Archive | August, 2017

Maitreya and Sananda as the Anti-Christ; and the False Prophet

29 Aug

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

I believe the Fake Jesus is my worst written book but it is my most important book.  

I evaluate the book as the worst written of the 8 of them, simply because it was conceived and produced at a time when I was not sufficiently bold enough to expose my thought beyond a few folk, the fact that I suspected  that the church has already been infiltrated by fallen angels.  Generally  a consummate professional,  I was once concerned that  I would be called a conspiracy theory quack.  Therefore I wrote it in the third person, like I was talking about someone other than me., writing  “we” instead of “I”.

For some of you, after you read the Fake Jesus,  I suspect that you will be as astonished as even I was where the institutional church is concerned.  For as I reviewed the book I had written,  I realized that I was not personally exempt from its findings, particularly as a pastor. For I realized that even the church I founded was connected to the same religious system and consequently a fallen angel was assigned to MY church as well as all others.

I started writing the book In 2007. Wow!  That was 10 years ago !!!  In a decade, my belief in a fallen angel takeover of the global church is even stronger than it was when I collected my research.  Anyway, by 2008, I shut down my church and I buried her name.  Healing Waters: a name given to me by a fallen angel in the mouth of a nine-year old girl, Leandra in 1983. I uncovered in my research that Healing Waters is a by word for the fallen angel  Maitreya !!!!

There are about 50-200 Ascended masters of different ranks. The Fake Jesus is among the top five. Maitreya, Sananda, Mother Mary, St. Germaine and Ashtar. Under their command are other fallen angels who are in charge of the churches.

Maitreya is pinpointed as the expected leader whom the new age occult world is waiting for in these times with his forerunner being Benjamin Creme. As described by Crème, Maitreya” essence and his mission to earth is akin to the biblical Antichrist.  Maitreya is also the  unseen father of the Eastern religions.  The climax  of this book is its clear understanding and interpretation to be seriously aware what Benjamin Creme claims Maitreya will perform by miracles and healings around the world, to draw followers who will believe that he is God Almighty. The book reveals how and why the great hoax will deceive and disciple many by the power of the altered state.

“The Fake Jesus” also reveals a trick to be enacted upon the entire world that will cause the uninformed to believe  that Maitreya is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. In other words. GOD! Maitreya is the fallen angel who will possess a world leader aka the Antichrist while Sananda will be in  control of the false prophet.

The rest of the book reveals the history of how the enemy pulled it off in the churches, including Sananda’s work with the Protestants and Mother Mary’s work with the Catholics.

Once I penned  the next  book, the  New Idolatry, I find that I have fully embraced my bold character, since I am  no longer concerned at all whether I am thought to be a quack. I consider  The New Idolatry as a sequel to the Fake Jesus.

There are some additional interesting  tidbits about the Fake Jesus. The book was typed on a computer and completed in 2007.  While doing the final reading, I noticed that the word “angel” had been  removed from the entire book.  Considering that the word was repeated at least 500 times, I had to type each word in each sentence  manually.  Needless to say, I missed a handful of replacements.  So if you are reading and you come across  the word “fallen” without anything after it, just add in “angel” into your mind  as you read.

Another interesting aside is that the fallen angels have actually responded to the book quite vigorously, vehemently expressing how much they hate it.  In one instance fallen angels, entered into an acquaintance and sent me “their” book review by email and another time, a fallen angel caused a reader to throw the book into the next room while she was reading it. Here are a couple of  reviews from humans, not under the influence of evil spirits: :

I am currently reading The Church of the End time Zombies. I have read The Fake Jesus. In the beginning I knew something wasn’t quite right with the church but I was in denial thinking how could I and everyone else be wrong. But the Fake Jesus gives history and insight on how deceived we all have been. Pam just didn’t come out of the church to invent these things she tested the spirits and took time to research the matter. She has done all of the work for us. Pam herself will tell you to ask God to reveal the truth. I did just that and found that she is a true woman of God. I also counsel with Pam once a week. She is patient yet real but don’t get it twisted for a moment she also commands her respect but in a loving way. The stuff I have learned from counseling, her videos and books have been immeasurable. I have learned more in these last few months than I have attending years in the church.

I have read Pam Sheppard’s books, “The New Idolatry”, “The Fake Jesus”. I have also purchased the Church of the End-Time Zombies. Her teachings have helped me a lot. The Fake Jesus explains really well how evil spirits are deceiving Christians in the church. The New Idolatry is a good book that reveals the dangers of the occult and how demons, religious demons, fallen angels, Satan and his cohorts are spreading their agenda, masquerading in many ways (i.e yoga gods). I have also joined her rescue online ministry group. I am glad that I did. The problems I was experiencing, the church was not able to help me, in fact my situation just got worse. Today I am doing much better, and have been armored with so much truth and strength. I recommend that anyone who feels that something is not right in the church, experiencing anything strange, supernatural, then read Pam Sheppard’s books and contact her for further help if needed. There are not too many people who are truly born again in Jesus Christ but Pam Sheppard is one of them, to those that God is un-deceiving, it will be easy for you to tell.

If you would like to speak to me about the books,  complete the contact form below:


Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperback



For help or questions call 1-888-818-1117

Is Speaking In Tongues For Endtimes?

28 Aug

Tongues today is languages of evil spirits. Every time you utter, you are inviting them into your life.

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

To discern the signs of the times, I believe that we need to comprehend “what went on yesterday, about 100 years ago. So this article  is dedicated to sharing a historical perspective and to let you, the reader decide. I myself try all supernatural occurrences from the words of Jesus: A good tree doesn’t bring forth bad fruit and a bad tree doesn’t bring forth good fruit.  Furthermore, you shall know them by their fruit.

Remembering the fervor of the early 80’s, the word of faith movement clearly “took off” primarily because of tongues. Everyone was seeking the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Ghost, as word of faith preachers, pastors and teachers all concurred that tongues was the initial evidence. At times, seeking after uttering a tongue seemed higher in priority than salvation, as the leaders taught that being saved was only a beginning step to being “filled.”

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Why the Sinners Prayer Led to the Great Falling Away

28 Aug

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

I believe that it was the traditional congregation’s invitation, of “opening the doors of the church,” that  ushered in  countless demons into the visible church system.  The founding fathers of Methodism  instituted a superior practice of placing those who seek to escape the wrath that is to come  on a probationary  membership status. The founding fathers of Methodism were wise enough to not only create a procedure to  ensure a bona fide salvation but also to protect the body from fellowship with unbelievers.  However, over time, the full enforcement of this practice became ineffective, as people were brought into permanent church status without having manifested fruits of salvation.  I personally believe that when converts can demonstrate that they are truly disciples of the Lord, then we can fellowship with them as brethren, and not before. 

       Yet another open door to the religious demon is the coined spiritual phrases.  A  Christian idiom most frequently expressed is  “the Lord led me.”  In a book called “Unholy Devotion,” the author aptly warns of the danger of spiritualizing:


   At first glance the phrase sounds quite spiritual, but a close examination of Scripture reveals that it is not always biblical. On several occasions the phrase is used by or to describe false prophets or deceptive people. Jacob deceived his father by spiritualizing issues. Esau, Jacob’s brother, had just gone hunting. Too quickly, it seemed, Jacob, claiming to be Esau, brought the killed game to his father. “How did you find game so quickly?” Isaac asked. Having usurped Esau’s place, Jacob lied to his sick, blind father. But notice Jacob’s very ‘spiritual’ response: ‘The Lord your God gave me success.” (Gen27:20) Jacob was playing dangerous games, spiritualizing in order to manipulate someone he knew would believe such words. Jacob wasn’t a false cult leader or prophet; he was God’s own chosen servant”.

Christians often think that the seeds of heresy are found only in cults and in off-beat sects of Christianity. But John, in his first letter, and Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, reminded us that heretical teachers are often found within the church itself. Jesus notes that the dormant seeds of heresy can be buried in the lawns of the church. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a parable of the kingdom of heaven: The enemy sowed seeds within this kingdom. In our desire to discover and understand the doctrines of cults, we may forget that potential gardens of heresy lie within our own walls. Remember: Sun Myung Moon was raised a Presbyterian; David Berg, founder of the Children of God, was once an Evangelical pastor; Jim Jones pastored a Christian church; many leaders in the People’s Temple and Jonestown were former members of Nazarene, Roman Catholic, Baptist, Methodist and Assemblies of God Churches.” 1 (HL Bussell, pg.111)



      Besides the altar call, the invitation to Christian discipleship, and the various professions of faith, there are  other  coined religious platitudes and phrases like “Jesus, come into my heart” and “I accepted Jesus into my life”  that  lead to  counterfeit births.   I myself have not been able to find any scriptures in the bible that suggest that we should ask Jesus to come into our hearts.   I believe that when the Lord says that we must abide in Him, He means that we must stay in Him without wavering, in other words,—- to continue, to dwell, to be present, to remain. This is the essence of the Greek word,  that was translated “abide” in John 15.  Accordingly, baring fruit in Christ is a manifestation of a believer continuing and remaining in Him.

Yet Satan’s plot against the organized church  actually took shape  under the ministry of a preacher called Charles Finney.

Charles Finney

Finney was quite a wicked looking man, as you can see the devil all up in his face. The man lived a long time when you consider that in his lifetime, the average live span was  from the late forties to about 65.  Finney lived tobe 83, from 1792-1875. A fiery New York preacher, Finney’s impact on church traditions and practices has been  so profound, that his influence is still spreading globally almost two centuries later.  Finney’s notoriety is that he is the one who brought the entire church the “make a decision for Christ” through repeating the sinners prayer and the altar call.  A practicing freemason for 8 years, Finney eventually disavowed if.  Yet what I have learned about freemasonry is that it is witchcraft. And you just  don’t walk away from witchcraft without a struggle.

Anyway, in a nutshell,  Finney believed that human beings were capable of choosing whether they would be corrupt by nature or redeemed, referring to original sin as an “anti-scriptural and nonsensical dogma”  In clear terms, Finney denied the notion that human beings possess a sinful nature. Therefore, if Adam leads us into sin,  he does so not by our inheriting his guilt and corruption, but by our  following his poor example, this leads logically to the view of Christ as not having died for sins but for some lofty, moralistic reason.

Well, this was the man who started the altar call, invitation to Christian discipleship, “I accept Jesus,” practice that has led to the greatest falling away—the one that Paul himself predicted would transpire.  Consequently, due to Charles Finney, souls have probably not been saved within the organized church system for at least 150 years!!!! This doctrine has  primarily affected the Protestants much  more than the Catholics. Another fallen angel, Mother Mary had a different strategy for THEM. The “make a decision, I accept Jesus gospel has so permeated all Protestant Church tradition, a problem that Baptist preacher Paul Washer is diligently trying to correct, to no avail.  Washer is correct on this score but there  are errors in his teaching as well, which is yet “another story.”  Another practice that Finney started was to use the preacher’s invitation at the end of a sermon to evoke an emotional response, in other words to create a charged up atmosphere to manipulate a false conversion.

More on Finney in “the Fake Jesus” & “the New Idolatry.” 
Click here for ebooks.

Call 1-888-818-1117 if you have any questions or think that you need help, for example with exposing a false conversion.

The Age of the Gentiles: IS IT OVER NOW? 

26 Aug

Do you realize that if the Holy Spirit has left the IC, that no one is being born again in Her? So where are the crowds in mega churches and in revivals going? THE LORD SAID IT. They are on “the broad way” headed for damnation.

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

When I left the institutional church as a pastor in 2004, I never once considered that my time within Her was over.  In fact, I waited three more years for the Lord to order my steps into the pathway of a different denomination.

It never happened.

In fact, it was in the summer of 2007 that the Lord spoke  to my mind and intuitively revealed that  “the age of the Gentiles is over.” Yet He did not use those words. I was simply  asked a basic question concerning my ministry. At the time, I was traveling to churches in order to train and prepare them to cast out demons.  When He spoke, I had just started my traveling ministry, first to Lawrenceville Ga and then 10 days in Bermuda.   The third church had just cancelled my planned seminar, when He spoke to my mind, posing this question:

“Pam, would you hang…

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Charlottesville, The Church and Racism

25 Aug

The recent event in Charlottesville, Virginia is one of the many examples that show we do not live in a post-racial society. Racism seems to be one of the many social ills that has continued throughout the centuries without a clear end in sight.

What happened?

A “Unite the right” rally was planned for Aug 12 in protest to removing the statue of Robert E Lee, a confederate icon. A day before on Aug 11, a march was held at the University of Virginia where the crowds chanted “white lives matter” & “blood & soil”.

The protesters showed up on Aug 12 and clashed with counter demonstrators. The rally turned deadly as a speeding car killed one person and injured 19. Trump held a press conference days later which left many stunned and drew a lot of criticism as he stated that both groups were to blame.

The Church’s Stand

What has been the response from the church leadership not only over the racial divide which seems to be deepening but also where is the support from the leader of the free world, President Donald Trump who clearly stated that there are many good people in neo-Nazis & white supremacist groups?

For the most part, the Institutional church herein referred to as the I.C. hasn’t raised a strong, united voice indicating where they stand on the issue. Consequently, the silence in itself is both telling and deafening by comparison,for when business advisers have publicly stepped away from Trump, by contrast, the Nation’s evangelical leaders have made no or little noise over the issue and they remain steadfast and committed to Trump.

As an example, here are some quotes from various church leaders:-

Robert Jeffries, one of Trumps advisors said this on his twitter account,
“Pray for peace in Charlottesville and across our nation,” and “Let there be no misunderstanding. Racism is sin. Period,”

Paula White on her twitter account wrote about the event mentioning that there is a need for renewal of grace and for God to help us.

Franklin Graham defended Trump on his Facebook page stating that the shame should be on politicians that want to blame Trump.

Joel Osteen on his Facebook page wrote that, “…When somebody doesn’t agree with us or not doing what we like, it’s easy to get in conflict with them, to argue, to try to straighten them out, to prove our point. No, you have to be the bigger person. Just because they’re doing wrong doesn’t mean you have to engage.” 

The bottom-line is that many mega church leaders haven’t said anything at all.

This mixed reaction where some leaders condemned what happened, others spoke vaguely and others have remained completely silent shows the lack of unity in the I.C.

We live in troubling times; it is not the time to panic! But it’s time to get your life in order and prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, emotionally & even learn several survival skills should any disaster happen. Leaders in the I.C. are not preparing their congregations to understand the times and many unsuspecting churchgoers will be caught off guard when the rapture they are waiting for doesn’t happen and they are faced with the tribulation.

This post is not to analyze the racial divide that is deep in America. It’s to simply shed light on the fact that the I.C. is unable to give proper guidance to their church goers and one of the reasons is due to the fact that she is divided.

Jesus predicted the division that would happen to the Institutional church. He did this using the parable of the mustard seed.

Matthew 13:31-32
31 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field, 32 which indeed is the least of all the seeds; but when it is grown it is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches.”

In order to understand this parable, you have to look at the history of the church:-

The Seed -The church had very humble beginnings with the disciples who symbolize the mustard seed.

The huge tree – From 312 AD when Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, Roman practices were mixed with Christian beliefs leading to the creation of the Roman Catholic Church that grew far and wide, virtually unopposed for centuries.

Branches – The protestant reformation that opposed the many false doctrines of the Catholic church occurred in the 16th Century. The church split as many denominations were created.

Birds nest in its branches – demons infiltrated the churches, bringing false doctrines with them. (in Matthew 13:4- birds represents demons).

Clearly the Lord Jesus warned our present generation with this parable prophesied over 2000 years ago.

A clear and simple analysis is that the I.C. is infiltrated by demons and that is why she is weak. All she has is a form of godliness but no power. The early church with the apostles was relatively small but moved with great power but the Laodicean church of today is large but weak & lukewarm, unable to make any significant impact.Clearly, the Spirit of God is no longer in the I.C. The Lord warned you with the parable of the mustard seed. If you seek direction from her, you will be led into more confusion.

The Lord Jesus said on the other hand that HE will build his own Church and the gates of hell will not prevail. Matthew 16:18. He was not referring to the Institutional Church, but to all the believers throughout the centuries that have remained faithful to Him because he has kept them. From every generation, God always has HIS remnant who remain faithful to him.

If you want to understand why the I.C. is the way it is and get a clear understanding of who the Body of Christ is, get a copy of

The Church of the End-Time Zombies. 

Paperback  and



For all books by Pam Sheppard go to

Deception In End-times: God Is In Control!

8 Aug

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

In order for truth to set us free, we are going to be challenged in all ways, spirit, soul, body, and mind. Challenges emerge from  people, places, and things, attitudes, and beliefs. The  main challenge  is linked to our assumptions.” Many of us don’t realize it but we assume God is not in control, and that we need to help Him out with everything. Part of walking in the spirit is to walk by faith knowing that God is ordering our steps. If you’ve had a false conversion and you know it, that was God. God has ordered your steps to know it. The word of God says that God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Now you have some knowledge that you can work with.

Don’t panic and try to figure out  “what must I do now?” What you must do now is wait. We need to learn how to wait. If things are going along the way God wants them to go along, then you may not hear from Him. Think about walking a dog. The dog is on a chain, and he’s walking along, and then he moves over into an area or a location where the one who’s walking him doesn’t want him to go, and a tug is placed on that chain. That’s kind of how walking in the spirit is. You’re walking by faith. God has got the path laid out, and He’s even got the trouble spots there for a reason. Don’t just think that because you ran into trouble or it looks like you failed in a particular situation that God was not guiding your journey. With decades to look back on and review, I  see God  in my failures because in His divine wisdom, He knew  that I would learn and retain  more wisdom from my  failures than from my apparent successes, particularly where my  productivity was not a struggle.

Bearing fruit is cultivated and refined by trouble and tribulation. So, when you have a piece of information that doesn’t sit well with you, and you say “Well why didn’t God tell me before? Why is it that I spent so many years in the Institutional Church and I was blind? Why didn’t He come to me before?” when I was finally undeceived, I never asked God such questions.  Why not? Well, because I have been blessed with  too much respect and fear of the Lord.  Not fear derived from panic, but sheer homage and respect.  So I am careful not  to question Him about His timing.  Even though I came into the church without any religious background, God took  28 years before my  blinders started coming off.  The issue I had to come to terms with is an assumption that the three dreams I had that compelled me to go to a particular  local denominational church DID NOT COME FROM GOD. As the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil,  the Holy Spirit led me into a a local church to be deceived. As such,  He allowed the enemy to send me those three dreams. Why would God do such a thing? Well,  He had His reasons. I  could not do the work that I  am chosen to do if I  had no background in the IC.  I would not be able to understand what those of you who He is calling out  of Her now have been through if I  had not been through it myself.

So yes, the enemy is put into the plan by God Himself.

Consequently, I have  never asked  God, “why did You wait so long?” Nor did I  go running around to other people or to other ministries to desperately confirm what God was saying and doing with me. Actually,  I  never looked for anybody’s approval or disapproval.  I  just kept moving forward. I simply  shook  all  religious dust from my feet. If people reject what I teach and practice, I leave them alone.  I don’t sulk.  I am too busy  preparing myself for those who WILL hear my voice. . As far as those who don’t hear, I say to myself  “Maybe they’ll come back around again, perhaps  they won’t.” that is it.  My thoughts on those who reject my teachings are brief and impersonal. The problem is too broad, too severe to get stuck on any individual.  When I am about the business of moving forward, I don’t challenge my equilibrium by turning around to look back.  I keep in mind that God is in control. He is in control of what He will allow the enemy to do to one of His own. He is in control. Period.

Think about Job. The enemy could do this, this, and this, but couldn’t do that. He couldn’t take Job’s life. There was something that God wanted Job to learn from that experience and he learned it. What Job learned was to stop being so religious because his religion was based in fear. After all, the very thing Job feared came upon him.  So Job learned to trust God, because He,— God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit— is in control, and He’s guiding our steps.

So be warned that the Lord will resist the proud. Spiritual pride can be our strongest enemy. .

So when you feel and even say things  like “how could I have been deceived, how could I have been so stupid,” you should understand this.  Present day deception is not new.  In fact, it  has been going on for centuries. So just be happy when God wakes you up. Don’t get all offended. God resists the proud. So receive your grace  by your humility.

Are you being undeceived and you want some personal advice, complete the contact form below:

If you think you need help contact 1-888-818-1117.

For all books by Pam Sheppard go to

Witchcraft and Deception, the Lust of the Flesh

1 Aug

Those whom the Lord saves who were accustomed to supernatural experiences like telekinesis, poltergeist and other magical  types of manifestations will try to explain such phenomena  with scriptures. They rationalize and continue to believe that  psychic phenomena  are  the gift of miracles.

For example, I was just born again a year or so when I spoke to a storm and it seemed that I stopped it.   It was one of those summer storms.  My clothes were drying on an outside line and I had just settled down in my backyard in a lawn chair with a cool drink when the sky got dark and the winds kicked up.  I stood up, spoke directly to the storm and commanded it to leave.  I kid you not, it rained all around my backyard, but not a drop fell where I dwelled.  The sun came back out, shined only above  me, while the entire neighborhood was flooded with rain. It was quite a deluge.  So of course, I connected this incident to the Lord speaking to a storm and what He said about speaking to mountains as my biblical “confirmation.   I look back now and I realize that this manifestation was not from God.  The motive?  To make me  into a signs and wonders, charismatic freak. The fallen angel responsible was quite successful.  It didn’t take much to turn me into granola—a fruit, a nut and a flake!

Here is the crux of the problem.  As a product of New Age occultism, Christians with psychic phenomena in their past remain ignorant of the deception of the mighty foe.  So once born again, each of us has been assigned a religious/witchcraft spirit entity whose job is to seek every opportunity to buffet us with counterfeits of the gifts of the Holy Ghost that seem to be from God..   The assigned fallen angel or demon waits for an element of the flesh  to manifest itself in the new believer, in order to gain his master’s end.  The Apostle Paul calls that aspect of our flesh by the name of witchcraft.  Like Simon the Sorcerer, we carry in our flesh a lust for the supernatural that the enemy works with. Since  occultists are trained to expect the supernatural, hidden in our flesh remains the same desire AFTER we are saved.

How did I overcome? My story is in “Come Out of Her, God’s People.”

I experienced  many dealings of the flesh—many trials, tribulations and tests.

Being put to death in the flesh goes on and on.  Overcoming was not finished in one mighty stroke.  The Holy Spirit covered all bases, first dealing  with my ambition for the 3 p’s of prestige, prominence and power.   What helped me is that even when I was a sinner,  I was  a lover of the truth.  So I became one who sought spiritual truth at all cost. Also,  as Paul was assigned a religious demon–a thorn in his flesh–to develop him, so was I.

I am a overcomer because my religious demon presented me with trials and temptations  to overcome. From 1977-2003, —26 years–the religious demon was in the driver’s seat  regarding charismatic manifestations. I was completely duped.  Yet in 2003—, once I prayed “Lord, show me the darkness that is around me,”—  all things continue to be exposed.

In every test, I had the choice of going down and being crushed by the spirit of the anti-christ  or rising up in spirit victory.  I ROSE UP!

If you need my help, call 1-888-818-1117.

To get books by Pam Sheppard go to