Archive | May, 2015

Religion: A Strong Temptation

30 May

Religion is what we are all used to and religion is of the devil. With most Christians, religion is an endeavor to be what we are not and to do what we cannot do. Religious people are always struggling not to love the world because deep in their heart, they love the world. I am so far removed from the world, that I sometimes need a wake up call as to “where I really stand.” Recently, I was invited to participate in an African-American Group called “Sisters,” on Facebook. I thought it a good opportunity to reach churchgoing women of color. All of a sudden, I started to get loads of status posts on my cell phone. I discovered that the concerns the women on this group have as“hot topics” is so foreign to me, that I had to delete myself from the group.I would not allow myself to be contaminated by a group that is overcome with the issues of this world. Then again, religious people are always trying to act humble, because deep in their hearts, they are really proud. The proud are recognizable because they always have a need to defend themselves, to have the last word, and to ascend over others. The temptation that the demon assigned to you is designed to draw you out to vindicate your own integrity. So many are people pleasers, and therefore, they can’t share their sins with other saints, because they expect to be judged and they actually care what others think of them. I am able to share my sins with others because people pleasing is no longer a part of my character. We need to keep at the forefront of our minds that only the Holy Ghost can bear witness of who we are, as long as we leave the building of our character in His hands. Self vindication is a sign of the subtle life of self that only reveals itself AFTER we experience spiritual power, for each stage of spiritual growth has its own temptations and perils. Consequently, religion is both a temptation and a peril that can lead us to sin for several reasons and in countless ways. Since religiosity takes the job of the Holy Ghost into our own hands, those who are legalistic attempt to grow themselves and others by judgmental rules and standards that create bondage.

Those in bondage through legalism will find themselves in a perilous captivity. I have victory over temptation because I do not allow the legalism of man and the accusations of the devil to put me into condemnation.

Can anybody relate? I was the least religious person you could find, yet I too was religious.

In Rescue, we help those who are bound by religion to get set free from their bondage. If you are in religious bondage and need help, call 518-477-5759 or email us at

More on Worshiping the FAKE JESUS…

28 May

People who worship the Fake Jesus (Jesus Sananda Immanuel), MOST OF WHOM ARE MOST CHURCHGOING FOLKS WHO CLAIM TO BE SAVED, are by far, the MOST DIFFICULT to reach. Why? Because he has them so fooled that they actually think that the Jesus they are serving is the true Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and NOBODY CAN TELL THEM DIFFERENT. With all of his trickery, they don’t realize that they are serving a religious counterfeit, and often become heavily offended when their salvation is challenged. Sananda is so clever that he uses what works with people: miracles, signs, wonders, warm-fuzzy feelings, and a LACK OF FAITH IN THE TRUTH. He preys on a person’s desperation for seeing to believe, since he knows that they have no faith. Faith on the power of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the most powerful weapon we have against the enemy. If he can steal your faith, he can win you over.

The more allegiance you have to Sananda, the more he can block you from seeing the truth, which can therefore block your salvation. When I had a false conversion, I did not make an invitation to Sananda. If I did, I would have been in demonic torment. I suppose that because of the fact that I never engaged in any practices that had me inviting Jesus into my heart, and therefore had no demons. So my salvation therefore was not blocked. It was easy for me to receive the truth, and I did not become offended when Pam challenged my salvation. The more I heard Pam preach the gospel to me, the more I began to see it, and the more I wanted even more truth. My FAITH on the power of the cross and resurrection was being developed. Once I received that faith, the Holy Spirit was able to do His work!

Anyone who has said the sinners prayer, prayed Jesus into their heart, or somehow engaged in a practice that involved calling on Jesus or chanting for Jesus to come to them is at risk of being demonized. YOU DID NOT ENCOUNTER THE REAL JESUS CHRIST!!! Why you ask? Because Jesus Christ is not a spirit hovering around, waiting for us to beckon him. He is sitting at the right hand of the father in HUMAN FORM. When Jesus Christ resurrected, he appeared before Mary Magdalene and other disciples to show them this very fact, so that they can see that he came back to life in his own body, and then ascended to heaven in that body. Yet this one very important aspect of the gospel is being watered down and dispelled all throughout the organized church!!!! Why? Because they enemy knows that people are so caught up in lusting after supernatural experiences that they will even ignore the very truth in order to get their supernatural fix. Think about it: how often do people go to church talking about “the presence,” and how much they want to “experience God?” FOR WHAT???? It’s all about THEM!!! It’s all about SELF-EDIFICATION. What in the world does that have to do with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? NOTHING. People lack faith in the power of God, so they lust after the supernatural in order to find a reason or a way to believe in his power…when they power that they are seeking after is actually the power of the devil…nothing different than what psychics and mediums do…just in a different environment.

Want to know more about this topic? You need to get the book, “The Fake Jesus” in your hands. It goes into details about who the Fake Jesus is, his methods & strategies, and examples of ways he is deceiving folks ALL OVER THE WORLD. You can find the book on

The Spiritual War Against You!

28 May

Many describe themselves as Christians today, yet are careless, lackadaisical, and carry on with a minimum of effort or reflection in their attitude toward God, as it concerns who they are and how they are to walk in Him. It seems that the Christian life has become more about what one “deserves” or is “entitled” to, than about what they can GIVE or how they can GROW and LEAD in TRUTH.

Some people are driven by what they can get out of something or someone. These are the PREDATORS and many sincere church-goers become their PREY. These sincere people succumb to their predator and have become passive and have not exercised their will freely. Consequently, they have unknowingly been spiritually and emotionally manipulated by those in power.

People, there is a serious SPIRITUAL WAR going on out there, and it is not just in the world; it is within the walls of the church building. It is disgusting to GOD and no man-made church organization is immune to this WICKEDNESS.

You may not understand it all, but if you sense in the slightest that something is “WRONG”, and if you believe you are one of HIS, then you need to HEED that warning.

It is imperative that you understand what is going on in the end-time spiritual war that is against you, so I encourage you to get a copy of “The Church of the End-time Zombies”



RESCUE is here to help!
Please feel free to email us at
You can also call 518-477-5759

Are You Worshiping the FAKE Jesus?

27 May

If you go to church, chances are you are worshiping THE FAKE JESUS. Most people in the churches are oblivious to the fact that there is a false spirit around, pretending to be Jesus Christ. Why? Because they are wrapped up in false beliefs taught in the churches. The pastors and ministers are not to blame. Religious demons and fallen angels have orchestrated this entire thing. It is a grand deception. If you are participating in practices that open the chakras, chances are you are making invitations to demons and fallen angels. Here are a few important facts from a previous blog, written by Pam Sheppard:

• Extraterrestrial beings, aka aliens, are not “other life forms.” They are fallen angels that Jesus Christ of Nazareth called DEVILS. The Apostle Paul called these cosmic beings “spiritual wickedness in heavenly(high) places, aka the skies that surround us.

• Most of these demons are “religious.” They began their open, telepathic communications with mediums and psychics centuries ago.

• Knowing that they would not be well received by true followers of Christ, there work in and with the Christian churches has been and continues to be “undercover.”

• There is a fake Jesus. He is not Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God. The fake Jesus is a demon that calls himself “The Christ.”

• The fake Jesus identifies himself as the portrait that has hung in many churches for centuries: a Caucasian blue eyed man with long, light brown hair. The fake Jesus calls himself Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

• With his occult followers, the Fake Jesus boasts of having been the founder of various Christian cults.

• There is more than one high ranking demon who specializes in false religion. The high ranking demons call themselves “ascended masters.” The “leader of leaders” calls himself “Maitreya.”

• Each ascended master has a company of lower ranking demons, at least one demon assigned to every one of the elect.

Religious devils are not human, nor are they divine. They are simply fallen angels who began calling themselves ascended masters around the mid 20th century. In open communication with their occult disciples, we Christians have been sleepwalking in the spirit. Tenaciously focused on the contents of our own personal lives, the so called “ascended masters” have been secretly planting their seeds and working diligently toward the fulfillment of their sinister agenda. The ascended masters are in the service of their master, Sanat Kamura, — Lucifer, the highest fallen angel that we all know as Satan or “the devil.” While the higher ranking demonic have been setting the stage for “their final act” of the endtimes, rank and file foot soldiers in Satan’s army were busy distracting all of us from the real issues.

if you want to know more, you need The book “The Fake Jesus.”
Go to for this book. The book is there twice, once as an ebook and once as a paperback, so make sure you choose what you desire. Another great book on this topic is “Church of the Endtime Zombies.” It is also featured on the list.


22 May

Most who claim to be Christians do not even realize that they are under a STRONG DELUSION. They believe that the religious things they were taught make them a Christian, when they don’t realize that the enemy has them fooled by their religion. Consider what Pam says here:

“It never ceases to amaze me how people prefer their delusions to truth. This is why psychiatrists can make money off of one client for ten yrs or more. The client actually prefers to live in his or her delusions and does not want to face truth. The client may even share and talk and be open with you, but if you really hit on the truth behind their torment, he or she will back up and the enemy gets an even tighter grip on them. SMH

The worst and strongest delusion of all has been perpetrated for the hundreds of yrs in one form or another. It is the delusion that we choose God on our own terms. That the bible establishes a relationship with God. The bible was only printed about 500 years ago and only in the second
Half of the 20th century, was everyone with access to one. So what did Christians do for 1500 yrs without a personal bible?

This is a tough job we do. dealing with a religious person is the camel in the eye of a needle. With man it is impossible. With God, all things are possible. WE NEED MORE OF GOD!!!!”



If you want some help to examine your salvation, a good place to start is with a book created for the sole purpose of giving you the know how.  It’s called “The Church of the End-time Zombies: A Guide to Religious Detox.  Both paperback and e-book are Available on this link—

“Confirmation” is a Demonic Trap by PAM SHEPPARD

21 May

Assumptions are constantly made by Christians who believe that “the 3 witnesses rule” is an indication that a sign, wonder, message or circumstance is “a confirmation” from God.

Confirmation! Its a twelve letter dirty word that covers a wide field of consideration. In fact, Satan and his crew get many chuckles out of this one.

There are so many varieties of “confirmations” that it is hard to present one representative example, so I’ll have to make one up.

You had a dream that you should move to Georgia. Or perhaps someone
from your church prophesied over you—“God has called you to
minister in Georgia.” The same day, you heard Ray Charles sing,
“Georgia on my mind.” Then someone called you on the telephone
from Georgia, but it was a wrong number. In the afternoon, a friend stopped by
and gave you some peaches. Georgia peaches.

“So there it is” you say to yourself. I got 3 signs or
witnesses that provide “confirmation” to my dream or prophetic
word. God wants me to move to Georgia.

I use such a ridiculous example to highlight what foolish believers
do constantly. The “confirmation” thing is nothing but
an assumption, not based on fact, not based on truth.
When God sends a message, He does not have to confirm it. He may, or He may

Have you ever been duped by “confirmation?” I HAVE! LOL Many times.

If you believe that God has spoken to you about a particular situation, yet are still confused about your sign from God, you may be hearing from the devil and not God. Contact Rescue to find out why: 518-477-5759 or

So Many Doctrines

15 May


There are so many different doctrines being preached in the organized church, it’s a wonder we didn’t catch on sooner. If nobody was ever on one accord, yet everyone claimed to be “leading people to Christ,” how in the world could we have believed that the church was the avenue to God? Just some observations. Did you know that there are over 41,000 denominations that exist? Now, some of the denominations share the same doctrines, so 41,000 denominations doesn’t necessarily mean 41,000 different doctrines, but let’s face it…We all know, even from discussions among us, that there are several different gospels being preached…all of which have nothing to do with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. They water down the true gospel, and suddenly boatloads of people are flocking to church altars all over the world, claiming they got saved??? Really? My question to them is, “Well which gospel were YOU preached?” BLOWS MY MIND.

Anybody else out there put any thought into this? If so, do share!

In RESCUE, we dispel false doctrine and proclaim truth. Many who have joined Rescue have been undeceived as a result. If you have questions about practices within the organized church and feel that God may be leading you away from those practices, you are not alone. Rescue just might be the group for you. Interested in trying us out? Call 518-477-5759. Or email


The Enemy Knows the Bible Too

14 May

Knowing the Bible inside and out, thinking you have ALL the answers and believing that you are to use it as an instruction manual for your life is NOT necessarily the smartest thing. That does not save you. How do I know this? Because before I was TRULY born again, I was one of those people who thought I was saved because with all my Bible Knowledge, I “thought” I had all the answers that lead me to salvation. Boy was I WRONG! All I had was puffed up pride in me, boasting in my own power to somehow obtain salvation, because of knowing all these scriptures. No cross, no repentance, no resurrection in my testimony. I had a false conversion, and did not even know it. I had taken my salvation in MY OWN HANDS. And instead of worshiping God, I worshiped the bible, thinking every scripture and verse I “happened” to land on was for ME. I took Bible scriptures out of context, misinterpreting those scriptures, and basically tried to work up my own salvation using those scriptures, not realizing that many of those scriptures I read were not even for me. They were written to a particular audience at a particular time, for a particular purpose. What I did was something called “Bibliomancy,” which is witchraft using the Bible…YES, THERE IS SUCH A THING! THE ENEMY IS ALL UP IN THAT! Contrary to what the churches have taught many of us about how to use the Bible, the Bible is NOT meant to be used as a instruction manual for your life. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for HIS guidance will ALWAYS go hand in hand with God’s intended purpose for the Bible.


Consider this quote by Pam”

“Practically everything I know was acquired by personal experience. Now some may think that personal experience is not the best way to learn spiritual matters and so I am expecting that the bible thumpers will say that you try the spirits by “the word.” You need to know that the enemy knows the word better than we do. The enemy even knows how much YOU know about the bible. So he can line up the experience or communication with scriptures, the way YOU interpret them.” (Pam Sheppard)

So, let’s GET REAL. Who else is/was guilty of this?

Questions? Email us @

You DO NOT NEED TO DO Anything to Get Saved

13 May

A large amount of professing Christians have FALSE CONVERSIONS… meaning that they have been tricked by the enemy into thinking that they did something to get saved, when Ephesians 2:8-9 CLEARLY STATES “For by GRACE you have been saved through FAITH; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” Yet all over the place, people are boasting that they did this or that in order to get saved. HMMMMM….Something is SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE. If we could just do some religious work to get saved, then Jesus of Nazareth would not have had to die and be resurrected! Yet false doctrines being taught in so many churches are teaching that we save ourselves by doing a religious act like praying Jesus into our hearts, chanting a sinner’s prayer, responding to altar call, etc.. Folks that creates forms of Godliness that deny the power of Jesus Christ!!!

One of the things that is often missed when it comes to salvation is the understanding that in the essence of who we are, we are WICKED and EVIL. It is in our nature to be evil. Therefore, there is nothing that “qualifies” a person to be born again. For example, consider a show or movie you have watched that has an evil villain in the story. Well that is US! Often times we’d like to liken ourselves to being the “good guy” in the story, but quite frankly we are the OPPOSITE of that, which is why people often cannot see their wicked natures…The deception lies in the fact that we don’t realize that WE are the evil villains in the story, until the Lord regenerates our spirits and we become born again…a new creation. The power of salvation is that God can take a wicked, evil being and completely change that individual. It truly is a miracle because the one who is being born again sees how wicked they truly are, and that they are hopeless without the help of the father. THIS IS IT RIGHT HERE FOLKS! And there is no “work” on yourself you can do to make yourself a candidate for salvation, for you are lost and hopeless without the Lord. Chanting a sinner’s prayer, responding to an alter call, praying Jesus into your heart, and performing any other religious work in order to “get saved” does NOT save you. SALVATION IS IN THE HANDS OF THE LORD. Evil does not have the power to change itself into good…IT IS EVIL! Therefore, that evil being needs HELP to become good. Religion causes people to miss this because it encourages people to believe that something “good” about them qualifies them for salvation, and therefore, they can just do certain things to save themselves. It doesn’t work that way folks! There is evil, and there is good. There is evil fruit, and then there is good fruit. If we are, in our natures evil, how then can we just magically change ourselves into being good by performing some religious act? THINK ABOUT IT…

I used to believe this very thing..thinking that if I work up my flesh enough, I could become good. But guess what? In my evil nature, I could never do it. I failed miserably EVERY TIME. And if the religion that taught us to do works was “good,” then why has so much evil come from it? Because it stems from an evil tree. Good cannot produce evil results, and an evil tree as well as your evil nature cannot make you good…BUT…through the power of the cross and bodily resurrection, the Lord can change you from being evil into being more like Him, who is all things good. AND HE DOESN’T NEED YOUR HELP TO DO IT.

Have questions about your salvation? Call us @ 518-477-5759.

Are you Willing to Let Go of Your Religious Beliefs in Order to Receive Truth?

9 May

Most religious beliefs are FALSE. Because of this, people who are professing Christians and in torment are wondering WHY they are being tormented by Devils and demons. True Born again people are not in torment, so something is seriously wrong here. In Rescue, we deal with identifying false religious beliefs in people, and helping them to discard those religious beliefs so that they can actually get set free. Herein lies the problem. Most people who have been in religion are so wrapped up in their beliefs that they regard them as true, and therefore, REFUSE to consider that what has been taught to them in church is a lie. It is very important for the captive to let go of false beliefs, and begin to digest the truth about their captivity. This is VERY difficult to do. Many of the beliefs that people hold near and dear to their hearts are NOT TRUTH, and are LIES FROM THE ENEMY that have them bound in the first place. This is the PRIMARY way a person is held captive…THROUGH RELIGIOUS BELIEFS THAT ARE NOT BASED ON THE TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. In Rescue, we have deliverance coaches, whose job is to help the captive denounce those false beliefs by providing the captive with information that will shed light on the TRUTH of the matter. It is then the captive’s responsibility to either accept or reject the truth. This is not an easy feat with many who contact us for deliverance. Religious pride often rears it’s ugly head, and blocks the captive’s ability to move forward with this very important step. This is because, like I mentioned earlier in this post, that the captive is in bondage to common religious beliefs that they automatically assume are truths from God. Most people are VERY naive to the enemy’s crafty wiles and strategies to keep people deceived and in torment. It is very difficult to help people to see that much of what they believe as truth is a flat out lie from the enemy.

Quite often, we come across folks who are just unwilling to accept the fact that what they believe is actually not from God, and that they have been tricked into believing religious lies from the devil. When something has been a part of your life and taught to you for so many years of your life, it is very difficult to let it go, and can be uncomfortable at first. But, I assure you that the results FAR outweigh the struggle. But, in order to get beyond the struggle and progress to the next step, one MUST begin to develop the will it takes to receive the TRUTH by first recognizing the lies they thought were truth, by trusting in the Lord to undeceive them so they can begin to see the truth, and finally, by courageously make a firm decision to DENY those false religious beliefs. Then and only then will person be in the position to attempt to identify strongholds the enemy has in their life, and then as a result be able to successfully tear down those strongholds. Honestly, it requires an open mind, because the truth seems foreign at first; but the more a person is willing to humbly receive truth, the more he/she will begin to see more and more revelations of truth.

When I was being undeceived, I was utterly shocked at what the Holy Spirit was showing me. And then I went through a period of constant revelations, back to back, just opening my eyes even wider. For someone who has been raised in religion, my morals, values, and decisions were shaped by false religious beliefs. When I learned the truth, I had the choice of either rejecting the truth and traveling down the comfortable road by continuing to uphold my religious beliefs, OR by considering the fact that maybe, just maybe many of the beliefs I had developed over the years may actually be based on religious lies. I chose the latter. And I am quite pleased that I did. The blinders have been removed! I once was blind, but now I SEE!