoid using the Bible against themselves, the wrong understanding of various scriptures, the enemy will use to keep them in bondage and captivity. Babes in bondage should realize that when Christ went to the cross to set us free, they are free indeed. A newborn Christian should be enlightened and strengthened not to allow a child, husband, mother, father, to put them in bondage when Christ died and was raised to get them free.

For information about the difference between a true salvation compared to a counterfeit birth, Pam Sheppard Ministries has a course called Understanding Salvation and can be found by clicking on the course link.

To follow along with this course, the book the Church of the Endtime Zombies is available by clicking on the image below.


To contact Pam Sheppard Ministries call 1-888-818-1117 or email

One Response to “The Reality of a Babe in Christ”

  1. abbles182 March 18, 2019 at 4:55 pm #

    Reblogged this on Come Out Of Her My People: Rev 18:4.


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