“Understanding, Salvation, and Following Jesus: A Journey of Hope and Transformation”

15 Mar

In order to gain understanding, it is crucial to acknowledge when we don’t know or understand something. Personally, I struggle with admitting my lack of knowledge. If we only rely on assumptions and pretend to understand, we will ultimately lack knowledge and face destruction.

Salvation is not a magical event that makes all our problems disappear. Instead, it is a supernatural moment where the Holy Spirit prompts us to mourn, repent, and have faith in Jesus. It is the moment when we receive saving faith.

Salvation is centered around Jesus, His crucifixion, His resurrection, and the Holy Spirit revealing this truth to our spirits. However, salvation is just the beginning. We will still struggle with our human nature and weaknesses. The problems we had before being born again may still persist because salvation focuses on saving our spirit, not our soul.

The salvation of our soul is a lifelong journey that requires us to walk in the Spirit. This journey of growth and transformation continues even after being born again.

Whether we are born again or not, it is crucial to seek understanding wherever we are in our spiritual journey. We cannot passively wait for the Lord to solve all our problems magically in the future. Magical thinking hinders true understanding.

What people need to understand is that Jesus has the power to do anything. As the Son of God, He possesses all authority, even holding the keys to hell. Therefore, the Devil cannot hold anyone captive in hell. This is why the Devil intensifies his attacks on those who are born again, attempting to steal their salvation and lead them to hell.

For those who are waiting for their salvation, it is important to find joy in the wait. This is because understanding the truth about false conversions, which this ministry teaches, is a hopeful sign that God is with you. Have hope during the waiting period.

Instead of feeling sad, depressed, stressed, or upset about not being born again, it is crucial to see yourself as part of God’s plan. He has been protecting you all along. Being a part of this ministry means you are a disciple and follower of Christ, just like those who are born again. We are all following Christ wherever He leads us.

In the Gospels, we see people following Jesus without being born again initially. Although Jesus is not physically present in our times, He is here in Spirit. We are now led by His Holy Spirit. This should bring us joy, excitement, and hope. We are approaching the return of Jesus Christ, our King from Nazareth.

Finding hope in Jesus weakens Satan’s power. Everyone needs to find hope in Him now. He is the center of the entire universe, and everything exists because of Him. He holds all power, including power over the Devil.

Jesus is more powerful than the Devil. We are no longer following the ways of the world and deception. Instead, we are following a King, a Lord, a Savior – Jesus.

One Response to ““Understanding, Salvation, and Following Jesus: A Journey of Hope and Transformation””

  1. Ramos, Matilde March 16, 2024 at 2:39 pm #

    3/16/2024 Please PRAY for NURSE RAMOS so that her job workload is always EXTREMELY LIGHT & EASY DAILY FOR HER because her lazy, evil, wicked supervisors & co-workers “set her up” to be abused & overwhelmed!🙏


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