Archive | February, 2019

Deception in the Church: On Becoming Deception-Proof by Pam Sheppard

28 Feb

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

“Just because a person is born again does not make them “deception proof.”

click book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback


The Lord would not have warned His disciples to “take heed and be not deceived” if there was no danger that they COULD be deceived. It does not matter how many things you are or were deceived about. It will all unravel like snagged yarn in a sweater.

Take me as an example.. For 25 years, I was deceived about a few things in comparison to what other churchgoers were deceived about. Yet the Holy Spirit did not release me from the deception until He was ready to. He simply stepped in when He chose the time to be right and started unraveling things. What I remain cautious about is this. Just because I am undeceived NOW, does not mean that it is impossible for me to be deceived again. For me to think otherwise would be both pride and arrogance and I do not want God to resist me.

So what is deception?

Deception has to do with thoughts in the mind. Simply put, we believe a lie or a half truth. The worst of it is the assumptions. if you start off with even one little wrong assumption, everything else falls like dominoes.

I  have  been noticing  how a person can start out with truth and how the enemy can use the truth they have received and lead them into a lie. What happens is that the enemy takes advantage of our misconception of truth. He uses the weaknesses of our personalities to lead us into believing what suits us best.

This realization is humbling me quite a bit. I believe that once we are given truth, we have to seek God in prayer to help us not to misunderstand truth for our conception of truth may cause us to err.

So my question is “how do we make ourselves fool-proofed to deception?”

I think we can all answer this from experience. Just examine how we got deceived, what was it about us that caused us to be open to the deception, and how did you come out of it?”

To know more about becoming undeceived and staying that way, the following books are recommended:

The Church of the Endtime Zombies: A Guide to Religious Detox, the New Idolatry, Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry. The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among us, War on the Saints, and Come Out of Her God’s People.  Most of these books can be obtained from

If you need the personal touch, perhaps hands on teaching or guidance, then send an email to

The Unpardonable Sin and the Passive Personality By Pam Sheppard

26 Feb

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

In both the Pentecostal and the Charismatic segments of the institutional church, it is  taught that anytime you question any supernatural manifestation as not being from God, but of being from demons, that you were blaspheming the Spirit, which was unpardonable. This is often  used as a fear tactic. Members were made to be afraid to question any supernatural manifestations, because if you doubted one and  you turned out to be wrong, you had just signed your own one-way death warrant.

To be on the safe side, you had to accept any and every manifestation and assume it was from God, in order to err on the side of caution.  Are members barking like dogs? Thrashing about, bumping into each other? Stumbling around, too drunk to walk? Speaking in a foreign tongue that sounds suspiciously similar to the tongues devil-worshipers speak in? “Well, you can’t put God in a box, surely demons could not be present here in a place so full of the anointing, where there is such a feeling of peace, holiness and love, so who am I to say it’s not God? The real deal is I have my doubts but  I don’t want to risk blaspheming the Holy Spirit.” What if some manifestation that happened turned out to really be from the enemy, and you mistakenly thought it was the Holy Spirit? Would that not be just as blasphemous?

Turns out that scripture isn’t even talking about that. Here is my  video that explains the truth about that verse.

Guilt Ridden, Passive  Personalities are At Risk

It appears that religious demons that specialize in accusing and condemning their prey, tend to target a certain personality type to get their point across. Since I am rarely   attacked in this way, my personality type is usually overlooked with this strategy. However, I have discovered in my work with people of various personality types  that accusation, condemnation and legalism seem to be the most effective demonic strategy of choice for those  who thrive off of self punishment and passivity.

The religious demon is an anti-Christ spirit whose nature is totally opposite that of the Almighty God. The religious demon usually works through a voice; the voice of condemnation. The voice constantly tells you how much of a failure you are. It tells you how your heart is not right with God and you are never going to be saved. It tells you that if you don’t read your Bible every day, and do all kinds of religious works, that you are going to hell. It also tells you that you have blasphemed God and also that you have committed the unpardonable sin.

To sum it up,  the voice or the thought  basically tells you that you’re never good enough. EVER. and the passive personality type believes it.

This is the exact opposite nature of God.  The religious demon’s strategy is to tear down rather than build up. With condemnation and accusation, religious evil spirits  uses the letter of the law to lay heavy burdens on its prey  so as to crush you.

Here is an example of an email that was sent to me recently:

I was reading through your website and I have looked over your books and I just wanted to say that I think you are a stupid Anti-Christ bitch. That is MY take on you.  If what you are telling people is God, there is no point existing here.  You are a servant of evil.

The demon using this person does not realize that this kind of thing does not affect me.

Just a  week before, I had declined to accept a particular man’s case.  Immediately,  I received  threats along with being called  “an absolutely hideous fucking bitch.” Actually, the man’s reaction to my refusal to accept his case served as justification that I made the right decision.   That is all it did.

A few days later, I receive another email, , supposedly from a friend of the man  I refused. “She”  informing me that the man had  committed suicide late that night.  “She” wrote  “give yourself a big pat on the back for the despicably wicked part you played in his death. You treated him like shit and now he is gone!”

Really???? I did not know the man.  All I know of him was what he wrote about himself  in a few emails.  I  never laid eyes on him and we live in different countries, yet I am suppose to accept  full responsibility for his life and his death? Paleese.  No way do  I accept that kind of  responsibility and guilt.  Seems  the evil spirits involved with this man  ought to know me better than THAT!!!!

My point is this.

I don’t receive accusation or guilt from  the devils and demons.  As a born again person for 38 years, one of my favorite scriptures is “there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1)  My spirit led me to know that this man is trouble that I needed to avoid. I have no malice toward him because I recognize that religious evil spirits   have spoken  to me through his mind and have used his  hand to write  those emails.  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers.  Yes ,I could be wrong that he played the role of himself and two fictitious others,  but because of the  timing and the similarity  of the  religious style and subject of  each email,   I suspect that ONE person sent all 3 emails from 3 different email accounts.  Also, I have been online since 2002.  No one has sent me emails as despicable as this in 13 years, and in one week I get 3 of them???? So since a  likeminded email was sent  less than a week AFTER the alleged suicide, I suspect that this man  is very much alive.  However, if he killed himself for real, then he knows today that what I speak is truth.

So  whether or not  the man actually  killed himself, neither  his life or his death have ever been in MY hands!  I do not personally  take responsibility for the actions of others, nor do I consider myself the Savior of the world. I am not egotistical enough to think that just because I politely  refused to take on   a case,  that a man killed himself. In fact,  I make it very clear to all clients early on  that if you tell me you are suicidal, I will immediately refer you to the local mental health facility in your community and  close your case or not open it in the first place. I have a right and a professional responsibility to refuse the case of anyone who I suspect is not going to be cooperative or responsive to deliverance counseling. In fact,  it  is beyond my professional scope  to work with delusional or suicidal people. One good reason why I don’t receive accusation and the subsequent guilt that follows is that  I rarely  override my own personal and professional  boundaries. In other words, I don’t bite  off more than I can chew.

Since God divinely blessed us all  with a  free will and a sound mind,  I am responsible for my actions and   you are responsible for yours.   What is it about some people that predisposes them to  condemnation from a religious demon yet it has rarely happened to me in all these years? Nevertheless, this recent attack was needful as it  has been enlightening on several levels. Foremost, it has shown me that  the only vehicle for communication the enemy has with me these days is  by email. My dreams are shut down, they cannot speak to me in the spirit nor give me a vision. Also,  I am careful who I allow into my personal space.

Apparently an unfamiliar  evil spirit has come on the scene who is ignorant of the fact that I am not susceptible to being manipulated and controlled by  demonic accusation, guilt and condemnation .Furthermore,  I won’t dignify any accusations with  defensive, guilt-ridden excuses covered by  of “I am so sorry” or please forgive me,  when I have done no wrong.

You must learn to do the same.

If you need help along these lines, contact me at and we can get started on your freedom from guilt.

For more guidance about this topic click the book image below for the book Faces of the Religious Demon



Christian Deliverance from the Occult

24 Feb


Most of the  demonically tormented people who I have served online   in the last ten years were active members of charismatic and Pentecostal churches. Some of them were set free but others remain tormented. So it no longer comes as a surprise to me that some of them will never find relief from demonic torment.  In pastoral counseling, it is an empirical fact that white magic practitioners who attend Christian churches are so shackled to the sin of idolatry, that release from demonic captivity is unobtainable without a thorough confession and renunciation of charismatic witchcraft.  As a consequence, the spiritual pride deeply rooted in the charismatic movement remains the stumbling block as “God resists the proud.”In the book the New Idolatry,”  a lecture concerning demonism and psychotherapy by  German psychiatrist Alfred Lechler shed a somber light on demonic captivity: In the words of Dr. Lechler:

“What then must we regard as…

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Near Death Experiences: What’s the Motive?

18 Feb


By Pam Sheppard

A “walk in” is actually a fallen angel who is said to enter the body of someone who went through a near-death experience and was still alive when the demon moved their spirit aside and “took over” both the body and the soul during or after resuscitation. In other words, as the spirit of an accident victim or of a terminally sick person loses the will to live on an operating table and begins to vacate the body, the demon steps in and takes over the dying just moments before their appointment with death. If this is true, with all of the “near death experiences” that have been reported in our lifetime who have been resuscitated, the foundation of a global build-up of true demon possession is already laid. In fact, it is not surprising that literally every “near death survivor” has “come back to life” preaching the false doctrine of universal love and universal religion with no mention of sin, repentance and the cross of Calvary.

An Excerpt from “the fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.”(soft cover)

Consequently, Satan can manipulate earth events with ‘hands-on’ experience through the embodiment of some of his demonic troops. This would also fit the description, in the Book of Revelation (e.g., Rev.9:1-12), of the demon infested conditions on earth prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the Age — not to mention those in the time of Noah (Gen.6:1-6; cf. Mt.24:37).The concept of “walk ins” may also be connected to dissociative identity disorder (DID) and other mental health conditions where a very fearful, traumatic event has caused a person to “flee out of body” in order to cope with horrendous circumstances. The flight of the human spirit in moments of great and sudden terror and fear may very well provide yet another doorway for the embodiment of a discarnate demon. Rape, horrendous accidents, brutalities, torture, horrors of war, to name a few.

So what happens to the spirit of the one who has lost the will to live at his or her death-bed once the “walk-in” WALKED IN???? My occult experience as a former psychic medium may provide a clue. Before the Holy Spirit rescued me and led me to the cross, I experienced a supernatural phenomena a handful of times in the early 70’s that can only be understood through my recent research on the so-called “embodiment” of fallen concerning the “walk-ins.” Described in three of my 9 books, the best description is in “Recovery In Christ”

“I did not think a thought or take an action without consulting my spirit guides. As time passed, the style of their communication went from Ouija Board, to spiritual writing with a pen or pencil,(channelling), to their coming into my body for about 5 minutes and speaking through my mouth by taking complete control over my larynx.

“I remember the first time that I was “taken over” or possessed by them. I did not go into a trance. I was fully conscious, but also totally out of control. One day, after an exhaustive session of spiritual writing, I began to feel dizzy and a little weak. There was a tugging feeling in my throat. Suddenly, my spirit vacated my body and stood on the opposite side of the room, listening to a conversation that others were having about me. As I stood outside of myself, I can remember thinking, “what in the world is going on here! Let me back into my body.” (pg. 26)

So since the captive to a “walk-in” has not actually died, his or her spirit is lingering on the outside. Weakened for a particular length of time, due to passivity brought about by a death wish, the captive can only return to his or her body when released by “the walk in.” Given an awareness of supernatural evil, whether or not we accept the ‘Walk-Ins’ theory — it is evident that extraordinary signs are taking place. If the rulers of the darkness of this world are now appearing in a physical body, it would appear to give credence to the fact that the aims of the Ascended Masters are being implemented on the earth today. The goal? A Universal Church that denies the cross, desensitizes sin and the need of the Savior, preaches selfhood and “breakthrough” , and a universal world order as it lifts up what the occultists refer to as “the Christ Consciousness”— a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

So as in the days of Noah, spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies has come to earth. Who knows if we may not already be entertaining “fallen” angels , unaware. So be ye also ready not to be deceived when folk come to you with “come see Jesus in the flesh over here or come see an angel in the flesh over there.”

I hope that this article is a wake up call to the elect because there are numerous signs to suggest that the ascended masters have been secretly working within the organized church since around 1830. The groundbreaking book, the Fake Jesus traces how it all began in order to assess where we stand today.



16 Feb


Pam Sheppard

When I was rather deep into the occult, New Age world in the early 70’s, looking backclick book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback now, I realize that I was under severe demonic torment.  The enemy tends to torment those that he knows that God intends to save.  I was steeped into the occult for 3 years, when like a whirlwind, the Holy Ghost scooped me up and caused me to be born again on a Monday, March 29, 1977 at 4pm in my living room.  Once I was born again, the torment completely stopped.  However, the fake Jesus didn’t stop.  He simply changed his tactics from torment to  demonic deception, which is yet another story.

I did not suffer from the torment, because I have a kind of “Star Trek” type of personality and my rational yet flexible mind did not realize that the fallen angels were trying to send me crazy.  I’m sure…

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Am I A Psychic or a Prophet?

12 Feb

Satan’s greatest joy or thrill is to deceive a person called of God to be a prophet and to turn that person into a psychic, especially a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Watch and learn!!!


By Pam Sheppard

I was recently asked  “if I am a psychic.” YouTube put that question in spam and it was deleted. Nevertheless, I addressed that question in the video.

Three  years before I was born again, a fallen angel, Germain, was training me to be a psychic. However,  I was snatched away from the occult the day I got born again.. March 29, 1977 at 4pm.  It was a Monday.  Most of my psychic powers left me immediately and suddenly, EXCEPT FOR HEALING. The power in my hands remained after I got born again. For the next 25 years,  I THOUGHT various psychic abilities WERE  FROM GOD, BUT THEY WAS NOT.

I was deceived for 25 years, a drop in the bucket compared to most churchgoers who are STILL deceived!!!

For example, I used to have divination dreams which revealed the future almost every day. Stupid stuff, like who…

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Church Genocide: The False Conversion Via the ” I Accept Jesus” Practice

12 Feb

Written by Pastor Pam Sheppard


Once the Lord opened my eyes to the false conversion epidemic more than a decade ago, the truth was so powerful and cumpelling  that I did not do any research as to whether or not other believers supported my claims–not until today.

I found an article entitled,  False Conversions and the “Sinner’s Prayer”: A Damnable Epidemic in the Modern Church! written by Landon Chapman on  9/ 9, 2014. I fully agree with almost the entire article, other than for the last sentence.  What stands out for me as complete truth is the excerpt quoted below:

Paul Washer has mentioned numerous times that he has “declared war” on the sinner’s prayer. He contends that it has sent more people to hell than anything else on the face of the earth. You may be asking, “how can he say such a thing?” The answer is quite similar to David Platt; search the scriptures and tell me where anyone evangelized that way. The scripture does not say that Jesus Christ came to the nation of Israel and said that the time is fulfilled and the kingdom of God is at hand, now who would like to ask me into their heart?! No, he said repent and believe the Gospel!
To further illustrate how ridiculous this has become in the evangelical church, I once heard a story told by an itinerant preacher about how he witnessed something he has never forgotten. He was at a service where there was an altar call and a man had come down to speak to one of the pastors. After a few minutes of chatting, the preacher asked if the man would like to pray and accept Jesus into his heart. Obviously uncomfortable and not fully on board, the preacher then said that he would pray the prayer for him and, if he agreed, to squeeze the pastor’s hand. This scene played out and the pastor proclaimed the man saved! To date, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard! Do you think that man understood he was as sinner? Do you think that man understood that he’s not a good person and that he’s in dire need of a savior? How could he possibly know these things when no one ever told him! (Romans 10:14)
Do not make your evangelistic goal be for someone to recite the sinner’s prayer. Give the full picture of the Gospel which includes the Law. You’re not being a big meanie because you help someone to realize they are a sinner in need of a Savior. You’re actually loving that person enough to set aside your personal fear because you care for their soul.

The idolatry of decisionism. Men think they are going to Heaven because they have judged the sincerity of their own decision. When Paul came to the church in Corinth, he did not say to them, “Look, you’re not living like Christians so let’s go back to that one moment in your life when you prayed that prayer and see if you were sincere.” No, he said to test yourselves, examine yourselves to see if you’re in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. It is a work of God. The evidence of conversion is not just a measure of your sincerity at the moment of conversion, it is ongoing fruit in your life. Sixty to seventy percent of Americans claim they’re converted and yet we kill how many babies each day? While that’s incredibly harsh to hear it is not without merit.

Yet here is the problem.  At the close of this article, the author writes the following:

Do not let another day pass. Put your full faith and trust in our savior Jesus Christ and repent of your sins. Avoid becoming a false convert and join Him in paradise.

How do we put our full  faith and trust in the Lord and repent of our sins?  Is this not yet another decision that will lead to yet another false conversion?

Without the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing.  Anything the flesh does in a religious way will produce yet  another false conversion.  Furthermore, the message of “I accepted Christ” is so preposterous that it is an offense to the triune Godhead. We DO NOT ACCEPT CHRIST. NO ONE CAN BE SAVED UNLESS GOD HIMSELF HAS ALREADY MADE THE CHOICE!!!! The Father and the Son have already done the choosing or the electing before the beginning of recorded time. (EPhesians. 1:1-10)

When the sinner actually hears the call, he simply responds. Even when a sinner cries out for Jesus, it may appear to be an act of his own free will, yet the Lord said that no man can come to Him unless the Father which sent Him draws them. (John 6:44)

Subsequently, even when a sinner begs the Lord for mercy to save him, he does so because he has been drawn to the cross by the Holy Ghost. Therefore, even our repentance is not human but godly. Godly sorrow is a repentance for sin that has been divinely given to the sinner to cause him to repent, to sorrow over the Lord’s sacrifice. At the cross, a sinner’s spirit is washed, cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
When you “accepted” Jesus, you may not realize it but you lifted up self. Why? Because your boasting is made easy, every time you declare to others, “I ACCEPTED JESUS!” It is important to state here that nothing stops God, not even the church. When the Lord is ready for the elect, He calls them. If they are sitting on a church pew, He can still reach them, regardless of what they have been listening to. The problem is that many of the elect who are in church believe that they are already saved but they are not. The Father plans to save them. Nevertheless, for the Holy Ghost to draw them to a genuine salvation experience, the strong man must be bound with the light of truth. In this instance, the “strong man” is the religious demon, aka,the Fake Jesus. Why? Because you “accepted Jesus,” the fake Jesus answered you and accepted YOUR INVITATION to come into your heart chakra! That spirit needs to be cast out before God will cause you to repent.
The genocide of the institutional church has been deep, far-reaching in its destructive  effects. It’s difficult to resurrect the dead from the spiritual consequences of a false conversion. yet it is not Impossible.  If you want help, send an email to or call  888-818-1117. False Conversions

Stalked by Guardian Angels, Fallen Angels and Evil Spirits

9 Feb

We need to be aware of the interplay between our guardian angels and the evil spirits that Satan has assigned to defeat and destroy us.


We are literally stalked by them.  They are around us ALL the time. Guardian angels are for the elect only.  They protect the born again as long as we don’t provoke them with our free will, in disobedience to God.   They will fight for us as long as our free will does not resist them.  They will protect our blind side by opposing evil spirits when these entities from Satan try to distract, deceive and even destroy us.

To know more, click here

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Reflexions on Deliverance and Demonic Manifestations by Pam Sheppard

1 Feb

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

Written by: Pastor Pam Sheppard

I no longer consider myself a deliverance minister within the general expectations of the Christian world.  In fact, I only use the title for want of a better keyword to fit the requirements of Internet search engines.  Since 1983 with my first deliverance, I have developed a skeptical sense about what is actually going on within deliverance ministry circles. What has been proven to me particularly within the last decade is that evil spirits love deliverance ministry because it provides them with unique and almost unlimited opportunities to communicate and “put on a show of theatrics with their various “manifestations.”

For example, take Catholic exorcisms.  With all the demonic teachings like the deification of both Mary and the saints, how could a Catholic cast out demons, as both are a part of the same kingdom and as the Lord stated, “Satan does not cast out…

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