Archive | September, 2017

Endtime Message In the Lord’s Parable: The Eleventh Hour Christians

30 Sep

The scripture is Matthew  20:1-16 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard

20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 Now when he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. 3 And he went out about the third hour and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, 4 and said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went. 5 Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. 6 And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle,[a] and said to them, ‘Why have you been standing here idle all day?’ 7 They said to him, ‘Because no one hired us.’ He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right you will receive.’[b]
8 “So when evening had come, the owner of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and give them their wages, beginning with the last to the first.’ 9 And when those came who were hired about the eleventh hour, they each received a denarius. 10 But when the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise received each a denarius. 11 And when they had received it, they complained against the landowner, 12 saying, ‘These last men have worked only one hour, and you made them equal to us who have borne the burden and the heat of the day.’ 13 But he answered one of them and said, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Did you not agree with me for a denarius? 14 Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?’ 16 So the last will be first, and the first last. For many are called, but few chosen.

My interpretation is that each designation of work hours, from morning to evening to the eleventh hour represent various ages or dispensations since the Lord left the earth with a promise to return.  They are those called to preach and to minister from the 3 years prior to His ascension until the end of the gentile age. I suspect that the eleventh hour workers–those  who only worked for one hour,  are Gentiles called to ministry during the 7 year  tribulation, a rather short period of time. They could actually be the 144,000 mentioned in the book of Revelation:

Revelation 14:1
[ The Lamb and the 144,000 ] Then I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.


The Jews were the first.  They were chosen to receive and write the word of God, to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born. But when He finally came to earth, the religious zealots did not receive Him.  The Father used the Jews to crucify Him, and He used the Lord’s Jewish apostles and disciples to start the kingdom of heaven, aka the church of the born again. It was the Jew, the Apostle Paul, who became the leader of the Gentile age.

The first generations were privileged to walk and talk with the Father and to have Jesus Christ among them in the flesh. Through this parable, the Lord is revealing to those who worked with Him in the founding stages of the church of God and all of those 20 centuries in between, a message of equality.  The message is  others will come into the kingdom and become His workers. .  Therefore, in spite of the Apostles’  special honor in being first, all workers from every generation shall be equally pleasing to God.  Therefore, rewards from God are not based upon the length of time served but by the grace God has extended to the chosen.  For some will live out long lives with great grandchildren, retired from years of service,   while others will not have the time  ahead of them to live out the human experience to its fullest. Nevertheless, with God, both groups will receive the same welcome, honor and reward for their labor.

So this is not an economic parable.  It is a prophetic  end-time story based in reality, about the nature of each generation’s service to the Lord. For the time we put into serving Him in ministry is not as significant as the heart and labor we put into the short time we have left before the return of King Jesus.

The year was 1981 when the Lord chose me  for ministry. I have   been in training for more than 30 years, to prepare 11th hour workers to minister during the  7 years of tribulation prior to the Lord’s return. Hear my words to you in this short, 22 minute long video:


Look at what the Lord accomplished in 3 years.  So fear not.  We have twice as much time to finish out the gentile age before the Lord returns. When the Lord come’s back, He will reveal Himself to the Jews who are alive when He returns.  What is on our plate in this hour is to prepare the saints, the elect of God, in spirit, soul and body.

Those who hear our voice are welcome to contact us as we move forward.

The Dead Cannot Save Themselves

24 Sep

The apostle Paul wrote the Ephesians and  explained that all sinners are dead in their trespasses and sins.(Ephesians 2:1-9)

So if when we are sinners we are dead, how can we save ourselves by making a decision to “accept Jesus?”

This morning, I had a dream about a former enemy.  In the dream, she was attacking me on all levels.  I recalled all her old beefs with me, as they were made  perfectly  clear while I was still in the dreaming state of consciousness.  HOwever, immediately upon awakening, I realized the futility of my enemy’s dream state attack.  Foe even though she is  alive in the spirit,  in her body she is dead. COnsequently, this former enemy is truly “former” as she has been dead for about ten years now.

So when I look back to March 29, 1977, at around 4 pm on a Monday, I did not make a choice as there was no spiritual decision that  I was capable of making as a  vocal, seriously determined atheist who had never been to church in 33 years. I was dead in my trespasses and sins.

Yet in  a split second, I was no longer an atheist. How did that happen?

I had been convicted of sin a few hours before. Nevertheless, I did not know what was going on  until  I read the bible days and even months later.

I had grieving over the sin that was revealed to me  and I called a friend o seek help to stop the grief . While on the phone, the sorrow  that had begun over myself , in a split second, it turned to the Lord. I blurted out “I am crying for what they did to Jesus. ” These words shocked me as if spoken by someone else.

Yet I did not get even a few seconds of opportunity to question that shocking confession  when suddenly, a light bulb turns on in my head with a powerful thought. Pam,  EVERYTHING YOU HEARD ABOUT JESUS IS TRUE.

What had I heard which I mocked and laughed at  for decades had  been gleaned through the holiday messages  and deMille movies—that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that He is alive!

I found myself in a state  of absolute shock. Faith  was dropped into me like a coin into a slot machine.I started to travail like a woman about to give birth. I saw in a vision  a hand of light going into my chest area. I travailed with  groans for about 3or 4 times.

Then, boom. Unspeakable joy. THE BABY WAS DELIVERED.  I felt like I had literally just been born. I had no past. All burdens of sin removed, forgiven, washed and cleansed. Tears of sorrow turned to joy. Think of what you do when your team wins in a game. Multiply that by 100 and that was me.

As stated, this phenomenal experience occurred while I was on the phone with a non-Christian friend, Vivian. It started when she asked me to explain to her the reason why I could not stop weeping. Once the rebirth took place, I suppose I dropped the phone and she remained on the line. So while I was rejoicing, I picked up the phone again, and Vivian spoke.  “you have just given birth to your new spirit in Christ Jesus. Go run a tub of water and baptize yourself in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.”

A few months later, Vivian did not remember any of this while it has been vividly  planted in MY mind for 40 years.

MY point?

I was dead in trespasses and sins.  I was an atheist who had never been to church. No one gave me a tract.  NO one invited me to their  church. I turned off Billy Graham before I could hear his sermon. In fact, my ability to make a choice for Christ was overpowered by strong unbelief.  I did not choose Christ.


When did He choose me?

HE CHOSE ME AT THE SAME TIME HE  CHOSE ALL OF HIS ELECT. ACCORDING TO EPHESIANS 1:4,5. The Lord chose me before the foundation of the world, according to the good pleasure of HIS will, And not mine!

If you have had a false conversion and you want help to overturn it, either call or send an email.  888-818-1117,

Church Genocide: The False Conversion Via the “I Accept Jesus” Practice

21 Sep

Once the Lord opened my eyes to the false conversion epidemic more than a decade ago, the truth was so powerful and cumpelling  that I did not do any research as to whether or not other believers supported my claims–not until today.

I found an article entitled,  False Conversions and the “Sinner’s Prayer”: A Damnable Epidemic in the Modern Church! written by Landon Chapman on  9/ 9, 2014. I fully agree with almost the entire article, other than for the last sentence.  What stands out for me as complete truth is the excerpt quoted below:

Paul Washer has mentioned numerous times that he has “declared war” on the sinner’s prayer. He contends that it has sent more people to hell than anything else on the face of the earth. You may be asking, “how can he say such a thing?” The answer is quite similar to David Platt; search the scriptures and tell me where anyone evangelized that way. The scripture does not say that Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel and said that the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, now who would like to ask me into their heart?! No, he said repent and believe the Gospel!
To further illustrate how ridiculous this has become in the evangelical church, I once heard a story told by an itinerant preacher about how he witnessed something he has never forgotten. He was at a service where there was an altar call and a man had come down to speak to one of the pastors. After a few minutes of chatting, the preacher asked if the man would like to pray and accept Jesus into his heart. Obviously uncomfortable and not fully on board, the preacher then said that he would pray the prayer for him and, if he agreed, to squeeze the pastor’s hand. This scene played out and the pastor proclaimed the man saved! To date, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Do you think that man understood he was as sinner? Do you think that man understood that he’s not a good person and that he’s in dire need of a savior? How could he possibly know these things when no one ever told him! (Romans 10:14)
Do not make your evangelistic goal be for someone to recite the sinner’s prayer. Give the full picture of the Gospel which includes the Law. You’re not being a big meanie because you help someone to realize they are a sinner in need of a Savior. You’re actually loving that person enough to set aside your personal fear because you care for their soul.

The idolatry of decisionism. Men think they are going to Heaven because they have judged the sincerity of their own decision. When Paul came to the church in Corinth, he did not say to them, “Look, you’re not living like Christians so let’s go back to that one moment in your life when you prayed that prayer and see if you were sincere.” No, he said to test yourselves, examine yourselves to see if you’re in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It is a work of God. The evidence of conversion is not just a measure of your sincerity at the moment of conversion, it is ongoing fruit in your life. Sixty to seventy percent of Americans claim they’re converted and yet we kill how many babies each day? While that’s incredibly harsh to hear it is not without merit.

Yet here is the problem.  At the close of this article, the author writes the following:

Do not let another day pass. Put your full faith and trust in our savior Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Avoid becoming a false convert and join Him in paradise.

HOw do we put our full  faith and trust in the Lord and repent of our sins?  Is this not yet another decision that will lead to yet another  false conversion?

WIthout the Holy   Spirit, we can do nothing.  Anything the flesh does in a religious way will produce yet  another false conversion.         Furthermore, the message of “I accepted Christ” is so preposterous that it is an offense to the triune Godhead. We DO NOT ACCEPT CHRIST. NO ONE CAN BE SAVED UNLESS GOD HIMSELF HAS ALREADY MADE THE CHOICE!!!! The Father and the Son have already done the choosing or the electing before the beginning of recorded time. (EPhesians. 1:1-10)

When the sinner actually hears the call, he simply responds. Even when a sinner cries out for Jesus, it may appear to be an act of his own free will, yet the Lord said that no man can come to Him unless the Father which sent Him draws them. (John 6:44)

Subsequently, even when a sinner begs the Lord for mercy to save him, he does so because he has been drawn to the cross by the Holy Ghost. Therefore, even our repentance is not human but godly. Godly sorrow is a repentance for sin that has been divinely given to the sinner to cause him to repent, to sorrow over the Lord’s sacrifice. At the cross, a sinner’s spirit is washed, cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
When you “accepted” Jesus, you may not realize it but you lifted up self. Why? Because your boasting is made easy, every time you declare to others, “I ACCEPTED JESUS!” It is important to state here that nothing stops God, not even the church. When the Lord is ready for the elect, He calls them. If they are sitting on a church pew, He can still reach them, regardless of what they have been listening to. The problem is that many of the elect who are in church believe that they are already saved but they are not. The Father plans to save them. Nevertheless, for the Holy Ghost to draw them to a genuine salvation experience, the strong man must be bound with the light of truth. In this instance, the “strong man” is the religious demon, aka,the Fake Jesus. Why? Because you “accepted Jesus,” the fake Jesus answered you and accepted YOUR INVITATION to come into your heart chakra! That spirit needs to be cast out before God will cause you to repent.
The genocide of the institutional church has been deep, far-reaching in its destructive  effects. It’s difficult to resurrect the dead from the spiritual consequences of a false conversion. yet it is not Impossible.  If you want help, send an email to or call  888-818-1117. False Conversions

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Maitreya and the Abomination of Desolation

20 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


The Holy Ghost stepped into my occult world and brought me to the cross,  without my even seeking God. Remarkably,with in the twinkling of an eye, I was snatched out of a fallen angel’s hands on March 29, 1977 at 4pm on a Monday. So when I began to do the research in 2007 for the book “the Fake Jesus,” my intention as a former occultist transformed into a woman of God, was to “spy out the Land that I formerly dwelled in.”

The purpose of my investigation was an attempt to answer 4 questions: 1. What are the fallen angels telling their occult followers? 2. What is their endtime agenda? 3. How do the fallen angels plan to implement that agenda? 4. How can the elect of God protect themselves from it?  Throughout the research, one key word stood out: the altered state of consciousness, better known as “the trance.”

In 1974, I was two dimensional: just body and mind—a concrete, down to earth, rational thinker. Every thing changed when I began to study and practice relaxation therapy and hypnosis on myself and in my profession. I opened up my psychic powers, latent in my dead, un-saved spirit.  Within months, I found myself in a dangerous whirlwind of every facet of mediumship: out of body experiences, divination, poltergeist, astrology, reincarnation, communication with fallen angels who first masquaraded as the dead, seeing spirits, hearing them speak, spirits walking into me and speaking in voices different from my own—you name it.  Just a few  months after regularly  putting myself into a trance, my spirit was wide open for demons to walk in and out, say and do whatever they wanted to do.

So as a former hypnotist, I know a little something about trances. Anyway, what I discovered is the absolute necessity of the trance to fallen angels. First of all, without the trance, it is very difficult for fallen angels to communicate with human beings.  SO THEY REALLY NEED THE TRANCE TO MAKE THEIR DESIRES KNOWN. Besides hypnosis, yoga, chanting and various forms of meditation, the trance or the ASC is obtainable by several methods and ways—drugs, sex, habits, rituals, routines and repetitive actions, trauma, and something that the founder of sociology, Max Weber labeled “communal intoxication.”

Communal intoxication is the supernatural ability of magicians, wizards, witches, and CHARISMATIC RELIGIOUS LEADERS. Such leaders induce the ASC in their followers, including but not limited to convulsions, shouting, “holy” laughter, slain in the spirit, “holy” rollers and what is now being referred to as the kundalini spirit of charismatic witchcraft. Also, and MOST important, any one who speaks in what charismatics and pentecostals call “a prayer language” where their minds are unfruitful, enters into an altered state of consciousness. I know.  I did so for 25 years. I don’t—-ANY MORE!!!

I aim to keep this post as short as possible, so I will get right to my point. Simply put,what I discovered is that the top fallen angel who is called Maitreya, plans to perform a feat in the endtimes that requires a global use of THE TRANCE. It also involves untold millions of lower ranking demons—the ones who are assigned to you and to me. Benjamin Creme, nicknamed the John the Baptist of Maitreya, has revealed the endtime agenda of Maitreya.  To prove that Satan is God, Matreiya plans to telepathically speak and say the exact same thing at the exact  same time to all of mankind—at least to those who have been groomed IN THE TRANCE.  Since neither Satan nor any fallen angel can be in more than one place at a time, it is a trick.  The demons who are IN human beings through the trance will each be speaking to the one they have been grooming in the trance  through drugs, meditation, slain in the spirit, “whatever!!!

In this way, they will stage a magical farce, where the fake Jesus will appear to be God: Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent—ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL, AND EVERYWHERE PRESENT!

For more information about endtime preparation email or give us a call at 1-888-818-1117.

Recommended books: The Fake Jesus

Paperback and e-book

Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperback

The Church of the End-Time ZombiesPaperback and e-book

The Church of the End-time Zombies: A Guide to Religious Detox

For all of Pastor Pam’s books go to

RESCUE FELLOWSHIP Online: A Low Carb Ministry

19 Sep

RESCUE  serves  the healthiest, most relevant spiritual food from biblical truths, without sugar coating it or filling you up with what is not essential to your spiritual strength in these end times. 

On a Break at the August 17-21, 2017 Annual Workshop.Members travelled thousands of miles to meet face to face.

RESCUE Fellowship Online is waiting on God-led believers like you. We have been online since April 14, 2012.
Here is a summary of RESCUE written by our first member in Antigua, Adi:
“Expect to have EVERYTHING that you thought was correct, true, holy, biblical, righteous, etc, about spiritual matters overturned, examined and then discarded. Expect to feel as if the rug was pulled out from your feet and the crutches removed. Expect to learn truth and be freed as a result of absorbing it. Expect to be taught how to use your will, set boundaries, be assertive and leave passivity behind. Expect torment to stop or lessen because demons will leave after you acknowledge and accept the truth. Expect to learn about yourself and all your weaknesses. Expect the type of unconditional love that only true born again can show. Above all expect that Pastor Pam will do the work that God has called her to do without fear or judgement of you or your sordid, deceived, messed up past. Proclaim that you are here for a reason, not by chance. To be undeceived is a glorious thing, so very liberating!
Here are a few short videos about RESCUE, prepared by our first member in Canada, Gloria who is originally from Kenya. A few things may have changed since these videos were done,but not much.
What We Do What You can expect

To become a RESCUE member, please answer the following questions, as prepared by RESCUE’S first member, Tee: 
1. Are you willing to fight hard for yourself?__________ Why/why not?
2. Are you willing to put forth the energy to read, study, and

thoroughly answer questions?__________ Why/why not?
3. If you are a professing Christian, are you willing to HUMBLY

examine your salvation?__________ Why/why not?
4. Are you willing to stop attending church?__________ Why/why not?
5. Are you willing to stop all religious and/or occult

practices?________Why/why not?
6. Are you willing to examine the truth about speaking in tongues?___________

Why/why not?
7. Are you willing to keep an open mind as you learn truth, while

discarding old religious and occult beliefs?______________ Why/why


We do not ask for tithes and offerings. Membership dues is $25 a month for everyone. To try out RESCUE for 30 days, we offer a free trial. If you feel led to participate in the free trial, just, click the link below  and we can get started. 
If you can answer yes to all 7 questions, then go right ahead and click the link below for the 30 day free trial. 

Membership Checkout

Once you take the trial, we will put you in our preparation group for 30 days where the pastor and our leaders will devote our attention to you or any other who is on trial at the same time. Generally,we keep the trial groups small, no more than 3 people at a time.
Pam Sheppard serves as the pastor of RESCUE. As pastor,she meets with every member by phone either once a week, twice a month or as needed, for at least 30 minutes per session. She also is in the private online fellowship at various times during each day, 7 days a week. Once a year, she conducts a workshop where people travel to a designated location. Thus far, we have had 2 annual workshops in New York, both in the month of August. The audio links to both workshops are available to members. 
Here is what you need to know about Pastor Pam Sheppard. She was licensed to preach on Oct 25, 1981 then ordained by a well known African American denomination in June 1988. She pastored two denominational churches. Then in 1996, she started a storefront church which she pastored for 12 years until she closed it. 
IN 2003, PAstor Pam had a prophetic dream where She saw Jesus, His robe, His feet but not His face. First She saw a lamp under a bed. Then She heard His voice say, “Pam, I cannot use you here. You are this lamp, hidden under a bed. You must leave.” HE walked away and then made a partial turn and said “BUT LET THEM PUT YOU OUT.” 
ON June 25, 2004, THE DENOMINATION TOOK PASTOR PAM’S NAME OFF THEIR ROLES. If She had attended the meeting, it would have not been possible for them to do. So She obeyed God, stayed away, AND THEY PUT HER OUT after 25 years of service. 
PAstor Pam waited 3 years for The Lord to send her to another church organization. HE DID NOT. Then once in 2007 and again in 2008, He spoke plainly. She was out PERMANENTLY. She was not to enter the doors of any church again, for ANY reason. Then in 2012, She had been working with a group on Facebook for a few years when the Lord spoke again in and told Pastor Pam to form an online church with the FB group.   

This is how RESCUE was born. 
At the beginning of this year, it was revealed that this ministry is to prepare the elect of God for His second coming.

For those who want to remain unaffiliated, there are a number of resources listed below to help you on your spiritual journey. 

 For information about our deliverance ministry, click the link below. 

Do You Need Deliverance?

These two books are vital to your survival in end-times

The Church of the End-Time Zombies. 


The Fake JESUS: Fallen Angels Among Us


ALL BOOKS the Dangers of Opening Chakras and Kundalini Activation False Conversions

Deliverance Manifesto 


16 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


The Holy Ghost stepped into my occult world and brought me to the cross,  without my even seeking God. Remarkably,with in the twinkling of an eye, I was snatched out of a fallen angel’s hands on March 29, 1977 at 4pm on a Monday. So when I began to do the research in 2007 for the book “the Fake Jesus,” my intention as a former occultist transformed into a woman of God, was to “spy out the Land that I formerly dwelled in.”

The purpose of my investigation was an attempt to answer 4 questions: 1. What are the fallen angels telling their occult followers? 2. What is their endtime agenda? 3. How do the fallen angels plan to implement that agenda? 4. How can the elect of God protect themselves from it?  Throughout the research, one key word stood out: the altered state of consciousness, better known as “the trance.”

In 1974, I was two dimensional: just body and mind—a concrete, down to earth, rational thinker. Every thing changed when I began to study and practice relaxation therapy and hypnosis on myself and in my profession. I opened up my psychic powers, latent in my dead, un-saved spirit.  Within months, I found myself in a dangerous whirlwind of every facet of mediumship: out of body experiences, divination, poltergeist, astrology, reincarnation, communication with fallen angels who first masquaraded as the dead, seeing spirits, hearing them speak, spirits walking into me and speaking in voices different from my own—you name it.  Just a few  months after regularly  putting myself into a trance, my spirit was wide open for demons to walk in and out, say and do whatever they wanted to do.

So as a former hypnotist, I know a little something about trances. Anyway, what I discovered is the absolute necessity of the trance to fallen angels. First of all, without the trance, it is very difficult for fallen angels to communicate with human beings.  SO THEY REALLY NEED THE TRANCE TO MAKE THEIR DESIRES KNOWN. Besides hypnosis, yoga, chanting and various forms of meditation, the trance or the ASC is obtainable by several methods and ways—drugs, sex, habits, rituals, routines and repetitive actions, trauma, and something that the founder of sociology, Max Weber labeled “communal intoxication.”

Communal intoxication is the supernatural ability of magicians, wizards, witches, and CHARISMATIC RELIGIOUS LEADERS. Such leaders induce the ASC in their followers, including but not limited to convulsions, shouting, “holy” laughter, slain in the spirit, “holy” rollers and what is now being referred to as the kundalini spirit of charismatic witchcraft. Also, and MOST important, any one who speaks in what charismatics and pentecostals call “a prayer language” where their minds are unfruitful, enters into an altered state of consciousness. I know.  I did so for 25 years. I don’t—-ANY MORE!!!

I aim to keep this post as short as possible, so I will get right to my point. Simply put,what I discovered is that the top fallen angel who is called Maitreya, plans to perform a feat in the endtimes that requires a global use of THE TRANCE. It also involves untold millions of lower ranking demons—the ones who are assigned to you and to me. Benjamin Creme, nicknamed the John the Baptist of Maitreya, has revealed the endtime agenda of Maitreya.  To prove that Satan is God, Matreiya plans to telepathically speak and say the exact same thing at the exact  same time to all of mankind—at least to those who have been groomed IN THE TRANCE.  Since neither Satan nor any fallen angel can be in more than one place at a time, it is a trick.  The demons who are IN human beings through the trance will each be speaking to the one they have been grooming in the trance  through drugs, meditation, slain in the spirit, “whatever!!!

In this way, they will stage a magical farce, where the fake Jesus will appear to be God: Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent—ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL, AND EVERYWHERE PRESENT!

For more information about endtime preparation email or give us a call at 1-888-818-1117.

Recommended book: The Church of the End-Time Zombies. For paperback go to

For e-book go to

For all of Pastor Pam’s books go to

Understanding the Abomination of Desolation: Has It Happened Already?

12 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

Clearly it happened once in Jewish history as Daniel predicted that it would.  In the year 167 BC. A Greek ruler, by the name of Antiochus Epiphanies committed two blasphemous acts in the second Jewish temple: He set up an altar to the Greek god Zeus and also he sacrificed a pig on the altar.

The Lord knew of that particular abomination as it occurred some two hundred years BEFORE  His words were recorded in Matthew 24:15.  So clearly, the Lord was prophesying about an event that would transpire in the last days, since the end of the gentile age is the subject matter of Matthew 24.  It stands to reason that in a similar way that the Lord compared the last days  to the days of Noah, in like manner, He also highlighted  the prophecy of Daniel with the caviat of “let the reader understand.”

Now the general understanding of those who interpret endtime signs is that before this particular sign can be fulfilled, the Jews will need to build a new temple.  So we could further assume that the Antichrist will not be revealed until that non existent temple is built in Jerusalem.

But what if that is not the understanding the Lord wants the endtime age to have? 

Whatever the future abomination is, if it is an overt act of the desecration of a Jewish temple, the obvious nature of such an act would not need very much understanding or interpretation.

AT the time that the Lord was questioned about the end of the age and His response recorded by Matthew in the 24th chapter,  the church age had not yet begun but would be shortly ushered in by a few of the Lord’s apostles and disciples on the day of Pentecost. So clearly, it made no sense for the Lord not to reveal at that time how the church age would evolve 2000 years into the future to people who were about to bring forth the age of the church. For to know the end before the beginning would definitely have blocked the motivation of  the apostles and disciples to begin and continue the work of building the church. Rather, it’s the last generation of the elect who truly need “to understand.”

So my question is this.  Suppose the Lord was not referring to the abomination of desolation as a part of Jewish history, but in reality, perhaps He predicted Christian history in its last days?  The accepted understanding within a common endtime understanding is that the Antichrist will establish a covenant with Israel for 7 years and then perform some blasphemous, unspeakable abomination, similar to what Antiochus Ephiphanies did in the second Jewish temple, before it was destroyed in 70 AD.

Yet built into the new covenant, the temple of God is clearly the reborn human spirit.  There are several scriptures to support the belief that the spirit of man is the temple of The Lord, both in the Old Testament and more so in the new.  So what if the abomination of desolation has occurred and is still occurring in the temple or spirit within those who claim to be God’s people?

So consider this. Would it not be an abomination of desolation to go to a church altar, expecting to receive the Holy Ghost into your spirit but instead, you received a  religious demon aka the spirit of the antichrist?

Anyone who knows even a little about kundalini yoga and the 7 chakras are aware of the fact that every human being has 7 spiritual gateways or doorways in his body. Through entering a state of passivity, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, chanting, even speaking in tongues will create an altered state of consciousness (ASC) conducive enough to crack open each  spiritual doorway, one by one. I would include falling slain in the spirit, holy laughter, speaking in tongues, the holy dance, shouting, running around the church, flopping one’s head back and forth, as additional practices that stir up the kundalini spirit and open the 7 doorways.

Chakras are actually doorways for Hindu gods who themselves are really principalities and powers. Each of these entities stand guard over each of the 7 portals: Over the crown is Shiva; the third eye is Hakini, the throat is Savashiva, the navel is Vahni, the sexual organs are Vishnu and Rakeeni, the anus is Brahma and the heart is Isha.

Since no where in the bible does it even suggest that we should “ask Jesus into our hearts,” the fallen angel Isha responds to the unsuspecting seeker’s  “invitation” as a call to the fake Jesus Sananda who Isha serves. So Isha opens the doorway to the heart and  spirits of the antichrist enter the heart doorway and take up residence in one’s “temple.”
So could it not be that the abomination of desolation has already occurred and is still occurring?  The Lord said that if we ask God for bread, HE would not give us a snake or a stone.  Well, I know for a fact that people are asking God to come into their hearts as they surrender their beings to an entity they believe is Christ at the altars of God, when in reality, it’s a fallen angel impersonating the Lord. Could it be that because they are going about it the wrong way, evil spirits have entered their temples?

What could be more abominable or more desolate than THAT?

The Holy  Ghost will not enter a temple where a demon dwells. It must be cast out FIRST.  Only after the demons have left will He enter your spirit and cause you to be born again, becoming  a temple where God Himself dwells.

God could cast it out the spirit of the antichrist Himself.  Yet most often He uses one of His followers to do so. AT RESCUE,  WE can help with this.  Either give us a call at  1-888-818-1117 or email us at

The Fall From Grace of Mega Preachers:The People vs Joel Osteen

9 Sep


Right on the heels of the Charlottesville riots, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Rockport, Texas bringing with it death and the loss of property. One of the major headlines concerning this natural disaster had to do with Joel Osteen,  a prominent, mega-preacher in Texas who sent a tweet stating that he and his wife will pray for the those affected. The backlash started almost immediately on alot of social media platforms. Many  tweets, memes, videos were posted where people were berating Joel and demanding more than “prayers” from him.

Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church are experiencing a PR nightmare, we have seen corporations that have bounced back from corporate gaffes and others destroyed from it. We are yet to see how this incident will affect Joel in the long-term. The Institutional Church herein referred to as the (I.C.) is part of the world system so it uses the tactics of the world to get by, the Spirit of God is not in any of their dealings.
There are those who have shown unwavering support for Joel  but what caught my interest is that there is a substantial amount of people as seen on social media who feel one thing for mega-preachers – ANGER. Gone are the days when people would shy away from speaking against a “man of God”.After Joel’s tweet, the comments came fast & furious making it seem like people were waiting for an incident to happen so they can let loose and tell Joel what they really feel.
There are people who are mad, fuming not just at Joel but at the I.C. and at mega-preachers. In some way it felt like there was nothing Joel could do to appease the critics, the arguments started with why didn’t he open the church early to he opened the church because of the social media pressure. Any interview Joel gave was dissected to show how his efforts weren’t genuine, even his body language was being analysed to strengthen the claims that he didn’t want to be there helping people. Every thing he did was an offense.
Clearly, there are people who still love & support mega preachers but there is also another group that have become weary of mega-preachers and refuse to see any good in them. This group sees mega-preachers as scammers, Period! even acts of kindness are looked at suspiciously as many wait for the money grab to revealed sooner or later.
I have belonged to both groups of people at different times in my life. I have blindly loved and supported mega-preachers and even defended them to critics, then as the years went by I became a critic as I noticed their teachings were pseudo-deep, they embraced the world and repeatedly taught the prosperity gospel. I left the church and would watch a lot of videos exposing ministries and false preachers we have today, which are plenty. The Irony is, in both states I thought I was walking in truth but the reality was I was still deceived. I had some partial truth in that I could see some of these leaders were false teachers but I still engaged in I.C. practices & believed I was born again because I had asked Jesus into my heart, I believed in a false gospel.
The major spiritual problem today is not the mega preacher phenomenon or false teachers – that is just a symptom of a bigger issue . If we spent time analyzing who is a false prophet and who isn’t we would be here for days as the list is endless. Time is really of the essence so what you need to see is that the entire I.C. is condemned and the Spirit of God is not there. For those who have left the I.C., if they still engaged in religious practices or hold on to church teachings, they could still be deceived.
Pastor Pam Sheppard addresses the Spiritual problem in our time in The Church of The End Time Zombies, an excerpt reads:-
Statistics show that floods of people are leaving the I.C. daily. The question is, where are they going? It could be that many of these folk are just joining up with yet another branch of the I.C. or doing the I.C. thing at home. Opening a church in your home by teaching the same false doctrines and practices, causes your home to be just as dangerous.”
The I.C. has been taken over by fallen angels and demons, nothing good can come out of it. The Lord Jesus already prophesied the future of the I.C. in the parable of the mustard seed.
As people who are preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus, we need to understand that holding on to partial truths is just as dangerous as believing a lie. It is good to know who is a false teacher, so you can avoid their traps, but spending time studying and exposing one preacher to the next is a tedious task as there are many.
The I.C isn’t under attack by being infiltrated by false teachers, it’s actually the I.C. that creates an environment for these preachers to grow and thrive. A word from Pastor Pam concerning mega-pastors in her own personal experience.
A word of caution. The religious demon assigned to me tried to set me up to become  a false prophet.  In several dreams, he showed me standing before huge audiences, walking up and down across a platform with my bible in my hand, preaching and teaching.  He even showed me pastoring a church of about 10,000 people.  Because I sought after the power to slay in the spirit, after 10 years of seeking, I got it. I could wave my hand, and certain ones would fall out, unconscious.  However, I began to question this power because I noticed that the ones in my congregation who fell out the most, were also those who could not STAND for the Lord, relapsing or backsliding constantly.  So I said to myself, “Pam, there is something wrong with this so-called gift. This cannot be from the Holy Ghost!”  Once I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to “show me the darkness,” I got quite the wakeup call that revealed that  the mega preacher phenomena of today is NOT of the Lord.  It is a combination of human charisma, “anointed” by the enemy’s power.”
Understand the times that we live in so you wont be deceived with the spiritual blindness that’s all over, if you don’t know where to start read “The Church of the End Time Zombies”, you can get a copy at:-

Church-hopping Won’t Help When the State Controls the Church!

8 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

We know from scriptures that foretold what is now history of the need for separation of church and state.  the state is the political world.  We also know that Satan is the god of all world systems. In fact, the greatest temptation against the Lord was Satan’s offer of dominion over the world to Jesus as a bonus if only the Lord would  worship him.  So separation of church and state is an absolute mandate.  Consequently,  it should not surprise us that the coming together of church and state is a top priority for the devil.

Although we are not privy to exactly when the Lord Jesus Christ will return to earth, scripture DOES provide a rather complete picture of the state of both religious and political affairs of the season, with many metaphorical and physical signs and conditions. Although we may disagree with the order of endtime signs, the symbolic understanding of both Jezebel and the Harlot of the book of Revelation universally represent the institutional church. The IC is “that woman Jezebel who calls herself a prophetess.  She teaches and seduces the servants of God—the elect—to commit fornication with strange  gods.” (Rev 2:20)

SO Jezebel is the apostate church. So is the harlot.

When we read that the harlot, or whore who rides on the back of the Beast, the interpretation is that the IC will seek to gain power offered by the political system.  The beast is the Antichrist. For decades in our times, church leaders have sought and gained favor with local politicians by allowing candidates into their pulpits to promote themselves. In fact, pastors have successfully balanced on a legal tightrope, trying not to openly break the law by publicly endorsing any “favorites.”

The 1954 Johnson amendment legislates that any tax-exempt group can lose its exemption if it is found to have endorsed or actively opposed a candidate for political office. Actually, for decades now, the IC’s receipt of tax exempt status is in itself the blurring of the lines of separation between church and state.  Yet just a bit less than 4 months into his presidency, Trump signed an executive order that allows church leaders to openly endorse any politician of their choice, from the pulpit, now fully unhindered from riding the back of the beast.

This is just the beginning.

Expectancy, watchfulness and preparedness must be our way of life in this the 11 th hour.  If you have been paying attention to the news, there is evidence that the newly elected administration in the U.S quietly has enhanced the already blurred lines of religious and political separation,  particularly among white charismatic Christians and those who are bigots and racists.  What these bible thumpers have overlooked by their prideful, ambitious patronage is the biblical warning that in the tribulation, the governments of this world shall turn on the institution called “church” and suddenly destroy Her.

Nevertheless, the Lord comforted us 2000 years ago, by saying “Fear not!”

The time will come, when the Beast is in full power, that the institutional church will be taken over by the state and ultimately destroyed.

Where will YOU be at that time?


It won’t help.  You don’t want to have your name and address on any church roles in Endtimes.

Best to come out NOW!  RESCUE is here to help you plan your transition, make your escape on the down low, without a lot of drama.  Either call us at 888-818-1117 or send an email to

Prophecy or Divination?

6 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


Charismatic wolves have opened the doors wide to religious demons with divination masquerading as prophecy.

Have you ever wondered why astrology is forbidden in the bible as an abomination to God?  Having once been an astrologer back in the 70’s, I will venture a guess.

Astrology is one of many forms of divination.  Divination is simply “fortune-telling” or making prognostications with pieces of information–probabilities and possibilities— that are not exact knowledge.

To please God, we must trust Him by walking by faith and not by sight.  To seek to know the future is to “not trust God.” Simple.

Furthermore, behind every act of divination are several assigned demons or fallen angels.  These spirit entities have been around a lot longer than human beings.  They live in a realm where the past, present and the future are a continuum and time is not bound by our linear expectations.  So angels and demons have the capacity to reach into the future or reach back to the past and reveal bits of potential truth to the seeker.  However, pulling out a segment of the future and presenting it before its time can have disastrous consequences.

In “the New Idolatry“ you will find these words concerning divination in the Institutional Church:

Divination within the organized church community is aimed at controlling the lives and destinies of gullible people. Pulpits are filled with diviners and soothsayers–charismatic type hype masters —-that have no other message but one that caters to our flesh.  Like the astrologers, the card layers and such, the divination of old has progressively worsened in our time because the church community is now flooded with false prophets who the ignorant seek “for a personal word from God.” These pseudo messengers leave devastated people in their paths. As they prophesy presumptuously in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, declaring things that He has NOT spoken to them, is comparable to New Age divination.”

Here is how divination works. The enemy has difficulty “putting a spell on you” unless he first informs YOU about it. So a spirit will tell you that your friend or your neighbor is a witch or a wizard. And it may be true. But they want to make sure you know it so they can put fear in you of that person. Then the demons will use your self-induced anxieties, doubts and fears to bring THEIR plans about in YOUR life. In other words, devils and demons are skilled at making YOU your own worst enemy.

You see, they can’t “do what they do,” without your cooperation and consent.

In order to control our lives, the enemy has to “plant his desires” into our spirits. About five years ago, someone sent me a message. She had a vision that witches were trying to bring harm on me and that they were attempting to put a spell on me. I didn’t scold her. Wouldn’t make any sense because the damage had already been done.  The goal is to project fear into their target by making sure they hear that someone is practicing witchcraft on them.  At that very moment, I was involved in an antagonistic situation with someone who had “witchcraft in her background.” So of course, my eyebrow was raised but I didn’t panic. I was just extra careful and observant. That was seven years ago and nothing has transpired.

The thing to do is to “watch and pray.” Keep your mouth shut until the crisis, if there is one, has passed. Also, you would-be prophets, don’t let the enemy use YOU to plant fear into someone who you care about. Pray and rest in God. If God showed her that someone was praying against me, then the Holy Ghost was calling her to pray. Fallen angels are extremely skilled at using friends, the people even of your own household, to speak evil into your life. So wisdom is certainly necessary. I learned the hard way to “be slow to speak.”

For more information on this subject, the New Idolatry is a must read. So is “The Church of the End-time Zombies, The Fake Jesus and Faces of the Religious Demon. Also Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries revels how some who claim to be casting out demons are in fact unknowingly helping demons out with their predictions that do not emanate from the Holy Spirit.

If you believe you are cursed or that someone is practicing witchcraft on you, use the contact form below or call 1-888-818-1117. You can also email

To get the books mentioned above and all other books by Pastor Pam Sheppard, go to