Archive | October, 2018

Why and How Does An Ordained Minister of 25 Years Leave the Church?

27 Oct



My personal testimony of how I came to leave  the church is in the first chapters of  my book “Come Out of Her, God’s People”.  Most of my life I have been  open and transparent, caring less about what others had to say about me.    Lately,   I have become quite private and much more guarded.  I suspect that its a matter of  “increased wisdom.”  I personally wonder today if perhaps  in “Come Out of Her, God’s People,”   I may have  shared way  too much about my intimate  life.   In fact, I recall a few rather ignorant, jealous , ineffectual hypocrites attempting to take  advantage of my openness in order   to slander me.  It did not work. Actually,  it is difficult to  slander a person who is not bound by the world’s religious standards. Even so,  I am more guarded than I used to be.   Nevertheless, since readers  have reported  how much my testimony helped them,  I don’t regret writing the book. 

 In regards to when and how to leave the institutional church,  it has been  my experience that the Holy Spirit will inform you when it is time for you to make your move.  In fact, if I had not heard from Him in 2003, without a doubt, I  would still be there.  Why?  Because the denomination left me alone  to my own devices and as a result,  I was enjoying myself doing my own thing in ministry.  I was deceived into believing that  I had the best of both the denominational and the charismatic church worlds.

So at the season that  the Holy Spirit led me out of church, I was pastoring a work that I had founded myself in 1996 for about 8 years at that time.  Therefore,  it had never crossed my mind to leave the church because in my own mind, I viewed myself as “there but not there.”  So within my rational mind, it would be a mistake for  a minister of the gospel to leave the church  system after 25 years of faithful service.  I was not about to rock the boat on my own, as such an action was way  too  preposterous an idea–absolutely inconceivable.  I was settled and comfortable in the denomination, in spite of the fact that I had never really been embraced with open arms. Not only did I have  spiritual covering from a well-respected denomination that  left me to my own devices,   I also had almost complete independence to bring forth Pentecostal, word of faith teachings in a cold and dry denominational setting.

So what happened? How was I led out? 

First of all, I had a dream. A very clear, significant dream where the Lord actually appeared and spoke to me. I never saw His face, only his feet and the back of His robe.   I wanted to believe it was the devil because I didn’t like what I heard and saw in the spirit.  I was called by name. the Spirit said “Pam, I cannot use you in this place. You are a light— hidden under a bed.  You MUST leave.  But let them PUT you out!”

Put ME out?  This MUST be the devil, I thought to myself.  They can’t put me out.  I have been a faithful servant in this denomination for 25 years.!!!!

Well, I did not have long to wait. I was at the Y, doing my  afternoon lap swim  when my pregnant daughter came waddling in and screaming “they are after you, Ma! The denomination is investigating you.” I got out  of the pool, sat on its side and listened to my daughter’s emotional report.  She had run into the proverbial grapevine.

Yet this was not gossip.  It was true. My  dream was confirmed in less than a week. The denomination was setting me up  to PUT ME OUT. A hidden religious enemy,  a ministerial collleague targeted my website.  At the time,  I was exposing error among the mega preachers.  I was not running a smear campaign but where there was error, I was boldly calling names. The denomination feared that I would cause some multi-millionaire to sue them.  Ironically, an enemy that I had personally mentored had   secretly planted the seed of fear in the Bishop’s ear.  Since he never liked me in the first place,  the Bishop grabbed that seed and ran with it. Under the Bishop’s wishes, my colleagues in the district voted to  take  my name off the rolls, under the pretense that I did not send them the annual dues of $660.  I did not send it because I was purposefully facilitating my leaving by not showing up and also  not sending them the money!!!! I did what the Lord said.  I LET THEM PUT ME OUT!

It took almost a year from the day I had the dream in early July 2003 for  the denomination to remove  my name from its rolls on  June 25,  2004.  I remember the day I was “put out” because I had a  startling dream that very  morning. I saw my head under the chopping block. I was beheaded. With that dream, it was revealed to me  that I have the same ministry as John the Baptist: Like the Prophet John, my job is  to preach  repentance and prepare the way for the Lord’s SECOND coming.

Anyway, I still had my church that I had founded.  Since  the denomination  had not embraced my church, the Bishop   had no authority or power to close it.  So I continued leading my church, expecting the Lord to send me to another church affiliation or denomination.

Various sects and word of faith churches made me some offers. However,  it was quite clear to me that all they wanted was my money as well as  my attendance at their various meetings and conferences  so that they could obtain MORE money via conference fees.  These mega ministries also planned  to tax  my church and take for themselves a hefty percentage of our donations each month.  We were small and poor. I could not rob my own congregation to send   hard-earned dollars to an aloof, uncaring mega preacher’s ministry, just to pay to sit on the front row of some televised  conference.

So I waited 3 years. My  next sign  was more powerful than a dream.  I was wide awake.  I heard a voice in my head ask me this question, “Pam. would you put curtains up at the windows of a condemned building?”  I looked around to see if someone was there,  but I was alone.  I answered in my head “no.’  The voice continued. He talked for what seemed a long time.  Then He said “Pam. You are planning to travel around the world to conduct deliverance training seminars in any church that will open its doors to you.” I answered, “Yes.!”   I had already  been to a church in Lawrenceville Ga and one in Bermuda.

The voice then said “Well. Pam. Conducting seminars in any church is like putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building, I have already judged HER.”

Now I did not want to believe that my 25 years in ministry was full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.  So I tried the spirits for one year.  Out of it came the book called “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.  Even more books followed.  One conversation with the Spirit of God in 2007  led to a total of four more books, well over 1000 pages!!!

So for the next 14 years, I have gladly put 25 years of religious acts without power behind me.  In 2008, I  closed the church that I had founded after 12 years.  I simply put my religious past and all of  its fake fruit behind me,  moved forward, baggage free– following the leading of the Holy Ghost.  For the last 14 years, my life has been filled with peace, revelation,  real power  and wondrous anticipation.

If the Lord is leading you out and you want to talk about it, give Pam Sheppard Ministries a call at  888-818-1117 or  complete the contact form below:

The Prosperity Gospel: Flagrant Corruption, An Abomination!

22 Oct

Don’t expect to be set free from evil spirits if you are “doing a seed.” You are already in the hands of religious evil spirits.


A Quote from The Church of the Endtime Zombies:

click book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback

The Role of the Prosperity Gospel

Walter Wink’s model of assumptions reminds me of the prosperity gospel that started among American charismatics about 30-40 years ago and has spread throughout almost every denomination and non-denomination around the world. MacArthur adds meat to Wink’s assumptions held by worldly institutions, quite astutely expressed:

The prosperity message unashamedly calls people to place their hope in the passing pleasures of this world. Rather than denouncing wrong desires, it glorifies worldly lifestyles, feeds on sinful greed, and makes poppycock promises to desperate people: “Get right with the Lord and he will give you a well- paid job, a nice house and a new car.”

Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers, Fortress Press, 1992, pg. 95
MacArthur, Strange Fire, The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit With Counterfeit Worship, 2013 Kindle

Actually, the prosperity gospel has armed…

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Fallen Angels: A Snapshot of a Gargoyle’s Head!

21 Oct

If you are born again, Satan has assigned a fallen angel to watch and hinder you. the Apostle Paul referred to the messenger of Satan assigned to him in symbolic terms as “a thorn in His side,” sent to buffet him. God’s Gracie is STILL sufficient in MY life!!!!


Gargoyles vary in their appearance.  I found a picture of a gargoyle who resembles the one who appeared in picture taken of me. Here it is.


I have seen fallen angels and demons on photographs at least 10 times or more over the last 40 years.  Never have I seen one of God’s angels so I don’t know what they look like. However, others have seen an angel covering me while I preached. I have been told that if I stepped left, he stepped left. If I stepped right, he stepped right. He is described as big, tall and fierce. 

I was born again in my apartment on March 29, 1977, at 4pm on a Monday. In 1978 or thereabouts , I counseled narcotic addicts and alcoholics in recovery. I recall an incident  when a drunk client tried to attack me while I was alone at night  in my office…

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Countdown to the Return of the Lord!

14 Oct

The ultimate freedom is to be set free of the bondage not only of spiritual death but physical death as well. The Lord could return in your lifetime.

Whose Pulling Your Strings?

6 Oct


Is it possible that you have a demonic soul tie with a relative, a friend, or a co=worker or a boss, or even a spouse or a love interest?

If so, then you need information about demonic soul ties that our online course will provide you. A free course of articles and videos, you purchase the ebooks for a mere $20.

Course Description: This course is unique as it deals with two sides of this subject: Demonic soul ties with both human beings and also soul ties between human beings and evil spirits. On the human to human side, societal, religious and cultural issues that influence access to evil spirits to join together an unholy union are addressed, including but not limited to soulmate fantasies and assumptions, Prince Charming, the Boaz Fantasy, in bondage to a narcissist, and Marriage and Soul tie Scam of religious evil spirits. On the spirit side, topics include: communal intoxication. Spirit rape, the Bridal Paradigm, spiritual husbands and Romancing Jesus.

Our courses have no deadlines as they are designed to fit in with your schedule and your lifestyle.

Though not required, an additional option is to receive an email coach for two weeks. Your will answer your questions for a reasonable fee within 48 hours or less. If you find after reviewing the course that you would like a coach, send an email to and one will be assigned to you.

Click here to register for the course. Once you register, the course is completely downloadable including links to all articles, videos and ebooks.

Becoming An Un-Deceived Disciple

3 Oct




Becoming an un-deceived disciple of Jesus Christ compels the elect of God to synthesize knowledge, wisdom and insight to understand, expose and advise others of the nature of worldwide religious deception. As such, the courses of the Deliverance Academy of Pam Sheppard Ministries are designed to strengthen you beyond your wildest expectations toward the goal of expanding your spiritual growth. Maturity of this kind involves both death and resurrection relative to your previous assumptions, practices and beliefs so that the anointing of the Holy Spirit will lead you to the truth.

Consider the course, Satan’s End-time Agenda

We are living in a time when just about everybody in the world has a sense that we are at or near the end of the world as we know it. Do we do nothing, and just wait for the bomb to fall? No, we do as the Lord said: watch, wait and prepare for various events must transpire before He returns to earth. This course explores how fallen angels have been planning for the coming of the Anti-Christ, an event that the scriptures warn must occur before Jesus Christ of Nazareth returns. Some of the course topics include: Russia and America, God’s Angels vs Fallen Angels, the One World Harlot Church, and much more!

      Register for Satan’s End-time Agenda Add to Cart


Do Not Force Truth on Religious Zombies!

2 Oct


You should not  force truth on the world. In fact, as an author and a minister, I don’t pressure anyone to believe me. I just pump it out in a Blog, a video TEACHING, A SERMON, ,a COURSE or IN MY BOOKS===

like BAM!

In other words, take this or leave this as you have a very nice day.

I don’t try to force blind churchgoers to see that the religion they are in is not of God but is instead a bunch of religious lies from the enemy. What actually happens is that zombies who receive the truth are those who have already been prepared by the Holy Ghost. SO IF YOU HAVE NOT BEEN PREPARED THEN YOU WILL REMAIN DECEIVED and nothing i write or say will mean ANYTHING TO YOU.

Pam Sheppard Ministries (PSM) leaves the un-deception OF ZOMBIES up to the Holy Ghost to open their eyes and show them. It is NOT our job to coerce anyone with the truth. Therefore, you will be required to be as wise as a serpent but as harmless as a dove when zombies are sent to you by God, so as to use YOU  to help undeceive them. Some will be sent by the devil to mock you and to cause confusion.

So, what do you do? You watch and wait and see.

As truth is preached within Pam Sheppard Ministries, it doesn’t take very long for us to tell the difference. When it is the enemy, religious demons in Christian zombies who are bound by their religious persuasions will ultimately show their hand and become confrontational. What they tried to hide can no longer be restrained.

You best believe that every hidden Judas will be exposed, hopefully before they have caused irreparable damage. Prayer is real important to prevent the enemy from destroying everything. Satan has captured the world in politics, religion and every other system.

It is what it is. Deception is the rule and not the exception.

That is, until the Lord Jesus Christ returns to earth! Then we say to Satan “all bets are off!!!”

To know more about Satan’s agenda for these times particularly as it relate to the elect, the world and the devil, any one of these books will open your eyes. The Church of the End-time Zombies, The Fake Jesus and the New Idolatry.

If you can only get one, any of these 3 will do! Click the cover to find them.