Archive | January, 2020

Ceaseless Arrows From Hell

12 Jan
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We get a glimpse of the spiritual warfare going on by the Apostle Paul’s usual metaphoric language. Of course, there’s much to be said about Ephesians 6:10. But there’s one piece of armor that the Foe wants us to forget (and appears to achieve at doing so at times) while he fires ceaseless arrows from hell…

A Slight Vision

The Wicked One, Satan is the “father of lies” and the “ruler of this world.” He also has 1/3 of the angels who were cast down with him and expelled from heaven. Not to mention evil spirits, the off-spring of fallen angels and humans. All these forces work in a “slaughtering” manner of sinister offense against God’s people. From dusk, to dawn, night and day; they are at work to destroy.

They are armed with weapons, specifically “fiery arrows.” This “fire” is dipped from the pits of the abyss. Scorching hot, and harmful. Note, arrows, the plurality is important. Not, one arrow is fired at you, but many. In fact, multiple at one time, are being flung across the air to shoot you down from your position in Christ. And, these arrows are not shot without care, but diligent precision to strike the target with perfect aim; as if it’d be the most skilled archers known to us.

There is no mercy, no care, no sympathy, but a ceaseless firing of hellish arrows all across the heavenlies all from the Wicked One and his militia. The aim is only to take down the people of God. Destroying the peace they have, the joy they have, the unity they have, the love the have, the zeal they have, and anything good, anything causing harm to their kingdom of darkness is a direct target for a multitude of fiery arrows.

Are You Ignorant Brethren?

When you feel oppressed, suffocated, down and under. When you are not “yourself” or weak. As if, there is a hellish fire of chaos around you that seems unbearable. Or, when you are surrounded and in-conflict, and appear “out numbered” and over-powered. I must ask, “Are you ignorant brethren? Do you not know?” TAKE UP THE SHIELD OF FAITH.

Yes! Do not just stand there, and take the arrows of the devil. Don’t just passively allow these satanic arrows to bombard you, your mind or any faculty of yours! Instead of taking the arrows of the “god of this world.” TAKE UP THE ARMOR OF GOD OF HEAVEN: THE SHIELD OF FAITH. Don’t just “take” or “grab” or “hold” the shield. Take “UP” the shield of faith, with the “strength of the Lord and in the might of His power,” “UP”!

Of all the armor there is, this is the one that is ABOVE ALL, as it’s written, “Above all, take up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the Wicked One” (Eph. 6:16).

All Means All

This is the power of faith when taken-up, that it is an instant defense against the masses of arrows on fire flung across speedily with precision in the heavenlies. Not one arrow is left aflame. And, do not be doubtful of the shield of faith, because it is an armor of promise, “YE SHALL BE ABLE” says the Apostle, who was a mighty warrior of Christ.

You will have the full assurance of ability to end the burn of the darts from Satan with this shield taken up. I’m sure there is a time at which you remember. A time that you felt near defeat, and overcome. But, then upon your remembering of this blessed shield from the God of Christ, behold: now you are on the attack! For, isn’t the best offense a good defense? And upon this raised solid-plated resilient shield of resistance, the Foe must begin retreat, (as it’s written, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” [James 4:7]) and plan another scheme to cause your shield to be taken-down.

Be Prepared For That Day

Everyday is a wicked day, but there is that “day” of wickedness. A reserved day of planned attack from the Foe. And, when that day comes you must remember the shield of faith, and to take it up.

Discouragement, fear, doubt, oppression, sin, heaviness, bondage, confusion, deceit, temptations, hindrance, stumbling, trials, tribulations, tests, accusations, lies, yes all the darkness, all the wickedness, curled up into evil arrows soaked in tar and set on fire with profuse ammunition, aimed and ready to be strung at the people of God in Christ………ALL OF IT. IS QUENCHED. By God’s shield of faith TAKEN-UP!

Why Perfectionism?

6 Jan
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Out of all the “isms” why is perfectionism one that can be so frustrating, defeating, and even dangerous? We live in a world with standards that are not of God, but why are we so compelled to think that we must “perfect” what the world demands of us?

The Cause And Issue

Perfectionist often are made to be ones. Often because of being in an environment that demands “perfection.” Which, in most cases is the whole world. Religion, business, work, secular all indeed demand a “perfect” behavior, perfect decisions, perfect understanding, perfect this, that and there! Whether they want to confess that or not…

What then happens, is the person who is in a perfectionism atmosphere and does not understand the truth, they will succumb to the lie of trying to be perfect. Not only that, but also the lie that if you “perfect” those standards, you are “perfect.” Living in this lie of perfectionism in whatever area of life is defeating, simply because the truth always comes around. It comes around to remind us that, “WE ARE NOT PERFECT.” And, then we feel defeated, and continue to drive even more toward perfection. Rather than acknowledge our flaws and continue on humbly, a perfectionist will be consumed by flaws. And this consummation will lead to worry, anxiety, distress, selfish-ambition, deceit, and boasting.

Perfectionism Is An Illusion

The whole concept of being perfect according to the world and religion, is an illusion. Perfect image, behavior, and what not is all an illusion. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was completely perfect to God, and perfected all that God asked of Him. But, what about the world toward Him? They insulted Him, beat Him, betrayed Him, and killed Him. This is to reveal to us, that the world’s standards (religion is part of the world) and ideas of perfection do not align with God’s idea of perfection.

And, indeed even before God we are not perfect, only Christ. And, it’s only by Christ do we have a chance of being “perfect.” When the Scriptures talk about being “perfect” it should be noted NOT as in behavior or image, but as in “whole, complete, full” or “mature.”

Only God can achieve perfection by His work of salvation through Jesus Christ His Son by His Holy Spirit! There’s nothing we can do to be perfect!

Then, How Do We Behave?

The Apostle Paul said, “For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am…” (2 Co 15:9-10).

If anyone knew anything about imperfection, it was Paul as revealed here. But, he did not have an attitude of despair, anger, or fear for not being perfect, but he humbly moved forward with God’s grace. And this is how it should be for us: the grace of God is greater than our imperfections. And, interestingly it is our imperfections that God uses, because His “strength is made perfect through weakness” (2 Co. 12:9). And, He is the God that, “makes the weak strong” (Hebrews 11:34).

You have the freedom to be yourself, weakness, imperfections in all. That’s how you are to behave. It’s the people who embrace their weaknesses, flaws, imperfections, and mistakes before God, but proceed with Him that are made strong, flaws turned to beauty, imperfections turned into fullness, and mistakes turn into wisdom.

Beware Of Pride

“God resists the proud” (James 4:6). Even those who appear “very kind.” Many times the driving force behind a perfectionist is fear and pride. Pride, working to maintain this “perfect image” of spotless reputation according to false standards. Fear, working to keep the perfectionist in bondage to not be imperfect, or make error, or be seen as flawed.

Know, as we mention before, that God will resist any person with pride. And, the very flaws that you attempt to cover up. All the imperfections you attempt to conceal, are the very things that need exposure. Exposing imperfections is “humbling yourself.” And with that, you will receive grace from God. But, continue to be a perfectionist and you will be resisted by God.

Talk with our ministry about your imperfections, we can help you! All of us are far away from perfectionism. And have been through it ourselves. There’s no shame we have toward you and your imperfections…

How to Pray: Exposing Common Misconceptions

4 Jan

Most people don’t realize there is lack of knowledge when it comes to how to pray. Many assume that we need to tell God how he must handle our lives and the lives of others. This often leads to controlling, witchcraft like prayers that only do more harm than good. The underlying problem, first of all, that is causing people to have problems on knowing how to pray according to God’s accord, is that there are countless, untold masses that have had false conversions.

Before, establishing faithful prayer with God, those who have had a false conversion must realize they had one, renounce it, and overturn it.

The false conversion was started by a preacher named Charles Finney who in the 1830’s, introduced the I accept Jesus practice. Before the persuasion to “accept Jesus” took over, the gospel of Jesus was focused on and there was knowledge that salvation is given to us by God not of ourselves.

A historic document was prepared in 1689 called the Second London Baptist Confession, and was written by Particular Baptists, who held to a Calvinistic Soteriology in England to give a formal expression of their Christian faith from a Baptist perspective. This confession, like the Westminster Confession of Faith (1646) and the Savoy Declaration (1658), was written by Puritans who were concerned that their particular church organisation reflect what they perceived to be Biblical teaching. Because it was adopted by the Philadelphia Association of Baptist Churches in the 18th century, it is also known as the Philadelphia Confession of Faith. The confession was first published in London in 1677 under the title “A confession of Faith put forth by the Elders and Brethren of many Congregations of Christians, Baptized upon Profession of their Faith in London and the Country.

This document highlights man, by his fall into a state of sin, has completely lost all ability of will to perform any of the spiritual good which accompanies salvation. In short, the document shows that man is not reliable enough to choose God because his free will is too corrupt. So clearly, the Holy Spirit was in the church, prior to Charles Finney and the sinner’s prayer treachery.

So when you accept Jesus, what is happening is many are worshiping a fallen angel religious evil spirit, pretending to be Jesus and that fallen angel is interepting their prayers. This leads people to be led astray when it comes to how to pray. The devil is confusing them, keeping them in darkness, and preventing them from praying with faith in God instead of fear. There is also the tendency to pray according to what one wants to satisfy their own flesh, wants, and needs, oftentimes these needs are entirely selfish and is not in line with what God has in store for them.

Want to pray to God in a way where you are able to be led in truth and down his path? When you pray, ask the Lord to expose the darkness surrounding you. You may be surprised what God reveals to you, as many who have done this have been shown just how much darkness and deception Satan has kept them in bondage to. He may also reveal what you are doing to repeatedly keep yourself in the dark and allow yourself to be easy prey to the devils schemes and deception.

Whether born again or not, you can learn a lot about God when you pray, yet praying according to God’s will is important. For the born again Christian, prayer is a special way to communicate with God and continue to build in your understanding of his ways so that you may better serve him but it is crucial to find out if you mistakenly are worshiping the fake Jesus.

During salvation, God comes to you, he calls you in his due time, he will show you your true wicked ways, when he is ready, and the Holy Spirit will lead you to repent. The key thing to understand is that God and the Holy Spirit shows this to you. Yes mans free will is granted and one of the multitudes of gifts from God, but when it comes to the grace of salvation from the life, death, and bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this gift is a supernatural experience, a gift entirely given by God; it is not of our own doing but God and the Holy Spirit leads us to salvation. He gives us the faith to believe in the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Such confusion about how to pray often has to do with folks underestimating God’s wisdom and fear often intertwines among this thinking. We then often think we must tell God what he must do for us in order to fix everything, leading us down the wrong path when it comes to how to pray. Often times when trouble arises in life, fear sets in, all common sense goes out the window, and leads to frantic prayers that may draw more fear, misunderstanding to your life.

Prayer IS a valuable form of communication with God, but it is essential to be conscious of whether we are going about it the wrong way. So let us consider wisdom when we come to terms of whether we even need to pray or not.

Many fail to understand that part of wisdom is being careful, observant, and knowing when to speak and when to listen (Proverbs 29: 3-11). An example that you may have already received God’s wisdom, would be, God revealing to you that you have put yourself under bondage to the devil by doing witchcraft, occult practices ( yoga, visiting psychic mediums, meditation, reading tarot cards, ) and yet still professing to be a Chriatian, as a result this is the reason you are battling with demons.

For help on how to pray, focus on exposure of what is hidden and what is God’s will, what does he intend for you. If you realize you where worshipping the fake Jesus and still struggling with ritualistic prayer, try letting go of expectating your every need and desire to be granted to you. Recognize that God does not grant us our every wish. Sometimes what we think is best for us, God may not think the same. Take hold of your God given common sense as your guide when you are making decisions, even difficult ones; when they are difficult remove your emotional hang ups and try to decide with logic, reasoning, and rational thought: and when you do this you may find that you may not need to pray. Allow yourself to be rid of a false conversion and worshipping the fake Jesus, so that one day God will birth you in his due time to be a new creature in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Then, enjoy prayer with an established faith and foundation with God.

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The Fake Jesus is an excellent resource and may answer many more questions you may have; click on the book title link.

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