Archive | March, 2017

Fallen Angels and Spirit Rape: A Strong Illusion

27 Mar

To be prepared to fight fallen angels, you will need to start with our freely given video Deliverance Prep Course.

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

The Lord said that the last times would be like the days of Noah.

antichrist6What distinguishes Noah’s day from any other period in human history is the ability of the spirits to communicate and physically interact with flesh.  Once the earth was contaminated by the mixing of humans with angels and then cleansed by the Flood, God set up barriers.  Angels can no longer impregnate women.  Nevertheless, can they still have sex with humans?

Yet several women and a few men have claimed that they have been raped or had sex with a fallen angel in these end-times.

The bible clearly states that the fallen angels of Noah’s day were jailed in hell, some for eternity and others for several generations. So I believe actual physical contact is STILL not possible yet it seems so real.  An illusion can seem very real.

What is an illusion? the dictionary defines it…

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TRump: The Emperor Has No Clothes!

22 Mar

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

There is a tale called “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” written by Hans Christian Anderson. In the story the Emperor is a vain man and always wants the newest fashions. A couple of tailors convince the Emperor that the clothes they are making him are of such fine quality that only the most elevated people can see them as the fine clothes are invisible to both the stupid and the incompetent. When the emperor goes to see his new clothes, he sees nothing at all — for the tailors are swindlers and there aren’t any clothes.

img_2168Yet his pride and ego prevent him from admitting that he is not the most elevated person, so the Emperor pretends he is delighted with his new clothes, strutting himself round about in the palace, the White House, buck naked. Fearful of reprisals, the Republicans bow down and says what a fine set of clothes…

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The Prosperity Gospel Is From Demons!

18 Mar

This video was posted 5 years ago. In it,  I make reference to a dream I had about Creflo Dollar and the prosperity gospel. Time has moved so quickly.  The dream I had must have been from 10-12 years ago.

Quite frankly, this false doctrine is so distasteful to me that I have buried it along with my attachment to the organized church. However, since I am often questioned about the subject, I will reluctantly address it for the sake of inquiring and damaged sheep.

Since the love of money is the root of ALL evil, it is not surprising that the prosperity gospel is one of the top false doctrines proclaimed by religious demons in this particular hour of history. In a nut shell, it is an out of biblical context teaching that obligates God to bless the tither or the giver of offerings to the organized church in ALL ways, with an exaggerated focus on financial prosperity.

An added emphasis is that it is taught from the pulpits around the globe that a believer can actually BUY a spiritual blessing from God with their financial giving. The message has even been reduced to a quasi-mathematical formula—whatever you give will have a 100 fold return: 100 dollars for a one dollar offering, 1000 dollars for 10 dollars, 10,000 for 100 dollars, and so on.

It is truly an abomination to twist the Lord’s very words in bible RED serve as the foundation for this demonic, materialistic teaching. Jesus said “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly”. He was not talking about finances. The word for life in this verse is “zoe”—-ETERNAL LIFE!!! Yet word of faith are defensive and belligerent in their ignorance. Some have even used the Lord’s very words to name their nefarious churches “Abundant Life,” a bold suggestion of their commitment to the prosperity false doctrine.



To the word of faith prosperity preacher, giving money to the church is “planting seed” is taken from the Lord’s parable about “the Sower.” If you have listened to Christian radio or watched preachers on TV, you have undoubtedly heard the expression, “good ground.” They have told you that their church or ministry is GOOD GROUND.” Therefore, if you sow your seed into it, you will reap a financial harvest.

It is amazing how many countless millions around the world have fallen for this demonic lie in the last 20 years! Absolutely incredulous. It reminds me of the old flim flam that was rampant in the 20’s and 30’s in the inner cities called “bakin money.” Prior to the mark giving the con man his or her life savings, the con man put a small amount money into a heated oven and “baked”it. As bread spreads because of the yeast, when the money came out of the oven, it had increased 100 fold.

So by this “demonstration,” the mark was convinced by the trick of the eye. You see, in the demonstration, the con man had sneakily  added the increase into the oven when the mark was not looking by the slight of hand. Even though poor folk fell for the con, at least they were shown some sort of demonstration. Today, pulpit pimps and prostitutes have raised the spiritual ante by teaching THEIR marks that they must  “walk by faith and not by sight!”

“WHAT A SET-UP!!!” If you don’t get the increase they promise God will send you for your tithes and offers, you are yet tricked again to believe that perhaps YOUR faith is too weak to prosper!!!

Listen, people of God! Jesus explained the parable of the Sower Himself. Good ground is the soul or heart of one who hears the gospel, understands it, believes it and He saves them!!!!The seed is the word of God, not MONEY!!!!

In conclusion, I repeat. The prosperity gospel is particularly abominable because it takes the words of the Lord, adds to them and detracts from them.The prosperity preacher may have flim-flammed you and gotten rich off of your hard earned dollars, but he and she are cursed. Why? As Paul warned the Galatians, anyone who adds to or takes away from the word of God is CURSED!


One last thing. About  7years ago, the Lord showed me that He has sent a spirit of poverty on all the sheep who have been duped by the prosperity gospel, —not as punishment but as a warning—a wake up call. He wants to let you know that the prosperity gospel is not working and therefore, you will use your commonsense and wake up to the fact that it is not of Him. Be warned. He wants you to flee the prosperity gospel. He will restore your finances once you “get His message” and repent.


OCD and Impulsivity: Trump Is Dangerous!

16 Mar

Donald Trump not only consumes conspiracy theories, he creates them out of a tendency to only believe what he believes regardless of the evidence revealed to him. This is dangerous! If you are this way and  you are seeking s deliverance, your thoughts and beliefs give the devil the upper hand.

Fake News and Alternative Facts Cannot Compete With the Truth!

14 Mar

The more religious background you have, the more susceptible to fake news and alternative facts you are. The Lord has not forgotten His own, as He sill save you through a dream.

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times


An important quality of truth is that it is consistent. The word consistent brings other words to my mind. like reliable— constant, regular, uniform, steady, stable, even, unchanging, undeviating, unfluctuating; dependable, predictable.

Another way to define consistency is by the negative persuasion: not wavering. Not containing any contradictions. The scriptures tell us that we can expect nothing good from a wavering, inconsistent person, who is tossed about by every wind of doctrine.

Consistency must fit in with one of the fruits of the spirit. It has to because before I was born again, I was quite inconsistent. I called it “spontaneous.”  I suspect I thought I was keeping myself from being boring by doing impulsive, unexpected things. It’s a character trait of my sign, as a Sag. Never able to be pinned down.

Well, let me tell you what the Holy Spirit does with signs. As a simple example, I am…

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The Prophetic Ministry of Pam Sheppard

12 Mar
This post was originally written and created by Pastor Pam Sheppard  pastorps911

One of my ministries is that of an end time watchman. I was reminded of the Lord’s warning to yet another watchman whose name is Ezekiel. I personally heed the Lord’s command to Ezekiel as though His words were spoken directly to me. Simply put, if I don’t warn you, the people, then your blood is on my hands. (Ezekiel Ch. 3) Consequently, I am committed to releasing truth not only IN love, but BY love.

Point #1: Simply stated, I personally suspect that the institutional church has already been judged relatively recently, perhaps decades, maybe even a century ago.

If not, then judgment is very close at hand.  Satan began to progressively establish a seat within church divisions, sects, and organizations since around the third century. Therefore, I believe that the book of Revelation was prophetically  written about every church age. However, death has been a real blessing for the saints who have already left this earth prior to “the end.” Truly, those who are alive when the Lord Jesus Christ returns for the dead and the living will face a challenge that no other church age has been required to face. I believe that we are approaching  that hour NOW—as we live in the best of times and the worst of times. I may see the grave, maybe NOT—-but my daughter and my grandson may yet be alive when He comes. So where do we stand now?

Point #2. Well, I believe that we are in the midst of a transition.

Back in the summer of 1981, as I sat in a chair dozing,–(not asleep yet not fully awake either,) I heard the audible voice of the Lord. I didn’t have to try the spirits on this one. Didn’t have a chance to. He said “Pam,” and my spirit caused my mouth to answer immediately— “Yes, Lord.”

Then He said “I am about to do a new thing with My Church.” I stirred, stretched a bit and answered, ” Uh, huh.” Then, in the sweetest voice I have ever heard in my life, He asked very politely, without a hint of command or demand—-“Can I use you??”I was spiritually ignorant back then and so I answered without even thinking, “Sure Lord. Let’s start with the Roses of Hope.” It took decades for me to realize that “His church” was not just the local church that I was a member of.

In my local church, The Roses of Hope was a money-raising group who organized house parties where they had card games and sold liquor to raise money for the church. I had only been a churchgoer for two years in 1981 when the Lord called me.. Likewise, I was still as carnal as the rest of the members, but commonsense told me that there was something not quite right about THIS kind of money-raising. lol. Once I mentioned the Roses of Hope, my conversation with the Lord stopped immediately and there was a deep silence. Disappointed, I thought to myself “what did I say that turned Him off?” I was such a babe. I have heard His voice a few times since but never again quite LIKE THAT!!!

Looking back, I realize that this encounter with the Lord was one of the several ways that I received my calling 35 years ago prior to entering the ministry on Oct. 25, 1981. At that time, I did not know what a sermon was much less a calling to ministry, so it took at least 10 signs for me to finally comprehend that I was being called. Even so, I have  forgotten the Lord’s mentioning of “the new thing.” What new thing is the Lord is going to do with “His Church?” I can look back over the last 14 years and finally understand that the new thing is Christian assembly online, in homes, with very little organization, other than to planning and strategy. The barest of administration to provide the slights of order to avoid confusion of His endtime sheepfold around the world.

so to keep with the flow of my story, as a pastor for 17 of my 25 years of ministry in a church institution,  I had another encounter with the voice of God, this time in a dream. I never saw His face, only His robe.  The focus of the dream was my ministry within the institutional church I had been ordained by and appointed two different churches to pastor.  I was in a comfortable groove and never even considered leaving. So I was baffled by this dream. The Lord said “Pam, you are a light hidden under a bed.  I cannot use you here.” He started to walk away, then turned around and said in a casual way“but let them put you out.”

Wow! I was shocked. My immediate response was “I have 25 years of good standing in this denomination.  It is impossible for them to put me out.” A week after the dream, I learned there was a secret plot underway in an attempt to discredit me.  I could have come against it without a problem but I remembered the dream. Therefore,   I did not fight it at all.  In fact, I sat back and watched, pretending I was blind to the plot as everything as initiated behind my back, yet I had new eyes on the back of my head.  Nine months later, I let them remove my name from their rolls. Nevertheless, not even once  did I consider in 2004, that it was God’s intent that I never enter  another church building  again. Then in 2007, fully awake, not in an obvious altered state of consciousness, I heard from the Lord once again on these matters.  What I heard THIS time was beyond shocking.

There was no audible voice this time, as the communication was from ” the sender of the message to my spirit and then to my mind.” At the time, I was attempting to set up a conference schedule to conduct deliverance training seminars for a churches around the country and in Bermuda when I ran into a “closed-door.” Almost immediately, the Lord revealed to me that He was the one who closed the door. Wondering why, I sought the Father in prayer. It didn’t take long for me to be answered. In less than a week, a kind of telepathic communication took place to let me know that I was “on the wrong track”. .

First I heard a question.“Pam. would you put up curtains at the windows of a condemned building?”I used my mind to answer with a “no.” Then a kind of speech was made that went something like this.“A homeless person will make a home in a condemned building. To escape the elements of the weather on the outside, he will satisfy himself and “make do” with no heat, no running water, no lights, and he will share his dwelling with the occupants: the rats and the roaches.” Then I was hit in the face with this statement. “If you try to edify the organized church with seminars and conferences, you will be putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building.”

Metaphorically speaking, it was clear to me that the condemned building was a symbol of the organized church. If this “mental conversation” was from the Holy Ghost)===== then the metaphor is suggesting that the organized church is a condemned building. Please note that I am still trying the spirits, so I am not saying “thus says the Lord” in this instance. If you have heard different, please let me know so that we can try the spirits together!!!

Condemnation suggests “judgment.” The word says that “judgment will begin at the household of faith.” Therefore, natural logic by simple commonsense suggests to me that “the organized church has either already been judged or will be judged very soon.” In keeping with this parable of sorts, sheep who attend church regularly are those who are afraid of the outside elements of a dangerous and sinful world, –and rightly so–Therefore, it makes sense to run inside church walls for protection. Yet, in keeping with the symbols, when we run inside, we find that there is no light. God is light. In Him there is no darkness at all. No light-No God!!!!! So what do we do? We “make do!!!”

The church has become skilled at “making do!” Since Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the Light and His people are referred to “as lights”, the next logical thought is that He is not the Head of the organized church and very few of His people are attending church. So what of the massive, mega congregations? Same thing. No light. No God. As astutely recognized in the words  of one of my subscribers, it’s just a crowd of gatherers worshipping someone who they refer to as Jesus. To quote her exact words, “wherever the crowd gathers, there is sin crouching at the door.”

In addition, there is no running water in the condemned building— no rivers of living water–therefore, no Holy Ghost. Without the Holy Ghost, then the 7 stars are removed. The 7 stars are the angels of God.(Rev.1:20) Angels are assigned to the churches to guard and protect each flock. Without the Holy Ghost and the angels of God, it is understandable why the sheep are being spiritually damaged by the shepherds—- The RATS are the wolves in sheep’s clothing—- hirelings–the so-called shepherds of the flock—- countless pastors who fellowship with uncleaness, ie. the roaches.

So it stands to reason, that if this “condemned building” parable be from the Lord, then the leaders of the church as it now stands have fared poorly in the Lord’s eyes. If this be so, then what about the sheep? Sheep need shepherds?!!! Where are the shepherds of the Lord? A condemned building can stand, maybe for years but ultimately, the beams and the walls will crumble and fall. If it doesn’t fall, then the city will come along with a bulldozer and “take it down.” How will the organized church come down?

Read Revelation Ch. 17 and Rev. 18 about “the harlot” called Mystery Babylon. After the fall of the towers of the World Trade Center, I thought that Rev. Ch. 18 was fulfilled for several reasons. However, one fact caused me to know that the dust fallout in NYC and the fall of “world trade” was not the complete fulfillment of this chapter. Why? Because the World Trade Center is being rebuilt. The scripture clearly states that when Babylon falls, there will be no rebuilding of her. So I wrongly assumed that Mystery Babylon was NYC. I was born and raised in NYC. Therefore, in error, I warned everyone I knew to “come out of her.”

After a few years passed, I realized that NYC is NOT Babylon. Is it the USA? Maybe.  Any one who knows the Lord realizes that He would not command us to “come out of her, my people” (Rev. 18:4), “lest you share in her sins, lest you receive of her plagues,” unless there was an actual place where we could flee to. Where are God’s people? Well, for the most part, God’s people are known to be in the organized church.

If Mystery Babylon were an actual city or nation, where on earth could all of God’s people go in an exodus of unimaginable global proportions? Recognizing the signs of the time, a few Christians have already fled to Canada, believing that in doing so, they are going to escape the fall of America. I say this to you. How can America be Babylon when God’s people are everywhere. So where are His people in every nation on the planet supposed to go? To the Moon or to Mars?

I don’t know about you but I don’t own a space ship. Even though several mega-tv evangelists own personal jet planes, they don’t own space ships!!! Regardless of what anybody says, America is the best country in the entire world. Meaning no disrespect to non-American readers, seekers of freedom from around the world flee their native lands all the time to find a safe harbor on American shores. There is no actual “place” that God’s people can go to on this earth.

Ironically, the USA is a country founded upon the flight of spiritually oppressed people from the Old World. However, since Christopher Columbus, oppressed Americans have no earthly place that we ourselves can flee to. Think about it. Can all of God’s people in the USA fit into Canada? Let’s be real, here. Anyway, if America is to fall, how safe is Canada? Canada is just around the corner from us. We’d be better off in Australia or the South Pole!!!!

BUT Fear not!!! Mystery Babylon could certainly not be a physical place. In 3 of my books, I referred to “the Fake Jesus” and other Ascended Masters aka “fallen angels”, with the two leading ones calling themselves Maitreya and Jesus Sananda Immanuel.  I am not alone in my belief that Mystery Babylon is a metaphor symbolizing idolatrous religion and other world systems. The “judged” church is not Mystery Babylon in its totality, but merely a part of it, Actually, there are several signs that the organized churches of today will eventually unite with all of the other false religions that relegate our Lord to a mere teacher or a prophet who they claim is a created being, “not divine”.

Yet I believe that most of the true church will rise out of a righteous remnant that still remains within the institution called  church and others whom the Lord has touched and called who have never been church members. I realize that the outpouring of the spirit of God upon ALL flesh is coming upon “the remnant church” but clearly, the Holy Ghost will not manifest Himself in a corrupt place. The Lord will not put new wine into old wineskins. However, where the rivers will flow, I do not yet know.

Does the “new thing” require buildings to do the work of the Lord.? No, but if so, I suspect that buildings will be used on a very limited scale. The early church of the book of Acts “was not organized,” as followers of the resurrected Lord assembled in each other’s homes. Likewise,  the “new thing” will not be organized with boards, bishops and buildings either!!!! The only covering required is the Head Himself, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Praise His Holy Name!!!

Nor will anyone be  able to stand in the way of “the new thing.” I have perceived some signs that quietly and secretly the Holy Ghost has been taking His time over the last few decades, preparing righteous and holy shepherds–like Joshua and Caleb– who have been refined in the fires of trial, trouble and tribulation— leaders across the globe. There are not many of them, but like Gideon’s army, there will be enough to do the job. So what should we do in the meantime? Well, we should “watch, pray and wait. “

Some of God’s people have already heeded the call and we have “come out of Her.” Others of you may have to stay within the condemned building for a time or at least on its periphery, until you too “hear the call.” It is not my job to “call you out.” This is not my intention. Some people are addicted to church and if they were to “come out” without the proper care and support systems in place, additional spiritual damage might be incurred. As withdrawal from alcohol without medical supervision is life threatening, so too, an exodus from the organized church at the present moment may be too shocking to the spiritual system of longterm “churchaholics.” Actually, it is wise NOT to come out until you hear the Holy Ghost for yourself. The problem is that most sheep within church walls for a considerable length of time are so deaf and so blind that they simply cannot hear and they cannot see.

Moreover, the enemy has built up a formidable stronghold by seducing them to heed and believe false doctrines or to become emotionally attached to pastors, buildings, church traditions, choir members, etc.. The god of this world has blinded them, almost beyond repair. (II Cor 4:3,4) Only God Himself can release the prey of the mighty and set free the lawfully captive. (Isaiah 49:24-26) In each case of spiritual blindness, prayer should beseech the Father based upon His mercy, grace and pardon. My job is simple. I preach righteousness and truth, both by mouth and on the printed page. That’s all I have to do. The Lord does His work of deliverance, and from time to time, allows me to share in His power.

I commit to sending you the truth through my books, videos and blogs and let the Spirit of Truth –aka the Holy Ghost open your spiritual ears to hear, to understand and to obey Him when He calls you out of Mystery Babylon. By His grace and mercy, I believe that He will restore your spiritual hearing and your spiritual sight, if the condition of your heart is sincere, meek and upright. You yourself have an unction from God to see and if you hunger and thirst after righteousness, I strongly believe that when the time is right, you will hear His call.

To simplify matters, here is a general overview of the organized church of today. There are two main sects of Christians: Catholics and Protestants. Within Protestantism, there are three main branches: the denominations, the non-denominations, and the word of faith/charismatic movement. The church of James from Atlanta’s youth falls under the category of a denomination, the Baptist Church. The second church that James and Michelle both describe is what is categorized as a word of faith, non-denominational charismatic church.

There are many denominations. There are a few denominations that are charismatic, ie. the pentecostal churches. There is one denomination that calls itself “full gospel Baptist.” It should be pointed out that every nondenominational church is not necessarily charismatic or word of faith. However, practically ALL word of faith churches are charismatic and therefore they have much in common with some denominational pentecostal churches.

So where should you attend church while you “watch and wait” for the Lord’s “new thing?” Good question. Everyone is not like me. As a watchman, I was actually called to stand alone. So this is just my opinion for those who have a different calling. My advice may be of some value to you, as it is based upon decades of experience with the denominational and the non-denominational, charismatic word of faith movement.

Point #3 In truth, I personally believe that the best option–the wisest choice–is to stay out of the organized church entirely, especially if you are a babe in Christ or one who is lost, but seeking Him.

However, if you are  a churchgoer and you are still attached or even addicted to “church”, then know this. By far, if you are attending a charismatic church, be it pentecostal, charismatic, or word of faith, you are not in a safe place.  All churches have become a dwelling place of demons!

I am also an advocate of home churches, of three, but  no more than 5 people.  Each home church should have a coordinator.  I will provide the coordinator with all of the tools necessary to feed the sheep each week in my online church. For more information call 888-818-1117. Also if my story speaks to you, let me hear from you and tell me YOUR story in the contact form below.

Vital to Your Survival is “The Church of the End-Time Zombies”

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Deliverance From Error: Avoiding Truthiness, FAke News and Alternative Facts

10 Mar

I have noticed that some churchgoers feel absolutely miserable when they become undeceived. Their self worth was bound up in their acts of religion. Self-hatred, shame and guilt are a part of the process as well. Serious remorse and sorrow—the grieving stage—is usually followed by intense anger and desire for revenge against those who deceived them.

I never experienced any of that.

As for me, I was a minister for more than 25 years within a well-known denomination when I got undeceived. I NEVER GOT ANGRY OR BLAMED ANYONE ELSE. I was actually angry BEFORE I got undeceived. That is because most of the time, I was rejected by church folk and other ministers. So once I got undeceived, I realized why people in the institutional church aka the  IC did not like me. And so it was very easy for me  to forgive them and move on. Also, I really never submitted myself to anyone. I took all the blame primarily  on myself. Therefore,  all those whom the enemy used to deceive me did not even get a second thought.

In fact, I was blissfully joyous. First came shock. Then understanding followed by extreme gratefulness.

What I was grateful for is that everything I was wrong on: tongues and other supernatural gifts, tithing, I RARELY PREACHED FROM THE PULPIT. I never insisted that everyone speak in tongues, or tithe. Did I create false conversions? Not many. On a rare occasion,  I declared people born again when they “accepted Christ.” I did not do much on “ask Him to come into your heart” though. While I was ministering at the altar, it just did not come to me to say.

The denomination I was in did not have many people to come forward to accept Christ. The pastors  asked the congregations to come forward to join the denomination and then they put them on a 6 months trial. So there were not many people falsely getting born again.


Actually, I knew from the beginning in 1979 that something was seriously wrong with the church but I  thought it was my responsibility to be an instrument for IC change. Recently I heard that the special church I adored and desired to pastor for so many years is practically dead right now.  A close ministerial friend who was my rival over that church has now left it in failure and disgrace. Did I feel vindicated?  NO.  What  I felt was utter sadness.  You know them by their fruit.

One of the stages you should arrive at is being grateful that God saw fit to undeceived you. If you have had a false conversion, if He has un-deceived you, that means He intends to cause you to be born again and to deliver you. I am particularly in  awe that most of my life, I thought I was special. I WANTED TO BE KNOWN as the best this or that. The truth is that I did not know what it really means to be special really  until God Himself made me special beyond my expectation with the revelations He has given me. No, I had no idea what special really is. If there is a duplicate of me anywhere in the world, I would like to meet him or her.

God has made me so special that I prefer to hide than to make myself known to the world. All I want is for God”s elect to be undeceived.”

What really shocked me was to discover that the 3 dreams I had in 1979 that told me to go to that particular  church were from the devil. That was one of my biggest shocks. It caused me to wonder if God really called me to the ministry while in the church. Certainly, something supernatural DID happen. Was that God or the devil? Was all my work a waste? Did I really cast out demons from people or was it all a sham? Was The Holy Spirit helping me to preach or did my help come from a fallen angel?

Well, I have answers to those questions. One way I got an answer was to listen to messages I preached and taught before I was undeceived. I have not heard them all as there are many, but I have not found a mistake or an untruth yet in the ones I have heard thus far. Actually, I am being blessed and re-taught by my own messages.

For me, my past spiritual life is not a major concern. I put all those years behind me without much effort.

How about you? What has YOUR stages of undeception been like? If you are at the beginning, the middle or even the final stages of being undeceived, you may need some pastoral coaching via telephone sessions.  If so, call 888-818-1117 or fill out the contact form below.  If you prefer to work on your own, I have prepared resources for you that you can review and obtain by clicking here.

Why Is America Not In the Bible? Trump, King Kong and the Chaldean

5 Mar

Held captive by Trumpism? The truth will set you free!

Group 5: Preparing For End-Times

Over the last 40 years since I have been born again, I have wondered why the United States of America is not mentioned in end-times bible prophecy. THE USA has been a world power my entire life.  So , “what have we missed?” Could our answer be found in Donald Trump? Only 40 or so days into his administration, I have been led  to a sobering observation. america

Consider the Chaldeans mentioned  in the old testament historical record. The prophet Habakkuk predicted that Judah would be judged by God with an invasion of Judah and the destruction of the temple by the Chaldeans.  It happened.  Yet the Chaldeans no longer exist while the Israelites survived the onslaught and obtained their own land in 1948.

Some churchfolk believe that America is not in the bible because most of us will be raptured by God, leaving our country behind when all the born again citizens are…

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Set Free By Angels: Do Not Provoke Them!

2 Mar

Many have been fascinated by angels, particularly as we watch their actions throughout the scriptures as angels  do  God’s bidding, protect God’s people and  send key  messages.  Nevertheless,  as much as  I find angels  interesting, I approach the topic with caution. My position on the matter is  that we need to avoid playing  with fire without  sufficient  knowledge.  For I have found that the spirit world can be like playing with matches.  For example,  many Charismatics have been taught to command angels in prayers and when they did, what they received was false conversions & torment. So I do not command or pray to or   directly communicate with angels, even when I know that they are present. Why? Because the bible warns us that angels can be provoked.  Here is an excerpt from the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us:”

cover_the fake Jesus_new

Click the cover for the softcover and the title link for the ebook

Consider Daniel. When Daniel prayed, his prayers caused an angelic battle that Daniel himself was completely unaware of in the spiritual realm. When prayer is in accord with God’s will, we do, in a sense, affect angelic battles. However, to take prayer to a level of actually attempting to control what goes on between —when we try to “bring down principalities and powers”—I believe that we are stretching our self-created teaching on spiritual warfare beyond the limits and boundaries of our actual authority. God Himself have given Satan and his army “the go ahead.” Its a challenge where the Lord mocks the demons in derision with, “Hey Satan. You will have no lasting success in your attempt to rule the world— but have a go!!! Take your best shot. I am counting on My Son and I am counting on the elect to stay loyal to Me and they will spit in the face of the anti-Christ, the False Prophet—– and you, devil!!!
The “open the gates” thing is smeared with the Sananda influence that suggests that you can control your own destiny by the words of your mouth. Dangerous stuff. In example #2, there is also a clever, subtle euphemistic statement of “personal ministry offered by a prophetic team”—aka “psychic readings are available for everyone. Our mediums are here to serve you.” Readings that call themselves “prophetic” will certainly “open your gates.” They will open the gates of your soul to the wrong spirit and you will be in serious trouble.