Archive | June, 2014

SCANDAL and The Institutional Church by Pam Sheppard

30 Jun

Here is an interesting quote from a blog called Detox From Church For Real, as it pertains to those who have left the
institution called “church.”

“If you’re not careful, keep harping on what’s wrong with church can become YOUR religion. An obsession. An addiction as real as that to crack cocaine…Keeping your spirit’clean’ also means turning away from that which poisons you, that takes you back to that place of being wounded by churchianity. I don’t see recovering drug addicts going back to the crack houses…trying to ‘save’ those who are caught up in the drug scene. SO what’s with religious folks trying to ‘save’ the lost and misguided, the bamboozled, the deceived in church?vThat’s NOT your job anyways…THAT IS THE JOB OF THE HOLY GHOST.” (Wenona Russ)

In ministry while in a denomination for 25 years, I was once  one of the wounded, so I personally know the truth of this quote. When the Bishop manipulated the leadership council to remove my name from the membership rolls  back in 2004, even though I had been shown by God what would happen nine months before the deed was done, I was still both hurt, bitter and angry. The truth is that when you focus on individuals and not the religiously political system that my enemies represented, bitterness and even outrage will naturally surface. I took out my rage on them in a book, where I changed names but I identified the denomination. I re-wrote the book a few years later, with a new title “Come Out of Her God’s People,”  and  without identifying the specific church.  BT,.I no longer market the original. You see,   once a critic stated that I sounded “bitter,” I realized that my literary articulation was being negatively affected by the outrage that I thought I had successfully suppressed.

The truth is that I had allowed “looking back” at their scandals to tarnish my own soul.   I have purposed in my heart to  refuse  to allow any person, place, thing  or entity to shape, or even slightly influence the essence of who I am according to who God created me to be. .

Once the Lord revealed to me the deep truth as to why I was rejected by church leaders, I never again looked back at them or  their SCANDALS.

You see, there was and I expect continues to be much SCANDAL in this particular sect—so much so that I am reminded of the TV series that bears the same name.


In this regard, as a former pastor among them,   I once knew of loads of COVERED UP denominational  scandals among the religious white- washed tombs of  the persevering hypocrites.  So watching the politicians cover-up of scandals on the TV series  reminded me of  the games religious folk play.

At first, like everyone else, you look at the individual characters to make an assessment as to who is to blame, who is at fault. With the TV series, you wonder if  it is the President or his monstrous Chief of Staff! Or is it his power-hungry First Lady, or perhaps the head of the secret agency called B613? In my “church situation,” , I first looked at the people involved in trying to bring me down in the church. There were three of them.

On the TV series, when you begin to watch each character  lie, plot, scheme, manipulate, and even murder, I noticed that  at the heart of their behavior is their yet naive attempt to be the good guys, wearing the white hat. The characters are able to live with their mess 20140303_185514because they can still rationalize that they did their best to protect the republic. So with all of their political tactics, you have to ask yourself “well! who is the republic?”

And this is the institutional church. . Both politics and religion use the same tactics. Religious folk” kill off”  other churchfolk because they believe they are protecting  their territory within the IC.  Therefore, it is understandable that both politics and religion  have their part to play as Mystery Babylon.

Consider the IC.

By any means necessary, whether a famous mega preacher or the choir director or trustee of a 50 member church, the goal is the same. To protect the IC, which like the republic is a non-human entity. A system. A religious system.

The reality is that the problems and SCANDALS of the IC have been built into Her system for the last 17 centuries. so there is no one in the IC today who is really the originator of any of her present circumstances.

Olivia Pope had an interesting revelation about the republic. As the re-election campaign manager for the sitting President, she came to realize that it really did not matter who wins. All three candidates committed murder. The democrat committed a premeditated murder of his wife’s lover, the independent killed her closet gay husband in a fit of rage and covered it up, and the incumbent President killed a dying woman who was about to release a damnable secret to the press!


Upon this realization, Olivia got yet another revelation. Working for the republic at any cost changes who you are because through passivity, you lose yourself. Engulfed in darkness, you can no longer stand in the sun.

Herein lies what happens in the IC. Each individual loses him or herself trying to sustain Her. When a member or a pastor  become a target of destruction in the denomination I was ordained in, the expression was “the Bishop or the  Council killed him or killed her. When a  church scandal has been covered up, the devil comes in and takes over.

That is why, rather than spend my energy bashing Her, I focus on restoring individuals who desire freedom from Her. Seeking freedom? Check out RESCUE at or call 518-477-5759

What are some other reasons why it is fruitless to continue to look back at HER to expose, criticize or blame?

Well, If she were alive, I know of someone who can answer the question by her own personal experience. God warned those He led out of two decadent cities not to look back at what He was destroying. For to look back is a sign that you want to GO  back.

Let Lot’s wife warn YOU  from her pillar of salt.

Secret Sins Hinder Deliverance

8 Jun

There are several reasons why there are no guarantees to deliverance. One of them is that demons are in the driver’s seat where secret sins are concerned.

Actually, the demons always know their target much better than I do. Even if I do everything right and cast the demons out,they know how to connive, scheme and pull the right triggers to set their target up again. For example, I am working with someone right now who is about 90 % free. she is very expressive, articulate and committed but I sense that there is something she is hiding or did not think was important enough to expose.

Sometimes people are unwilling to tell anybody about something they’ve done in their past because it is so embarrassing. they also anticipate judgment and criticism. This is a device that evil spirits often employ in order to keep a person from breaking free. It is important to be able to trust the deliverance worker with whom you are exposing the secret sins of your past and present because as The Lord said, it is the truth that really sets a captive free. Finding the legal rights that evil spirits are holding on to is like trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack. that is the reason why I developed the deliverance counseling model. My approach to deliverance is about finding that needle and plucking it out. This process takes time.

What religious people expect is that they don’t need to expose their dark secrets because they assume that a a deliverance minister is so anointed and God himself will tell him or her what is hidden. On occasion He does. yet that is rare.
so when I get these calls where the desperate captive says “pray for me,” I generally know what they mean. They assume if I can cast out their demons! I should know what to pray for and therefore they don’t need to tell me their business. I am just going to supernaturally know what to do and they can keep their secrets to themselves.

Here is a noteworthy incident.

consider the case of Laura. I was shown in a dream that Laura was about to commit suicide because she had fornicated with her husband’s former girlfriend. The three of them had been friends long before Laura married Sam. The two women were secretly sleeping with each other while one of them was also sleeping with Sam. Now that Laura had married Sam, the other woman, Doris, threatened to tell Sam out of spite. This was working on Laura’s mind. A former addict, she relapsed as a Charismatic Christian and had come to me for deliverance. she could not stop drinking yet she was a faithful Charismatic churchgoer who also spoke in tongues.

So Laura’s secret was revealed to me in a supernatural way. I was also shown that Laura would try to commit suicide as well as kill her young child that very day. I ran to Laura’s house, and sure enough, the place was pitch black on a sunny day, reeking of the smell of five or more huge garbage bags filled with empty bear cans. Laura was also saying strange things like her child was demon possessed, acting like she wanted to harm her.

I called the father and asked him to come and get the child! and then I packed up Laura and took her with me? that very day,
I cast demons from Laura, and from my understanding, she has not relapsed in 30 years, serving as an addiction counselor and a nurse most of that time.

So it would seem all was well and that this woman was successfully delivered because God intervened and told her secrets to me.

But guess what?

It was all a trick of a religious spirit.

The supernatural info I received came from the enemy. How do I know? Because The evil spirits turned around and used Laura against me in more ways than I can describe in this post. The supernatural exposure was a set up, aimed not at me delivering her but in setting ME up. if you have my books, then read up on the one I call LAURA, Laura is mentioned in Come out of her, God’s People, and a few other books, as I learned a lot from my work with her.

So I say, if you need deliverance, you may need to EXPOSE YOURSELF. otherwise, don’t seek me to set you free. Just grit your teeth and bear it. And if I do become your deliverance worker, don’t blame me for not being able to set you free. blame the fact that you hid the truth.
