Archive | September, 2014

Religious Demons Don’t Discriminate Between Saved and Unsaved

9 Sep

By Pam Sheppard

Some may think that to be born again stops all deception. If you have been reading my books and blogs or watching my videos, then you realize that when I was in the occult, I dealt with spirits outright. I had what was called spirit guides or guardians to whom I communicated every day. I called, they answered. They called, I answered. Once I got born again, the spirits changed their tactics, to try to cause me to believe I was communicating with God. and for 25 years, they were successful.


First, an entity imitating God sent me three dreams that told me the same thing. I was urged to find Rev. Smith. Pushed and compelled by unseen forces, finally I followed their instructions and I found him. Immediately, I joined his church, where I entered into ministry two years later.

This is the key point to remember. I WAS BORN AGAIN!!! I followed the spirit’s guidance, deceived into believing that I was being led of the Holy Ghost. Instead, I was being led by a religious demon whose intent was to get me to join that evil, sinful church, pastored by Rev. Smith, a down low Jamaican warlock. Once a minister in training, I became in bondage to a wicked, corrupt international denomination.

The purpose of my personal example is to make a general point.

If the enemy can dupe and deceive the saved, what do you think religious demons can do with those who have had a false conversion who still believe they are saved but they are not?

Just because a person is born again does not make them “deception proof.”

The Lord would not have warned His disciples to “take heed and be not deceived” if there was no danger that they COULD be deceived. It does not matter how many things you are or were deceived about. In my case, for 25 years, I was deceived about a few things in comparison to what other churchgoers were deceived about. Yet the Holy Spirit did not release me from the deception until He was ready to. He simply stepped in when He chose the time to be right and started unravelling things.

What I remain cautious and watchful about is this. Just because I am undeceived NOW, does not mean that it is impossible for me to be deceived again. For me to think otherwise would be both proud and arrogant and I do not want God to resist me. Humility is a key factor to freedom from deception.

So what is deception?

Deception has to do with thoughts in the mind. Simply put, we believe a lie or a half truth. The worst of it are the assumptions we hold dear, for example, that the institutional church is the bride of Christ when she is not. the Bride is not a building or an organization. The Bride is not just one generation who goes to church. the Bride is spiritual, consisting of all born again believers who have lived and died believing on The Lord. So with even one wrong assumption like my example, deception will continue.

So The truth is that if you start off with even one little wrong assumption, everything else falls like dominos.

As I am reading some of the works of some ministers who have a decent portion of truth in their arsenal, I am watching how can those who started out with truth have fallen to deception. Pit is amazing how the enemy has used the truth truth they began with and led them into a lie. What happens is that the enemy takes advantage of our misconception of truth. He uses the weaknesses of our personalities to lead us into believing what suits us best.

This realization is humbling me quite a bit. I believe that once we are given truth, we have to seek God in prayer to help us not to misunderstand truth for our conception of truth may cause us to err.

So my question is “how do we make ourselves fool-proofed to deception?”

I think we can all answer this from experience. We begin by examining how we got deceived, what was it about us that caused us to be open to the deception, and how did we come out of it?

Consider the work of a grifter, a scam artist in search of a mark. The mark will have a glaring character flaw that the grifter will recognize as being perfect to the productivity and success of the scam. Greed, manifested as a desire to get something that he does not deserve at the expense of others or the system at large. Also the mark’s pride in his own personal sophistication and prowess will stop him from exposing the scam to the police, for fear of looking foolish.

Religious fallen angels and demons operate like grifters and scam artists before they implement their grand deception. Better to know ourselves better than they know us.

Relevant Readings

If you are in the process of being undeceived, your chances of success will be significantly increased with spiritual support from others. if you could use some help, contact RESCUE at 518-477-5759 or send an email to For more info, visit

The Fallacy of the Carnal Christian

2 Sep

 According to the institutional church, particularly Charismatics, Baptists, and other denominations where sin is prevalent among the membership, these folk have an explanation. The explanation is that carnal Christians are saved. They love the Lord but since they are carnal, or worldly, they are justified but not sanctified. they have accepted Jesus as Savior but have not submitted themselves to Him as Lord.

This perspective also contends that carnal Christians can remain so for the rest of their lives. Even though throughout a lifetime of faithful church attendance and service, it is believed that carnal Christians will certainly get into heaven but so as by fire, or by the skin of their teeth.

I have excellent recall of the choir in the church where I began as a member in 1979. These folk were faithful, always in church. some of them were heavy tithers. I recall that they were also the most demonstrative worshipers, shouting, crying, falling slain, testifying of the Lord’s goodness, leaping up in the Holy Dance, etc.

Yet, the elders habitually sinned, particularly fornication. Their daughters were constantly getting pregnant, proudly wearing their choir robes with their bellies sticking out for all to see, with no husbands in sight. The choir pianist was a gay drug user, beloved of the entire church. Maurice died in his 40’s, never having changed his lifestyle.

Regularly, unwed mothers held baby showers in the church, like there was nothing wrong with this sort of behavior. I understand that nothing has changed among them.—in fact a tolerance of sin has so increased, that it goes more unnoticed today than it did 40 years ago. simply put, no change in character or in their values.

The explanation is that they love The Lord but that they are simply carnal Christians.

In our private blog, RESCUE members had some interesting things to say about this subject:

Member #1:

 I have been around these type of people the majority of my life. Growing up, I was raised in a Baptist church, where basically people just do certain things to claim they are sorry for their sin and want to be saved. Then, after they are so called, “saved,” they try to justify their sin by using works of the flesh to try to keep from sinning. But they can’t do it, so they make excuses for their sin, and say, “Well, since I am saved, I am under grace, so God will forgive me as a “christian,” for doing this sinful thing. Then, they live their lives as if they are in so many trials and tribulations, and God is supposed to do everything for them. Not once do they even consider that God is not sitting at the throne waiting to give them their every need and desire because their motivation for trying to change is “getting into heaven.” These people live their lives one way in front of certain people, and behind closed doors live another way. They are the worst sinners I know! lol I used to always wonder why people were saying they were christians, but their lives did not reflect a love for living a holy life. Honestly, I used to laugh at them, because I knew it was fake. How can you claim to love God in one breath, and act like the devil in another? Yet, the minute somebody calls you on it, you say, “God knows my heart.” PULEEEZZE!!! Yeah, he knows your heart alright! He knows that it is wicked! They came up for every excuse in the book. These type of people would always focus everything on the Prodigal Son parable, implying that you can leave God and then come back to him and still be saved. Hmmm…..

Member #2

Yes, I was one of those carnal Christians, but realized that this is wrong. Almost everyone I know is either a carnal Christian or they claim that their sins are not serious ones. So, I’ve seen either total acceptance of sin, or the condemnation and hyper critical judging of it. The greed, the politics, the discrimination, and the exclusion of others due to the fact that these others sin differently, is hypocrisy. I knew I wasn’t right, and found out why, but who knows how many are out there that do not know, and will never know the Truth. I am just glad that God has been showing me the Truth, and pulled me out of that nonsense. Now, I know I am not born again. With that knowledge it explains why I’ve not been able to overcome the flesh or sin on my own. It is impossible to do. When I am born again, I know the slate will be wiped clean and I will have the Holy Spirit to help me overcome the flesh and sin.

Member #3

I was carnal and did my best to hide it behind a religious mask in fear of judgement. I always felt very guilty inside and wondered why I could never break free. I would see others who didn’t exactly drink or smoke or engage in sexual sin but they instead were controlling and abusive to a very sinful degree which was quite acceptable. It was my constant carnality that finally helped me realize I wasn’t saved. My carnality was drinking, smoking and depression. Had my carnality been religiosity or jezebelliousness (lol) I would still be in her! No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t keep up with them. I relapsed into drinking after close to 4 years again to ease the pressure of a very controlling Holiness church…I can trace a lot of problems occurring after going to that church including a botched suicide attempt. This is where I seen the image of sananda etched on a pew. I had seen an image of him before even reading Pams book. That’s why immediately I knew Pam was speaking the truth and was like this huge revelation. I didn’t want to accept that I was not immediately unsaved, but the truth and proof was there,,,,,,there are no carnal Christians those who are truly born again. I am sure sin will come for those born again but to be in that same sin for 6 years straight is a strong clue of a false conversion.

If you are interested in conversating with RESCUE members, to know more about us, visit or call 518-477-5759.  Email us at