Archive | October, 2017

The Lord’s Burden is Light! We Answer Your Questions!

21 Oct

Coaching is an expensive field. We have scholarship capabilities for those who are not financially grounded. We are not prosperity coaches based upon the false doctrine of prosperity. Yet we strongly believe that the workman is worthy of his meat. Our experience is that what comes cheap or is not valued. A disrespected message is not received and time is wasted.

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

I personally love it when those I coach ask questions. Yet there will always be those few people who have ulterior motives for asking them, most not realizing that they are being used by the enemy to waste my time, getting caught up in a religious argument for the sake of strife and debate.

I can easily recognize when people are trying to stump me or put me on the spot. The Lord recognized that from the religious zealots of His day and He did not allow them to divert Him from His mission, nor did He cast His pearls to swine.

If a question is not going to take me an hour to answer, then by all means, go ahead and ask the question that is on your mind. If it is going to take time on my part to answer it and I believe it is a worthy…

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What Coaching As a Pastor Means To ME!

21 Oct

Integrity or the Lack Thereof! by Pam Sheppard

“Why Deliverance Counseling?” by Pam Sheppard

I receive my share of emails that either have “help me” in the title, or they end with “help me.”  No other info provided.

My style of coaching is to help folk to “help themselves.” My goal is to cause those I help to become bold, independent and strong, just like I am.

So to ask me for help in a desperate sounding way tells me that the seeker is looking for all the work to come entirely from me. A passive Christian perceives a pastor as one jumps out like superwoman, whip out my “anointing” to miraculously set them free while they just passively lay back and do nothing. The truth is that the answers to your captivity are within your own souls. As coach, my job is to uncover and discover where your own anointing lies.

My thoughts are, “you got into this. I will help you but you have to follow my lead and help yourself to get out of this mess.

So when you call me and report that you are living in sin, that you are STILL going to church or watching mega preachers on TV, that you are still following indigenous customs of your ancestors and culture, the way to help yourself is to cease and desist from these actions BEFOE I can help.

Check out these crucial words from the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew. 12:29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.

My take on this scripture is that if a person is strong, the enemy can’t spoil his house unless he first renders him helpless by tying him up. It is my job to make you stronger.

The institutional church has wrongly referred to Satan as the strongman, in spite of the clarity of the Lord’s words in Matthew 12:29. The strongman is US, not the enemy. We are strong until we permit the enemy to tie us up.

When the Lord spoke these words, no one was yet born again. So I perceive it safe to assume that this scripture applies to any strong-willed person. it’s a natural fact. We will all fight for what is ours unless a thief threatens our lives with a deadly weapon. Only under such dire circumstances will we allow ourselves to sit in a chair and passively let an intruder wrap us around with a rope and tightly tie it to completely immobilize us. Even when tied up, our minds will search around the room for something sharp to untie ourselves when we get a chance.

From a spiritual perspective, whenever The Lord used the word “house,” he was symbolically referring to our souls. The enemy is the one who binds our souls with invisible chains and cords.. Since the soul consists of the mind, the emotions, the will power, and the personality, if our souls our bound, then we are certainly rendered helpless.

So my job as both pastor and coach is to help you unwind yourself. Yes, I have the power to cast out demons in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Yet if you are not unbound within your belief system and your personality, the enemy will bind you AGAIN.

So if you want my help, the best effort I can give to you is to build your strength so that once you are free, you have the capacity to remain free and even set others free!!!

Here are resources that will also help.

To Avoid Apostasy in End Times: Stay Out of Haunted Houses!

21 Oct

When I was a faithful pastor in the institutional church, aka the IC, I had several memorable dreams that showed me her spiritual condition of  but I misinterpreted them. I thought the dreams were pertaining to the actual church in the dream , when that  particular church was only intended to be representative.

A symbol OF THEM ALL.

In these dreams, the pulpit and altar area were defiled with menstrual blood, feces and urine. I would also dream about toilets overflowing in the sanctuary. I did not understand those dreams until after I left the IC.

I now know that the defilement represented the plagues. For in the natural, plagues have broken out because of infectious, unclean conditions like rats and such. The unclean natural condition of a house will cause it to be condemned, boarded up. A haunted house is filled with the demons that once inhabited the dead who lived in that house. When the inhabits died, the demons came out and did not have anywhere else to go and reside unless new people rented or bought the house.

I call the IC a haunted house because it is filled with evil spirits who have taken Her  over, because of the plagues. These are the seducing spirits that the Apostle Paul warned Timothy about.  They are fallen angels that specialize in teaching religion.  Jesus called the religious folk of his day, white washed tombs on the outside, contaminated with dead men’s bones on the inside. This is the institutional church today. It is a huge whitewashed tomb. A haunted house.

Don’t let the white washed physicality, Her stained glass beauty fool you. The spirit realm is invisible to our eyes but it still exists. In the spirit realm, every pulpit is covered in unclean blood, urine and feces, no matter how sincere the pastor or how helpful and kind are Her members.

If you want to assemble  in a safe place, you can give RESCUE Fellowship Online a try for 30 days.  If you are interested, complete the contact form below:

A Profile of A Religious Detox

10 Oct

By Gloria

As a member of RESCUE who has experienced being set free from demons, one of the things that surprised me as I went through counseling and detoxed from religion was the fact that I had engaged in witchcraft without my knowledge. Looking back I never interacted with people who engaged in witchcraft. In fact, to my knowledge,i never even read occult books or watched any occult shows. I considered such things as the worship of the devil— pure evil which i didn’t want to be associated with.

Consequently, It was shocking and humbling to discover that some of my self- righteous religious acts were no different from those of a new age practitioner . So even though I never engaged in the occult, it was shocking to discover that I learned witchcraft practices in the Institutional Church.

Witchcraft can simply be defined as the practice of magic, the use of spells and invoking spirits.

There are several ways that I was duped into witchcraft while attending an Institutional church.

Witchcraft Prayers

I owned several spiritual warfare books and recited statements that involved commanding “angels”, the stars, planets and even God. I would bind the devil and cast him back to hell. These prayers used scripture out of context. For sure, no human can command God to do anything, so to think otherwise is foolish. We lie to ourselves if we think God is at our beck and call.

To command the sun, moon, planets and stars is delusional, but to command angels has a dangerous spin to it. Gods’ angels do not accept our invitations or instructions but fallen angels do, in order for the devil to have legal right to be in your life, you have to invite him in.

My invitation to these fallen angels had severe consequences. I started suffering from demonic torment – my mind, body and soul was under constant attack. My fear grew greatly as the attacks would happen mainly at night.

During prayer meetings, people used to be manipulated to change their ways by being shamed in public prayers where intercessors would air out people’s issues. When ministers control & manipulate people’s behavior, their actions are a clear sign of witchcraft. There are many examples of how people are controlled in the church and public prayer is one of the them.

Religious Rituals

To counter the demonic torment that I suffered from, I turned to more rituals – applying anointing oil on my bed, door, windows, ceilings and on myself. Inviting the Holy Spirit to come in and fill my apartment, I played worship music and recited bible verses and prayers. None of this helped, In fact, I simply added fuel to the fire. My religious acts were also motivated by fear not faith.


I would also, seek out random passages in the Bible and apply them to my life with no regard for the context. I also used it to “decree and declare” my future and pray for certain events to occur. This practice which I was taught in the church actually comes from the Middle ages where people who practiced divination would open the bible and whichever page they landed upon, they would read out the scripture and use it to give spiritual insight into what they are looking for. I was pretty much behaving like my own psychic.

Worshipping in the flesh

The Bridal paradigm in the church has brought about the increase of love songs to Jesus which are disguised as praise and worship songs. Everytime I engaged in a worship session, I would feel warm and tingly in my chest, I assumed that these were “feelings of God’s love” overflowing in me. These experiences were short lived which caused me to depend upon an emotional roller-coaster. The more I felt unloved,the more needed to attend more worship sessions to feel loved. I’ve come to learn that love is not a feeling & more importantly the Holy Spirit does not entertain our flesh. These manifestations of “love” were all sensual and had nothing to do with the Spirit of God. True believers of the Lord Jesus have to worship in Spirit & in Truth.

In the New Idolatry, Pastor Pam Sheppard writes in detail how witchcraft has infiltrated the Institutional Church, One part that stood out to me is how a new age practitioner and a Charismatic Christian could address a similar issue using methods that many would assume are worlds apart, when in reality, they actually are similar and run parallel to each other. Below is an excerpt from the book:-

“For the sake of comparison, consider how both a new age practitioner and a Charismatic Christian would approach a typical problem, namely, a woman seeking to stop the infidelity of a lover or husband. From the occultist, the woman might be required to purchase a defense enchantment like burying her man’s shirt at full moon, while pronouncing a curse or a magic formula seven times. As the shirt wears out and disintegrates in the ground overtime, so also will the man’s love for the other woman fade and dissolve.

Both the occultists and those deceived by charismatic teachings rely on the credulity and readiness of those they counsel and advise. In like manner, charismatic witchcraft might approach this classic problem from a variety of religious perspectives, with the twist that God is made amenable to the woman’s plans. Supernatural dreams and visions labeled the discerning of spirits, a word of wisdom, a word of knowledge and prophecy, intercessory prayers of “binding and loosing” and the taking of scripture out of their natural context and applying them to the woman’s personal agenda are the primary methods of choice. In this instance, the woman might be advised to pray over her man’s side of the bed, anoint it with oil or holy water, name it and claim it by sending forth evil prayers against her man’s lover, in unsavory ways unbefitting to Jesus Christ, and pray controlling, manipulative prayers to change the man’s behavior.Rather than deal openly with the issues of infidelity, sin and spousal abuse, Charismatics are infamous for seeking “the supernatural solution.”

To my dismay, I learned, that many practices both in and out of the church that are widely accepted as normal today actually have their origins in witchcraft. I thank God for my deliverance journey that started when I reached out to Pastor Pam who walked me through the deliverance process, helped me break my false conversion and discard false teachings. I got healed from my torment once I received the truth about the Lord Jesus Christ.

Since we live in such deceptive times, you could be engaging in witchcraft practices, totally unaware. The danger in doing so is you open yourself up to the spiritual world and give demons legal rights to enter your life and run it amok.

If you need to learn more on how witchcraft got widely accepted in the church and how to avoid being deceived get a copy of “The New Idolatry” at

Does Jesus Sananda Have Your Soul?

9 Oct

The one who is in control of the message is in control of your soul. Behind the pulpits of every church, no matter how faithful or sincere the preacher, is an unseen force, orchestrating the delivery of the message. That unseen force consists of  a cadre of fallen angels who are known in the New Age occult world as ascended masters. If they ascended from anywhere, it was from the pit of

The one in control of the message who dispatches  countless lower level evil spirits is the one called Jesus Sananda Immanuel seen in the image. He is the great imposter who has successfully imitated the real Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. How Sananda infiltrated the institutional church is a long story. To know more, you need the book “the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.” It can be obtained here:

Paperback, cover_fake_Jesus


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Does Jesus Sananda Have Your Soul?

9 Oct

The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth asked an interesting question. How many believers would He find on earth when He returns..

The rhetorical answer can be inferred to be “not many.” Why? Because of false conversions.

A false conversion occurs in the following instances:

1. A person makes a decision to “accept” Jesus and then ends up boasting, “I am saved because I chose to follow Jesus.” Often this person has repeated a sinner’s prayer or responded to a minister’s invitation to “walk forward” at the close of the sermon. There is also no evidence of repentance. Nor is there evidence that the believer understood either the cross or the resurrection of Jesus Christ at the time of the alleged salvation experience.

2. A person assumes because his or her family are professing, churchgoing Christians, and since he or she has attended church from birth, that he or she is “saved.”

3. A Charismatic/Pentecostal person has sought the Holy Ghost through the manifestation of the speaking in tongues. Since the believer actually had a “tongue manifestation,” an assumption is made that the person is saved.

What I have uncovered through deliverance counseling, is this.

To review or purchase a paperback, click the book’s cover. To purchase an e-book, click the title link highlighted in the text.

When a counterfeit birth has taken place, the devil steps in, represented by a fallen angel who now calls himself “Jesus Sananda Immanuel.” You can either obtain a copy of my book, “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us,” or google with Sananda’s name, and you will find that Sananda claims that he has infiltrated the entire organized church. Consequently, when prayers and worship are offered, it is Sananda, and not Jesus Christ of Nazareth who is unknowingly appealed to. So in other words, the believer is actually practicing idolatry without realizing what has occurred and who he or she is worshiping.

If I were a betting person, I would put all of my savings on the expectation that 90% of the people who sincerely believe that they are born again fall in one of the three categories cited. Yet there is a fourth category. It includes those who have had supernatural experiences which included sin, the cross, godly sorrow with the bodily resurrection of the Lord either minimized, assumed, or not a part of the experience AT All. This category ads another 5% to those who have had a false conversion. The other 5 % were born again BEFORE they went to church, either in their homes, at an airport, etc.

My point is: THEY DID NOT BECOME BORN AGAIN INSIDE A CHURCH. If they believe they did, then they are deceived.

How many of the people who have had a false conversion are of the elect of God? I don’t know. I suspect between 25-75%. The rest are damned anyway because God did not choose them.

The Fake Jesus


Examining whether or not YOU are in the faith is scriptural. So check out II Cor 13:5. If you want help with this very important task, fill out the contact form below. Provide a detailed description of the day you believe you got born again in the comment box.


Let Us Clean Up the House BEFORE the Bridegroom Comes!

7 Oct

I personally suspect that the institutional church has already been judged relatively recently, perhaps decades, maybe even a century ago. So the church is not “the house.”

click book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback

Satan began to progressively establish a seat within church divisions, sects, and organizations since around the third century. Therefore, I believe that the book of Revelation was prophetically  written about every church age. However, death has been a real blessing for the saints who have already left this earth prior to “the end.” Truly, those who are alive when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for the dead and the living will face a challenge that no other church age has been required to face. I believe that we are approaching  that hour NOW—as we live in the best of times and the worst of times.

IT WOULD SURPRISE ME IF WE HAVE 10 YEARS LEFT TO PREPARE. So the house that we are to clean up is within us. Spirit, soul and body. If we clean up the spirit and the soul first, the body will follow.

We all have been lulled into a semi or fully delusional state where we are drugged into believing something we know deep down inside ‘just isn’t right.’ We just went to church and went along with the programs to get along. We didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled ‘rebellious,’ ‘unfaithful,’ “homophobic, “‘unteachable,’ or a host of other names leadership likes to place on thinking people who were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know both error and  game when we see it.

When I was a faithful pastor in the institutional church, , I had several memorable dreams that showed me the spiritual condition of the entire IC but I misinterpreted them. I thought the dreams were pertaining to the actual church I saw, when a particular church was only intended to be representative. A symbol OF THEM ALL.

In these dreams, the pulpit and altar area were defiled with menstrual blood, feces and urine. I would also dream about toilets overflowing in the sanctuary. I did not understand those dreams until after I left the IC.

I now know that the defilement represented the plagues. For in the natural, plagues have broken out because of infectious, unclean conditions like rats and such. The unclean natural condition of a house will cause it to be condemned, boarded up. A haunted house is filled with the demons that once inhabited the dead who lived in that house. When the inhabits died, the demons came out and did not have anywhere else to go and reside unless new people rented or bought the house.

I call the IC a haunted house because it is filled with evil spirits who have taken Her over, because of the plagues. These are the seducing spirits that the Apostle Paul warned Timothy about. They are fallen angels that specialize in teaching religion. Jesus called the religious folk of his day, white washed tombs on the outside, contaminated with dead men’s bones on the inside. This is the institutional church today. It is a huge whitewashed tomb. A haunted house.

Don’t let the white washed physicality, Her stained glass beauty fool you. The spirit realm is invisible to our eyes but it still exists. In the spirit realm, every pulpit is covered in unclean blood, urine and feces, no matter how sincere the pastor or how helpful and kind are Her members.

I treat the IC “without comment or notice.” I don’t even keep up with what she is doing nor do I spend much time warning people to “come out of Her.” I have faith that the Lord will find a way to rescue His elect from Satan’s  grip. My task is simply to bind up the wounded and prepare the elect for the next battle.

Just know that I cannot fight for you until you are no longer attending the institutional church, ANYWHERE. Even if you are in a home church, teaching and preaching in the same manner as the IC, you are still associated with what is unclean.

I only expect a few to contact me. You will know in your spirit if I am the person to pastor you online. When you have heard from the Lord, call me at 1-888-818-1117 or send an email to

BE Set Free From Endtime Fear!

1 Oct

In the USA, fear overtook us in the month of September, on the 11th day in 2001.


I recall the day well. A New Yorker from birth, I sat in front of the TV, bible open to Revelation 18. I saw both towers hit and watched in shock and amazement as the dust from the fallen buildings ran like a subway around the city, looking much like what is described in the scripture concerning “world trade:”

The merchants of these things, which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing, And saying, Alas, alas that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off, And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city! And they cast dust on their heads, and cried, weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas that great city, wherein were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness! for in one hour is she made desolate.

So September 11, 2001 began a prophetic countdown for me that has continued  the next 16 years. Although  I kept in mind the Lord’s words  as recorded in Matthew 24, I understood that “the end was not yet.” Nevertheless,  the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City  personally designated a signal that it was time to begin to prepare and expect the Lord’s soon return.

Sixteen years have  passed, with specific revelations tried and tested to be from the Holy Spirit.

In 2001-2002, I was shown some key truths about casting out of demons and healing. In 2003, the Lord spoke to me in a dream, advising me that  I must come out of a church denomination that ordained me—a place where I had pastored 3 churches over a span of 25 years. By 2004, I was out the institutional church. By 2007, I heard the voice of God reveal to me the condition of the IC . It was that year that I knew that I would not return.   In 2008, I closed the church I had founded in 1996. By 2011, I was shown in a dream how Russia would infiltrate the USA, first by a cyber attack that would take place under President Obama’s administration. By 2012, I started an online ministry called RESCUE, by 2016, the message in the dream of 2011 came to pass. From 2004-2014, I wrote 7 books.

This timeline is important because each year following 9/11/2001 served as orderly and sequential steps that were crucial to my preparation Delete repeated word to minister in these times.

Today is October 1, 2017. Looking back on the previous month that just ended yesterday—September 2017–has brought a sense of fear into the hearts of most Americans.  With each natural disaster, the underlying message  received by  people of various racial, political and religious persuasions is that we  are living in perhaps the end of end times. Yet in spite of the signs, only a very few are expecting the Lord Jesus Christ to soon re-appear, subdue and rule the earth with an iron rod.

I have lived in NY my entire life.  For those of us 50 years old and beyond,  the natural  disasters of September 2017  in less than a two-week period, is a first time phenomena. What is both striking and startling is not only the extent of the devastation but the synchronicity and frequency is particularly  foreboding. In spite of the fact that advanced forecasting technology was able to pinpoint the eye of each storm, the country was practically powerless against hurricane Harvey, Irma and Maria. Finally, the sudden and unexpected the earthquake in Mexico compounded national fear.

So yes ,  I suspect there is much fear in the hearts of North Americans, compounded by an ever-increasing, menacing dialogue between the US and North Korea that threatened and continues to lead closer to a nuclear war, occurring simultaneously with both the hurricanes and the earthquake, September 2017 was the most difficult month I have ever witnessed.  NO doubt. September 2017 may go down in history as the month that disasters  spoke to North Americans  “the end is near.”

Yet I am not  afraid. Instead, I am energized and hopeful as I continue to watch prophetic scriptures be fulfilled before my very eyes.

For example, when I open my bible to Daniel 12:4, I read that in the last days, many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall increase. This prophecy has been fulfilled before our very eyes.

Surely around the globe, people  all running to and fro on the Internet highway with information as close to their finger tips  as a search box, a keyword, or an icon button.  Scores of millions, perhaps billions of people each hour of the day are rushing to and fro on the worldwide web, soaking up fake news as well as  valid information they have no ability to interpret or comprehend.\. Much knowledge is available yet discernment, truth and wisdom continues to evade most internet travelers.

Such a condition did not prevail in any other generation but ours.

So I understand that those without Christ have legitimate reasons to be afraid in this hour.

Yet to His own, the Lord comforts us with “be not afraid.”

You may ask yourself, “how can this be?” The few own everything, control all, and even during the disastrous month of September 2017, there are those among us whose self centeredness, thoughtlessness, and greed propels them continue to feed  on the flesh, blood and bones of the poor. So how is it that we can live without fear in these perilous times?

The Lord warns His people that we are not to fear those who can kill the body without being able to destroy our spirits and our souls in hell. Only He has that power. I fear not because only God can wipe me off of this planet. He knows my exact location without the need of a GPS tracker. A thousand any fall at my side and 10,000 at my right hand, but  it shall to come nigh me. I already experienced God’s divine protection just  a few years ago with hurricane Irene. No damage. No loss of power, while others less than one mile away were without power and suffered severe damage to their dwellings.

If I die, I will be immediately with Jesus. I will barely be in the ground before the Lord will raise me from the dead, where I will meet Him in the air. If I live, my body will be immediately changed from mortality to eternal longevity. Therefore, dead or alive, the Lord is my protection. I look forward to a future where the Lord Jesus is King of both this planet and the universe. One day soon, I will rule with Him and the rest of His Chosen ones, the elect of God!

If you desire to overcome fear with faith, you might be interested in RESCUE ONLINE FELLOWSHIP. If so, contact us AT 888-818-1117 OR SEND AN EMAIL TO