Archive | August, 2016


12 Aug

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My First Encounter with an Orb by Pam Sheppard

I don’t know when and how I knew that these round circles with lots of dots in them  are what occultists call “orbs.”  When I looked at the photo of the church in Denmark, I could see the same image, 20 or more times over.  (See the first 2 photos below) The pastor labeled the orb on my storefront church  with the word “angel”.

The pastor’s email  was rather interesting because of its timeliness.  I had begun to suspect that demons were in my church as I saw some demonic faces peering at me behind the floral arrangement in front of the window, and also behind the altar.  When I received the email, I was planning to  move the church out of the storefront, not just for that reason but for several others that need not be mentioned at this juncture.

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