Archive | September, 2016

False Signs and True Miracles

8 Sep


image“Divination within the organized church community is called “prophecy” or discernment. Power hungry folk aim at controlling the lives and destinies of gullible people. Pulpits are filled with diviners and soothsayers—“charismatic hype masters”—that have no other message but one that caters to our flesh. Like the occult card layers, the divination of old has progressively worsened in our time because the “church community” is flooded with countless pseudo-prophets as it sweeps across worldwide Christendom, it leaves some devastated people in its path.

Has any one spoken a word into your life that you now know was not from God?” The more we seek sign, the more fake miracles, healings and other signs will follow.

Take my healing ministry in the 90’s.

I was the healer of the town.  People rushed up to my car wanting to be touched. I would slow down, reach my left hand out of the car window and…

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