Archive | January, 2015

Healing and Rebuking Satan

7 Jan

Matthew. 12:29 “Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house.

If a person is strong, the enemy can’t spoil his house unless he first renders him helpless by tying him up.

Deliverance ministry has referred to Satan as the strongman, in spite of the clarity of the Lord’s words in Matthew 12:29. The strongman is US, not the enemy. Weare strong until we permit the enemy to tie us up.

When the Lord spoke these words, no one was yet born again. So I perceive it safe to assume that this scripture applies to any strong-willed person. it’s a natural fact. We will all fight for what is ours unless a thief threatens our lives with a deadly weapon. Only under such dire circumstances will we allow ourselves to sit in a chair and passively let an intruder wrap us around with a rope and tightly tie it to completely immobilize us. Even when tied up, our minds will search around the room for something sharp to untie ourselves when we get a chance.

From a spiritual perspective, whenever The Lord used the word “house,” he was symbolically referring to our souls. The enemy is the one who binds our souls with invisible chains and cords.. Since the soul consists of the mind, the emotions, the will power, and the personality, if our souls our bound, then we are certainly rendered helpless.

In order to bind a strong man, Satan will often work on the mind first, and then the body, or vice versa, depending on the strategy he employs to bind. Consider how the enemy works with sickness as an example. Many sicknesses are not real sicknesses, but are actually Satanic works. Sometimes illnesses are manifestly Satanic attacks.

For example, When Peter’s mother- in- law was laid aside with a severe fever, the Lord Jesus went to the house and rebuked the fever (Lk. 4:39). Fever is simply a symptom; it has no personality. You cannot rebuke a symptom; you can only rebuke a Being.

Accordingly, the Lord Jesus did a surprising thing. When He saw Peter’s mother- in- law ill with a fever, He rebuked the fever and it subsided. This clearly indicates that the fever was not ordinary, that it possessed a personality. In other words, it was the work of A demon. At the rebuke of the Lord, Satan retreated.

Another instance is shown in the healing of a child who was deaf and dumb from childhood (Mk. 9:17, 21, 25- 27). When the father of the child brought him to the Lord Jesus, the Lord rebuked the unclean spirit saying, “Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I command thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.” And the child was healed. The sickness had been caused by an evil spirit. At the rebuke of the Lord, the evil spirit came out of the child, and the child regained his speech and hearing.

There are three categories for the sick:

1) the medically or actually sick,
2) those who are sick because of Satan’s attack,
3)those who have been physically diagnosed with a medical condition that may or may not become an actual sickness.

The first kind can be healed naturally, or with the help of medical science or directly by the Holy Spirit. The second kind, since the sickness has a personality, it Needs to be rebuked. The third kind needs to be treated and rebuked.

Many sicknesses are indeed physical ailments, but many are the results of Satanic attacks on the body. However, with the third kind, there may be come confusion. You know you have a physical condition but when you analyze the situation, You know that you have not been careless, Yet you have physical symptoms of the condition.

The interesting thing with the third kind is that you find yourself suddenly incapacitated right at the moment when you have something of God’s work or some spiritual thing to do. This condition cannot be attributed to any natural cause. Furthermore, symptoms occur just at the time when you had some spiritual work to fulfill. Chances are you can see Satan all over this.

The third kind will disappear if you resist it before the Lord, saying, “Lord, I do not accept this sickness, for it comes from the enemy!” Most amazing, you will find that it goes away as suddenly as it came. Neither its coming nor its going can be attributed to any natural cause. It has left under rebuke.

Recently this happened to me. On 1/1/15. I said to myself “hmmmmmm”

Since there are people who are out here that consider themselves my enemy, I won’t give them any substantial info as to the nature of my condition. I won’t help them work their voodoo doll on me! LOL

Consequently , I will not assist them by revealing too much. Suffice it to say that I am feeling very well, spirit, soul and body. So the way the enemy recently came at me was with a old diagnosed physical condition that has remained relatively dormant. The condition is real, as it can be physically seen on an X-ray. yet I have not bothered by it. It remains non- symptomatic.

What immediately came to my mind when the symptom occurred was “I will not be able to do the spiritual work planned out for the upcoming year.”

when I realized what was going on, this strong woman got bold. The strongman in me rose up as I declared, “Devil, I refuse to allow YOU to bind ME. I rebuke you.

The next day, the symptom left.
