Stand Up Ye Saints

10 Aug

The world has become ever more complicated, and people of the world have grown ever more manipulative and controlling. We have to be on guard, brave and bold so we do not fall victim and in bondage to people, places or things of the world. Stand up ye saints!

Be On Guard

Manipulative and controlling people exist. They are in your home, at your job, and even can be your wife or your husband. Manipulative people often get away with their games because we become numb, passive, and rationalize their behavior—rather than listen to instincts and confront.

Usually it happens from the moment we meet them. There are certain red flags, and things we felt were wrong but we take our guard down for various reasons:

1) We want to be accepted 2) there’s something they have that you want and 3) you are afraid of conflict.

These three things 1) acceptance 2) desire and 3) fear of conflict are what manipulators use to their advantage. And what we must deeply realize is that the toxic behaviors of manipulating people are often subconscious to them, or they have no idea they are toxic and controlling people: which makes them completely susceptible to be used by Satan. Stand up ye saints!

Acceptance, Desire, Conflict

Every human being from the moment they are born is seeking acceptance. The first humans we generally become accepted by are our parents. And it is our parents that can often be the most manipulative people in our lives because of this fact.

In any situation when we are seeking acceptance from people we put down our guard and become vulnerable. We become vulnerable because we place more value and concern about what other people think, rather than what you think: your beliefs, your cares, your conscience.

When this happens, they have access, in a “godfather” type of “kiss the ring” analogy. While your stance on things slowly deteriorates, their stance begins to dominate you, and risk putting you into bondage.

Manipulative people not only dominate over people who have acceptance issues, but they also seek for your ultimate desires, if there’s anything you want from them. This is when you have to be “innocent as doves” but also “wise as a serpent” and conceal what you want, your dreams, and your plans.

Once you open up what you truly want to worldly people, the Devil will use these people to derail your journey in Christ and control what you should have in life and put all those things “like a carrot on a string” and have you following after it like a mule.

The final and ultimate reason why we become controlled by other people is because we avoid conflict and have a fear of confrontation. If you don’t stand up and fight, you will always be in bondage. It’s better to lose fighting and still have your soul, than to lose your soul for the sake of pleasing toxic people… Stand up ye saints!

Be Inspired

Look at Hebrews chapter 11, to see that all it takes to stand up, is a little faith. You see, controlling people ultimately are puppets of the Devil used to keep you from having your freedom in Christ and reaching your purpose.

Look at the women in Egypt who defied the evil decree of Pharaoh to kill their children, because of that Moses was born. We see Moses, rise and stand up to Pharaoh and free the people of God from the chains of slavery.

We also see Rahab did not care to be accepted by her own culture, standing against them and helped the Israelite spies seize Jericho.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego refused to bow their knee to the demonic idol set up by king Nebuchadnezzar, they stood alone amongst their own people and were thrown into fire, but not a hair on their head was scorched.

Daniel too, when the demonic decree was issued that prayer was forbidden, he stood up against it, and despite being thrown in the lions den, the mouths of them were shut by his prayer.

Are You Standing?

All things work together for good, for those who belong in Christ. Whatever areas in your life you are struggling to stand, God is with you and wants you to have the victory.

What you should gleam from the previous examples is that conflict is inevitable when you stand up, BUT GOD WILL PROTECT YOU FROM SATANIC RETALIATION!

So, stand up ye saints! Stand! Stand up against the darkness of this age! Stand up against the principalities! Use the armor of God. Declare your allegiance to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We have not been given a spirit of fear, but of love, of power and of a sound mind.

Take heart, be brave, watch. The enemy comes in many forms, in darkness, as an angel of light, with intelligence, with schemes, devices, and plots, all to make you passive, weak and succumbing to temptation, deception and darkness. To rob you of your joy and freedom, to plunder your peace. But he first has to bind you! By using human manipulation, guilt, and fear—stand up ye saints!

Jesus Christ of Nazareth is returning soon! Will He find you standing? Or will He find you bound? The victory is in Him, so be strong in Him! And in the MIGHT OF HIS STRENGTH!

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