Archive | December, 2011

Set Free from Endtime Churches

17 Dec

Churches A-Z

You may not see the immediate truth of what I warn you about until you have your own revelation from the Lord. The Holy Ghost may use something that I write on this subject to motivate a decision that you may have already been contemplating. Nevertheless, no one can lead you out of the visible, organized church but the Holy Ghost.

The most dangerous churches are those where the people are supportive and dedicated to good works. It is hard to leave smiling faces who provide good music and helpful projects and programs. After 25 years, I was led out. In fact, I literally had to be THROWN out when MY time came because “church” had become “comfortable.” The Bishop and other church officers had to mess with my comfort zone for me to leave. Then again, “I had a dream.” It was plain and it was clear. The Lord said, “Pam, if you don’t come out, you will be like a candle, hidden under a bed. I will not be able to use you.”

Perhaps that will be the case for you. Perhaps God will set you up to be thrown out. But if you are among the elect, you will either walk out yourself, or the Lord will allow the devil to use fake Christians led by demons within the visible church to PUSH you out. But out you MUST come in order to survive and escape the plagues that are coming upon those who still remain “in the house!!!” I warn “the lukewarm” to take heed to the words of Paul to Timothy and the words of Jesus to the church at Laodicea. Don’t get me wrong about this.

So what is the bottom line to Satan’s not so tender trap? How was the devil able to get into the church, and not only secure a seat in the back row, but actually make his way to the pulpit? Well, through a gradual infiltration that has taken a century or two, Satan finally has his pulpit position. You see, the gateway for the religious demon is “by invitation.” Invitations can be either formal or informal. Whether in ignorance or by design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan’s services by either a formal pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself to the powers of darkness..

When signs, wonders and strange religious practices that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way through the doors of your soul. When sermons are preached by wrenching scriptures out of their context for the purpose of making three points that have nothing to do with repentance, rebirth or the resurrection, an invitation is made to the religious demon. When salvation is taken out of the sovereign calling and election of God and put into the hands of man to “make a decision for Christ” then Satan moved from the backseat into the pulpit. When unsaved people came to church altars “chanting” as they sought to speak in tongues, they invited demons to enter them and countless of these folk are now tormented, almost fully  demonized.

As would be expected, the sheep followed the preaching of a distorted gospel, looking for blessings, success, and prosperity to come in the abundant life they are taught that Jesus promised them. They have been seduced into believing that “they have a right to the good life” and all that prosperity entails. Rarely do preachers even mention that serving Jesus Christ can also bring trial, tribulation, trouble and in some cases, even death. Consequently, Satan’s seat has been securred by the gradual elimination of the cross from the gospel preached in most pulpits.

Can Satan be unseated by the organized church?. How can he be? Though short lived, the bible tells us that Satan will have his day, when he officially takes his seat in the endtime synagogue, today called “THE CHURCH.” In “The New Idolatry, the state of  religion is exposed. The organized church is presented as steadily  ringing true to her final name, Mystery Babylon. Furthermore, the time for repentance may already be OVER, because judgement of the household of faith has already occurred. The remnant within the church shall prevail along with the rest of the 144,000 righteous remnant. Whether an actual or a literal number, the truth is this. The way to the True Jesus is narrow and straight and the very few are those who enter in and find the real Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of the Father.

Want to talk about it? Call 518-477-5759

Be Set Free From Fetishes and Christian Magic

17 Dec

Fetishes and Christian Magic: An Excerpt From the New Idolatry Taken from Chapter 2

Within the history of religion in general, fetishism is a form of magic,wherein an artificial object is revered and regarded as powerful enough to ensure protection. Likewise an amulet is a power-charged fetish for protection against magic and demons.[13] Those who revere and depend on fetishes and amulets are in danger of transgressing the second commandment, namely, not to make any graven images.

Even a cross suspended from a necklace has a magical meaning. Written in 1972, the passing of three decades reveals that the problem has progressively worsened:

“Many a Christian worker thinks so. It is evident here that Christianity has become infected with magic influences. According to the New Testament this intrusion of magic elements turns the Christian faith into a matter of materialism and idolatry. Pastoral experience shows in many cases how this superstition captivates men and subjects them to magical influences. It is not seldom that houses protected by fire charms and other fetishes and amulets become haunted. [14]

Prayer and Charismatic Witchcraft

Even prayer can be dangerous because it descends into charismatic witchcraft when the one who prays seeks to control the lives of others. Soulish prayers of this kind energizes psychic power by projecting one’s thought on to the persons that they are praying for, by saying that such and such a person ‘shall’ do this or that. Such prayers make demands upon God to “make something happen. According to Jessie Penn Lewis,

“Every prayer should be directed Godward, and should never be a telling the Lord what to do for somebody else. We may pray that God will direct them what to do, but we ought not to say that they ‘must’ do what WE THINK is God’s will they should do, or even that they ‘shall not’ do what we know is wrong.”[15]

I observed in a video clip a vivid depiction of a charismatic witchcraft prayer offered by well-known evangelist and associate of charismatic mega prophetess Juanita Bynum, Rev. Cindy Trimm. Before a congregation of at least a few thousand, Trimm walked up and down the platform, supposedly praying, bellowing loudly: “I decree this and I proclaim that.” With this esoteric, occultic prayer, rather than God the Father of the trinity, she really was addressing fallen angels.

Ashtar: This photo is one of many images of him.

Once Trimm loudly proclaimed, “ Father, I decree that the spirit of the Ashtar shall fall upon all the people, from one end of the congregation to another, the people fell slain in the spirit in what looked like ocean waves. Ashtar is one of the gods who calls himself an ascended master who channels message through New Age mediums. Ashtar claims to be the military general of the fallen angel known as Jesus Sananda Emmanuel, the one I call “the Fake Jesus.” In fact, when Charismatics praise and give thanks to Jesus, Sananda is the one who receives the worship and the adoration because the fake Jesus is the invisible god behind the practice of charismatic witchcraft.

Freedom From the Fake Jesus

17 Dec

Growing up  in Harlem as a child of the ’40’s, the Lord protected me from the black church and from religion. Now that I have entered into deliverance counseling with tormented Christian clients, I understand why. Religiosity and the present day church has become seized demonic territory. Most of those who seek me out for deliverance were raised in church from birth. My West Indian parents sent me to  Sunday school alone. As a result, I was able to play hooky every Sunday without once getting caught by my family.

I did not enter the religious system called church until I was already 2 years saved and 35 years old. It was a strange, uncomfortable world for me where I had to learn to “swim with the sharks.” I studied the songs, the mannerisms, all of the accoutrements of “churchyism.” Yet, I never really belonged because I had no church history to stand on among people who could claim several generations of a relationship with Her.. So even though I entered ministry in 1981, I remained a root in dry ground for the next 25 years, an unwanted stepchild.

When the Lord called me out in Sept. 2003, He didn’t tell me EVERYTHING. He simply warned, “Pam, you are a candle,hidden under a bed in this place. If you stay here, I can’t use you. But don’t leave on your own. Let them PUT you out!”

I had no idea what He was talking about as I had been a preacher in good standing for 24 years then and all was at peace. However, it didn’t take long. An unexpected enemy surfaced whom the Lord used to cause the leadership to remove my name from their rolls. The day before, I saw in a dream that like John the Baptist, I was being spiritually beheaded. The deed was done on June 25th, 2004 and I was pushed outside of the camp, waiting for the Lord to send me to another church within another denomination or sect.

I waited for two years and on the third year, the Lord spoke. I was setting up a road trip to several churches to train their leaders on deliverance when I was asked a question. “Pam, would you put curtains up at the windows of a condemned building?” Raised in a ghetto surrounded by boarded up buildings created quite a vivid image. I immediately answered, “No!”

Then the voice said, “Pam, training church leaders according to your plan is like putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building.” Needless to say, I cancelled the trip. Simply put, I was told that the church was already judged but I refused to believe it. So I went on a search that evolved into a study of church history. I figured if the church was already judged, history would reveal it.

CLICK COVER for e-book

And it did.

What I uncovered became the book entitled “the FAKE JESUS: Fallen Angels Among Us.” The book provides details on how religious demons under the command of a fallen angel who calls himself ascended master, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, became the god of the organized church. In the Fake Jesus, I summarize the most outstanding signs to suggest that the Holy Ghost is no longer in the organized church.

If you have questions or you need help., call 518-477-5759

Freedom From The Great Falling Away

17 Dec

The Great Falling Away

The Apostle Paul warned Timothy that in the last days, some would depart from the faith because they gave heed to seducing spirits and doctrines  of devils. I connected the dots and assumed that Paul was referring to “the great falling away.”  So while I was a faithful member and pastor in the organized system, I was incorrect in my assumption that the faithful few would remain in the organized church, when actually the opposite phenomena has occurred.  For those who have “fallen away,” are those who remain inside the organized, religious system.

HERE IS THE PATTERN. Those who came to know Jesus Christ through the organized church have come to know the Jesus of their understanding, embraced him, fallen in love with his sacrifice, his death, his goodness, his mercy, his peace, his power to heal etc. They become devoted followers of the Jesus of their understanding. And because of their commitment and devotion, they are attacked and abused by other followers of this same Jesus who are hypocrites. This attack has a deceptive intent and outcome, in that the devoted ones believe themselves to be more saved than the hypocrites.

However, without an understanding of the Lord’s resurrection, neither the devoted believer nor the hypocrite is truly saved. The expression “He rose from the dead” just becomes more meaningless verbage,–a lifeless “tag on” to the cross. In spite of the fact that the devoted followers are initially deceived by the attack they receive from the hands of professing “Christians” , the Lord uses the attack to His advantage by calling out those that He has chosen from the beginning of time to be genuinely saved. Therefore, He allows the demon to torment His called out ones, who have been entrapped and confused by believing on the imposter. The attack warns the deceived ones that “something is wrong.” Nine times out of 10, what is wrong is that the deceived have been unknowingly believing in a unresurrected imposter who calls himself “Jesus Christ.” .

Just as you will find perhaps billions of innocent people who are extremely devoted to Allah, Buddha, and other gods– sincere people, faithful followers of the wrong god,— the religious demon is using the same tactics in Christianity. The religious demon literally imitates Christ, either without the cross or without the resurrection or at times, even without BOTH. This fake Jesus is more apparent among the Mormons, the Catholics, the Christian Scientists, and the Jehovah Witnesses. Each of these allegedly Christian religions have changed the gospel in some way. However, this “imposter god” is also drawing out followers through the preaching of the prosperity message, ie. “a millionnaire Jesus.”

In other words, word of faith, non-denominational, charismatic and Pentecostals have more subtly changed the nature and character of Jesus with their prosperity preaching and by neglecting to preach the bodily resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The fake Jesus has used the same tactic with a slightly different spin. THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN TORMENTED CAN CONSIDER YOURSELVES “BLESSED.”. The real Jesus is about to rescue you. The devil has tried to snatch you out of the Lord’s hands but he WILL NOT BE SUCCESSFUL. to be set free, click the title link above called “WHATS GOIN ON.”


I have found out the name of the imposter-Satan’s #1 religious demon. His name is Jesus Sananda Immanuel, and he is assisted by another, a high level angel called Ashtar. Together, Jesus Sananda and Ashtar have been imitating Jesus Christ of Nazareth. At first, their focus was on establishing false Christian religions like the Mormons and others. A fallen angel pretending to be a UFO, Sananda is a fraud, a mocker, an imitator and a blasphemer of the most High God. Their primary goal is to unite all world religions. Ashtar first entered this solar system on July 18, 1952, 55 years ago. Truly, that is when the problem of the present day organized church began to have serious problems. Ashtar first contacted to Col. George Van Tassel, introducing himself as a UFO. For decades now, Sananda and Ashtar continue to communicate openly with their New Age followers, speaking to them through mediums who today are called “channels” or “contactees.”

Sananda is on the cover of the book “THE FAKE JESUS”

If you search the web with the names of these two fallen angels, you will find a plethora of contradictory information, depending upon the “spiritual consciousness” of the channel or contactee. With professing Christians who believe that they are serving and worshipping Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God, Sananda and Ashtar use deception through infiltration into the organized church with false practices, false doctrine and deceived and/or false prophets. In other words, Jesus Sananda defies and refutes Jesus Christ of Nazareth by preaching that all religious roads lead to God. The Lord Jesus Christ declared that no man could come unto the Father than but by Himself yet Jesus Sananda preaches that all religions lead to the Father.

To find out who Sananda says that he is, I have reviewed the writing of several “channels.” It was an arduous task. Overall, it seems that Sananda’s mission and purpose is the unification of all world religions, spiritual paths, schools of thought, in other words the formation of Mystery Babylon. Sananda needs ministers to provide him with opportunities to “do his job.” So you need to examine yourself and determine which Jesus you have been worshipping and serving.

Here is the  test.

: 1. Are you preaching universal, unconditional love and acceptance? 2. Do you hear little to nothing about sin, repentance and the cross? 3. Have you been sitting under preaching that is emphasizing YOU finding your divine destiny? 4. Have you been sitting under preaching about “taking the kingdom for Christ” ie. dominion teaching? 5. Have you ever been slain in the spirit? 6. Do you have “a prayer language” that you yourself do not understand? 7. Are you striving for complete unity of all faiths in Christ? There is more, but if you believe in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Only begotten Son of God, and can answer “yes” to even one of these 7 questions, you may be in serious trouble.

Here is the most important question to ask. Did you ask Jesus to “come into your heart?” If you did, then you made an invitation to Sananda.

 I highly recommend that you watch a 3 part video on Counterfeit Births.

Freedom From the Prosperity Gospel

16 Dec

The Charismatic Movement Part 3: The Prosperity Gospel.

Mega Preachers in Pimps Clothing

The prosperity gospel is one of the leading false doctrines of the charismatic movement.  Quite frankly, this false doctrine is so distasteful to me that I have buried it along with my attachment to the organized church. However, since I am often questioned about the subject, I will reluctantly address it for the sake of inquiring and damaged sheep. I was sitting in one of Kenneth Copeland’s East Coast Conventions in 1983 as I watched him pull scripture out of their  natural context as he  lay the foundation for this damnable message, passed on to his disciples like  Creflo Dollar and countless other mega and unknown preachers. In fact, I was a partner to KCM for years, until he sent out a letter requesting that I help him buy oil wells! Once a follower and supporter of the charismatic movement, it was the prosperity gospel that drove me out of it.  It was just too sleezy for me to stomach and remain a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Since the love of money is the root of ALL evil, it is not surprising that the prosperity gospel is one of the top false doctrines proclaimed by religious demons in this particular hour of history. In a nut shell, it is an out of biblical context teaching that obligates God to bless the tither or the giver of offerings to the organized church in ALL ways, with an exaggerated focus on financial prosperity.

An added emphasis is that it is taught from the pulpits around the globe  that  a believer can actually BUY a spiritual blessing from God with their financial giving. The message has even been reduced to a quasi-mathematical formula–whatever you give will have a 100 fold return: 100 dollars for a one dollar offering, 1000 dollars for 10 dollars, 10,000 for 100 dollars, and so on.

It is truly an abomination to twist the Lord’s very words in bible RED serve as the foundation for this demonic, materialistic teaching. Jesus said  “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly”. He was not talking about finances. The word for life in this verse is “zoe”—-ETERNAL LIFE!!! Yet word of faith are defensive and belligerent in their ignorance. Some have even used the Lord’s very words to name their nefarious churches “Abundant Life,” a bold suggestion of their commitment to the prosperity false doctrine.



To the word of faith prosperity preacher, giving money to the church is “planting seed” is taken from the Lord’s parable about “the Sower.” If you have listened to Christian radio or watched preachers on TV, you have undoubtedly heard the expression, “good ground.” They have told you that their church or ministry is GOOD GROUND.” Therefore, if you sow your seed into it, you will reap a financial harvest.

It is amazing how many countless millions around the world  have fallen for this demonic lie in the last 20 years!

Absolutely incredulous. It reminds me of the old flim flam that was rampant  in the 20’s and 30’s in the inner cities called “bakin money.” Prior to the mark giving the con man his or her  life savings, the con man  put a small amount money into a heated oven and “baked”it. As bread spreads because of the yeast, when the money came out of the oven, it had increased 100 fold.

So by this “demonstration,” the mark was convinced by the trick of the eye. You see,  in the demonstration, the con man had sneakily  added the increase into the oven when the mark was not looking by the sleight of hand. Even though poor folk fell for the con,  at least they were shown some sort of demonstration.Today, pulpit pimps and prostitutes have raised the spiritual ante by teaching  THEIR marks that they must“walk by faith and not by sight!”

“WHAT A SET-UP!!!” If you don’t get the increase they promise God will send you for your tithes and offers, you are  yet tricked again to believe that perhaps YOUR faith is too weak to prosper!!!

Listen, people of God! Jesus explained the parable of the Sower Himself. Good ground is the soul or heart of one who hears the gospel, understands it, believes it and He saves them!!!!

                         The seed is the word of God, not MONEY!!!!

In conclusion, I repeat.  The prosperity gospel is  particularly abominable because it takes the words of the Lord, adds to them and detracts from them.

The prosperity preacher may have flim flammed you and gotten rich off of your hard-earned dollars, but he and she are cursed. Why? As Paul warned the Galatians, anyone who adds to or takes away from the word of God is CURSED!


One last thing.About 5 years ago, the Lord showed  me that He has sent a spirit of poverty on all the sheep who have been duped by the prosperity gospel, —not as punishment but as a warning—a wake up call. He wants to let you know that the prosperity gospel is not working and therefore, you will use your commonsense and wake up to the fact that it is not of Him.  Be warned. He wants you to flee the prosperity gospel.  He will restore your finances once you “get His message” and repent.

Some who became deceived by this teaching will need religious demons cast from them.  Help is available.  Call 518-477-5759

The Charismatic Movement Part 2: Tongues

16 Dec

The Charismatic Movement: Part 2: Tongues  An Excerpt from the FAKE JESUS: Fallen Angels Among Us

Evan Roberts and The Wales Revival of 1904-1905; Part of the appeal of this wide scale revival lay in Evan Roberts himself, a charismatic and sincere preacher. Although he came from the Welsh Methodist tradition, he wasn’t a theologian, and he never finished his training to be a minister. His message was for all the people of Wales, regardless of denomination, and it was immensely appealing. Meetings would be a mixture of prayer, self-examination and singing, and they could last for hours. Roberts  suffered a severe mental breakdown at the end of the revival, from which he never recovered. As a result, his public ministry was finished. He recuperated at the home of Jessie Penn Lewis and he assisted her in writing “War on the Saints.” When the book was denounced by critics in that day, it is reported that Roberts denied co-authoring the book. Jessie Penn Lewis, author of “War on the Saints.” ((1861-1927) was an English evangelical speaker and author of a number of Christian evangelical works. Her father was a Calvinist Methodist minister. Along with Evan Roberts, Penn Lewis was significantly involved in the 1904-1905 Welsh Revival. As previously noted, the revival was abruptly shortened with the mental and physical collapse of Evan Roberts.

Penn-Lewis traveled internationally to take her spiritual warfare message to audiences in Russia, Scandinavia, Canada, the U.S., and India. She has remained a controversial figure among Christians for almost 100 years, primarily because she declared the failure of the Welsh Revival to be the work of Satan. Emphasis is centered in “War on the Saints” of the danger that comes to believers at the point of baptism in the Holy Ghost, yet little reference is made to tongues.

In a subtitled called “The Counterfeit Presence is Sensual,” Penn-Lewis writes: (War on the Saints, pg. 130-131) “The counterfeit presence of God is given by deceiving spirits, working upon the physical frame, or within the bodily frame, upon the senses. We have seen the beginning of this, and how the first ground is gained. It is deepened by these sense-manifestations being repeated, so gently, that the man goes on yielding to them, thinking this is truly ‘communion with God’—-for believers too often look upon ‘communion with God’ as a thing of sense and not of spirit—and here he commences praying to evil spirits under the belief that he is praying to God. The self-control is not yet lost, but as the believer responds to, or gives himself up to these ‘conscious’ manifestations, he does not know that his WILLPOWER IS BEING SLOWLY UNDERMINED. At last through these subtle, delicious experiences, the faith is established that God Himself is CONSCIOUSLY IN POSSESSION OF THE BODY, quickening it with felt thrills of life,or filling it with warmth and heat, or even ‘agonies’ which seem like fellowship with the sufferings of Christ, and travail for souls, or the experience of death with Christ in the consciousness of nails being driven into the bodily frame, etc. From this point, the lying spirits (demons) can work as they will, and there is no limit as to what they may do to a believer deceived to this extent. (Jessie Penn-Lewis)

Now readers, don’t get angry with me. I did not write those words. I don’t know about you, but almost a century ago, this woman wrote words that describe ME! From the agonies and travail for souls, the feelings of warmth and heat, .the consciousness of nails being driven into my bodily frame, I experienced all of this—some of it before I even heard about tongues, before I was even introduced to charismatic teachings or mega preachers.

There is nothing new under the sun where the religious demon is concerned. He just reworks the same ole stuff. Just recently, I happened to be browsing “War on the Saints” for the umpteenth time and I found a short paragraph accompanied by a specific footnote toward the end of the book regarding tongues in small print which is quoted below, in red. As much as I read and value this book, I only noticed this small paragraph and footnote last week: “A question arises here as to whether believers may now speak in unknown tongues, as the disciples did at the time of the Holy Spirit’s in filling at Pentecost.

There are those that say ‘Yes” but the truths set forth in preceding chapters, show that until the spiritual section of the Church of Christ are more acquainted with the counterfeiting methods of the spirits of evil, and the laws which give them power of working, any testimony to such experience AS TRUE, cannot be safely relied upon. (pg. 298) And here is the footnote in fine print: The subject of speaking in tongues is not further dealt with, as the counterfeits in connection with it are only a fraction of the countless counterfeits being forced upon the children of God AT THE PRESENT TIME, numbers of which are not referred to in these pages. A believer not deceived by counterfeit speaking in tongues can be deceived and possessed by accepting other counterfeits. An understanding of the BROAD PRINCIPLES showing the basic differences between the way of God’s working, and the deceptive imitations by Satan, will enable spiritual believers to discern for themselves all the counterfeits they meet with today.

Clearly, Jessie Penn-Lewis was more concerned about “her day and time” then she was about ours. Having ministered in the greatest revival that has occurred in recorded church history since the days of the early church, much of her wisdom comes from experience. Likewise, my own reservations about tongues is primarily connected to counseling professing Christians for deliverance, the vast majority of whom speak in tongues, yet they are also tormented and some have been seriously demonized.

Evidently, Penn-Lewis was not a prophet and therefore, the Lord did not show her “our times” or perhaps she would have spent more time on the speaking in tongues–a practice that has evolved in our times into a major controversy.  In this regard, I hope that those readers who speak in tongues will not allow their feelings and emotions to override their good sense.  My concern is not for the bona-fide manifestation. In 30 years, I have not personally witnessed one.  My concern is for the counterfeit. As such, I agree with my contemporary, Dr. Rebecca Brown’s warning concerning counterfeits manifested through the speaking in other tongues. Her comments were made relative to charismatic Catholics but I believe that Dr. Brown’s words apply to word of faith followers and those within pentecostal denominations as well:

Christians have made the terrible mistake of assuming that ALL tongues are from God. How wrong they are!…It is well-known that many occult rituals are done in tongues….The fact that Catholics speak in tongues is not proof that they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Too many of these precious Catholic souls assume that because they are speaking in tongues, they are saved. How can the Holy Spirit be operative and manifesting  of idolatry?”( Prepare for War, pgs 182-3)

In a nutshell, Dr. Brown’s rhetorical question is the bottom line of this blog, and in a nutshell, she has written what I believe to be the overriding issue. Therefore, I must concur that I do not believe that tongues and its interpretation can be a gift from God within an idolatrous system. The degeneration of this system in the last two decades or more has now gone wild with the prosperity gospel. The amount of money pilfered from unsuspecting, faithful people in tithes and offerings is beyond my imagination to sum up. Furthermore, the current segment of the charismatic/pentecostal system’s preaching of faith has seriously injured and caused premature death to countless of people who have refused needed medical attention that could have spared their lives.

Tragedies of today are actually influenced by the ministries of Charles  Parham and another 19th century minister whose name is John Alexander Dowey. Called the Father of Healing Revivalism, Dowey was arrested and charged with manslaughter in the death of his own daughter, who died from a severe burn due to Dowey’s refusal to seek medical attention on her behalf. The beat goes on as I have recently watched video clippings of people whose deceased relatives believed in error that they were healed at a Benny Hinn crusade.

Only God Himself knows how many of his children on their death beds suffered needlessly,–depressed because some word of faith preacher taught them that anyone who becomes sick has either failed God or that their faith in God was too weak to be healed by Him. No, I no longer trust a system that has been replete with error for 100 years. I have searched the scriptures and now I have reviewed the history of tongues. I have some strong impressions as to why I have been suspicious of manifestations that I have either experienced or witnessed. Research has confirmed for me that what we see operative today in tongues is counterfeit.   If there is a true gift of tongues in operation, we should be privy to how to discern the true gift from the fake one. Moreover, if tongues has actually ceased by the hand of God, we should not attempt to restore it. For those who desire to continue to track my search for truth, I suggest that you keep reading.

Note:. The Fake Jesus was published  in 2007.

Today is December 15, 2011.Four years have come and gone.  I spoke in tongues from 1982-2007. Twenty-five years!!!! As it now stands,  I continue to NOT speak in tongues because today I am convinced that it is a counterfeit doctrine and practice  of the spirit of the Anti-Christ. I make no exceptions, unless you are in a remote part of the world where more than one unknown language is spoken, and the natives have never heard of Jesus Christ.

Freedom From the Charismatic Movement Part 1

16 Dec

The Charismatic Movement Part 1

An Excerpt From “the Fake Jesus.”

To discern the signs of the times, I believe that we need to comprehend “what went on yesterday, about 100 years ago. So this blog post is dedicated to sharing a historical perspective and to let you, the reader decide. I myself try all supernatural occurrences from the words of Jesus: A good tree doesn’t bring forth bad fruit and a bad tree doesn’t bring forth good fruit—and also–you shall know them by their fruit.

Remembering the fervor of the early 80’s, the word of faith movement clearly “took off” primarily because of tongues. Everyone was seeking the initial sign of the baptism in the Holy Ghost, as word of faith preachers, pastors and teachers all concurred that tongues was the initial evidence. At times, seeking after uttering a tongue seemed higher in priority than salvation, as the leaders taught that being saved was only a beginning step to being “filled.”

Consequently, those who proclaimed to be “born again” did not settle for conversion alone because being filled with the Holy Spirit meant that “you spoke in tongues.” History was my least favorite subject in high school, probably because what was past didn’t seem important to me. When we are young, we live in the present moment. Many misunderstand that just because being born again involves “old things being passed away,” how will we be able to assess our spiritual growth if we don’t consider “how we used to be?”

Along these same lines, I believe that the truth about tongues can be found in its historic roots, that go back a century or so ago. Prior to the early 20th century, history would suggest that the speaking in tongues actually DID cease for 19 centuries. While the Middle Ages constituted long years of spiritual darkness, the Protestant Reformation exemplified a revelatory outburst of light regarding the doctrines of sin, salvation, justification by faith and holiness. This period marked the interpretation of scripture by some of the finest minds in church history. Even though there were some instances of “the ecstatic” among a group called the Anabaptists, for the most part, the Reformation was silent about the speaking in tongues.

Moreover, within the founding days of America, neither the Pilgrims, the Puritan leaders, nor any other Christian group indulged in speaking in tongues. Times of great emotional conviction were recorded and believers were moved to show their convictions through their fervency of feelings and emotions. Yet, even though thousands were convicted of their sins in frontier revivals, the speaking in tongues found no expression.

Earnest Christians and ministers in this period of history set themselves to rediscover truth. Literary Christian scholars produced excellent essays and formulated insightful scriptural interpretations, yet not one spiritual leader of the Reformation period in the USA even intimated that the doctrine of speaking in tongues had any role at all in the spiritual life of that day.

In the third decade of the 19th century, a pastor in London by the name of Edward Irving made a public declaration of healing, prophecies and tongues, including them in his worship services. Upon visiting Irving’s church, contemporary essayists wrote in the London Times, “God was working miracles by hysterics.”

Though Irving was ousted from the Presbyterian Church, he started another,namely,the Catholic Apostolic Church. In various parables, Jesus gave us a simple tool of discernment. He tells us that good trees produce good fruit, bad trees produce bad fruit,and that we “know them by their fruit.” The Lord made it clear that a bad tree cannot produce good fruit. As I continued to study,I found that the precursors of the pentecostal movement which centered itself in the speaking in tongues was filled with “bad fruit.”

Let’s look at the lives and work of each outstanding leader, one at a time. It is interesting to note the significant influence of women in the tongues movement and the establishment of the denomination of Pentecostalism.

Mother Ann Lee” the founder of the Shakers, 1736-1784: Mother Lee was the charismatic founder of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing, commonly known as the Shakers. After a difficult early life, she joined a group of Christians in Manchester, England, who had split from the Quaker movement. Their unorthodox views and impassioned convulsions in worship drew ridicule and persecution, along with the nickname “the Shakers.”

While imprisoned, Mother Ann received a revelation that she was the embodiment of the second coming of Christ, in feminine form. Lee claimed that she could also discourse in 72 tongues. Lee settled in Watervliet New York, a town about a 15 minute drive from where I now live.

Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons,1805-1844: Smith was among the first to advocate for the speaking in tongues. He believed that tongues opens the door to visions and revelations. After all,this is the way that the book of Mormon had come to him. Taken from a chronological history of the Mormon church, I found this:

History of the Church 2:428, 27 March 1836: [at the end of the temple dedication] “President Brigham Young gave a short address in tongues, and David W. Patten interpreted, and gave a short exhortation in tongues himself, after which I [Joseph Smith] blessed the congregation in the name of the Lord, and the assembly dispersed a little past four o’clock, having manifested the most quiet demeanor during the whole exercise…. During the evening of the same day, Brother George A. Smith arose and began to prophesy, when a noise was heard like the sound of a rushing mighty wind, which filled the Temple, and all the congregation simultaneously arose, being moved upon by an invisible power; many began to speak in tongues and prophesy; others saw glorious visions; I beheld the Temple was filled with angels, which fact I declared to the congregation. The people of the neighborhood came running together (hearing an unusual sound within, and seeing a bright light like a pillar of fire resting upon the Temple), and were astonished at what was taking place. This continued until the meeting closed at eleven p. m.”

Bare in mind,readers, what John Smith and the Mormons believe about Jesus Christ of Nazareth: They preach that Jesus is the brother of Satan, an elder brother of all people on this planet. Mormons teach that Jesus was born on an unnamed planet near the star kolob through God the Father having sex with one of his many wives. In short, that the Lord was born on Earth through God manifesting a body and having sex with Mary. They claim that Jesus was married to three women at the same time, and had children. Consider the outrage of teaching that Jesus saved himself by obeying the principles of Mormonism and that the Lord is an example for all good Mormons to follow. John Smith also claimed that Jesus received godhood after he rose from the dead and that He is now one of many gods over his own planet with his many wives making spirit babies and populating that planet.

So consider this. The founder of this doctrine is one of the first Americans to proclaim that he “spoke in tongues.” Assuming that what John Smith wrote in the Mormon history book about the supernatural manifestation that occurred in his gatherings, ask yourself this. Based upon John Smith’s blasphemous doctrine, ask yourself, “was the Holy Spirit and the angels of God the author of that experience on March 27, 1836????????

 Marie Woodworth Etter, faith healing and evangelist: (1844-1924) is one of the best known Holiness preachers of the pre-Pentecostal era. From around 1885 onwards she began to use the charismatic gifts in her meetings, and was known for healings, trances and visions. Licensed to preach in 1884, Etter was the mega preacher of her day in tent revivals. Her critics called her “the Voodoo Priestess.” She was known for speaking in tongues, along with strange and sundry manifestations that were attributed to the movement of the Holy Ghost. She was also known for preaching texts out of context, preached regularly for the Mormons, and seemed to be the person who started the phenomena known today as “slain in the spirit.”

Most of the manifestations common in present day meetings like the Toronto Blessing were experienced in the Woodworth-Etter meetings, so much so that some critics of the current movement trace The Tronto blessing back to Etter. Etter was certainly faithful to her calling and it appears that she was honest and sincere. But as I point out in “Faces of the Religious Demon”, I believe that “we are now living in an era when the Lord will turn over those with a religious demon to a reprobate mind. At that moment,the captive’s thoughts will be permanently darkened to the degree that he becomes incapable of receiving the truth. (pg 47) Considering her dedication, I hope that Etter escaped our era.

Charles Parham, founder of Pentecostalism, 1873-1929 An extremely controversial figure, I recommend to those who are interested to search with his name and read about him for yourself. There are rumors of homosexuality, racism, ( membership in the Klu Klux Klan) and freemasonry. He was actually arrested for lewdness in a public place, attempting to solicit sex from men. There are also several allegations and reports concerning his strange doctrinal interpretations. In regards to tongues, in the fall of 1900, after leading his students through a series of Bible studies on repentance, justification by faith, sanctification, and healing, Parham instructed them on Spirit baptism. By the end of December, they were prepared to encounter the day of Pentecost in a new way. After the revival commenced on New Year’s Day, Parham announced that the students had spoken many languages. He himself claimed he had received the capability of preaching in German and Swedish. On January 1, 1901, Agnes Ozman spoke in a tongue that sounded like “Chinese,” though never actually verified. She is renowned as being the first pentecostal person to ever speak in tongues.

The problem with her tongue speaking is that it is claimed that she spoke non stop for 3 days in Chinese, actually unable to speak in English until she was “released” to do so. Others among Parham’s students were alleged to have spoken in a variety of languages including Japanese, Hungarian, Syrian, Hindi, and Spanish. Parham noted that “cloven tongues of fire” appeared over the heads of the speakers. Sometimes interpretations followed such as “God is love,” “Jesus is mighty to save,” and “Jesus is ready to hear.” Parham anticipated that he could send out missionaries all over the world who would supernaturally speak in the native tongue of the land, without having studied it. It never happened and Parham was extremely disappointed that his missionary plans were thwarted.

Although Parham was accused of being a racist, he preferred to consider himself a separationist, as exemplified by the fact that he allowed a black man to participate in his bible study classes, sitting in a restricted and separated part of the study hall. That man was William Seymour. William Seymour, a waiter and the Azusa Street leader (1870-1922) went to Los Angeles and taught the Holy Spirit baptism in a warehouse on Azusa Street. On April 4, 1906 a revival began and thousand’s of people came to 312 Azusa to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This revival lasted from 1906-1913, and during this time, thousands of Pentecostal missionaries went forth establishing missions throughout the world.

Seymour’s work at Azusa is regarded among most Pentecostal historians as a genuine move of God in restoring the church to true power and authority. However, it has also been reported that the Azusa Street meetings were filled with spiritualist mediums, hypnotists, and others who had a deep interest in the occult. There are reports of fits,babblings, moral compromise with people falling on top of each other, jerks, twitchings,shakings, ie. mass hysteria. In fact, the spiritual pandemonium of the meetings became more than Seymour could handle, and so he sent for his teacher, Parham to come and help out. When Parham arrived, he was outraged and appalled.

As a result, Parham and Seymour had a rift that was never reconciled. Parham publicly denounced both the revival and Seymour in October 1906 for the emotionalism displayed in the worship at the Azusa Street revival, and for the intermingling of blacks and whites in the services. Seymour had sought Parham to help him control these “ecstatic” excesses. But visiting the mission for the first time and observing what Parham believed to be “manifestations of the flesh,” Parham stood up and declared: “God is sick at His stomach!”

Even so, it is reported that emotionalism played a strong part in Parham’s own worship services. This unfortunate incident and his judgmental nature alienated Parham not only from Seymour, but others as well. It is alleged without substantiation that Seymour “stole Parham’s pentecostal movement” by blackmail as Seymour was privy to Parham’s secret sex life. Shortly, the pentecostal movement had now begun to move well beyond both men. Indeed, Pentecostalism emerged in India in 1906 among holiness believers without ties to Azusa Street.

Evan Roberts and The Wales Revival of 1904-1905; Part of the appeal of this wide scale revival lay in Evan Roberts himself, a charismatic and sincere preacher. Although he came from the Welsh Methodist tradition, he wasn’t a theologian, and he never finished his training to be a minister. His message was for all the people of Wales, regardless of denomination, and it was immensely appealing. Meetings would be a mixture of prayer, self-examination and singing, and they could last for hours.

The most outstanding aspect of the revival was its impact upon everyday societal life. Crime dropped, saloons closed, in short, the entire community was affected. It is believed that at least 100,000 people became Christians during the 1904-1905 revival, but despite this, the revival did not put a stop to the gradual decline of Christianity in Wales, only holding it back slightly. It has been argued by some Christian historians that the 1904-1905 revival lacked depth in terms of nurturing the newly converted Christians in biblical teaching. Evan Roberts admitted that wildfire erupted “from the very outset.” He reported that the physical, mental, and spiritual wreckage resulting from the baptism in the Holy Ghost was appalling in its effect upon the revival’s leaders and workers, to say nothing of the new converts.

It is reported that “thousands,” and, “nearly all,” were “wrecked.”

When The Faithful Are Demonized

14 Dec

When the Faithful Are Demonized by Pam Sheppard

Medieval book illustration of Christ Exorcisin...

Consider  a case in point. A young woman came to Jesus by way of a Mormon outreach and the Blue Book, as she watched Christian television. She truly was convinced that she was saved by repeating a sinner’s prayer, yet almost immediately, demons began to imitate the Holy Ghost. This client was sent by a supernatural experience to the ministry of a mega preacher whose name I cannot mention to protect the client’s confidentiality. She gave up fornication, and became a very faithful church member, Yet as time when on, the demons became more active. So she sat in church, sought counsel from her pastor, who referred her to another pastor. Ultimately, this client found me through the Internet.

The Lord sent her to me primarily to expose the problem. The Holy Spirit revealed to me that if I don’t speak to that demon, it will NOT come out. I have spoken to it and it has laughed and giggled back at me. The religious demon will NOT come out until its captive denies te ground that the demon is standing on. In this case, the captive must deny charismatic witchcraft and leave the organized church. Even so, my this woman  is truly blessed because I have done the most difficult task of all. Try to imagine how hard it is for someone who looks saved, acts saved, sounds saved, goes to bible study not once but twice a week and twice on Sunday, does not drink, fornicate,  speaks in tongues and tithes too?!!!! Beloved web visitors, her religiosity is all a work of the flesh because she is not saved.

On top of that, she is in the ministry of a mega preacher and his son, no less!!!!! I have been looked down upon by clients who merely study the works of mega preachers, much less who are in their company on a regular basis. In the minds of mega churchgoers, I am not worthy to shine their mega preachers $1000 shoes.  Yet, I have been able to prove and convince this  particular client that she could not possibly be saved. If I don’t do anything else, I have done my job. This particular client did not understand either repentance or resurrection, and so it was very obvious to me from the beginning, in spite of all of her good works, that she was not saved.

In truth, I have accomplished a major task with this young woman. For several others have hung up the phone on me with a “how dare you question my salvation.” If it were not for the torment and the fact that this young woman is hungry for the truth, she would be just another statistic of a person who “missed it” for reasons that are not of her own doing. I bolded the “and” because even some professing Christians who are seriously demon oppressed have refused my counsel, blind and foolish are they.

Where I really throw my hands up in the air is not over this one person. It is over the countless millions who are in the same boat as this young woman, either sitting in a church somewhere, or God help them, learning on their own from Christian television. For example, droves of people are responding to the call in various mega churches and taken into another room to receive the gift of tongues. The issue here is not that mega preachers don’t preach Christ. They do!!!! Nevertheless, I learned something from my small caseload that I did not realize before. I did not think that the devil would use the word to birth disciples into his own kingdom.

Well, he DOES!!!! In practically ALL of my cases of demonic torment, a common factor is that 95 percent of them were not demon possessed BEFORE THEY WENT TO CHURCH!!!!. It is one thing to come to the Lord and miss it. It is yet another to listen to someone who claims to know Christ preach and then pick up a powerful religious demon that is difficult to get rid of. I know what needs to be done for my clients. They need to go back to ground zero and be convicted of sin through the spirit of repentance. They need to be brought back to the cross. They clearly do not understand resurrection nor repentance. My job is to rightly divided the word to them on both of those subjects.

Whether the Lord delivers them of the religious demon first and then immediately saves them or the reverse, is clearly up to Him. My job now is prayer for mercy, since many of my clients are not at fault here. IT IS THE FAULT OF THE ORGANIZED CHURCH!!!!! The reason why I am throwing my hands up in the air is because I finally realize that the models that are out there are for the most part, NOT WORKING, in spite of the billions of dollars that are being spent on “preaching a gospel” which apparently is not THE-EEEEE gospel.

From my personal background and experience, I could clearly see that the denominations were not working and I have grown to a place where I know that unless there is widescale repentance within the denominational church, they are coming DOWN!!! I also have known for a while now that the devil was using the non-denominationals and the Christian cults like the Mormons, but I certainly did not fathom the extent of the problem. Whether it be denominations, non-denominations, Christian television or radio, I finally came to terms with the fact that those who have done the right things but who have gotten the wrong results is an endtime sign that religion is without power for NONE OF IT IS WORKING!!!!! My book, the New Idolatry explains why.

Sin and Demonization by Pam Sheppard

14 Dec

Sin and Demonization by Pam Sheppard

The Holy Spirit as a dove in the Annunciation ...

Deliverance ministries generally assume that sin is always the reason why a captive is demonized. Yet it has been my experience that it ain’t necessarily so.Several of my clients have done wrong things— sins of all kinds, witchcraft, incest, you name it but some of my clients have done no wrong. They have lived lives that Christians who are not being tormented by demons should emulate. It is sad to say but there are countless faithful church goers who have been out-and-out deceived by religion and religious people. I can find no excuse to place the blame on the deceived.

Today, people are being saved and delivered, one at a time over the telephone. I am available 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. But I am only one person. I can only handle 30 clients a week. I am getting closer to the end of my life. I can only make a very small impact. Even if I was a mega preacher, I would not be able to do more than any of the rest of them are doing. They are not really the root of the problem. It is the model that we have ALL been using–bringing huge crowds as well as small groups into small and big barns, without repentance, on a “believe and receive” gospel.

Let’s face it and be real here. As a denominational pastor for years, I myself could do absolutely nothing while a part of that religious system. Yet today, the tide is turning, the Holy Spirit is moving and people are being saved and delivered. My job is very simple. I preach the gospel of repentance and the bodily resurrection of the Lord and the Holy Spirit is moving on hardened hearts to lead people to repent, giving them the faith to believe on Jesus. I am casting out demons—on the telephone, no less–from those who will humble themselves to receive it. This one referenced case has taught me that since the organized church is not working, radio and tv is not working, it would be useless for me to reinvent the wheel cause it wouldn’t work with me either. It hasn’t and it won’t. I don’t know any other models other than working with people one on one. I have been out on the street in street ministry. That DOES work if the basic gospel is being preached and it is not aimed toward bringing people into a church that is going to confuse them.

What I am expecting is that the Lord is going to do a mass thing, around the world, similar to what He did to me and for me. I was an atheist and I was not seeking Him. He came after me in a dream and brought me to the cross without the benefit of man. I was sent to church, not to be nurtured, but that I would understand and perceive the problem and learn what NOT to do about 25 years later. More than two decades of “Church” has not done much for me. As I wrote in the “Come Out Of her God’s People”, I have remained a root in dry ground. I got a hunger for the word from Kenneth Copeland and others and Joyce Meyer provided some good, solid teaching.

But for the most part, I was attracted to Copeland and the rest of them because they were “supernatural” and my background was in the occult. The two were almost an extension of each other and so I found word of faith to be “comfortable”—in other words, charismatic witchcraft. The denominations harmed me in the beginning because they were loose on sin and so until I got grounded on my own and took dominion over my own sin, I fell to carnal ministers. But once I had sexual sin under control, the denominations did not really harm me. They may have hurt my feelings and injured my pride, but they didn’t harm me. They couldn’t harm me because I was saved BEFORE I arrived. Just as the denomination I was in didn’t know the truth, I didn’t know the truth either.

The major point I am making is that the church as it is now operating today is “doing harm” to people who are serious about finding Jesus. And I shudder at the thought. I KNOW the problem. The problem is 200 years old, starting with evangelist like Charles Finney and others. I thought I KNEW the organizational solution. Once, I thought that the answer was in home fellowships, in spite of the many problems that can affect that also.

You see, I really didn’t realize just how much the devil has penetrated the church. I have faith that God is going to do something. I am simply throwing up my hands and praying, “Lord, this battle is YOURS and I don’t have a clue as to how you plan to deal with it. Just “cause me to be ready.” Once I said this prayer just a few months ago, I was shown that I have not really been “a root in dry ground.” I too have been contaminated by the beliefs, traditions and practices of both the denominational and the nondenominational Protestant church. It seems that every week, the Lord brings to my attention some practice or some area of biblical “mis” interpretation that clients need to be cleansed from. In my book Faces of the Religious Demon,” several cases of this sort are described in detail.

 I am getting ready right now by training and preparing a group of endtime ministers to mentor and conduct deliverance.To register for receiving a minister to mentor you, to schedule a counseling session. or  become a minister in training in the SEW  Deliverance Counseling Program, send an email to or call 518-477-5759.

The Power of Religion To Seduce

13 Dec
The Power of Religion to Seduce
A book Review of “Faces of the Religious Demon: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling

Seducing spirit? What’s that? The church doesn’t even have an ounce of knowledge, when it comes to understanding demonic seduction by religious demons. Religious demons are in full control of the organized church. These seducing spirits have imbedded themselves into the very walls and pulpits of the organized church. Seducing spirits live in the organized church, inside their human hosts, and  they are quite comfortable there. No church is exempt!

These seducing spirits, in the form of the religious demon, will not budge and members have quite happily invited them in.

Folks, it’s 2 am and I’m sitting here reading a book by Pam Sheppard, entitled ” Faces of the Religious Demon”. Pam’s book is more than a book,— rather it is a textbook on how seducing spirits, in the form of  religious demons, have taken up office in the organized church. Yesterday, I wrote only one article. Why? I got caught up in Pam’s groundbreaking text ” Faces of the Religious Demon “. Listen, my friends, I can’t put the book down, I took a nap and I’m up reading yet again.
If you are ready for the truth about seducing spirits/religious demons and their new home, the organized church, purchase Pam’s book here: http://www.lulu/content/11647727 I am reading the e-book but for those who prefer a softcover,
If you ever wanted an inside look at seducing spirits read Pam’s book. If you ever wanted to peek into the diary of a seducing spirit, in the form of the religious demon, Pam’s book ” Faces of the Religious Demon ” is the closest you’ll ever get to understanding exactly what a seducing spirit/religious demon is, how it operates, and exactly how it has infiltrated the church with doctrines of devils.  Religious demons crept into the organized church and every last person, down to the preacher was just plain unaware.
I gotta’ tell you, the organized church doesn’t want to know a thing about seducing spirits. They show no interest, and couldn’t give a hoot about a seducing spirit takeover in the form of the religious demon. Why?Because they themselves are now hosting religious demons within themselves.
What does a seducing spirit in the form of the religious demon do, how do we define their brand of demonic seduction?
1. seducing spirits lure you
2. seducing spirits tempt you
3. seducing spirits entice you
4. seducing spirits lead you astray
5. seducing spirits corrupt you
6. Seducing spirits charm you
7. seducing spirits captivate you
Does it sound like I know a lot about seducing spirits in the form of the religious demon? Dear readers,  I got caught up in reading the textbook Pam wrote called ” Faces of the Religious Demon”. Remember I told you that it is now 2 am and after taking a nap, I’m at it again and can’t put Pam’s book down. In fact, if I don’t leave off reading, and writing to you guys, the sun will soon come up. Folks, I’m just now coming into, and understanding who and what a religious demon is. At this point, I was about to reveal a page from the book but I’m nodding off.
You would do a lot better by buying the book, and getting that exact, first hand knowledge from the professor yourself. I’m inclined to call Pam Sheppard a professor, because of her advanced level understanding of the  deep wiles and intricate demonic workings of the devil, seducing spirits, and the religious demon. But her knowledge doesn’t stop there. Pam has written five other  books of the same masters level.
You can talk to Pam Sheppard’s team of deliverance ministers today. The phone lines are open, and we’re standing by waiting to hear from you. Pam Sheppard has been on the spiritual battlefield for 37 years, 3 years in the occult and 34 years born again.. No matter what your affliction is, Pam is a specialist covering countless areas of demonic affliction, including and not limited to seducing spirits and religious demon bondage. Call today (518)477-5759