Archive | July, 2015

“Spiritual Discernment in 2012” by Pam Sheppard

28 Jul

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I have been saved, born again since Monday— March 29, 1977 at about 4pm. Yet, once I wrote the book “the Fake Jesus” about 5 years ago, I found myself cleaning out my own temple from the deceptive influence of Sananda, Ashtar and perhaps other so-called ascended masters. You see, this book connects the dots between the church system, the new age movement and the ascended masters, aka the fallen angels. I discovered in retrospect that once the demons lost me to the One True God, they immediately set out to derail His plan for my life. Through dreams and other supernatural experiences, I was deceived on many levels for almost three decades..For 3 years BEFORE I was saved, I was steeped in the occult. I also had healing powers and I was able to see into the future through astrology and other means. Once saved, my occult powers carried over into Christianity without my knowledge primarily because I was ignorant of Satan’s devices. I’ve learned a lot about the enemy in 38 years!

When you examine EVERYTHING, you are actually resisting the devil and he shall flee from you, IF YOU PRESS ON!.

Whether in ignorance or by design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan’s services by either a formal pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself to the powers of darkness.. When signs, wonders and strange religious practices that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way through the doors of your soul. . My testimony is too long for one blog. However for the sake of the subject matter at hand, I can testify that I was one who ignorantly made an informal pact with the fake Jesus by not properly severing ALL of my ties to my pre-conversion practices of occultism and mediumship.

Through presumption, I assumed that once saved, ALL of my occultic practices of the past were behind me, since I had burned all of my astrology and occultic books in 1983. My personal testimony is a classic example of how the fake Jesus can fool a true Christian by deception, capitalizing on its target’s ignorance of certain spiritual matters. Hosea’s word continues to ring true.(Hosea 4:6) God’s elect are overwhelmingly deceived and if we are not careful, ultimately destroyed by a lack of knowledge of how “all spiritual manifestations are NOT from God!”Another reason why I share various aspects of my own personal testimony is to give you hope and confidence that the principalities and the powers of heaven shall not win. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and I am an overcomer.

Here is just one of several examples. I received tongues at a meeting held in Albany New York through the ministry of the late Kenneth Hagin. Hagin is really the founder of the word of faith movement as it is operating today. I have no idea whether or not Hagin was a false prophet or a deceived one. I simply look around as I view Charismania, and I know Hagin by his fruits. Anyway, I never truly embraced the way that I received tongues because it had no resemblance to the way the early church received this gift as revealed in the book of Acts. Yet, I grew to speak prolifically, at my own will, what charismatics call in “a prayer language.”

The reason why I have not been convinced about tongues is that for 25 years, I was not able to find a bona-fide interpreter, nor was I able to interpret myself. So I ask, “Where are the interpreters?” The Holy Ghost does not expect me to throw away my commonsense. If I have prayed off and on for decades to receive the gift of interpretation of tongues as Paul suggests that we all do, 25 years passed and I still found no one, including myself to interpret my “prayer language”, good sense suggested to me that the tongue that I received in 1983 is not from God. So if it is not from God, then who did it come from?

Well, its obvious. It didn’t come from me. I suspect that it came from one of the Ascended Masters, perhaps Sananda or Ashtar. What would be the reason for the demons to desire to imitate tongues? Well, if we don’t know what we are saying when we speak in an “unknown” tongue, we could very possibly be used by demonic beings to “decree and declare” that their will, purposes and agenda be done on earth, rather than that of the will of the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One, True and Only Creator–the one that Lucifer rebelled against in the first place.
I have been involved in almost all of what is passing itself off today as emanating from the Holy Ghost. Early on, I was groaning and weeping in very strange ways beginning in 1979.. Kenneth Copeland provided me with the explanation that I was looking for, confirming to me that my strange experience was a manifestation of intercessory prayer. Kenneth taught that the strange weeping and groaning that I did was a sacrificial work for the lost and the bound, emanating in travail from the Holy Ghost. TD Jakes and his “wailing women” seminars concur with Copeland. So Copeland, Jakes and others had me convinced that God was using my travail to break yokes and bondages, ie. setting captives free. Since I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to intercede, it is only natural that I held on to this strange work.

My mind was certainly unfruitful when I travailed and so often I tried to guess the reason behind it. I convinced myself that much of my groaning and weeping was for sinning preachers to repent. If so, it did not work. They just kept on sinning. I also laughed wildly in the spirit before I even heard of Hagin and Brown’s practice of what is called “holy laughter.”. My laughter was different, as I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to laugh at the devil. When I laughed, I cried also. I found several scriptures to support my style of holy laughter and so I never tried this phenomena to see if it be of God. I just assumed that it was. The only supernatural experiences that I have not personally experienced is holy dance and shouting, African-American style. Perhaps that is because I have no cultural background in the South and I was not raised in an African-American Church or any church. In other words, holy dancing was not a part of my ancestral upbringing.

Furthermore, even though demons could no longer “step into me and speak,” some of my mediumistic traits DID survive my conversion. Nevertheless, when a counterfeit was exposed by the Holy Ghost in recent years, I have been duty bound to remove it by repenting and disavowing it. For example, I could heal BEFORE I was converted. I sucked pain out of people with my hands, particularly my left hand, BEFORE I was converted—proof that my healing gift was mediumistic and not charismatic, NOT OF THE HOLY GHOST.

Once I realized that my healing gift was tainted, I have made every effort not to touch anyone unless I am sure that I am being led by God to do so. I know today that more was required. I have come to the conclusion that my healing gift was not from God and therefore I vehemently repented, rebuked, resisted and renounced it. Perhaps the Lord will give me the true gift of healing from the Holy Ghost. Perhaps not. I just kept on cleaning house as I press toward the mark of my high calling and truth flooded down upon me like rivers of living waters.. I resisted the devil and he fled from me.

Here is another example of my occultic powers influencing my Christian service. Since I could see into the future through astrology and through dreams BEFORE I was converted, I had never learned the absolute necessity of trying the spirits to see if they be of God. As I look back over my Christian journey, some of my most significant dreams of future events that actually transpired were sent by the Fake Jesus. I see now with a clarity that I have never had before. The fake Jesus uses counterfeits of the Holy Ghost as “a hook.” Whenever I receive information of a futuristic nature in a dream about people I know, I rebuked the spirit of divination. Now I rarely hear from this demon.

In the last seven years, when the Lord wants me to know the future, I just “KNOW IT.” Very quietly. Don’t have to see a thing. I walk in faith these days and I don’t have a need of knowing the future as I once did. I soberly remember the Lord’s warning: A PERVERSE NATION SEEKS AFTER A SIGN! So, yes, I can admit without reservation that I myself have been deceived by the fake Jesus, and it has taken all of 30 years to get clean. There is evidence that I am completely clean but seriously speaking, I can’t yet say that I am absolutely certain. I wait on the Lord for Him to expose what may yet need to be uncovered.

How do I feel as a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Only and True Begotten Son of God who has been deceived by the Fake Jesus for decades? Do I feel like a failure,–fooled frustrated, faithless ? Bamboozled, run a muck? To that, I must say, emphatically NOOOOOOOO! I am joyous, relieved that real truth has truly revived me and I am free at last!!!! .And I declare, ” BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!

You see, in my relentless search for truth, the Holy Ghost has granted me the wisdom to deny all mediumistic gifts once He has exposed them to me. However, He would not expose them to me until I was willing to humble myself, In 2012, I strongly recommend that all my readers humble themselves. To begin the process the first step involves questioning every significant supernatural experience that you have had since you believe you were saved, including your conversion experience. I would not recommend this step to you, if I did not take my own advice. Having been there and done that, I am pleased to report that the quality and consistency of the wisdom that I have received in the last seven years as compared to the previous 27 years, is truly beyond comparison. And the wisdom of God just keeps on coming.

If you have been in the occult, you were in the hands of the fake Jesus. Once you became saved, the fake Jesus assigned a religious demon to you to attempt to make your Christian journey unfruitful. The deception is like a maze or an intricate spider web. You may need help in unraveling the deception that the enemy has woven for years, even decades. Help is available. Call 518-477-5759 or send an email to

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For a copy of Pam’s book, “The Fake Jesus” go here:

You can also contact us
or call us at 518-477-5759

Blasphemous Thoughts Yesterday and Today by Pam Sheppard

26 Jul

Over the centuries, demons and fallen angels continue to use similar strategies to torment their captives. Mental torment including blasphemous thoughts and irrational fears have been used by evil spirits throughout history to terrify those who have been religious. One such strategy in particular is inserting a fear into the captive of selling his soul, or even selling Christ so that he loses his salvation. Though both of these fears are not rooted in reality, and are simply torment in the realm of the mind, they serve as a way for demons to keep the captive in terror of committing a horrible sin.

One man who suffered intensely from blasphemous thoughts and a vivid fear of “selling Christ” was John Bunyan, who lived in England from 1628­1688. Bunyan eventually became a minister of the Gospel who has been famous throughout the centuries for his books including The Pilgrim’s Progress a​nd G​race Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.​Bunyan began worrying about sin and going to hell at the very young age of 9 or 10 years old. Once in his 20’s, Bunyan read the books T​he Plain Man’s Pathway to Heaven a​nd T​he Practice of Piety​and he began to desire religion and started attending church twice a day.
Bunyan became more and more religious, attempting to keep the ten commandments in order to go to heaven.

Though appearing to have turned his life around from an outwardly sinful one to one that seemed holy, he was consumed with doubts and began to have disturbing obsessive thoughts. The thoughts that started plaguing Bunyan included the fear that he was a reprobate and that he was possessed by the devil. Blasphemous thoughts about God also tormented him. “Yea, then I was most distressed with blasphemies. If I had been hearing the word, then uncleanness, blasphemies and despair would hold me a captive there: if I have been reading, then sometimes I had sudden thoughts to question all I read…“ (G​race Abounding to the Chief of Sinners,​paragraph 106).

In addition to blasphemous thoughts, Bunyan was also plagued by intrusive thoughts about worshipping the devil.

Sometimes also he (the devil) would cast in such wicked thoughts as these; that I must pray to him, or for him: I have thought sometimes of that, F​all down; o​r, i​f thou wilt fall down and worship me. M​att. iii. 9.” (​Grace Abounding,​paragraph 107).
A particularly distressing obsession that haunted Bunyan was “T​o sell and part with this most blessed Christ, to exchange Him for the things of this life, for any thing. T​he temptation lay upon me for the space of a year, and did follow me so continually, that I was not rid of it one day in a month: no, not sometimes one hour in many days together, unless when I was asleep.” (G​race Abounding,​paragraph 133).

“But it was neither my dislike of the thought, nor yet any desire and endeavour to resist, that in the least did shake or abate the continuation or force and strength thereof; for it did always, in almost whatever I thought, intermix itself therewith, in such sort, that I could neither eat my food, stoop for a pin, chop a stick, or cast mine eye to look on this or that, but still the temptation would come, S​ell Christ for this, or sell Christ for that; sell Him, sell Him.”​(​G​race Abounding,​paragraph 135).

This particular tormenting thought about selling Christ bears many similarities to the case of one of my clients, who I will call Diane. Diane is an A student and an intelligent college grad. For months now she has been tormented with the intrusive thought of selling her soul to the devil. Since having a false conversion about 6 years ago, she began having obsessive intrusive thoughts characteristic of OCD. These unwanted thoughts included the fear of committing the unpardonable sin, selling her birthright like Esau, going to hell, selling her salvation, and most recently, the fear of selling her soul to the devil.

Diane is constantly besieged these thoughts, just like Bunyan was attacked constantly for at least a year with thoughts about selling Jesus Christ. Like Bunyan, despite the fact that these thoughts are unwanted and she fears them, they still return. Just like Bunyan was dealing with intrusive thoughts to sell Christ, this client is dealing with intrusive thoughts to sell her soul to the devil, which in essence would be selling out Christ as well.

So I noticed that the case of Diane  and the case of John Bunyan have many similarities. The natures of Bunyan and Diane are to be self­absorbed, easily lost in thought, and fearful. The strategy of the evil spirits in Bunyan’s case and her case has been to torment them with their worst fears. Both Bunyan and this woman were/are terrified to somehow “give in” or “consent to” the thoughts. Bunyan at one point believed that he consented to the thought to sell Christ, just by having the thought “Let Him go, if He will” pass through his heart. He truly believed that he had sold his savior by having this thought and that he was doomed to hell for all eternity, believing that he had committed an unpardonable sin. My client also felt at one point that she had consented to selling her soul by just having a thought/sensation that felt as if she had “given in” to the thoughts about selling her soul. After being convinced that in fact, she had not actually sold her soul, the thoughts still continued. At this point the thoughts are continual, just like Bunyan’s thoughts about selling Christ.

My hypothesis  is this: the fact that these two cases which are CENTURIES apart are extremely similar and follow a similar pattern of fears and intrusive thoughts, with both people at one point being convinced that they had “sold their soul” or “sold Christ,” shows that the demonic strategy of tormenting people with blasphemous thoughts and fears of worshipping the devil or selling one’s soul or selling out Christ is nothing new. Demons know people’s personality types. It seems as if those who are particularly self-­absorbed, fearful, and are prone to OCD are prime targets for demons to torment them with thoughts that scare the person the most.

The good news is this: there is hope for those who suffer with intrusive blasphemous thoughts, fears of committing the unpardonable sin, selling Christ, selling one’s soul, and other tormenting thoughts. Bunyan’s case shows that although he suffered with this particular fear of selling Christ for over a year, Bunyan had a born again experience in which he was convicted of sin, was brought to the cross and was reassured of Christ’s bodily resurrection, and received forgiveness and cleansing of his sins. (G​race Abounding,​paragraph 229). At this point, all Bunyan’s torment stopped and he received peace and joy. My client Diane is still dealing with these thoughts on a moment-­to-­moment basis, which is extremely frustrating both to her and to myself as this has been a persistent issue for her. Although Diane presently is still dealing with the demonic intrusive thoughts and fears, if she is of the elect, she will be set free immediately upon her rebirth. For now, counseling  helps  Diane to manage and reduce the intensity of the torment.

Works cited: Bunyan, John. ​Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners.­h/654­h.htm#page147

“How Does The Holy Spirit Work?” by Pam Sheppard

25 Jul

Pam Sheppard discusses thoughts on how the Holy Spirit works


“The only honest answer after 37 years being led by Him is to say “I do not know.”

All I can say is that he is just like how The Lord described Him. He is like the wind. You can’t really see the wind, but you see it’s effects. He is neither wild, boastful or drunk as He is displayed by charismatics. His main purpose is to exalt Christ and to conform us into the Lord’s image. He does that first by causing us to be born again. The Spirit uses a uniquely personal approach, first of all by reproving and convicting us—causing us to repent by making the cross real and personal in our lives, dropping faith into us to believe on the Lord’s resurrection. Every testimony of rebirth is different but all of the elements of His work are the same. If they are not ALL there, then…

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The Fallacies of Deliverance Ministry

23 Jul

In this post we address the issue of Deliverance ministries in a Q&A format:-

1.In  your estimation, what would you say you do that is different from what is currently being done in deliverance ministries inside of the church?

Deliverance sessions in the Institutional Church are characterized by a deliverance worker shouting at demons to leave a person who can be seen rolling on the ground, coughing or vomiting. Some don’t have physical reactions but believe that once the pastor has prayed and laid hands on them they are delivered only to discover a few days or weeks later they are still suffering from the same issues. Deliverance ministries in the church don’t work because:-
A. a person could be seeking deliverance from an issue that isn’t spiritual e.g. spirit of not having a spouse – this is not a spiritual issue that requires deliverance.
B. The deliverance worker might have no power to cast out demons, because they are not born again.
C. Demons prefer to remain silent and control a persons life without being noticed; if a demon starts making noise for a long period of time making the person jerk back and forth, its probably mocking the deliverance worker and the person being prayed for.
D. The I.C. has been taken over by the fallen angels and religious demons – one clear sign of this is the “i accept Jesus” doctrine or easy believism. This has produced false conversions rather than true born again experiences.

The deliverance counselling we do is to help the person be free and healed. Everything one has been taught and believed is challenged, false teachings are exposed and discarded and the person learns the truth. Detox from religion is highly recommended, one has to clear their mind from error. Truth will cause demons to leave a person as they lose ground every time someone hears and accepts the truth.

The counselling method also helps one become more self aware, you will be able to distinguish what is spiritual and what isn’t. You learn how to use your free will and most importantly you will be clear on whether you have a false conversion or a true born again experience. Deliverance is no quick fix, it takes time and the person seeking deliverance needs to put in work to get results, a session with a pastor screaming at demons to get out will not cut it.

2. Is it only your professional background that separates and distinguishes the ministry that you provide?

I am different not just because of my professional background but my stand on various topics just to mention a few e.g. While many would consider the institutional church the house of God, it is clear to me that it is the evil tree Jesus spoke of in his parable. The Jesus worshiped in most churches today is a fallen angel and not the true God. The I.C. produces a lot of false converts and very few if none born again believers.

3.You seem to have a core group of people you work with, making it simpler for you to hone in on the believer’s conversion experience, much like what is happening in the four walls of the church but the church is a larger scale.

Is this discipleship what your ministry is all about?

I highly doubt the ability of churches to hone in one a believers conversion experience, most churches are about numbers and even for the few churches that are sincere they cant really help their congregations because of the strong delusion in most churches. Many church goers believe they are saved and born again when they are not. Our focus is not creating disciples but to expose the darkness, bring people out of deception, deliver them from demonic torment and help them stand in truth.

Please visit this page there are two books that you will find of great value to answer your questions on deliverance ministries and the Institutional church.
Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries & The Church of the End Time Zombies: A Guide to Religious Detox.

When Setting Captives Free is Blocked

22 Jul

Recently, I was made aware of the fact that someone I have been working with since September 2013 has been lying to me by omission. The bottomline is that even though this person has remained an active client for almost two years, he has really not understood a thing that I have been teaching. Its been a sham. Now he has told the truth, but it came way too late. The “omission” not only served as a blockage to his deliverance , but now this person has been hospitalized in a mental health facility.

Another man revealed lots of serious secrets yet he left out the one that was the most crucial to share.  in fact, the  ONE secret he left out resulted in his arrest and imprisonment.  The interesting thing is if he had revealed it, I could have been used as an expert witness to contradict the evidence presented by his accusers, for clearly, his enemies have “set him up.”

Being secretive is one of the worst blockages to deliverance. When men come into counseling with me, they are looking to pick my brain about deliverance and then go off and set themselves free on their own.  Is it pride?  I think that pride and arrogance has a lot to do with it.  However, as the bible states, not only does pride go before a fall, but God resists the proud.  If God is  resisting  you, than your deliverance will be permanently blocked.

“How Does The Holy Spirit Work?” by Pam Sheppard

17 Jul

“The only honest answer after 37 years being led by Him is to say “I do not know.”

All I can say is that he is just like how The Lord described Him. He is like the wind. You can’t really see the wind, but you see it’s effects. He is neither wild, boastful or drunk as He is displayed by charismatics. His main purpose is to exalt Christ and to conform us into the Lord’s image. He does that first by causing us to be born again. The Spirit uses a uniquely personal approach, first of all by reproving and convicting us—causing us to repent by making the cross real and personal in our lives, dropping faith into us to believe on the Lord’s resurrection. Every testimony of rebirth is different but all of the elements of His work are the same. If they are not ALL there, then the person needs to consider that he or she had a false conversion.

Once we are born again, He then teaches and guides us in ways that when we look up, we realize He was there by what he has left behind. For example, He speaks through me yet I am completely unaware of it. I noticed His work with two RESCUE members in phone sessions yesterday. With one member, I made a post, not even knowing how he would be affected. With another, I read some material a month ago that provided answers as to why she is not yet completely free in spite of all demons being cast out. How did I know what to say? How did I recall out of my memory information that I have never written about or discussed before? How was I able to ask this person questions that brought forth the information that coincided with something I read that applies to her situation?

My answer is “I don’t know. Must have been the Holy Ghost.”

Those who would suggest to you that He is an “IT” —an energy force that causes them to babble, have chills, get their teeth filled, sprinkle gold dust all over the place, fall out in a drunken, spiritual stupor, at their beck and call to do whatever they want, are in some deep trouble. Why? Because they are allowing the devil to use them to mock the Holy Ghost. Besides blasphemy, mocking Him is the worst thing in the world anybody could do.”

To learn more of the ways in which the Holy Spirit is being mocked in these last days, get a copy of “The Church of the End-Time Zombies” by Pam Sheppard

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You can also reach us at
or call us at 518-477-5759

There Is No Demon Called “Jezebel” or the “Jezebel Spirit.”

16 Jul


By Pam Sheppard

Paul taught the Galatians that witchcraft  and idolatry are “works of the flesh.” A work of the flesh is simply a character flaw of the old sin nature BEFORE Christ that lingers on if the person does not submit him or herself to the cross. To submit to the cross is to allow the Holy Spirit to progressively break you in both your personality and your character traits.So what does this mean, exactly. Does it mean that demons are not involved in a “work of the flesh?” Absolutely not. Witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. What it DOES mean is that people who have witchcraft in them as a work of the flesh—a personality flaw— are more susceptible to demonic influence, particularly religious demons and devils.

I have witnessed too many manifestations of evil spirits in ALL of the works of the flesh, so clearly there are two definitions of witchcraft and idolatry. Where a work of the flesh is a personality type that is predisposed to demonic involvement, the actual act of witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. When demons are looking for “human workers” to implement their agenda, they target people who already have witchcraft and idolatry built into their persona as “a work of the flesh.”Along these lines, the witchcraft demon is attracted to a person with a soul that is predisposed to the three (3) “P”s of position, prestige and power. Those who wish to dominate, to acquire fame and prominence, can become a safe haven for the witchcraft/control demon.

In such cases, the captive’s own personality will be a secure place in which demons of a similar nature will be able to hide and secretly function. This is because no one will suspect that the captive’s ambitious striving for control and domination is demonic because the captive has continued to demonstrate over time a steady pattern that propels them to seek power. Consequently, everyone just assumes that the captive is simply being true to his nature or character and therefore, doesn’t have a demon. The witchcraft demon will also hide within weaker personalities.

For example, there are those who wear a facade of false humility, who appear to be very self-effacing and passive. They call themselves “helpful and tactful.” They court a person in leadership, pretending to be a supportive helper. Yet , deep within his or her soul is a striving to “be somebody.” I am reminded of the Bette Davis movie of the 50’s called “All About Eve.” Our generation calls them “suck ups” or “behind kissers/” They appear to idolize their leader when in fact, they want to replace the one they pretend to emulate.  People with this kind of soul will offer up many testimonies of their inadequacies and their lack of ambition, yet when confronted, they will show in their actions that they are not at all convinced of their own unworthiness.

In fact, when there is even a minor concern or question about their actions or motives in a particular situation, they will become extremely defensive and resentful. If others show a tendency to take their self-belittling attitude and recriminations seriously, a seething anger may erupt that is out of balance and extreme. For instance, while the so-called “humble” will proclaim their unworthiness, a witchcraft demon will cause them to make great demands for consideration and admiration from others. The witchcraft spirit will rise up and expose itself in these “low key” people, presenting a strong unwillingness to accept even the slightest degree of criticism.

You will find many people like this among professing Christians.  They are passive on the outside but inside, they are seething, ravenous wolves who will use a soft,  humble demeanor and manner as a weapon to bring others down.  Repressed anger and envy has opened passive-aggressive people to a religious demon. In such cases, passivity masquerades as humility or “niceness.”. The inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an appearance of good fellowship.  This “front” is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived enemies in an effort to shame others with their “nice” behavior.  The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.

Here is a quote from “Faces of the Religious Demon:”


One of the many motives of a religious demon is “to kill the prophets of God.” Religious demons will seek those by nature who have a jealous, envious spirit, hostile and rebellious to all spiritual authority. Like a shark or a snake, these captives can be most cleverly vicious and dangerous, particularly to those who are called into the fivefold ministry.  For example, these captives will circle the lives of others within the congregation, looking for teachable, fleeceable, controllable disciples of his or her own. For those with a religious demon  like to birth disciples unto themselves, disciples that will eat a false doctrine from their tables. Toward this end, some of these captives will seek out others who are in rebellion, yet who are weak, wounded, or those who are already in conflict with their spiritual leaders authority.”

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The spirit of Jezebel is a personality flaw that religious demons find conducive to use to attack a man or a woman of God. Like Judas, their end is the way of destruction. The religious demon will ultimately destroy its host or hostess. Help is available. 1-888-818-1117 or

Freedom From False Conversions

16 Jul
Christ and The Pharisees
Christ and The Pharisees (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

by Pam Sheppard

What I am finding in my counseling practice with Christians, is that churchgoers who are reporting that they are being tormented by demons DID NOT REALLY GET SAVED WHEN THEY THOUGHT THAT THEY DID!!!!! Besides not understanding repentance in a fullness, I believe that what some professing Christians miss is that a resurrected body is the same body that died,—- the original body that has been made new or “renovated.” A glorified body is never subject to death again.

Lazarus was raised from the dead in his “same” body but his body was not glorified because he would die again. Lazarus was not raised immortal. Maria was the first client that manifested this problem. For a year, I did not realize that Maria did not understand this concept. When people say “Jesus was raised from the dead,” those who don’t understand are just repeating a memorized phrase that they have accepted. But when you go deeper, those who have been made confused by word of faith teaching will say “Oh, Jesus had a glorified body which means He had a new body.” I ask them “Well what happened to the old body?” Some will say “it was buried, it decomposed, it floated away with his spirit, “I don’t know”or just “it disappeared in some supernatural way, like the work of a magician who pulls a rabbit out of a hat!”

The root of the problem is that they have misunderstand the scripture in Corinthians which says “it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body, and there is a spiritual body.” I cor 15:44. What they don’t understand is that a natural body is physical and a spiritual body is material as well. A natural body is subject to death. A spiritual body is not. A natural body when dead will decompose or be “corruptible.” A spiritual body is raised “incorruptible.” It will never decay. That is the difference between the two.

So when I ask the key question, “was Jesus raised as a physical body or was He raised as a spirit, the response will be “He was raised as a spirit.” In spite of the fact that Jesus showed his original yet glorified body to Thomas and said to him “a spirit does not have flesh and bone as I have”, they STILL miss it. A crucial error that will determine where they abide in eternity.

I didn’t write this.. Paul did. It is in I Cor 15:17: And if Christ is not risen, your faith is vain (futile) AND YOU ARE STILL IN YOUR SINS. To still be in your sins is to “not be saved or born again.” So if you don’t understand what resurrection means, then how can you believe that “Jesus was risen?” So the logical conclusion is that anyone who does not understand resurrection but came to the Jesus of their understanding IS NOT SAVED!

As both a servant of God and a professional Christian counselor, I really thought that when people said “He is risen,” that they understood what that meant.

Thirty-four years ago when I myself was unsaved, I understood resurrection because I had no concept at all of what a spirit was. I was all flesh: a two-part being of mind and body. So since I didn’t have an understanding of what the word “spirit” meant, I was never confused into thinking that “to be raised” meant to float away as a spirit. All I knew about resurrection was what I had seen in the movies or heard at Easter. I laughed at this. I said “Christians must think that people are stupid. It is very clear to me that when you are dead you are DEAD and there is no coming back to life.”

On the day that I got born again in my living room, faith to believe that Jesus came back to life in the same body that He died in at the cross literally burst through my mind and I was in a state of shock. After I repented for being a sinner, the resurrection flashed into my mind immediately. Once I went to church and became a minister, I didn’t think that what happened to me was supposed to happen to everyone that got saved, even after I read “confess the Lord Jesus with your mouth AND BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART THAT HE WAS RAISED FROM THE DEAD! The Greek word for “heart” is “cardia.” Cardia means “the mind, the emotions, the thoughts and the feelings.” The spiritual heart is a part of the human soul.

Once I explain the resurrection to MOST of my clients who have been confused, none become saved prior to dealing with the issues of being set free from demons. In some cases, the religious demon is so entrenched in the person, that it must be cast out first so that the person can believe in the resurrection. This was the case of Ola back in 2001. Practically EVERYTHING that she did that was under the power of a religious demon—a familiar spirit, a spirit of divination: preach, praise the Lord, prophecy, speak in tongues, discern spirits and see into the spirit world, was entirely counterfeited by the religious demon that resides in her. In the last 11 years, almost everyone who has sought  deliverance counseling has a similar background. The problem of false conversions is by far the most  pervasive and challenging issue of our times.

When you trace their alleged conversion to Christ back to the original source by skillful asking questions during the plowing stage of counseling, the source of the problem is almost always uncovered. For example, when some of my clients came to Christ, they came for the wrong reasons under strange/demonic circumstances. Religious demons “specialize.” There are some who want to do religious things, just like the Pharisees and the Sadducees of Jesus day.Remember the words of the Lord to them?” He said “You will tithe even something as small as a mint. Yet you are like whitewashed tombs, clean on the outside but filled with dead men’s bones. Your are of your Father, the devil. Vipers. A viper is a snake, the snake representing counterfeit religion.

Someone posed the following question to me in an email : if a person is operating off of only what they know and have been taught, won’t the Lord make an exception? Wouldn’t that be another “specific” example? In other words, if someone sincerely repents, loves the Lord, and accepts Him as their Savior, and they die before they have been TAUGHT and DISCIPLED, wouldn’t the Lord take that into consideration? Afterall, HE KNOWS THE HEARTS OF MEN, and we don’t, RIGHT?”

This is the exact situation that each and every one of my clients have found themselves in. The Lord has made an exception in each of their cases. He has seen to it that they DO NOT DIE before they have been un-deceived through counseling. Teaching and discipling is a part of the counseling process. The Lord has taken each client’s plight into consideration, by first opening my eyes and instructing me on how to recognize the deception, and how to counsel, teach and disciple him or her. Some have fallen under the category of II Cor 4:3,4: For if our gospel be hid or veiled, it is hid to those who are lost, whose minds the god of this world has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, which is the image of God, should shine on them. So I will have to cast out the religious demon first, BEFORE the client can be saved.

If I look at this problem from carnal eyes, then I could get discouraged. I can only handle 30 clients at a time and it takes from 3 months to a year per client. So I continue to train other ministers “to do what I do.”  I just don’t question God about what He is doing for these kinds of captives. I simply DO MY PART which seems so small that it appears non-existent when you consider how many professing Christians may have already been deceived. God does His part. For example, every one of my clients have had a dream that led them to me or they were surfing the web and found me.

People seeking Christ through the ministry of those who are preaching “another gospel” and presenting “another Jesus” in churches of all kinds and with folk who stay home and watch TBN are becoming mentally, spiritually and even physically bound. People are picking up religious demons at pentecostal altars, where they have been “tarrying” or “chanting” to receive the Holy Ghost and to speak with other tongues. Some clients ended up with absolutely no control over their bodies. Those I couldn’t help refused to even consider that they were not saved. Once the Pentecostals got a grip on them and they “manifested” the speaking in a tongues, they became super spiritual. Inch by inch, the demons took over. The demons spoke through several clients, using their bodies to do various things. .You can read more on this in my book “Faces of the Religious Demon.” Also in “The Church of the End-time Zombies


In a strange case of a client I call  “Carol.”

Carol  is unique because she is obedient, compliant, coherent and willing to do anything to be delivered, which was not the case with others. I see no real fault in her as I have seen in some of the others. She was simply watching TV, responded to a sinner’s prayer through a Mormon sponsored program, then began to feed off of the teachings of mega TV preachers and was guided to a mega church by a vision that was demonically inspired.

As it stands, I work with those that I can, and I plant a seed into those that I cannot help, and pray that the Lord will direct them to true, informed Christians who will nurture and water that seed. For those who refuse to hear,  I shake the dust from my feet and move on to the next captive.

If the Lord is leading you to schedule an appointment, hours are from noon to midnight, seven days a week, EST. All work is done over the phone, so call 888-818-1117. Better yet, send an email to

Evangelism Has Changed In Our Times

16 Jul

Does it make sense to live in the past?  Too many professing Christians assume that just because a practice is in the bible, we are remiss if we have not implemented it today.  Take for example, “deliverance ministry.”  The Apostles of the Lord never heard of it. That is because the term was invented in 1973.    The first apostles  went two by two into the villages, and as they travelled, they cast out demons.  Today, I cast out demons by phone.  The principle is the same.  We use the name of Jesus.  Yet the specifics implicit within the  practice are  “different.”

So too with  preaching.  Certainly, the gospel of Jesus Christ should not have changed in  2000 years, but “it has.” Over the last two centuries, the gospel of Jesus Christ has been revised, modified, with some portions of it either minimized or glossed over.  As a result, untold millions assume  they are saved but  they are not.  The worst of it is that those with false conversions also teach others that all they have to do to be born again is to “repeat a sinner’s prayer after them.”

If you need help in examining your salvation, simply send an email to and provide a detailed description as to what happened the day you believe you were born again.  We will respond quickly.


Spirit Guides are Fallen Angels

10 Jul

Fallen angels have not only infiltrated the Institutional Church, they also have a hand in personal development & self-help teachings. Take for example Napoleon Hill, he is considered the father of the positive thinking movement.

In the book (Think & Grow Rich) he taught people that they need to be disciplined, work hard, find like minded business people,have goals & plan. Sounds like good advice for people seeking material gain but in addition to that he taught new age principles. He was well acquainted with ascended masters (fallen angels). Knowing this, it is clear that the real motive of the fallen angels was to gain access to people under the guise of “self help”.

Some of his teachings include:-.

  1. Visualization (visualize money and you will get it). We know that visualization is a way to enter into an altered state of consciousness and a way of opening one’s chakras which leads to the person being demonized.Some churches teach visualization to their congregations; irony is people go to churches thinking they are safe but the “man of God” they look up to and trust leads them to invite a legion of demons into their lives.
  2. Telepathy to reach great historical minds & invisible beings – the truth is those who practice this are not reaching “great historical minds” but they are unknowingly contacting demons.
  3. He says his book is not meant to interfere with people’s religion and he doesn’t refer to God, uses new age terminology such as infinite intelligence.
  4. He used to teach auto-suggestion which his followers say it appears to be nothing more than magical secret incantations to obtain wealth and develop relationships.

Napoleon does mention that he did contact an Ascended Master, as seen in an excerpt from his book “Grow Rich with Peace of Mind”

p. 162 “I finished this book. I was alone in my study and all was very still. A voice spoke. I saw nobody. I cannot tell you whence the voice came…..
“I have come,” said the voice, “to give you one more section to include in your book….
I whispered; “Who are you?” In a softened voice, which sounded like chimes of great music, the unseen speaker replied: “I come from the Great School of the Masters. I am one of the Council of Thirty Three who serve the Great School and its initiates on the physical plane.”
He said “And now I shall name the enemies who must be met and conquered in the journey… “The foremost is fear……intolerance, egotism, lust, anger and hatred – a total of 26 enemies. …”Know that one who seeks earnestly to conquer these twenty six lurking enemies becomes an Initiate of the Great School. We know him, and he has access to the mind of a Master……….”
“The voice ended. I began to hear little sounds of the world around me, and I knew the Master had returned to the Great School of the Masters.”

Pam already blew the cover of these ascended masters in The Fake Jesus as nothing more than fallen angels. Get a copy of this revelation today at

Be wary of self help books, you might read them looking for financial guidance but the reality is you are being tricked into occultism and opening your life to demons.