Archive | June, 2020

A Generational Curse or a Plague?

25 Jun
The Plagues of End Times

Do you believe that curses have been passed on to you from your ancestors, as far back as four generations? If this is what you believe, then you are in denial of the scripture that assures you that those who are in Christ have been delivered from all the power of darkness and the wicked one cannot touch us. (Col. 1:12; 1 John 5:18). No curse can go through the cross of Christ and have dominion over those who are in Christ. We are not under a curse once we have come through the cross. Every spiritual blessing is for us who are in Christ Jesus (Eph. 1:3). Anyone that insists they are cursed needs to know who they are in Christ, and maybe who Christ is as the Spirit of adoption (Rom.8:15).

What I have found is that those who have been involved in deliverance ministries have actually brought a curse upon themselves by accepting a specific generational curse as a fact. As a result, their belief in this teaching actually creates a self-fulfilling prophecy that the worker and the captive actually bring to pass together.As Paul warned the Galatians, any one who adds to or detracts from the gospel of Jesus Christ will become CURSED.

Ironically, the generational curses teaching adds to and detracts from the gospel of Jesus Christ, particularly the power of the cross. This teaching promotes a law that hinders grace, and it is by grace that we are set free from the curse of the law. Consequently, those who uphold the “generational curses” doctrine which states that Satan and his demons create curses for Christians because of ones ancestors, actually opens the door to a curse.

Taken a step further, this false teaching actually creates the fear that put those who believe in it in even more bondage than what they may originally have sustained! We as believers “have not received a spirit of fear but power, love and a sound mind.” If you believe this teaching, you are risking the soundness of your mental state, bringing on further anxiety and stress that may “cause you to faint” when you enter into spiritual battle against demons.

Therefore, if you stand in spiritual warfare with a deliverance worker against a self-proclaimed curse that was never there in the first place, you forfeit the grace that is needed to set you free. This teaching is particularly dangerous because it implies that Jesus didn’t break the curse on the cross. As such, it stands to reason that if you believe that you are in bondage to a generational curse, then you must not be born again.

If you are not born again then you are STILL under the power of darkness and Jesus did not remove your sins and His blood has not cleansed you from sin. Therefore, you have NOT been translated out of darkness and the spiritual weapons of Ephesians 6 will not work for you, if you are in bondage to a generational curse.

So what does the devil get out of this false teaching?  He gets those who teach it and those who believe it to lose grace and to weaken their faith.  

Consider this. There is a difference between a curse and a plague. By the cross, Jesus delivers us from a curse because when we become born again, old things become new and the past is washed in the precious blood of the Lamb, which includes any sins that your ancestors may have committed that could possibly affect YOU. A curse is specific in that it
is an appeal to a supernatural power for harm to come to specific people,places and things.

A plague is “different.”

A plague is much more general. It’s like a tornado. When it hits NO ONE is spared from its effects and even the innocent who are simply in the wrong place at the time of the tornado. The innocent get swept up with the guilty.

A plague is a widespread affliction, a sudden destructive influx or an outbreak. It can also be persistent, but it is also infectious–in the spirit, a plague can be compared to a highly infectious disease like The Coronavirus. The impact of Covid 19 is plague-like—-not discriminating between guilty and innocent, good and evil.

Jesus warned the elect of God to “come out of Her, lest ye be partakers of HER sins and receive of HER plagues.” If He is referring to the institutional church, then the innocent will be partakers of the plagues along with the guilty. Those who hear the warning and continue to remain in a defiled place are subject to a plague, and the elect of God are not exempt from it. For what has been prophesied 20 centuries ago by the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos cannot be changed. Consequently, it is presumptively foolish for ministers to believe they can stop or even mitigate the effects of Coronavirus with prayers when it is Jesus Himself who shall release the metaphorical rider of the pale horse of the book of Revelation:

When He (the Lamb) broke open the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature call out, “Come.” So I looked, and behold, an ashen (pale greenish gray) horse [like a corpse, representing death and pestilence]; and its rider’s name was Death; and Hades (the realm of the dead) was following with him. They were given authority and power over a fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague (pestilence, disease) and by the wild beasts of the earth.
Revelation 6:7-8 – Amplified

In “Come Out of Her, God’s People you will find these words:

‘There are many who practice a professing Christian religion who live under a curse because they have either added to or taken away from the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I have found from our studies that demons are having a field day with professing Catholics, Mormons, (Latter Day Saints) Jehovah Witnesses, Coptics, Christian Scientists and others.  When you profess to be a Christian yet Jesus is not Lord and the Holy Spirit is not God in your so-called Christian faith, demons will use this fact against you as an occasion to rule in your life.  The demons will be successful because you are practicing a religion that has “added to or detracted” from the gospel.”

Since most of those who contact Pam Sheppard Ministries to be set free from demonic torment were also attending a church that could not deliver them, I simply asked them to give me 90 days of no church attendance. Unfortunately, those who can’t do so are not delivered. They are not cursed but “plagued.”

Let a word to the wise be sufficient.

The Tribulation: Signs to Wonder About

God is the one opening eyes

17 Jun

In this testimony, I will share with you how God got me to see the action of the fake Jesus in my life and how I had a deep relationship with him and not the only real God as I thought while coming in this ministry.

The realest revelation ever

My name is Elisabeth. I am a french Caribbean young woman, raised catholic deeply involved in church since a young age. I served mass, sang in the choir, was in a prayer group dedicaded to Mary and went to Medugorje (pilgrimage place of Mary worldwide) twice. All was kind of well between me and “”god”” until I saw a video where a girl shared her trip-to-hell dream. I never heard hell talked about and suddenly I became aware of that and VERY afraid. Here began religious torment.
October 2019, I attended a 7th day adventist church. There I learned about how unbiblical and witchcrafty the Catholic Church was and it broke me. I entered another religious bondage through harsh legalism. I was already in torment, obsessed with dying in hell and avoiding damnation through religious means as prayers to get saved or intense bible reading and fasting. I threw away almost all of my clothes (too sexy), cut my 7 years old dreadlocks that I cherished out of fear and had more supernatural experiences than ever before like voices announcing my death, pseudo-prophecies etc.
Tired of being OBVIOUSLY misled by these voices that told me I was born again when I was still knowingly in sin, I started detox from religion and calls with Pastor Pam. I red parts of the Fake Jesus and I knew that as being religious especially catholic I must’ve been worshipping the fake Jesus. But it was not personal. Until that day.

I was reading a paper about catholicism that Pamela Sheppard gave me to review my past. I got to think about all the practices I got involved with. Most of that stuff I forgot to be honest. While I was going back in memory, an image of a place kept coming into my mind. I saw myself in a highly spiritual worship place where I prayed Mary with my group, near the huge cross in the garden. I didn’t understand why I was seeing this place but it was like something was drawing me there. I had completely forgotten about that but it kept coming back in my mind like a movie scene. I focused on that, trying to remember what happened and suddenly I WAS ABLE TO SEE THE WHOLE MOVIE IN THE NARRATOR PERSPECTIVE so to speak. That place was where I established clearly my contract with the fake Jesus through a supernatural experience. The day it happened was my last day before going to France to study thus my last day in Martinique. I felt drawn to that cross, like someone calling me. I went closer to it almost not controlling my body anymore I knelt and was submerged by a feeling of peace, love and a supernatural touch. I vowed “I give you my life completely”. I even heard in the flashback the voice say “this is where we must the first time”. From that point I was able to see where and how it all started. From the day I thought I met an angel of God to save me from death to this moment. It was really a time travel, but I could see the spiritual behind-the-scenes. I was literally re-living those situations with the knowledge of today, and that’s how I understood clear as day how Satan tricked me into giving my life to him.
I had a lot of supernatural experiences before, voices and visions, very emotional stuff but this one was different. I’ve never been able to see my life that way and would have probably never been able to see this in particular on my own. It was by far the realest revelation I’ve ever received and it really brushed away all the doubts I had before.
Deception is really everywhere but you really can’t see until God opens your eyes. I forced myself into receiving what I learned here, but doubts remained until that day happened.
What you need to KNOW you will know. So even if doubts creep up, just wait and see!