Archive | August, 2018

Exposing Fallen Angels

23 Aug
By Pastor Pam Sheppard



It is not easy to teach another how to try the spirits to see if they be of God. Not easy by a long shot. Practically everything I know was acquired by personal experience. Now some may think that personal experience is not the best way to learn spiritual matters and so I am expecting that the bible thumpers will say that you try the spirits by “the word.” You need to know that the enemy knows the word better than we do. The enemy even knows how much YOU know about the bible. So he can line up the experience or communication with scriptures, the way YOU interpret them. He also knows US. That is why many sincere believers are being destroyed for a lack of knowledge of how the enemy works. Beside knowing how the enemy works, we also need to have an abundance of self-knowledge and an awareness of How the Holy Spirit works with us.

That is why it is difficult to lay out a prescribed course of study relative to how to try the spirits. With that said, there are some general principles that comprise bits and pieces of information that may be helpful to you. The bible speaks against doubt where it comes to faith and calls it wavering. However where it comes to testing or trying something supernatural, doubt is your best friend.

Consider this personal example. In 1985, I received a dream where a muscular, huge Mr. Clean looking man said “I am an angel sent from God to show you your ministry.” I believed every word he said. Doubt never crossed my mind. Yet HE WAS AN ANGEL OF SATAN and not an angel sent from God. One of the reasons I did not doubt was because the message line up with things that were going on in my life and the desires of my heart in those days. Simply put, “there was loads of confirmation” that the message actually was from the Lord. I held on to this message for the next 2 decades, until “I doubted it.” The next thing I noticed was “detail.” This entity had loads of details about what my ministry would be, how it would operate, who would be involved, how much money it would take to operate annually, even drew a blueprint of the operating facility. Details, details, details!!!! I have since learned that the Lord does not operate this way. He simply guides your steps and the next thing you know, you are ministering in ways that you never expected.

Another important principle to consider is motive: The enemy’s motive, God’s motive and YOUR motive. In fact, YOUR motive could influence you to desire to accept the message as being sent from God. Revisiting the message from the bald-headed angel, I was single at the time, expecting and waiting on Mr. Right, trying not to settle for Mr. Right Now. SO I HAD A MOTIVE CAUSE I WAS GETTING TIRED OF WAITING. I also held the false belief that I would always be hindered in ministry unless I had a husband in a co- ministry. In the message, I was told that Mr. Right would be the director of operations in what was described as a huge residential facility for ex-offenders and addicts in recovery. Looking back, I can clearly see the enemy’s motive. His intent was to destroy me by sending Mr. Wrong and using the details in this “angelic message” to cause me to make the wrong choices. It worked. God stepped in and spoke to me saying “the man you married was sent by the devil to destroy you. “

What did I say? “THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!”

This foolish statement is what we ALL say when we have not faced the desires and motives of our heart. In such cases, re remain the enemy’s primary target for more deception and attack. Finally, there is that fruit of the spirit called PATIENCE. Many times, the supernatural experience does not contradict the bible but you can’t find anything in the bible to justify the experience. SO YOU HAVE TO WAIT!!!! perhaps years, even decades. Since I work with people on a daily basis to not only know God and the bible, but also themselves and the enemy of their souls, these words from “War on the Saints by Jessie Penn-Lewis rings true: Apart from such knowledge, when thinking he is “fighting for truth,” it is possible for a believer to fight for, defend, and protect evil spirits, and their works, believing he is thereby “defending” God, and His works; for if he thinks a thing Divine, he will protect and stand for it. It is possible for a man through ignorance to stand against God and to attack the very truth of God, and also defend the devil, and oppose God, unless he has knowledge.

You may need some help on this. Call Pam at 1-888-818- 1117.

About Deliverance Counseling and Deliverance Coaching

21 Aug


Most RESCUE members have come to terms with the fact that while in church, they have had a false conversion. So some members are waiting for salvation. In the back of your minds, some come into deliverance considering that their case is impossible.

Jesus Christ of Nazareth told the rich young ruler that the salvation of a rich man was like trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle—in other words, with man it is impossible. Such is the case with me even though wealth was not my issue. A devout heathen who refused to go to church, read the bible, or pray and who believed that Jesus Christ was a myth on a par with Santa Claus, my case was a certain impossibility for man. Therefore, my own salvation on Monday, March 29, 1977 at about 4pm is a testament to how God alone can put a camel through the eye of a needle. The Lord did for me what was impossible for man to accomplish with his ministries, a tract or even a sermon. I was an atheist, not looking for a being I did not believe existed.

so if the Holy Ghost could save me, He can save anyone.

So I ask the question, “Can Satan block God?” Well, when he got kicked out, he took one-third of God’s angels with him.

I suspect he can block God temporarily. nevertheless, God always has a plan and a strategy to unblock what is blocked where it comes to His elect. Deliverance counseling is the plan that he gave to me for telephone

This is one of the reasons RESCUE exists. To unblock what is blocked.


When I developed THIS Christian Coaching model back in 2002, called I explained the reason for its existence in the book “FACES OF THE RELIGIOUS DEMON: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling.” SHORTLY THEREAFTER, WHILE READING War on the Saints” FOR THE FIRST TIME, . I found a quote written at least 100 years ago that explains THE foundational premise for deliverance counseling. So here is the phenomenal quote of woman of God, Jessie Penn-Lewis:

“It has been thought almost universally, that the only way to deal with demon possession is by casting out the evil spirit, by some divinely equipped believer. But facts prove that this method is not always successful, for though the diagnosis of the intruder’s presence may be correct yet THE GROUND THAT GAVE IT OCCUPATION CANNOT BE CAST OUT; and unless the ground is dealt with, no full relief can be obtained, or change seen, in the majority of cases.”

In others, when the evil spirit apparently departs, it must not be concluded that the person is entirely free, for it may be that what has occurred is only THAT A PARTICULAR MANIFESTATION HAS CEASED, and it is not unlikely that another manifestation may appear; possibly not a visible one, or one easily perceived or detected, but recognizable by ANY WHO HAVE LEARNED TO DISCRIMINATE between the workings of evil spirits, and those which are human or divine.

It is possible also to suppress a certain manifestation for a time, and not entirely get rid of it; and the SAME manifestation may return again and again in DIFFERENT GUISE, UNLESS THE GROUND IS DEALT WITH.

Where the demon has a distinctive personality that is different and even contrary to its captive, its presence is obvious. So when it is cast out, the captive knows he or she is free because the relief is immediate.

However, where the demon’s essence cannot be distinguished from the captive, it is hidden and can appear to be a natural property of the captive.

In such cases, truth should be presented FIRST, and the WILL of the captive should be strengthened so that he or she can refuse and DISOWN THE GROUND.” (page 180)

In a nutshell, Jessie Penn- Lewis had succinctly presented the case as to why I do not practice deliverance ministry and why I have developed a deliverance counseling model more than a century ago.

Deliverance counseling also includes pastoral counseling. Once the spiritual damage incurred while a churchgoer has been overcome, RESCUE members who are in regular phone sessions work on serious life challenges or difficult life-cycle transitions that may be taxing their current ability to live victoriously. Examples of serious life challenges can be dealing with chronic work-related stressors; career issues; financial problems; health issues or a recent health diagnosis; family or parent/child conflict; cultural assimilation; and academic issues. Examples of difficult life-cycle related transitions can be the death of a family member or friend; the ending of a romantic relationship or close friendship; family/couple changes related to the addition of a child; getting married or divorced; caregiving for loved ones due to illness or disability; and decision-making challenges related to these life choices. These are just some of the issues I address with RESCUE members, and there are more that I have not covered here like drug and sexual problems as examples.

Deliverance counseling deals with all aspects of life, spirit, soul and body.

So send an email to or call 888-818-1117 to set up a telephone session.


We now have three RESCUE groups with WordPress. They are so private that they don’t even show up on the search engines and you must have a password of your own to enter them, We call them RESCUE Green, Blue and Red or 1, 2 and 3.

The RESCUE WordPress is a Christian fellowship where we use a private forum to share what we are learning on a variety of spiritual topics. It helps you begin to uncover many areas where you may have been bound or deceived spiritually by the wiles of the enemy. We post as we do here, and then everyone comments with their thoughts. We learn from each other, mainly as we share how our experiences in dealing with being deceived by the enemy (through religion and the occult) have helped enlighten us, and begin to see how the enemy operates, and how the Holy Spirit has been working to help us see the TRUTH, as how it relates to the topic of discussion. RESCUE is the place where like James stated “confess your faults one †o another, so that you might be healed.”

As such, We gain tools to fight the enemy. We support one another in our spiritual battles, and provide each other with advice on how to handle particular spiritual situations. It is basically targeted as our ministry to those who have been called out of the organized church or have been in demonic torment.

All of the coaches in the header above and Pastor Pam  are in the forum  every day according to our  own schedules. Only people who fit a prescribed profile are allowed in, and each  group is intentially  small. The goal is to help one another grow in truth, and to provide a sense of fellowship so that you know you are not alone, but instead in fellowship with others who may share some of the same struggles as you, or can somehow relate to your experiences. Confidential information is not revealed, so you can be anonymous. We grow in truth, and in turn, help others grow in truth.

Those who receive telephone deliverance coaching from PASTOR PAM at least 3 times a month receive RESCUE WORDPRESS for free. Otherwise, dues without phone sessions is $25 a month.

TO TRY out RESCUE for one month, click here.   You can cancel at any time.

Deliverance Coaching Your Way To Freedom

19 Aug

We now have three RESCUE groups with WordPress. They are so private that they don’t even show up on the search engines and you must have a password of your own to enter them. We call them RESCUE Green, Blue and Red or Group 1, 2 and 3.

The RESCUE WordPress is a Christian fellowship where we use a private forum to share what we are learning on a variety of spiritual topics. It helps you begin to uncover many areas where you may have been bound or deceived spiritually by the wiles of the enemy. We post as we do on RESCUE Facebook which is a study group so we don’t really “get personal.” Members learn from the pastor and the coaches and on occasion, ask questions.

RESCUE WORDPRESS is both intimate, personal with a level of confidentiality. Members learn from each other, mainly as they share how personal experiences in dealing with being deceived by the enemy (through religion and the occult) have helped to detox them from religion. In time, members begin to see how the enemy operates, and how the Holy Spirit has been working to help them see the TRUTH, particularly as how relevant to the topic posted for the day.

RESCUE is the place where like James stated “confess your faults one †o another, so that you might be healed.”As such, members gain tools to fight the enemy. With mutual support, the group process helps the members to not only face but to fight their spiritual battles. Members provide each other with advice on how to handle particular spiritual situations. Christian group support is basically presented as our ministry to those who have been called out of the organized church or have been in demonic torment.

All of the coaches in the header above, under the training and authority of the Pastor assemble every day according to our own schedules. Only certain people are allowed in, and the group is relatively small. The goal is to help one another grow in truth, and to provide a sense of fellowship so that members know they are not alone, but instead in fellowship with others who may share some of the same struggles as a particular member does. In fact a member can usually be found who somehow relates to another member’s experience. Confidential information is not revealed. If any member needs a more enhanced confidentiality, anonymity through an alias user name is allowed, as long as the true identity is revealed to the pastor. RESCUE members grow in truth, and in turn, help others grow in truth.

Those who receive telephone deliverance coaching from the pastor at least 3 times a month receive RESCUE for. free. Otherwise, dues without phone sessions is $25 a month.