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Free will : a treasure given by God.

24 Jan

Let’s go back to the root of the truth.
As Pastor Pam explains here, the church system and ALLLLL of its teachings are inspired by an imposter : The fake Jesus. That same fake Jesus is also posing as an ascended master in New Age (even Oprah talks about him and the “Christ consciousness”). It’s not GOD. It’s from Satan.

This is a very unique almost unbelievable message, as we are all told that church = God and God = church. But it took the testimony of a former occultist, Pastor Pam, who got born again OUTSIDE of church, SNATCHED from her “heathen ways” WITHOUT NOTICE in a powerful way, to prove that GOD IS BIGGER THAN CHURCH. Her multiple experiences in the system later proved that God is NOT in the church at all anyways (to read more about that go check her book “Faces of the Religious Demon”, links below).
As of today, I am a “heathen” too. Religiosity keeps me from admitting it but it’s my truth. I held onto religious beliefs because they felt safe, like a precautionary measure not to fall. I followed whatever seemed right, suppressed any emotions and thoughts that would go against it even though it was simply my truth.

Religion teaches us that following blindly is the key to “avoid hell and please God”, but human beings CANNOT do that on their own. Also, what’s most important to a non born again person and born again person is the use of your free will. It is divinely given and demons CANNOT override it. God would NEVER tell us to give up our free will. Giving it up to ANY spiritual entity is probably the worst idea ever ; yet church encourages us to do it all the time. In addition to that, giving away your free will to “follow God” when you’re not even born again just pushes the idea that you have to choose God, which is simply not true.
God respects your free will and wants you to use it by faith not out of fear or habit.

If you find yourself pushed, harassed even, by people in the church, condemning voices and need counseling and deliverance our Pastor will be there to help you with a loving ear to listen and loving straightforward words to encourage, rebuke and set free.

Call us at 888 818 1117 or send an email to in order to set up an appointment with Pastor Pam.

Links to the book The fake Jesus, Faces of the Religious Demon and all the books of Pastor Pamela Sheppard :

How to Recognize a False Conversion: Testimony of “Anonymous”

18 Jan

By Pastor Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry

So as to why i contacted you Pastor Pam, and to let you  know a bit about myself. I spent a good portion of last night watching Pastor Pam’s YouTube videos and was struck by many of the exposing statement about the kundalini being at work in the church and its ties to false signs and wonders. As well as having some connection to what you termed spirit rape….to back up a bit to start with what was my first touch or encounter with the Lord.

I was raised in a church and religion free home so i had no knowledge or concept of god really leading up to my conversion. But about 2 months before this encounter a man at my work told me that god loved me unconditionally and gave me a bible. I heard what he said but had no faith for this god or his goodness. fast forward 2 months on a one Friday evening I went and smoked some pot, ate some taco bell and spent about an hour or so in my truck contemplating the universe and its vastness. Trying to reconcile in my mind how it had all come to be and how \ this planet is suspended in this great space by unseen forces and the reality that it is all just to big to take in. After this I drove home to my parents house to go to bed. While walking towards my room I was just stopped by this small wooden cross on the wall with jesus standing in a robe with his hands raised. You know risen jesus not the broken body version. Anyhow while gazing at those little wooden eyes I felt this warmth fall on me and I started to weep…..

i then immediately looked in my room and saw that bible under my bed, that i had been given 2 months earlier. So I went and opened it. It opened to Matthew 5 the beatitudes. 5 was my number in sports and Matthew being my name, I was captivated. As i started to read the words of jesus the warmth over me turned to this electricity moving up and down my body which turned in me crying uncontrollably and eventually saying i love you out of my mouth because the experience just felt so unbelievably good. I knew I was being touched by an invisible force and the closest word i had to the emotion of it was love. I felt loved.

My tears subsided and I quickly fell asleep under this heavy warm blanket presence of peace. I awoke not 3 hours later, as I had an early shift on sat. morning. When i hoped in my truck i noticed my radio was not on the cd I was listening to on the way home. But instead the first lyrics i heard playing where from the song kiss of heaven .”I’m walking a new walk, I won’t be the same again” . As I heard those words I knew they where true and I cried my eyes out almost all day in this realization that God is so very real! And that he had touched me! I cried when the sun came up, i had never seen it with the new eyes i felt i had been given. Like I was seeing with my heart. So something happened for sure …….

Yeah so as to repentance, which at the time I had no vocabulary for it, but immediately lost my desire to smoke pot. I felt convicted for the first time about my sexual relations, and even my foul language.

I didn’t yet have any revelation of the cross or my sinfulness. i just felt loved and whole. and I started to have an inner dialogue with who I thought was God……..

I did have a lot of joy and energy. i wept because it dawned on me that god had designed at the things about our earth and universe. It just overwhelmed me. i was in awe of the design and beauty for the first time.

I used the word conviction. but it was more like i no longer had a desire for pot or swearing, but with the sex i just somehow knew it was wrong in the way i had been having it without commitment. and this was all just kind of in my mind when i woke up. The next few weeks after that experience were full of ah ha moments like that. my mind was just undergoing this big perspective shift

it wasn’t until, maybe 2 weeks later that i reconnected with the guy that gave me the bible, and turns out had been praying for my salvation for almost 4 years, that i was asked the question ” do you believe Jesus died for your sins?” I answered “Yes!” he was super surprised that all of this stuff I’m telling you had happened so hands off on his part. He recognized the drastic change in me and became a very supportive friend of mine. still is today

obviously we are now talking some 12 years later and I did not continue on in this blissful state but started to attend a church as I was excited to find others who were enjoying this sweet revelation of God and his goodness. It was all that long after this that I fell back into old patterns of behavior and lost touch with the spiritual relationship that I had begun with.

As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because i believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..

Yet this young man ended up the victim of spirit rape and other forms of demonic torment. 

This is a false conversion instigated by a fallen angel, Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

Here is my assessment:

When the Holy Ghost leads one to salvation and draws to the cross, He does not lead them to God as Creator but to God as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

The person will first experience his own sinful nature as separation from God. That is the conviction the bible speaks of. He will experience himself as lost and needing a savior. Then,when he turns toward the cross, he may weep over how God Himself took his sins on that cross, suffered and died for him.

Once born again, that person will instantly feel clean, new, like he had never sinned before. He will also feel forgiven. This state of being turns weeping to unspeakable joy. He feels washed, cleansed,brand new with no thought of sin.

This person reports  almost the opposite. He felt awe for God as creator, wept for that recognition and not for himself as a sinner, and God as the sacrifice. Then he see his sins and not that his sins have been forgotten by God, but he reports that he uses flesh own flesh to deal with his sins.

Because of the pot smoking and the meditation, a doorway of communication was opened to the fake Jesus, an imposter called Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

One other important thing. I do not hear any emphasis on the resurrection in your testimony.

Though not providing details, any one who is spirit raped is not saved.  The enemy has no authority or access like that to a born again Christian.


There has been an MO that the fake Jesus uses, as a pattern has developed with testimonies of people Sananda has approached. Sananda  typically  draws them in with warm, gooey, loving feelings, leave them high and dry so that they then begin to start the journey of trying to pursue the fake Jesus relentlessly trying recapture those initial feelings and getting deeper into the trap of the enemy.

The real evidence can be found in this person’s own words — As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because I believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..


For more information about this topic click the book images below



click book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback

Contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email for any questions.


3 Jan

By Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry


As  I continue to read the book of a former grandmaster occultist from  Nigeria, I am amazed at the power of the name of Jesus Christ of  Nazareth over ALL the power of the enemy. “Erik emphatically reports that  none of his nefarious practices ever worked against a true Christian  but only what he refers to as WEAK Christians.  In my estimation, a weak  Christian is no Christian at all.  This is an unsaved person who has  been duped.  The reality is that he or she has a form of godliness that  denies the power of the Holy Ghost.

Anyway, since dreams and  dream interpretation have been a specialty of mine for years, I was  interested in what Eric had to report about them.  He reported that he  manipulated  those under his control by sending them demons to disturb  their dreams. In anticipation of your questions, Eric did not explain HOW  this was done.  What he explains are his various initiations by  providing lots of details. For this reason, I provide no identifying  info about Eric’s book.  It is simply too graphic.

For the  purpose of this post, I simply report that Eric revealed that there  are different categories of manipulations that witches and warlocks use  to manipulate dreaming.  Nightmares are generally the result of demons.  Eric does not explain HOW this is done, but simply reports that he sent  demons to people to create dream experiences to bring a dreamer’s life  into a catastrophe, such as “bad luck” in business, health, marriage,  relationships, finances, to mention but a few. Through an occult art he  called, Putanivigrah, Eric projected demons against “weak Christians”.

These demons used dreams to pursue and fight against the person to whom  they are sent.  Whether a witch was behind it or not, I know from  personal experience what demons try to do to a person while they are  sleep.  It gives new meaning to the children’s prayer, “now I lay me  down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.”For example, demons will  come into your sleep for the soul intention of weakening your will to  live, while you are in the altered state of sleep.

In fact, I have had  several dreams like this myself. So when a client comes to me for  deliverance counseling, one of the first forms of information I seek is  a presentation of the client’s dreams.  From listening to their dreams,  I can see the agenda of the demons in my client’s life.  Most of  my spiritual deception came through dreams sent to me by religious  demons. Each time I married the wrong man, a demon gave me a dream of  the man shortly before I met him. Demons use dreams to make various  suggestions that they try to set me up to follow.  And a demon that I  call “the spirit of death” has tried to cause me to die in my sleep.

They do this by pretending to be a dead person that you may have known  well, respected, or even loved. In the dream, they want you to follow  them with your spirit. The goal? Your death in your sleep.  Here  is the scenario.  Clothed in appearance and even in voice like “the dead  one,” the demon will create the dream. The intent is for you to “follow  the dead person.” Demons have tried this strategy on me time and time  again.  Here is an example.  My deceased father and his dead girlfriend  are taking me to the Bahamas and my father is paying for the trip. Cy  Sheppard never spent much money on me when he was alive, and the demon  KNEW that.  So in the dream, since it was a free trip, I was eager to  go.

However, whether it be my angel or my own spirit, I can not find  their hotel room.  I roam around Nassau Bahamas, a place that in the  natural, I am familiar with, but I can’t find my father and his dead girlfriend.  I believe that if I  did, I would have died in my sleep.  The spirit of death is a  demon whose assignment is to take us out before our time, either through  accident, suicide or homicide. When we are sleep is when we are quite  vulnerable. So the Lord has assigned an angel to guard us against the  Eric’s of this world. We must be careful not to provoke our angel with  lies, sin, or pride. That is another subject. DO NOT PROVOKE YOUR ANGEL.

My  purpose is to prepare the elect of God to recognize and overcome strong  religious delusion that pervades the last of the last days, through  COUNSELING, CONSULTATION,TRAINING, MENTORING AND THE PUBLICATION OF  BOOKS, ARTICLES AND STUDY GUIDES. My best work on this subject is the New Idolatry, the latest of the 6 books.



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E-book Excerpts: The New Idolatry

24 Nov

Written by Pastor Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry

The New Idolatry:  Charismatic Witchcraft, Deliverance and Other. Counterfeits.  (Pg 95-96)


What are the plagues?

The worst plague is a curse of spiritual blindness caused by delusion and demonic deception. The worst of the worst is to be duped into believing that you are going to heaven, and to die and find yourself in hell for eternity. For what does it profit a man, if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul? (Matthew 16:25) The fact that countless people have been indoctrinated into the “I accepted Jesus”   practice—also known as the “make a decision for Christ gospel, “ the worst abomination of them all.

For this form of idolatry distorts the word of God to such an extent, than I am willing to estimate that 85% of churchgoers believe that they are saved, and they are not. Counterfeit spiritual births at the altars of God are the absolute worst plague, the fruit of idolatry. This horrendous sign is pervasive throughout the organized church worldwide—a wide gaping hole for demonic infestation and other horrendous plagues to enter with ease.

So it follows that plagues that can destroy the soul are actually worse than those that debilitate the body only. Sickness and disease are certainly among the plagues, but there are several others. In our times, there are plagues that were not around in other generations: HIV/AIDS, crack, violence like drive by shootings, missing children, the domestic violence cycle and so many more.

Addiction of any kind is a plague primarily due to the dysfunction within the human will. As previously addressed, besides the mind and the emotions, the soul also consists of the will. Whenever the human will is in any kind of bondage, a plague is in operation which follows that the soul is seriously damaged.

Click here for a copy of  The New Idolatry or click on the book cover below.

If you have any questions, please contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email


Excerpt From “Faces of the Religious Demon.” Pg 89-91

22 Nov

Written by Pastor Pam Sheppard

The Narcissistic Personality and Spiritual Strangeness

When bordering on mental illness, a phrase that I have coined called “spiritual strangeness”can manifest in deep depression, the hearing of voices, visual appearances that are invisible to others and manifestations of narcissistic personality disorders of different varieties. (Where the demon of Jezebel is concerned, at the core of the mental illness is a pride system that reinforces false or counterfeit religious beliefs and practices. Psychic phenomena like telekinesis and astral travel emanate from the witchcraft side of the face of Jezebel.

As such, when supernatural manifestations are present, the spirit of Jezebel is generally the lead demon. The Jezebel demon is also at the root of self absorption, where legalism, perfectionism and self righteousness will progressively debilitate
the soul. I suspected that previously mentioned 92 year old Bertha was also personality disordered, particularly as it relates to her perfectionism and the confusion and despondency she experienced when even mildly challenged or suspected of being in error. Although Bertha manifested symptoms of perfectionism, a more classic influence of the face of Jezebel is more clearly evident in a professing Christian whose name I have changed to Pearl.

Claiming to be a doctor of holistic medicine, Pearl contacted me by email with a rather desperate and impertinent cry for a deliverance from an alleged physical infirmity that she believed to be demonic. She reported that she was without any physical strength, continuing to cough, vomit and remained without appetite. By virtue of her New Age profession alone, I was immediately aware that the spirit of witchcraft was definitely unmistakable. Moreover, the fact that Pearl professed faith in Jesus Christ while simultaneously misquoting the Lord frequently, I suspected that I was dealing with not only Jezebel, but perhaps the spirit of the Anti-Christ as well.

For example, Pearl views herself as “Christ-like”, not at all considering that her 30 year practice of homeopathic healing is an occult practice, nor would she consider
that her own beliefs could in any way be demonic. Working with a captive bound to the Jezebel spirit is no easy task. The complexity of the situation is that when helpless and in the middle of a crisis, the captive is usually cooperative and approachable. Due to the urgency of Pearl’s situation and the importunity of her emails and her phone calls, I overruled the steps and stages of my usual procedure. I confronted the demons by telephone in order to bring Pearl some immediate relief.

By reversing the process, I cast out the demon of torment first so that Pearl would be free to work on her other issues and problems. For example, her adult son had threatened to commit suicide if Pearl did not stop interfering in his life. As is the case with this personality type and the Jezebel spirit, Pearl’s life is one of chaos, instability, confusion and broken relationships. Once I exercised the authority of the Name of Jesus over the demon of torment, the spirit of Jezebel and the spirit of the Anti-Christ were clearly exposed, discernible in Pearl’s transparent self love and obvious sense of superiority. Pearl obtained immediate relief.

Interpreting her well being as a sign of a complete deliverance, Pearl backed off from any further counseling, disregarding and opposing all of my suggestions and comments that she was not at all “delivered.” With much debate and contention, Pearl conceded that “the Lord DID use me to set her free,” but she vehemently refused to address those underlying characteristics that permeate her very proud personality. Considering the length of time that she has been narcissistic, it is only logical that she would tenaciously defend her own self concept. Therefore, in Pearl’s mind, she is “as SHE says she is”—loving, giving, honorable, forthright, righteous, selfless, the perfect mother, superior—to name but a few.

It is apparent to me that Pearl is one of the unsaved professing to be saved. Notwithstanding, in Pearl’s mind, she is “Christ-like” even though she defied several of His words and His ways as evidenced in her emails. Once relieved of torment, the contradictions between Pearl’s actual character and her idealized image of herself became so obvious that it was amazing that she could not perceive it with her own self proclaimed intelligence.

On the contrary, Pearl is consistent in her ability to ignore the unconcealed. In fact, Pearl would only accept the reality of demons in her life as being sent to her through the jealous witchcraft practices of others, never once considering that she could be in any way responsible for her own torment. This inherent blind spot coupled with her adamant resistance to authority is the most serious obstacle to a complete deliverance. Furthermore, within her emails are numerous statements that would cause a knowledgeable Christian to seriously question her salvation.

Unwilling to be broken in spirit, the religious demon’s motive is self evident. Pearl’s solution is to do away with all demonic doorways of a personal nature by declaring herself “above it all.”Pride has hindered Pearl from taking a realistic assessment of those un-submitted areas of her soul. As Paul wrote, “God resists the proud but give grace to the humble.” (James 4:7)

To get a copy of Faces of the Religious Demon for yourself, click on the book cover.

For questions about this topic contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email

Self-Deliverance Made Simple!

5 May

Once deliverance workers began to use the internet, much info is online. I must admit that as a deliverance worker myself, even I find what I read online to be way too mystical, way too confusing. Rather than go into legal rights, strongholds, generational curses  and such, I am going to share two simple principles to override the complicated nature of deliverance with two basic truths:

All evil spirits need 2 things to enter a human target: altered state of consciousness—(aka a trance)and

2. an invitation.


If you can trace how you entered a trance as well as how and when YOU made the invitation to the spirits, then the complicated nature of both how you became demonized and what needs to be done to successfully set you free is understood.

Below is a sample of a case study: ME. I have prepared many a case but I still know my own case better than all others.

 So this is what you need to do.

 Create a similar, progressive bullet list for yourself and much of the preliminary review is on its way to completion and fruition. Here is my personal sample:

My name is Pam Sheppard. Born again since 1977, I was a new age practitioner for 3 previous years. You might say that fallen angels were grooming me to be a psychic. So going back to 1974, here is how I trace the ground of my own experience—-how I entered an ASC and how I made the invitation to unseen entities in the spirit realm, ignorantly and unknowingly providing them access to my soul.

1. A lust of my flesh is witchcraft. It showed in my love for horror movies, particularly Dracula. I loved astrology, taught myself how to predict the future with it. I wanted to know my future and so I periodically sought out fortune tellers.

2. Through my profession, I learned relaxation therapy which is a euphemism for hypnosis. I put myself under and loved the ASC.

3. I started studying astrology to find out info on sudden deaths. I was plotting charts of dead people who were either murdered or had a sudden accident. I did this to glean information.

At this point, my spiritual door was cracked open, starting with my curiosity and affinity toward the supernatural. Yet the invitation was not yet made. Yet my steps were being ordered by invisible beings.

4. For example, I went to a graveyard to look at the tombstone of my astrology subject—-Frank—-to get his exact date of birth and date of death. It was not enough. So my gay best friend Henry said “lets have a séance.”

We did!!!

5. BINGO!!! THE INVITATION WAS MADE.  WITH THE SEANCE, I SOUGHT INFORMATION FROM EVIL SPIRITS, WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT I WAS DOING. The head of a spirit showed up. HE HAD AN ASCOT IN HIS NECK AND LONG SIDEBURNS. Looked like the pics of the ascended master—a fallen angel who is  called St. Germaine.

6. The stage was set.

There were 6 people conveniently gathered. 3 kids, 3 adults, 3 males, 3 females. A gay man conducting the séance. That night, I had my first experience of what is called sleep paralysis aka the haints. A spirit pressed my body down. I could not speak. The next day, I was sitting at the pool and met 2 psychics. Turns out, they would be my next door neighbors. They invited me to their apt to try out the Ouija board. The first try, a group of spirits, made themselves known, pretending to be people who I knew when they were alive, particularly, Sophie, who was my first secretary who died of cancer.

7. Shortly, I graduated from the Ouija to automatic writing with a pencil and paper. I would not know what was written until I looked down at the paper and read what was there. I held the top of the pen and another person held the bottom. On occasion I held the bottom. It was a weird feeling cause my mind was blank and I could tell I was not moving the pen. Then I graduated to them speaking through me, which only happened no more than a handful of times.

Now after you have made your list, enroll in these  free-self study courses  (ebooks are $10):  Deliverance Prep, Altered States and chakras, and the Truth About Salvation.  I recommend these 3 to start but it would be helpful if you took ALL the courses listed here.

Truth sets captives free, so it could be that the evil spirits will leave because what you have learned compels them to.  If not, no worries.  Give me a call (888-818-1117) or send me an email to I will look up the tests you have taken for the course and decide if you are ready.  Then  I will cast them out in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth  over the phone lines. It will take from 5-15 minutes.


Now, if you need help along the way, Pastor Pam Sheppard can assign you a coach, who will assist you by answering your questions by email for a 2 week period, while you take a free course called Deliverance Prep.   You will be required to purchase the ebooks.  The courses can be found by clicking here.  So register.  Once you have taken the course and passed the tests, then Pastor Pam will cast any remaining spirits from you, by telephone at no charge. The phone session will be 15 minutes or less. 



People Pleasing, the Flesh and Resisting the Devil

25 May

By Pastor Pam

Consider Jonah and his disobedience and sudden flight from God to a ship filled with men about to be shipwrecked because of Jonah’s folly. So to find out why they suddenly entered into a severe storm, the men on board cast lots and the lot fell to Jonah. Once Jonah was revealed, he confessed. You would have thought that the men would have immediately picked up Jonah and thrown him off of the ship. Instead, they tried to row faster. Yet when all human effort failed, they reluctantly threw Jonah overboard and peace immediately prevailed for them.

Why didn’t Jonah just jump overboard himself? Perhaps it was not physically possible and he needed someone to lift him up and cast him into the sea. My suspicion is that as it is in most cases, the people who are bringing storms into our lives are “all about self,” especially when their needs are being met by us.

However what I have learned by experience, is that once the cause of an attack has been uncovered or revealed to me, my next step is to refuse. Sometimes you have to refuse a condition or persuasion that is within your personality or in other words, a refusal may have to be made to your flesh.

For example, if you are a person that must be liked or approved of by others, you will have to refuse your flesh in this regard. If you can answer an emphatic “yes,” to the following statements as conditions of your own flesh, refusal will eventually be in order, if you are going to effectively resist the devil:

• I try to avoid being alone

• I let other people decide what to do.

• I get upset when people don’t include me in their activities;

• I am stressed if I don’t include other people in my plans;

• I am easily led;

• I hate any form of confrontation;

• I can’t stand being left out of things;

• I am emotionally dependent upon people.

So one way to crucify your flesh is by refusing to act out its nature.

Besides refusing your former nature without Christ, there are times when you also have to refuse your former perception or understanding as it relates to spiritual and religious matters. In fact, refusal is one of the ways that we cast down our imaginations, and every thought that is contrary to our obedience to the inner leadings of the Holy Ghost.

For example, if you have assumed that God would not allow the enemy to deceive you under any circumstances, to resist the devil that is assigned to you, you will have to refuse every thought connected to this false assumption. I personally know from experience that I can be deceived by the enemy because I have been, several times in fact.

Here is a personal example. It has been revealed to me that in 1996, I founded a church based upon the nature of my flesh and the leading of the religious demon assigned to me. Certainly, I believed that I was led by God at the time. However, with the discernment and the enlightenment that I have received over time, I can look back now with such understanding. What was confusing and complicated in 1996 is obvious and simple today.

Once my eyes were fully opened in 2008, I had to exercise refusal by closing the church doors. Certainly I had to face opposition to closing it. In fact, for a year, services continued in a members home, until her eyes were also opened and the doors of the church were permanently shut, never to open again.

As soon as I took the first step of refusal as I resisted the devil, the next revelation followed. Since the enemy was the secret force that led me to start this church in the first place, it logically and spiritually follows that each and every person who played a significant role in its operations was sent by the enemy also. In 13 years, several people were involved. Out of all of them, I have contact with two persons from the former church.

I published a e-book entitled Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry”.  If you have been in  bondage to people pleasing with deliverance workers who caused your spiritual and physical condition to worsen, you need this book.  If you have ever been in a deliverance session that lasted longer than 5 minutes, this book is for you.  If you have read a lot of books on deliverance ministry, this book will un-ravel the confusion and de-mystify how to cast out demons.

If you have questions about deliverance call 1-888-818-1117.

For links to get any of Pastor Pam’s other books CLICK HERE.


Be Set Free from Torment!

23 May

Spiritual torment is a sign that if you have  believed you are born again, clearly you are not, and it rationally follows that  you are a victim of a false conversion. In such cases, torment can be considered a blessing because it will wake you up to realize that God does not give a spirit of fear or torment, but His goal is that you have a sound mind.

So it stands to reason if your intrusive, even blasphemous thoughts, the accusing, condemning voices and the  horrendous and shameful visions did not come from God, and  they did not originate  with you, logically speaking, then  the culprit has to be evil Spirits from Satan— the spirit of the Antichrist aka a religious spirit.

RESCUE DELIVERANCE PREP is unique because we do not confront evil spirits until you have been strengthened with might in your inner man. So our strategy will prepare you to retrieve the  stolen  ground inch by inch, progressively and gradually.  After all, it is rare that the enemy took the ground suddenly.  it may seem so because you were not aware of the gradual and progressive manner the enemy had infiltrated and then quietly and unobtrusively  began to  steal ground from  your soul, inch by inch.  Then one day it appeared  as if he took  charge suddenly and quickly when the truth is that while  you were not watching, he had been planning, strategizing and implementing his takeover until the day came, when he had obtained sufficient  ground to boldly make his presence known to you.

On occasion, we warn those we help concerning  situations that may appear to turn worse as you attempt to recover.  Nevertheless, if you  persist,  you  shall witness the adversary steadily losing his power. Your symptoms will  progressively decrease as the territory is increasingly regained. You will notice that your  mind, with its memory, imagination and reasoning powers, gradually becoming free so that you can use it again.

But we warn you, not to become complacent and cease to fight to the end. in other word, just because your symptoms have abated does not mean you can relax.  For if you do so, you will provide  evil spirits with an opening and an advantage to  re-design his attack in the near future.  Consequently, we advise you to continue to restore your control over your will power  until you are completely free.  Should you  stand on the foundation of the Lord’s victory of the cross and exercise your  mind to resist the enemy’s conditioning, you shall soon be delivered completely. You  shall become master of your  own mental life.

  1. What was stolen from you shall be restored.
  2. Your spiritual growth will be much deeper that what you originally had.
  3. No longer passive of mind, you will master self control, a fruit of the spirit, along with a much greater sense of peace than you had experienced in the past.
  4. If you have had a false conversion, now you have overcome all demonic hindrances  to being genuinely born again.

So let’s get started today.  Call 1-888-818-1117 or complete the contact form below.


Don’t Lose Your Crown With Fast Food Religion and Quick Fix Deliverances

22 May

armorThe bible warns that the conditions at the end of the age will “wax worse and worse” men deceiving and being deceived.(2 Timothy 3:13) and many children of God will be deceived, possibly destroyed, because of a lack of discernment, becoming unconscious vessels for the enemy to use in the DAY of his power. (Matthew 24:10). Therefore, it is mandated that every true believer must be prepared to stand alone in order to emerge as an overcomer. To be prepared means that you have been trained in peace time but most often, while you are actually in the battle.

Unfortunately, we are not prepared for what is happening among this generation’s religious people.  Whether in church or absent from Her, Satan is pulling out all  his last stops including spirit rape, voices, intrusive blasphemous thoughts and horrifying visions to let religious folk know, that he is in control of them.  And he is.

How did the devil obtain this kind of power when the bible reports that the Lord Jesus Christ has defeated him? Simply put, the  spiritually undernourished have been eating fast spiritual foods leading to the expectation that quick religious  fixes and fantasies will  pull them  through to victory. What is neither understood or considered is that we who will overcome must try the spirits NOW. We must not believe every spirit.  The spirit that is not of God is Anti-Christ.  So if you are hearing blasphemous thoughts about the Lord Jesus, or if entities or spirits are having sex with you to satisfy their need for spiritual worship, if you are having evil visions that cause shame and guilt , you have been taken over by Satan as  the Accuser of the brethren and the  spirit of the Anti-Christ.

In order to overcome the spirit of the Antichrist who is now quite active in our present world, everything and everyone must be tested, including yourself.  How is this test implemented? First of all, , check to see if you have been  consistently eating junk food. Also, examine where you stand relative to the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth: sin, the cross, the death, burial, resurrection and the return  of the Lord.   Do you understand repentance? Did you experience godly sorrow as led by the Holy Spirit and not by the needs of your own flesh for grief, self-accusation, and self-induced shame?   Did the Holy Spirit call you to the cross or did you just ask Jesus to come into your heart because you were afraid of going to hell? Are you expecting a pre-tribulation rapture and therefore you are not preparing for His coming? Do you believe you are born again yet you still have not been able to control sinful behavior? Do you believe that church attendance and loyalty will save you?

The answers to these questions will reveal whether or not you have been eating fast foods, and relying on quick fixes, fantasizing that you are blessed when in fact, you may be cursed.

Let us face it!.  WE ARE IN A WAR.  A SPIRITUAL WAR! if you are in agreement with theantichrist spirit of the world and the spirit of the Antichrist, you are a weak vessel, not a soldier, one  who is actually food for Satan.  He smells your blood in the water and you are the prey of the mighty. He will tempt you with illusions in the spirit that are not common to man and he does not play fair.  However, those of us called to Calvary have been given weapons for warfare that we are to use and become proficient in their use by experience, developing our faith by trial and sometimes by error.

A part of that warfare is to recognize the spies and overcome them BEFORE the Lord returns. We are in a conflict with the Antichrist and his army NOW.  Consider perhaps the very near future as outlined in Revelation 17. In this chapter, Christ is carrying out terrible things on His enemies who “war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for He is the Lord of lords and the King of kings, and they also shall overcome who are with Him, called and chosen, and faithful.”

I want to be in this number.  You should want it also.


We shall judge and rule with Christ, at least those of us who overcome.  Those who have died in Christ already have escaped the  kind of uncommon supernatural trials and  tests Satan will throw our way in these Laodicean, deceitfully lukewarm times of fast food religion and quick fix deliverances.  I suspect that the dead in Christ have their crowns already.  However, what if we are alive when He comes?   It seems that it is OUR crowns that are up for grabs. Will you allow YOUR crown  to  be stolen because you enjoyed too much fast food in the spirit  and you depended solely on quick fixes, incapable of standing against the wiles of the devil.

Pam Sheppard Ministries (PSM)  will train you to be prepared for the Satanic onslaught that is coming your way.  We also work to set you free once you have slipped  into sinking sand. God wants to work in you. PSM   is a safe haven where He can answer your prayer and prepare you for the future, with solid meat.  Has the enemy interfered in your life?  God is greater than the devil. At RESCUE, we will train you to get a crown and keep it. We will help you to past all tests with flying colors, as you learn to stand in strong faith.

If you would like to give PSM a 30 day trial to see if this ministry is for you, call 888-818-1117 or complete the contact form below:

Spirit, Soul and Chakras

9 Apr

Written by Pastor Pam Sheppard  

I am still doing my research on chakras. In order to do so, I have to sift through loads of information.  I am able to do this work because  I am not one that gets distracted by loads of details. My specific goal is to find out what occultists are looking to accomplish by opening chakras  and for what reason. I only want to know in a general way how they attempt to accomplish their goals. Here is a general statement from a spiritual Satanist that address my purpose:

Opening your soul will open your spiritual eyes and lead you to see the truth and obtain enlightenment. In addition, you will discover many so-called “supernatural” powers within yourself when you empower your chakras. When the chakras are correctly aligned and empowered, healing of both physical, and mental ailments will often occur miraculously.

Now that statement reminds me of what Satan said to Eve. Opening chakras is all about trying to become a god.

The soul is where the human heart is. Actually, there is a heart chakra. And the bible says that the heart or the heart chakra if you would, is not just wicked, but desperately wicked. Therefore, to open the chakras is to unleash human wickedness and open the chakra doorways to even more evil, by providing access to evil spirits.

Now I understand why people with false conversions end up badly tormented. A wicked soul seeking power will produce evil results.

I really do not need to study chakras  to know what to do in a deliverance. In my deliverance with tormented captives, the Holy Spirit has  led me to close their chakras. I addressed the deity or low level god by name, and commanded each of 8, one by one, for all demons to come out and for each chakra to be closed. For example,  John  and Betty suffered from  hearing voices, 24/7. And once I closed the chakras, the torment  stopped. No more voices to hear.

Deliverance counseling by phone once a week prepares those who seek my help  for deliverance without my knowing anything at all about chakras. yet I feel I need to know more. When I am satisfied, I will stop.

However, the present  reality is that every call for help that  I receive these days is about the chakras. The calls come  from people who are in torment with this energy. Here are some essential points from what I have discovered in reviewing some literature online:

There are many different methods of opening chakras and awakening kundalini power. Some of these include:

Chanting– Vibration is very powerful. The power of sound can break glass, weaken steel, and cement structures. Vibrations cause the chakras to open and stimulate the kundalini at the base of the spine. The chanting reminds me of tongues. Clearly, the enemy’s purpose for tongues among those seeking The Lord is to release the Kundalini.

Controlled Breathing (pranyama)– Different methods of controlled breathing are specific to each chakra.

Visualization and concentration– Through visualizing and focusing your mind on each chakra, you can open, close and control them.

Visualization and concentration is used in witchcraft. that is a whole other subject to be addressed in another post. Also I suspect that what goes on in Charismatic and Pentecostal churches also awakens the kundalini.  I bought a book about the subject, but since the author has not left the church, I don’t promote his book.  Also, anyone who speaks in tongues still needs to be undeceived.


If you are being tormented because you unknowingly opened your chakras through any of  the practices mentioned, deliverance coaching is available. Call 888-818-1117 or complete the contact form below.