Archive | November, 2011

"Leave the Church" Proclaims One Minister Who Can Stand Alone!

30 Nov


For those who have been closely reading my posts, it is time for you to really know”where I’m  comin from”. Here is my bottom line, where the rubber meets the road.   Other than for preparing the last days church for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have no personal motive. In fact,  I am a  68-year-old retiree from public life.  A retiree from NYS government,  I am  also done with   starting a church.  Therefore, I am not looking for a sheepfold to follow me or anyone to “rule over.”

To get the message of “what time it is to churchfolk”  requires money. I pay to publish, so I don’t make any personal money off of my 6 books. Any one who cannot afford to pay $20 for a book need only let me know and you will be  sent an e-book at no charge. What I use to spread the message of “come out of Her, God’s people,”  is my   own inheritance and my  own savings.

 When I provide a counseling or training  service, I set a fee.The fees I set are reported to IRS. In spite of them, I have never earned a profit.   I do not charge for deliverance, healing, prayer or any of God’s graces.  Nor do I ask anyone for donations..  Why not, you ask? Because those who give money control those who receive it. I will not put myself in a position to be controlled by  ANYONE!

 Nor am I looking for notoriety as I actually prefer to remain “under the radar.” Recently, someone was singing my praises–called me an end time prophet of God with the message of the hour.  After 2 months of turning folk off by  proclaiming my “qualifications and my message” this former associate’s  last words to me were “I no longer endorse you.” 

 I laughed to myself. She does not know that I don’t need anyone to either endorse or  “sell me.” Nor  will I try to justify myself to anyone.  I perceive no benefit to me or my message in any attempt on my part to prove that I am reputable. It is a waste of time as no one can prove that they are not corrupt in  times such as these.

 My word to you is this. If you seek me for counseling, training or ministry, you will have to find out about me in your own prayer closet. What I am willing to share about myself is something that  I can prove.Here is what I can prove.

  I owe nothing to NOBODY and I expect NOTHING from NOBODY!

You see,  I am free to do all things and free to do nothing. Only in the last seven years have I been this free.  I was restrained for 25 years from offending those who paid my  secular salary and for 25 years, I had to please  the bishops under whom I serve as an ordained minister..  Those days are over for the rest of my life. Like the Lord Jesus, I too can  declare that neither man nor the  devil has a place in me.

Besides a secular career in state govt  where I earned a great pension and excellent  health benefits, beside being  in private practice as a therapist once I retired  at the age of 53 in 1997,  I have also been a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ for 30 years.   Since I was gainfully employed in the world while simultaneously pastoring,  none of my personal  income has   ever been derived or accumulated from Christian  ministry.  When I received a salary from any of 3  different churches that I pastored, I gave it back to them double-fold.   I even founded my own church in 1996, which I closed in 2009. 

 Today, I do not attend church, at all. 

I personally believe that church is a dangerous place to be, particularly for the sincere followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth–the elect of God.  I need to make it plain that only the elect of God is in  real danger, and not those who simply attend church because they believe that it is the right thing to do.  The “un-chosen” in church are not Satan’s target but only those who belong to Jesus Christ.

In order to understand my position, you need to know that  I am not coming
from “whether or not there  are good churches or bad churches.”  Certainly, there are both, and that has been the case for centuries.  In our time, there  are some wonderful, good people and excellent programs operating in plenty of  churches.
However, this is the power of man. This is the power of human flesh.  Human  beings  can do some good and wonderful things,without God.  For example, man has proven that he can build a rocket and walk on the moon.  Man conceived the very computers that we all communicate on, with a wealth of information at our finger tips.  This is”a good thing.”    Likewise, just  because a church is “good,” doesn’t mean that “God is there.”

When I was led out of the denomination I served in 2004, I did not know my departure from the organized church system was completely over.  The Lord told me to come out, and I obeyed, believing that He planned to send me to a different church affiliation.  In fact, I waited for 3 years until the Lord spoke to me. In this regard, I had a handful of  supernatural experiences AFTER I was led out of the organized church.  Powerful and amazing, to say the least.

Visions, dreams and audible voices such as I have experienced since 2007  come from either God or the devil. There is no in between. In fact, my soul is not imaginative enough to have conceived what I have heard in the spirit. Now if I am wrong,—-if I heard from the devil— I will STILL go to heaven because my born again experience had nothing at all to do with the organized church. I was not saved in church.Church added nothing to my salvation but error and deception.

 So if I am wrong, I have nothing to lose.If I am mistaken, God knows the intent of my heart.  I don’t have any axes to grind. There is no bitterness in my heart against churchfolk or the system. I can certainly  admit to errors in discernment  and I will publicly apologize if I am proven to be in error.  

 However, if I am right, and you continue to “go to church,” then you, dear reader, HAVE A LOT TO LOSE.

I Know That My Redeemer Lives!

29 Nov

We can learn today from the powerful words of the man of God called Job, when he declared “I know that my redeemer lives!

When we consider Job, this one powerful statement sustained him through it all.  Job KNEW by faith that His Redeemer lives and that as His Redeemer was raised from the dead, Job too would be raised.  In her book called “The Story of Job,” Jessie Penn Lewis says it all:

“Every advancing soul must come sooner or later to the place where it can trust God, the bare God, if I may be allowed the expression, simply because of what He is in Himself, and not because of His promises or His gifts.  It must learn to have its joy in Him alone, and to rejoice in Him when all else in Heaven and earth shall seem to fail.

The only way in which this place can be reached, I believe, is by the soul being compelled to face in its own experience the loss of all things, both inward and outward.  I do not mean necessarily that all one’s friends must die, or all one’s money be lost; but I DO mean that the soul must find itself, from either inward or outward causes, desolate, and bereft, and empty of all consolation.  It must come to the end of everything that is NOT God; and must have nothing else left to rest on within or without.  It must wade through the slough, and fall off the precipice, and be swamped by the ocean, and at last find in the midst of them, and at the bottom of them, and behind them, the present, living, loving, omnipotent God!”

In “Come Out of Her, God’s People,” I present  my spiritual walk from the time I was sent to church by 3 dreams in Sept 1979, until I was led out of the church in June 2004, a period of 25 years in ministry. As of today, I have live one year  longer saved, then unsaved.  Thirty four years in Christ has set me on three spiritual pathways, each one different from the other:

The first path is travelled by beginners—a path filled with sensual experiences that are exciting and emotional, with several secret manifestations of God..  The second path is a wilderness, characterized by trials, tribulations, troubles, and conflict.  The sensual manifestations, though fewer, are stronger and deeper, as they seem to be what carries you through the dryness, the darkness and the distress.  So the sensual,supernatural experiences, the dreams, hopes and aspirations are the rock of your survival.

However, the third path is a the place of rest in Him.  It is a rather strange place.  It is a region of mountaintop solitude, where you rarely come down.  With uninterrupted communion with God, setting a time aside for prayer is unnecessary because His presence is felt practically 24-7.

You ask for nothing, need nothing, because you experience a strange detachment from everything of the world. You feel complete satisfaction with your lot in life and you  are in “no hurry” to do  anything or be anything because you are content with the Lord’s will, whatever it may be.I believe that only in  such a place can  we actually be transformed into the image of Christ.

Ending with Jessie’s words, “The soul’s pathway is always through death to
life.  The caterpillar cannot in the nature of things become the butterfly in any other way than by dying to the one life in order to live in the other.  And neither can we.  Therefore,  it may well be that this region of death and desolation must needs be passed through, if we would reach the calm mountain heights beyond.  And when we know this, we can walk triumphantly through the darkest experience, sure that all is well, SINCE GOD IS GOOD!!!!


Crucified With Christ By Pam Sheppard

28 Nov


What I have noticed over the years is that very often we don’t know that the Holy Ghost has been in our midst until after He has left the scene.  For example, this week a thought came into my head that I assumed was my own.  The thought was, “how is it that you spiritually survive when you have lost so much that you depended on?”  Immediately, I was reminded of the fact that for at least 25 years,  my spiritual life was dependent upon people, places and things.  By things, I mean “works” and “practices.”

Among the people were those I pastored and the many ministers and
members that  I fellowshipped with, as well as two different husbands
who I was compelled to divorce as well as family, friends and associates
that I had to “cut loose”. ebook softcover

For me there was only one place:  the church.  I was in church constantly as a pastor, a member and a visitor.  At times, I was in church as many as 6 days a week, hours at a time.

Furthermore, I frequently visited other churches, several times a month.  I also preached and taught in prison for almost 10 years.   Among the things or “works” that I no longer do is my first love,— developing sermons  and preaching.  I practiced healing, deliverance ministry, weeping and wailing in intercession, aka,travailing, and speaking in tongues.  I also moved in the “slain in the spirit” ministry, where people fell to the floor at the touch of my hand or at times, when  I  simply waved my hand, some fell slain. I saw into the future regularly,experiencing supernatural experiences that I believed at the time were manifestations of each of the 9 gifts of the Holy Ghost.

I lost it ALL!

At the beginning of the century, with 9/11/01 as my target date of change, I
had no idea that when I prayed “Lord, if there is any darkness around me,
please expose it,” that practically EVERYTHING–people, places and
things–would be exposed as filled with darkness and deception.

So when the thought came into my mind, “Pam,how do you live and survive today without all of that?”  I had not yet come up with an answer, until my first client of the day asked me the very same question. So when she asked the very question that had
just hit my  own thoughts, I immediately realized  that the Holy Ghost was using her to speak to me.  Interestingly enough, as I counsel others, the Holy Ghost  frequently uses contents of  the session to have a ONE on one session with me!

I can’t recall in detail how I answered the question for it took practically the entire session  to do so.  However, what I recall is what the client said to me.  She sounded, awed, or speechless when she replied, “Wow.  Pam,you are really living for Christ because you have given up ALL for His sake.” 

I was shocked by her words because since my losses are predominately
religious in nature,  I had not looked at them  from that particular
perspective.  The conclusion that I had come to is that “every
religious person or thing could be  and was removed from me but  I
held on to ONE thing that could not be removed. 

 That ONE thing is my faith and assurance that I am
saved, born again, and when all is said and done, my salvation is
“enough.” Jesus Christ of Nazareth is enough for me.  I
have ceased from my own works and I rest in the Lord.

However, how does one arrive at such a place within his or her spiritual walk?

It is not easy–at first.  As the writer of Hebrews declares,
“one must LABOR  or struggle to enter into the
Lord’s rest” (Hebrews: 4)   The familiar expression:
no pain, no gain does not really ring true in the spirit..  The remarkable
thing is that like giving birth in the natural, once the labor and
struggle of delivery has been achieved, you simply can’t remember the pain.For
example,  I do not recall the pain of walking away from not
one husband, but two.  Once I realized that they were both sent
from the devil to destroy me and hinder my walk in the spirit with the Lord,
the pain was minimized, to say the least!

Once God revealed to me that sermonizing was not from Him but that
it is merely a man-made art, I can no longer recall the pain of not
doing something that I had grown to love. Once one has actually ENTERED
the Lord’s rest, than obedience is in no way painful.  Loss is not painful
either. You simply “move on” and live once you have “entered
in.”.That is why I didn’t use the title, no PAIN no gain.  I simply
cannot recall the pain of losing so much.  However,with each loss,  I continue to
 experience the gain of a new revelation. Fruit simply grows without much effort. I have come to learn that salvation is truly my pearl of great price. The pain of selling all to guard and protect my born again spirit  has been my great gain.

Renewing of the Mind

27 Nov


Paul wrote to the Romans, “be not conformed to THIS world but be transformed by the renewing of the mind so that you can prove the perfect will of God for your life.” He also warned the Corinthians about casting down imaginations and thoughts  that could exalt themselves ABOVE the knowledge of God. Paul implied that  all thoughts could be “captured” and brought into obedience to the will of God. We know the general will of God from His word.  However, it is the Holy Ghost Who provides the direction of our individual lives   once our minds have been renewed.

Therefore, a renewed mind precedes knowing what God’s will for US is.

So I suggest to you that discovering the will of God for your life involves a renewal. There are some key points that I would like to underscore:

  • We are what we THINK we are. Our thoughts have power to draw both evil and godly energy.  If we have practiced negative self talk, in the same manner, we should consciously practice godly self talk.  Godly thought will bring about godly talk. Godly talk will bring forth the fruits of victory in casting down evil thoughts.
  • A part of renewing the soul is to learn how to deal with what is uncomfortable. Walking on the sands of  a beautiful  beach on a hot sunny day has its comforts and delights.  However,if  the sand is very “hot,”  it is difficult to walk on it.  Struggles and failures supply the necessary preparation to learn how to “walk on hot sand.”.
  • Where deliverance from demonic oppression is concerned, torment can be a blessing.  Torment wipes out the delusion that “all is well” and knocks off the rose-colored glasses. The tormented one is pressured to search for answers and solutions–something that he would not have even considered if he had not desperately sought release from the torment.
  • Anyone who makes decisions either by the influence of an unrenewed mind or emotions is usually weak in his or her will. The will is the organ that examines, distinguishes, judges and makes decisions based upon the information received from the mind and the emotions.
  • Choices can often be long-lasting and unchangeable. We can make the choice but we cannot choose the outcome or the repercussion. In other words, we can choose to sin but we cannot choose the wages of that sin.
  • One of the fallacies is that we assume that we have time to change.  When physical death appears to be “far off,” our will power tends to procrastinate and take chances.  However, when death is a daily reality, we learn to live and make choices that prolong our days.

Once we discover what we need to learn about our own inner struggles, there are other people who will need our testimony and our influence so that that too can be victorious.  A major purpose of struggling is that we can become consolers of those who are struggling in those areas where we have become triumphant.  By planting new seeds of power into our minds, old patterns and habits will be destroyed by the resurrection power of the Holy Ghost.  In a symbolic  context, the seeds are as Jesus said. They are the words of  fruitbearing power.

There is a trained minister with a testimony of “How I Walked on Hot Sand,” waiting to mentor YOU

At Sheppard’s Counseling Center, ministers are trained in a unique deliverance mentoring  program called SEW, Spiritual Empowerment Workshop.The principles of the SEW Program are presented in the book “Recovery In Christ.”  These are ministers who have overcome torment, walked on hot sand, and survived.  From domestic violence, to rape, to incest, to alcoholism,  to parents and grandparents who were practicing witchcraft, these men and women are overcomers. They have a testimony that you need. For more info on RIC, click the book cover.

What Is An Ascended Master?

25 Nov

What is an ascended master? The first thing you need to know is that they lie. To those who believe in reincarnation, they tell their New Age mediums/channels and followers that they have lived several different human lives over thousands of years until “they ascended” in knowledge, perfection and power. In other words, they are gods as they claim we are gods also..The truth of the matter is that these are fallen angels who descended from the heavens.  So they are not “ascended’ BUT “descended” principalities and powers.

How do this beings make contact with human beings? Well, quite frankly, an invitation has to be made to them. I ignorantly made an invitation to a fallen angel by participating in a séance.  Once I made the invitation, I moved to the next level of mediumship which used to be called automatic writing but today is fashionably called “channeling.”  Once I made the invitation, St. Germain  needed to assess whether or not I would make a good channel for him. He was looking for someone to channel his books.  I knew nothing of my future in 1974. I had no idea that I would write 6 books inspired by the Holy Ghost.  In fact, I didn’t even know then that I would become a published author myself and I don’t think Germain knew that either. All he wanted was someone with the innate psychic ability to passively sit down, pick up a pencil, and allow him to use their hand to write. I had the psychic skills but  I was not one who wrote by telepathic thought sending. My hand was literally used by a fallen angel to write. When I looked down, there would be all of this religious stuff that as an atheist, I had no interest in. I am also not a passive person. Passivity is not a part of my human  nature. I also had full consciousness when my spirit left my body and full memory once he departed. I did not LIKE the feeling and even though I was a willing subject, I believe God blocked Germaine from getting what he wanted from me because the Lord had “other plans.”

St Germain, The Depiction of a Fallen Angel

So the very next day after Germain’s manifestation, as I sat by the pool in an apartment complex in Hempstead New York, I shared my startling experience of the previous night with two perfect strangers who called themselves Blossom and Richard, both of them Jewish. They listened to me with a kind of secretive, knowing ear. Like cats who had just swallowed a canary.  From their lips, I heard for the first time the term “psychic power.”  They invited me to their apartment to TEST THE LEVEL of my psychic abilities with that dangerous toy called a Ouija Board.

Almost immediately, demons and devils  who pretended to be departed human souls of dead people I once knew,  began to move my fingers across the Ouija.  Upon witnessing my effectiveness with this device, Blossom and Richard told me that I was a medium to the spirit world and that the séance had unleashed the powers within me.  My summoning of the dead was said to have opened me up to the deceased who dwelled in the spirit world by transforming me into a source–a channel, if you will– for their communication. Looking back, on that score, Blossom and Richard were correct.

Other things happened.  Lot of “other things” which I will share at some other time.  Simply put, I graduated to a level where fallen angels—WALK INS–could step into me and speak to anyone gathered, anytime THEY chose to.  One  strange experience followed another.  Objects appeared and disappeared, astral travel, clairvoyance, and  much more.

Getting back to St. Germain, one of the things  that I constantly received  through automatic writing and channeling in the 70’s  was religious information.  I was an atheist and so I was really not interested in any religion, a circumstance that worked to my advantage in several ways.  In fact, I received pages of info about Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, but nothing at all about Christianity and the Lord’s name was never mentioned.  What I have discovered about St. Germain is that in 1974, he recruited several other mediums to channel for him–people who 30 years later, St. Germain has  made wealthy through the  new age, occult books that these channels  authored through and for him.

So who is Saint Germain?

The new age  world considers him one of the top 5 “ascended masters.” Rather than give an occult definition of the term, simply put, an ascended master is a fallen angel working for Satan, whom they call “Sanat Kamura.” I won’t get into all the various reincarnations of famous human beings St Germain claims to be.  In his long list of past lives, he claims to be the reincarnation of the prophet Samuel, Joseph, the surrogate father of the Lord, Plato and a host of Greeks and Romans.  He also claims to have lived as Roger Bacon, from 1220-1292. Yet what is noteworthy about Germain is his American influence as he claims to be the reincarnation of Christopher Columbus and he boasts that the nickname “Uncle Sam” is referring him.  So Germain is considered to be the founding father of the USA!

Yet what is quite deadly is that St. Germain boasts to his occult followers that he is the father of freemasonry, a Luciferian secret society that is at the roots of the organized church and the foundation of America. Once the Lord saved me, I escaped being one of Germain’s channels.  So what is St. Germain’s  sinister purpose? He looks for those who have psychic ability so that he can use them as channels or mediums. St. Germain thought he had me but the Holy Ghost snatched me out of his hands in a blink of an eye!

Fallen angels are not demons.  St. Germain is lying because reincarnation is a lie.  He has NEVER been human.  Since fallen angels are of another species or “creation” , most of them  not accustomed to being inside of a human being for more than a few minutes so they “practice.”  When this happens, the medium or channel will be exhausted. It is a very dangerous practice.  They can bring ANY destruction upon you in just a few minutes or even seconds.

If you have had such experiences, you may need help. If so, call 518-477-5759. If you choose to learn independently,  the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us or the New Idolatry:Charismatic Witchcraft, Deliverance and Other Counterfeits and  would be helpful to you. Click the covers for e-books..


What Is An Ascended Master?

25 Nov

What is an ascended master? The first thing you need to know is that they lie. To those who believe in reincarnation, they tell their New Age mediums/channels and followers that they have lived several different human lives over thousands of years until “they ascended” in knowledge, perfection and power. In other words, they are gods as they claim we are gods also..The truth of the matter is that these are fallen angels who descended from the heavens.  So they are not “ascended’ BUT “descended” principalities and powers.

How do this beings make contact with human beings? Well, quite frankly, an invitation has to be made to them. I ignorantly made an invitation to a fallen angel by participating in a séance.  Once I made the invitation, I moved to the next level of mediumship which used to be called automatic writing but today is fashionably called “channeling.”  Once I made the invitation, St. Germain  needed to assess whether or not I would make a good channel for him. He was looking for someone to channel his books.  I knew nothing of my future in 1974. I had no idea that I would write 6 books inspired by the Holy Ghost.  In fact, I didn’t even know then that I would become a published author myself and I don’t think Germain knew that either. All he wanted was someone with the innate psychic ability to passively sit down, pick up a pencil, and allow him to use their hand to write. I had the psychic skills but  I was not one who wrote by telepathic thought sending. My hand was literally used by a fallen angel to write. When I looked down, there would be all of this religious stuff that as an atheist, I had no interest in. I am also not a passive person. Passivity is not a part of my human  nature. I also had full consciousness when my spirit left my body and full memory once he departed. I did not LIKE the feeling and even though I was a willing subject, I believe God blocked Germaine from getting what he wanted from me because the Lord had “other plans.”

St Germain, The Depiction of a Fallen Angel

So the very next day after Germain’s manifestation, as I sat by the pool in an apartment complex in Hempstead New York, I shared my startling experience of the previous night with two perfect strangers who called themselves Blossom and Richard, both of them Jewish. They listened to me with a kind of secretive, knowing ear. Like cats who had just swallowed a canary.  From their lips, I heard for the first time the term “psychic power.”  They invited me to their apartment to TEST THE LEVEL of my psychic abilities with that dangerous toy called a Ouija Board.

Almost immediately, demons and devils  who pretended to be departed human souls of dead people I once knew,  began to move my fingers across the Ouija.  Upon witnessing my effectiveness with this device, Blossom and Richard told me that I was a medium to the spirit world and that the séance had unleashed the powers within me.  My summoning of the dead was said to have opened me up to the deceased who dwelled in the spirit world by transforming me into a source–a channel, if you will– for their communication. Looking back, on that score, Blossom and Richard were correct.

Other things happened.  Lot of “other things” which I will share at some other time.  Simply put, I graduated to a level where fallen angels—WALK INS–could step into me and speak to anyone gathered, anytime THEY chose to.  One  strange experience followed another.  Objects appeared and disappeared, astral travel, clairvoyance, and  much more.

Getting back to St. Germain, one of the things  that I constantly received  through automatic writing and channeling in the 70’s  was religious information.  I was an atheist and so I was really not interested in any religion, a circumstance that worked to my advantage in several ways.  In fact, I received pages of info about Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, but nothing at all about Christianity and the Lord’s name was never mentioned.  What I have discovered about St. Germain is that in 1974, he recruited several other mediums to channel for him–people who 30 years later, St. Germain has  made wealthy through the  new age, occult books that these channels  authored through and for him.

So who is Saint Germain?

The new age  world considers him one of the top 5 “ascended masters.” Rather than give an occult definition of the term, simply put, an ascended master is a fallen angel working for Satan, whom they call “Sanat Kamura.” I won’t get into all the various reincarnations of famous human beings St Germain claims to be.  In his long list of past lives, he claims to be the reincarnation of the prophet Samuel, Joseph, the surrogate father of the Lord, Plato and a host of Greeks and Romans.  He also claims to have lived as Roger Bacon, from 1220-1292. Yet what is noteworthy about Germain is his American influence as he claims to be the reincarnation of Christopher Columbus and he boasts that the nickname “Uncle Sam” is referring him.  So Germain is considered to be the founding father of the USA!

Yet what is quite deadly is that St. Germain boasts to his occult followers that he is the father of freemasonry, a Luciferian secret society that is at the roots of the organized church and the foundation of America. Once the Lord saved me, I escaped being one of Germain’s channels.  So what is St. Germain’s  sinister purpose? He looks for those who have psychic ability so that he can use them as channels or mediums. St. Germain thought he had me but the Holy Ghost snatched me out of his hands in a blink of an eye!

Fallen angels are not demons.  St. Germain is lying because reincarnation is a lie.  He has NEVER been human.  Since fallen angels are of another species or “creation” , most of them  not accustomed to being inside of a human being for more than a few minutes so they “practice.”  When this happens, the medium or channel will be exhausted. It is a very dangerous practice.  They can bring ANY destruction upon you in just a few minutes or even seconds.

If you have had such experiences, you may need help. If so, call 518-477-5759. If you choose to learn independently,  the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us or the New Idolatry:Charismatic Witchcraft, Deliverance and Other Counterfeits and  would be helpful to you. Click the covers for e-books..


A Fallen Angel Name In Our Times: St. Germain

25 Nov

To my readers, I was deep into the occult for three years, when the Lord snatched me out of it and caused me to become born again on March 29, 1977.  This holiday season, I have already given thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for delivering me from a fallen angel 34 years ago. Nevertheless, my occult background was  so compatible to word of faith, charismatic teachings and practices, that  a I transitioned into them quite easily. For example, I had healing powers as a psychic. I simply transitioned those powers, believing that they were from the Holy Ghost.  My powers were very much like that of Todd Bentley.

If you have had any background in the occult, just know that once you get saved, the devil does not give up on you.  He will use your psychic powers to imitate the gifts of the Holy Ghost. If you need additional understanding, contact me at 518-477-5759  or send me a message at

The year was 1974 and I was an atheist.  I was so earthly that I seemed to be of no spiritual  good. Very practical, very much the cynic.   I first opened up my spirit when I began to study and practice relaxation therapy and hypnosis.  To my surprise, I entered into an altered state of consciousness rather easily, for someone who was as skeptical as myself.  Almost immediately, I was bombarded by spiritual experiences of various kinds.  I believe that the ASC opened the veil to my latent psychic powers.  From 1974-77, I documented in a diary about 3000 dreams, most  were clairvoyant in nature.  Sometimes I dreamed, remembered and documented as many as 10 dreams a night, some of which came to pass the very next day.

From hypnosis and dreams, I began to study astrology into the wee hours of the night.  Consumed by what I believed to be cosmic or planetary predictors of the course of human life, I initiated a study of the astrology charts of the deceased.  I targeted people who died sudden, even violent deaths.  In one particular case of a young man name Frank, I needed to know his exact birthdate and date of death so I went to the graveyard where he was buried and jotted it down from the tombstone in order to construct astrology charts for my study.

Later that same night, as I marvelled over the charts, Henry, a friend of Franks who was assisting me with information about his deceased pal, suggested that I try to contact Frank myself in a séance.  I laughed and laughed.  I did not believe in such nonsense.  However, that very night, I held my first  and only séance in the summer of 1974, never expecting that I would enter into a supernatural realm of which I was totally unaware and ill prepared to contend with.

As six people–three children and three adults, 3 male and 3 female–gathered around my friend’s dining room table in the dark, we began by making fun and nervously giggling.  We thought we were playing just another parlor game.  As we settled down and got quiet, to my amazement, when I raised my head and focused my eyes toward the center of the room, a spirit materialized directly in front of my face!

The being  manifested in the form of a huge head of a man, at least 3 times larger than the size of a normal human head.  Its substance or essence looked like a very thick cloud or a dark room filled with thick cigarette smoke.  However, the “smoke” or “cloud” formed itself into a perfect shape of a man’s head, with a U-shaped hairline, sideburns, a  mustache and full beard, wearing an old-fashioned Ascot in his neck. While doing research for my 4th book, “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us,” I found a picture of the being that strongly resembles the “smoked head.”  The ascended master who calls himself “St. Germain.  More on him later.

The room had been darkened by pulling the socket out of the walls while the lamps had been lit and on.  The “head” could not be seen in a lit room.  I inserted the plug into the socket and then removed it about three times.  While the room was dark, the “head remained.The third time that I darkened the room, the “head” disappeared suddenly. POOF!

At first I was not afraid, only excited and amazed that my entire world of skepticism and unbelief of supernatural things had just been turned upside down.  As I lay in my bed in the dark that night, I began to experience a sense of apprehension.  Finally I drifted into sleep, only to have an ominous “sleep paralysis” experience which folk from the deep south call “the haints.”  I felt like I was choking.  A heaviness came on me where I woke up thinking that my young daughter was sleeping on top of me.  I patted my body and the bed to see who it was that was smothering me.  I tried to call for help.  However, I had no voice–not even a whisper. I was so afraid at this point that I fainted.  While I was out cold I thought I heard from Frank.  A voice said “Leave me Alone!”

The complete testimony as a Christian is in “Come Out of Her God’s People.” For more, click the cover.

Leave Church: Why? Part 2

22 Nov

As I pointed out in Part 1, when I was led out of a denomination as an active pastor, I expected to be sent to another church affiliation.  So I waited.  I waited 3 years when I heard a voice say to me that “He had already judged the church and that the Holy Ghost war not there any longer. In fact, I was also informed that the Holy Ghost had left the church BEFORE I ARRIVED IN 1979!

That was another major shock.  I did not want to believe that who I had heard from was the Lord. So I began with the premise that I had heard from the devil.  The choice was easy.  Either God or the devil.It was definitely not my own soul who  spoke to me.You see,   I had become addicted to church and I did not want to go through a sudden, un-planned detox.  I had also become habituated to preaching and pastoring a congregation.  so a cold turkey withdrawal from the organized church system was too much, even for a vivid imagination like mine to conceive.

So to try the spirits to see if they be of God, I decided to study church history. I figured if the Holy Ghost had left the church, signs would be evident somewhere in 2000 years of church history. Then something happened that added to my investigation.  As I watched a video clip of a worship service led by evangelist Cindy Trimm, as hundreds fell slain like ocean waves, Trimm proclaimed “I thank you Father, that the spirit of Ashtar has fallen upon the people.”

Ashtar? Who is Ashtar?  He sounded vaguely familiar to me  from the old testament. There was a god, a fallen angel I remembered  named Ashtaroth. So I began to google and to google some more and I found the being who calls himself “Ashtar” to new age occultists. I learned that Ashtar reports to yet another fallen angel who is known as Jesus Sananda Immanuel.  I continued to study and I discovered that Sananda reports to a being called Maitreya. Maitreya’s rhetoric as channeled through various psychic mediums  read a lot like the Anti-Christ.

My studies and notes  turned into 220 pages, the book  “the Fake Jesus:Fallen Angels Among Us.” ( ebook  and the soft cover  In a nut shell, besides studying church history, I reviewed the writings communicated to various occult channels via fallen angels.I tried the spirits for ONE whole year. Once the project was completed, I came to an un-deniable conclusion.  II had heard from the Lord.  The organized church is in the same condition as a boarded up, inner city condemned building. The Holy Ghost is NOT there

Satan began to progressively establish a seat within church divisions, sects and organization since the organization of the church in the third century.If you are born again and you still attend church, the Holy Ghost will speak to you.  He may use a written blog or a book, a dream, whatever.  He may use hypocrites and haters to run you out.  If you are in the church and you have had a false conversion, if you are one of the elect, the enemy is waving a license to keep you in God’s face.  The fake Jesus stands on his rights because YOU invited him to come into you  when you repeated a sinner’s prayer, “accepted” Jesus and invited him into your heart. Sananda is the one you are worshiping.  He did not lie to his occult followers when he told them that he is in control of the organized Christian Church.

I heard from God.  That is enough to keep me out of the organized church.

 Perhaps my testimony is not enough for YOU.  That is okay.  I am assured if you belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit will speak to you and lead you out. You may have to stand alone as I stand. Believe me, Beloved. It is not so bad on my side or from  my viewpoint. If I am wrong, He will correct me.  This is my faith.  I stand on it.

Should You Leave Church? How Will You know?

22 Nov

My personal testimony of how I came to leave  the church is in the first chapters of “Come Out of Her, God’s People”. and

 In a nutshell, the Holy Spirit will inform you when it is time for you to leave church.  In fact, if it were not for Him, I would still be there.  When the Holy Spirit led me out of church, I was pastoring a work that I had founded myself.  So it had never crossed my mind to completely leave the church. For a minister of the gospel to leave church  after 25 years of faithful service sounded like a preposterous idea to me–absolutely inconceivable.  I was settled and comfortable in the denomination, in spite of the fact that I had never really been embraced with open arms. I had the best of both worlds: spiritual covering from a well-respected denomination that  left me to my own devices. So I had almost complete independence to bring forth pentecostal, word of faith teachings in a denominational setting.

So what happened?  First of all, I had a dream. A very clear, significant dream where the Lord actually spoke to me.  I wanted to believe it was the devil because I didn’t like what I heard and saw in the spirit.  I was called by name. the Spirit said “Pam, I cannot use you in this place. You are a light hidden under a bed.  You MUST leave.  But let them PUT you out!”

Put ME out?  This MUST be the devil, I thought to myself.  They can’t put me out.  I have been a faithful servant in this denomination for 25 years.!!!!

Well, I did not have long to wait. I was at the Y, doing my  afternoon lap swim  when my pregnant daughter came waddling in and screaming “they are after you, Ma! The denomination is investigating you.” I got out  of the pool, sat on its side and listened to my daughter’s emotional report.  She had run into the proverbial grapevine.  Yet this was not gossip.  It was true. The dream was confirmed in less than a week. The denomination was about to PUT ME OUT.

It took 9 months.  I had the dream in September 2003 and the denomination removed my name from its rolls in June 2004.It was June 25th, 2004. I had a dream that morning. I saw my head under the chopping block. I was beheaded. It came to me that I have the same ministry as John the Baptist: Preach repentance and prepare the way for the Lords SECOND coming.

Anyway, I still had my church that I had founded,  The denomination  had no authority or power to close it.  So I continued leading my church, expecting the Lord to send me to another church affiliation. Various sects and word of faith churches made some offers. However,  it was quite clear to me that all they wanted was my money and my attendance at their various meetings and conferences to obtain MORE money through conference fees and donations taxed my church.  We were small and poor. I could not rob my own congregation to send their  hard-earned dollars to an aloof, uncaring mega preacher, just to pay to sit on the front row of some conference.

So I waited 3 years. This time my sign  was more powerful than a dream.  I was wide awake.  I heard a voice in my head ask me this question, “Pam. would you put curtains up at the windows of a condemned building?”  I looked around to see if someone was there,  but I was alone.  I answered in my head “no.’  The voice continued.He talked for what seemed a long time.  Then He said “Pam. You are planning to travel around the world to conduct deliverance training seminars in any church that will open its doors to you.” I answered, “Yes.!”  By that time, I had been to a church in Lawrenceville Ga and one in Bermuda.

The voice then said “Well. Pam. conducting seminars in any church is like putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building, I have already judged HER.”







Leave Church–Why?

22 Nov
Why Leave Church?

There are those who are feverishly trying to save the institutional house called “church,” through evangelistic programs and revivals, church reformation attempts, mass media marketing campaigns, and ecumenical collaborations and  compromises.

These are those who believe that emphasis should be placed on saving the institution of  the organized church.  However, I believe the Lord’s declaration of the prevailing power of the church was not referring to her  as an institution, but as a spiritual body of believers who, by not denying His name and keeping the faith, would remain His.  The question is not whether or not the burning house SHOULD be saved.

No, the question goes a lot deeper.  The question is “CAN the burning house be saved?”  Quite frankly, sin and deception have permeated the house so deeply, that only a profound, deep move of repentance and contrition can save the organized church.  As Jesus declared to the 7 churches in the book of Revelation, “Remember therefore, from whence thou art fallen, and REPENT, and do the first works, or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick from its place, except  thou REPENT.” (Revelation 2:5)  Since He clearly states that the candlestick is a metaphor for the church, it is apparent that Jesus Himself will bring down the organized  church system,  the entire thing known today as “church.” However, the most important question to ask today is “has the opportunity for the church to repent expired?”

Well, I believe it has.  For three reasons.

First of all,  too many preachers, even the sincere ones, have made ministry a career rather than a calling. They can’t repent because their pocketbooks are tied to church donations. Unlike TD Jakes, Juanita Bynum, Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen, they did not make themselves independently wealthy from the donations of churchfolk who gave them their start in the first place, a foundation they usurped and became  best selling authors. The livelihood of most full time pastors is dependent upon continuing to do whatever they can to pay their bills and provide  food on their tables and care for their families with something left for retirement. Most pastors  can’t come out of the church simply because  they would experience financial ruin in a failing economy.

Secondly,  repentance would necessitate a fundamental change  in how the gospel is preached.  Preachers are proud folk.  They would rather confess  to some kind of sin of the flesh before admitting that preaching a decisional, come to the altar and accept Jesus, repeat a sinner’s prayer gospel has caused people to invite the fake Jesus into their hearts.

Thirdly, I suspect pulpits have already been taken over by religious demons and devils. The grip of these unseen forces has occurred because God Himself has sent forth a spirit of strong delusion, causing churchfolk to believe a lie. Preachers, even good, sincere, righteous men and women are already under the power of seducing spirits whose doctrines they continue to preach.

So it is time to come out.  If I am wrong, you can go back.  I suggest that you simply ask the Lord in prayer, “Say Lord, is this woman, Pam Sheppard correct?  Are the days of the organized church “done?” Is it a dangerous place?  Should I leave?

I  can tell you that if you ask Him sincerely and you are willing to obey His answer to you, then I can tell you right now that He is going to show you Himself, that you need to come out for your own safety. I explain why in detail in “Come Out of Her, God;s People.” To read further, is up to you.
e-book www.lulu,com/content/10430823 soft cover

If you are not a book reader,  you can   talk to me personally, I’m here for you.  Call me at 518-477-5759