Archive | April, 2012

Cindy Trimm Prays to the Spirit of Ashtar???

12 Apr

By Pamela Sheppard

THE FAKE JESUS:  Fallen Angels Among Us

It was this video clip that birthed the book “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.”  I’m not sure, but I suspect the year was 2006.  I had recently heard a voice say to me that the entire organized church was akin to a condemned, boarded up dwelling and that the Holy Ghost had vacated it. As a pastor for 25 years at the time,  I was truly  hoping that the message I had received was not from God.  So I decided to take a year and do some research.  I was about to begin by studying church history, when I watched this particular video.

At that point, I had never heard of Dr. Cindy Trimm so I watched the video without any preconceived perceptions of  her ministry.

 When the clip reached the 2 minute and 42 second point, my book “the Fake Jesus” was conceived, for it was at that exact moment that I heard Dr. Trimm “declare,” I THANK YOU FATHER THAT THE SPIRIT OF THE ASHTAR HAS FALLEN UPON THE PEOPLE as the people were falling slain in the spirit like ocean waves across the entire building where the congregation was assembled.

Astar? That sounded familiar.  I first went to my bible and found Ashtoreth, an old testament idol. Once I googled the name “Astar,”  Google  corrected my spelling  to ASHTAR. Beyond a doubt,  I was in a state of shock.  For the door to aliens, ascended masters, and fallen angels imitating our Lord  flung wide open. All because of the 2:42 slide of this video.

This is only one manifestation of Ashtar. He also appears as an alien.

Deliverance: What You Don’t Know CAN Kill You!

12 Apr

You heard it here first!

I know out of all the deliverance ministries, deliverance sessions, exorcisms, etc. that you have sought out trying to get free, you have NEVER heard the truth about DELIVERANCE told like this.

I encourage ANYONE who is seeking deliverance to purchase Pamela Sheppard’s book ‘Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry.’  

What you THOUGHT was a deliverance ministry was nothing more than a gateway to your soul set by the enemy to gain a stronghold in your life.

Don’t beat yourself up;  we in the pentecostal and charismatic…even non demoninational churches have ALL been there, done that.

People are truly destroyed for the LACK of knowledge.  What you DON’T know about these deliverance ministries out here CAN kill you!

Arm yourself with knowledge…and purchase your copy TODAY!

False Conversions – No more ISHMAELS! Part 1

11 Apr

By Wenona Russ

For the past few days, the Lord has been dealing with me heavily about Ishmaels.  Those things that we tend to birth thru our flesh b/c we find it SO hard to wait on the Lord.

It is in the nature of a woman-in particular-to want to birth a thing.  Men, too.  But for different reasons:  women love the idea of birthing something, anything, b/c it makes them feel more productive.  It gives her a sense of purpose and fulfillment unlike any other thing a woman can do.  This is why there are teenage pregnancies and what not…that girl wants something to love, to cherish, to nurture, to bring up…b/c it gives her a sense of PURPOSE.  Something to love.

So whether she is ready or prepared for it or not, she gets pregnant.

As it is in the natural, so it is in the SPIRIT.

A female wants to feel like she can nurture something.  So she will hook herself up with someone who SHE KNOWS is not of God b/c she feels like she is anointed enough, powerful enough, on it in the Spirit enough to nurture and love that thing to perfection!  Whether it be a ministry, a husband, a child, a business…whatever.


For the man, a man gets a sense of accomplishment when he procreates.  He is made to feel like he is virile, powerful, and EVERY man wants a seed in the earth that will outlast him.  God created the man like that….that desire to procreate IS a godly thing….God PUT that in the man.

The problem arises when the man is OUTSIDE OF THE WILL OF GOD…and yet still wants to procreate.

It is when a man is not ready for the responsibility when the problem arises….

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spirit….

A man who knows he is anointed by God, but IS NOT READY for ministry will seek illegitimate means to support his ministry.  He will go thru great lengths-most of them ungodly ones-to ‘birth’ a ministry.

The following are some thoughts God dropped in my spirit regarding ILLEGITIMATE BIRTHS….


“That devil KNOWS a MAN and another MAN cannot reproduce, and that IS the #1 agenda of the enemy. To reproduce after HIS OWN KIND…

So whether it presents itself in the form of a homosexual or a partner in ministry, that spirit will SEEK OUT THE WOMB-whether natural OR spiritual-of A WOMAN so that it can properly reproduce after its own kind!!!!! LADIES, BEWARE!!!!! When a man seeks out a woman to ‘help out in the ministry…’ He knows he cannot do anything-i.e., have a baby, have a well rounded ministry, a legitimate one-without the natural OR spiritual womb OF A WOMAN. BE PRAYERFUL!”

“And Im NOT just talking about PHYSICAL reproduction-Im talking about SPIRITUAL reproduction as well! Why do you think all these illegitimate ministries are being birthed? Illegal, illegitimate spiritual intercourse & impartation, conception – then birthing!”

“It started with illegitimate STIMULATION-they flatter you telling you how anointed you are, they want to take you under their wings to cultivate the anointing in you-as if THEY harvested the anointing themselves! ILLEGITIMATE STIMULATION!”

“Some so called ‘men of God’ will link up with you NOT for the $$$, ur anointing, legitimacy in ministry, etc, but b/c they want to have a child with you!”

“OH LORD! I know Im gonna get it for this. But I am about to EXPOSE that devil and ALL his plots and schemes! A couple got married-a ‘man of God’ and a lady I know, and when I heard about it, the spirit of the Lord told me ‘he is only marrying her to have a child with her….’ I was like WHOA!!!! Didn’t give it a 2nd thought!”

“You see, ladies, what we’re dealing with IS A SPIRIT. And this spirit mimics the Spirit of GOD. Just like God wants us to ‘be fruitful and multiply,’ so does this evil spirit seek to ‘be fruitful & multiply!’ Some of these so called men of God KNOW they are on their way to a burning hell, and want a ‘seed’ in the earth to continue the mission that they are on. One case in point is that HOMOSEXUAL spirit. We all get up in arms about how the homosexual agenda is spreading like wildfire thru every aspect of society. Well, this is why same sex marriages are becoming legalized. This is why now it is easier for a same sex couple to adopt than it EVER was. But ALSO there are HOMOSEXUALS that are actually procreating with women to re-populate the earth with MORE homosexuals. YES, ITS TRUE!”

Nothing but FALSE CONVERSIONS in the spirit!

“You say, how is that possible? Well, think about it: look in the church. It seems like there are MORE homosexual leaders now more than ever…but they came from SOMEWHERE! The likes of James Cleveland and Walter Hawkins and others in the church married, procreated with women, and birthed a whole new species of gay and lesbian offspring. So all these ppl who are struggling with their sexuality were birthed from corrupted seed, undelivered seed. And NO ONE in the church confronted the sin. Our grandparents and parents KNEW this was going on in the church! But NO ONE dealt with it. And sin that is not dealt with GROWS. Look at what happened to the artist formerly known as Tonex. He was molested by those in church as a child-IN AN APOSTOLIC CHURCH! And NO ONE dealt with it. But now everyone wants to bash him…YET NO ONE tried to help him when he was a child. They just let this stuff continue in the church…”



“The enemy will constantly seek to birth thru ur womb, spiritual or natural seed. Ministries. Children-natural and spiritual. Businesses. ANYTHING! PROTECT UR ANOINTING!”

“In this society, childbearing and having kids has become idolized…hence, all these shows showing women in the delivery room and what not. Folks are actually worshipping the act of childbearing. And religious folks or spiritually blind folks cannot see what the enemy is doing….he is shutting the wombs of the righteous by getting the righteous to procreate with the ‘sons of men.’ NOT the sons of GOD! So every birth of a child is supposed to be blessed,according to the religious. But those of us who are spiritual know better. Do yall remember that movie ‘The Omen?’ There are some children who GOD did NOT ordain to be here…the DEVIL did. The devil seeks to procreate JUST like GOD does. That is one thing the enemy covets, possibly even more than the anointing he once had! So now since he see he cannot get the anointing back, he seeks a legal entryway into the earth realm BY WAY OF THE WOMB OF A WOMAN! That way the position and assignment THAT DEMON cannot fulfill, HIS CHILD WILL! MY GOD! GRASP THIS IN THE SPIRIT!”

Stay tuned for Part 2 of ‘False Conversions – No more ISHMAELS!


Want to learn more about ministry?  Check out my new eBook:

“The Makings of a False Prophet”

The Makings of a False Prophet

to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

False Conversions – No More ISHMAELS, Part 2

11 Apr

By Wenona Russ

Now, I will say this:  the birthing of a GOD GIVEN, GOD ORDAINED thing, whether it be a ministry, a child, a marriage, a business, a dream, a vision, etc…whatever it is….IS NOT A BAD THING!  The Word of God says the people PERISH w/o a vision!

But when u start getting into birthing things that GOD DID NOT SAY TO BIRTH, you are going off into dangerous, rebellious territory.  B/c WHATEVER is not BORN OF GOD IS BORN OF THE DEVIL!!!!!  NO MATTER WHAT IT IS!!!!!!

The desire to birth a thing falls into sin when GOD DID NOT TELL YOU TO DO IT.  Period.

The best protection against this deception is to be LED BY THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!!!!!  Learn to hear from the Lord for yourself.  HE WILL let you know if He is pleased with what ur doing or not!

I don’t care if the most popular of preachers encourage you to do it.  I have heard such preachers as TD Jakes, Juanita Bynum and Cindy Trimm talk of birthing things…in the Spirit.  I have heard of them speaking of spiritual stimulation and impartation.  This is nothing more than sensual, soulish, and even demonic and should NOT be entertained!  It does not matter WHO teaches it, if it cannot be supported by scripture or goes AGAINST it, it must be refuted.

There are so many Ishmaels running around today…Ishmaelite ministries, marriages, literal Ishmael children!  Its tight, but ITS RIGHT!  Things and people GOD did not ordain to be in the earth.

Now, its not to say Ishmael is not, won’t be, blessed.  Of course, they will.  BUT they will be blessed, empowered-eventually-to go AGAINST the Spirit of God and the will and plan of God.  It was not, IS NOT, the will of God that we have to deal with the Iraqi war.  Look at all the ppl who have died as a result of this war.  Why?  B/c 1000s of years ago, Abraham couldn’t WAIT ON THE LORD for His promise…he had ‘to help God out.’

Now, God is still God.  He is still on the throne.  He will grant victory.  BUT LOOK AT WHAT COST!

Had Abraham kept his pants on-if he had any-there would be no war over there right now.  9-11 would have never happened!

When the sons of men slept with the women after the flood….they created giants (Ishmaels) who terrorized the land.  Much sin was wrought in the earth.  I honestly believe THIS is when homosexuality was introduced into the earth.  Hence, Sodom and Gomorrah….



Now, I know.  Someone is gonna say…’How could a birth of a child EVER be wrong?’

When it was NOT in the will of GOD for that child to be conceived in the first place!  THATS HOW!!!

Ishmael was NOT supposed to be born, or conceived.  But he was, by folks who said they knew God, too.

Don’t tell me saved folks don’t birth things illegitimately!  It happens more times than we like to mention!


Translate that to mean, also…’DON”T HAVE NO BABIES WITH THEM, EITHER!”

Ministerially speaking, don’t start ministries, fellowship with, partner with, ANYONE who you KNOW is an unbeliever.  I don’t care if Apostle, Prophet, Chief Prelate of whatever, Pastor, or Evangelist is in front of their name.  The DEVIL got his five fold, too!  WHY?  TO ILLEGITIMATELY BIRTH MINISTRY-DEMONIC MINISTRY-IN THE SPIRIT AND THE NATURAL.

God is FOR giving birth…but ONLY to what HE HAS ORDAINED.

Now there IS mercy for those of us who have birthed Ishmaels, and I believe we all have.  But do know that some of the very trials, tribulations and adversities that we seek prayer and intercession for ON A CONSISTENT BASIS were NOT initiated or ordained to take place in our lives.  These things we go thru were not the destinies God had in mind for us.  But we bring them on ourselves as a result of our sin.  Abraham had to forever deal with the separation from his own flesh and blood b/c of his disobedience.  And I am sure he had NO idea that his precious little Ishmael would grow up to birth a nation of ppl that would forever be at war with HIS ppl!

We bring trouble on ourselves in our own disobedience, impatience and rebellion. God is there to help…but how much greater reward is it if instead of taking all that time, energy, anointing and applying it to the original assignments GOD ordained for us to complete instead of trying to FIX problems/Ishmaels WE birthed into this realm?   But do know that even in mercy, there is a price to pay for disobedience.

We truly reap what we sow….

Please take heed.  THIS IS REAL!  The enemy is not gonna came at some of us with crack, or Hypnotiq or perversion.  Some of us he is gonna get with false ministry gifts, false five fold, false anointings coming to us and presenting themselves like they are the real thing.


God Bless and Shalom!


Want to make sure you have a true conversion, a legitimate birthing, in ministry?  Get a copy of

The Makings of a False Prophet!

The Makings of a False Prophet

to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

False Prophets, the Charismatic Movement and the Python Spirit

10 Apr
False Prophets, the Charismatic Movement and the Python Spirit
By Pamela Sheppard


 A python spirit is a spirit of divination as portrayed in Acts 16:16, the woman who foretold who the Apostles were. Even though she told the truth, Paul cast that demon from her. He was grieved,

Only the Holy Ghost knows how many in Christendom who claim to be prophets by declaring , “thus saith the Lord,” or “God told me,” or “I was led in the spirit”—are really the messengers of Satan sent to control your life in God by the python spirit. Today, in the 21st century, churches are filled with soothsayers and charismatic hype masters whose message from the pulpit is merely a gratification of the flesh. There is a seductive spirit of divination sweeping across churches of all persuasions, seeking to control the lives of the un-suspecting. Laity leaders serve as divination foot-soldiers,forearmed “with a word” to maintain the power and authority of those in the pulpits. Demons help out also as they whisper into congregant’s ears, “give a $1000 dollars.”

I can recall that one of my associates, Minister Kellie,  completely delivered from depression  in record time by the power of God, was approached by a member of her former church. Although Kellie’s  progress is quite  remarkable, the former church member approached her with a “thus saith the Lord.” “I had a vision of you and I saw you have a python snake attached to your spirit.  Are you okay? Since you left the church, we’ve all had concerns about you. We’ve all been praying for your return to the fold.”

In one of our mentoring telephone  conversations, Kellie casually mentioned this but I could tell that she was shaken by it. I yelled through the telephone “NO! STOP. THAT WORD CAME FROM THE HEART OF A DEMON ASSIGNED TO STEAL YOUR RECOVERY FROM YOU! DO NOT RECEIVE IT!!!!”

Certainly, professing Christians without knowledge may seem to have good intentions. Yet, when you find yourself in bondage to what they claim God has said about you to them, what does it matter whether they had either good or bad intentions??? The results are the same.  Your spirit has been penetrated and the enemy has successfully planted his desires into YOUR spirit to cause you confusion and ultimate harm!!!!

Take it from someone who knows. I am well insulated by God from face to face contact with people who allow demons to use them as messengers of Satan to control my life . I have even learned how to block out my dreams. So when the enemy cannot “reach me,” he’ll make a phone call, send a Facebook message or send an email.

Now I know that’s right!

I have personally  received “thus saith the Lords” in emails and over the telephone on quite a few occasions. Now when I personally receive “a word” about someone else, I have learned to “keep my mouth shut.” Control freaks can’t do this. They are under too much compulsion to blurt out knowledge obtained by supernatural means to prove that “they are anointed of God.”

Here is how divination works. The enemy has difficulty “putting a spell on you” unless he first informs YOU about it. Then he will use your self-induced anxieties, doubts and fears to bring his plans about in YOUR life. In other words, devils and demons are skilled at making YOU your own worst enemy. You see, it is easier  “do what they do,” with your cooperation and consent. In order to control our lives, the enemy has to “plant his desires” into our spirits.

Recently, someone sent me a message.  He had a vision that witches were trying to bring harm on me because of my website and that they were attempting to put a spell on me. I didn’t scold him. Wouldn’t make any sense cause the damage was already done. Coincidence or not, at that very moment,I was involved in a situation with someone who had “witchcraft in her background.” So of course, my eyebrow was raised but I didn’t panic. I was just extra careful and observant.

The thing to do is to “watch and pray.”

Keep your mouth shut until the crisis, if there is one, has passed. Don’t let the enemy use YOU to plant fear into someone who you care about.  Pray and rest in God.   If God showed him  that someone was praying against me, then the Holy Ghost was calling him  to pray.

Fallen angels are extremely skilled at using friends, the people even of your own household, to speak evil into your life.

So wisdom is certainly necessary. I learned the hard way to “be slow to speak.”

Therefore, when someone comes to you with a “thus saith the Lord” and it does not compute with you, you must become verbally aggressive.  I do it regularly. People may think that I am crazy but I am quick to get animated and boldly declare, “No. I rebuke that. I don’t receive that.”

Sometimes I get worst and like the Lord, I’ll speak directly to that demon and say “get thee behind me.” I don’t care what people think. It is too important that I guard my spirit.


If you have left the church or you are considering leaving, perhaps you would like to be assigned one of our ministers to mentor you.  If so, give us a call at 518-477-5759.

 To know more about the python spirit, divination and the charismatic movement, you need “the New Idolatry.”

Here is a short quote:


“Like New Age mysticism, charismatic witchcraft is the practice of white magic.  For the sake of comparison, consider how both a new age practitioner and a Charismatic Christian would approach a typical problem, namely, a woman seeking to stop the infidelity of a lover or husband. 

 From the occultist, the woman might be required to purchase a defense enchantment like burying her man’s shirt at full moon, while pronouncing a curse or magic formula 7 times.  As the shirt wears out and disintegrates in the ground over time, so also will the man’s love for the other woman fade and dissolve. 

 What does the Charismatic Christian advise in a similar instance? 

 Pray over the man’s side of the bed, anoint it with oil or holy water, name it and claim it by sending forth evil prayers against her husband’s  lover, in unsavory ways, unfitting to Jesus Christ, and pray controlling, manipulative prayers to change the man’s behavior.

Rather than deal openly with the issues of infidelity, sin and spousal abuse, Charismatics are infamous for seeking “the supernatural solution.” (page 16)


I want to take the opportunity to introduce a new writer, Wenona Russ, author of ‘The Makings of a False Prophet.’  I highly recommend this book if you want to further guard your spirit against false prophets and false prophecies.

“I Hear From God Every Day…”

8 Apr

I remember speaking with an ‘apostle’ one day.  We were talking about ‘hearing from God.  Since being led by God is a sign of being a son of God, and one cannot be led unless they have ears to hear, it was very important.  I was very interested in hearing what this person had to say (or teach) about hearing from God.

I was with him and agreed with everything he was saying until he proclaimed, ‘I hear the audible voice of God every day.’ My spirit man screeched to a sudden halt.

Then he went on to say, ‘if someone doesn’t hear from God every day, then something is wrong with them.  They’re not right with God.  If you’re a prophet, you MUST hear from God…EVERY DAY.’

The Spirit of God in me immediately sent up a red flag when I heard this, so I did not receive this.

‘Man, shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of God…’ (Matt. 4:4)

So many in the organized, religious church system (or even those who don’t go to the I.C. but still have residue of religion in them) hold onto this mindset that if they don’t hear from God every day, then something is wrong. It is with this mindset that MANY go on the prowl for ‘a word from the Lord.’

They start stalking prophets, closely watching FB pages for a fresh revelation and word.  They spend their rent money on attending the next prophetic conference.  They call 20 people in one day looking for ‘a word from the Lord.’

And that is EXACTLY what the enemy is hoping you will do!

The Word does say ‘blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled.’ (Matthew 5:6)  But when you run behind prophecies, and this one and that one, or this conference or that conference for a word from the Lord, the enemy KNOWS very well how to sound like God, preach like God, prophesy like God, give ‘words of knowledge and wisdom’ that sound good, etc.

And what you thought was God was actually FROM THE ENEMY!

It is a greedy, insatiable and wicked generation that seeks after a sign, a wonder, a word, a revelation (Matthew 16:4)…INSTEAD OF SEEKING AFTER GOD!!!

Let me share something with you…

God may speak to you, give you a word, a revelation, a prophecy, or whatever.  Then most likely, HE WILL BE SILENT for a period of time, to give YOU time to digest that Word.  To chew on it.  ACT ON IT!

God will give you something and He may expect you to keep ‘feeding’ off that word for a period of time.

It is said that beef takes a minute to digest in your system.  It is so thick, dense and rich a meat that it can take up to two weeks to fully process through the digestive system.

Hebrews 5:13-14

For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

The word for useth in vs. 13 means ‘to partake of.’  To have one’s senses ‘exercised’ to discern good and evil is not something that just supernaturally just falls into one’s lap.  To reap the benefits of exercise, one must do it continually.  There must be a history of exercise.  EXPERIENCE.

If there are no experiences of private study, devotion, reading of the Word, prayer, etc., then your spirit man is NOT exercised-or it has not learned-how to discern what is right and what is wrong.

David said, ‘Your word I have hidden in my heart, so I won’t sin against you…’ (Psalms 119:11).  Hiding the Word in our hearts takes TIME.  It comes from STUDY.  It comes from shutting out distractions and digging into your word FOR YOURSELF and allowing the Holy Ghost to speak to YOU through the word.  There IS no richer, more satisfying spiritual meal than the one you have prepared yourself!

I hear people talk all the time about going to church so their pastor can ‘feed’ them.  And that sounds real good, religious, pious.

The problem is that most of what’s being taught in these churches today IS rotten milk.  All you mothers know what a hassle it is to have to get up every two hours to breastfeed or bottle feed the baby.  We know that baby’s appetite is insatiable-neverending-because that child is growing and needs MEAT.  You keep giving milk to a 7 year old only, and I promise you, that child wont grow and will die!

But give it meat?

And the problem has been that the organized church system is not a producer of spiritual meat.  It is set up so to keep the masses babes, unskilful in the word of righteousness.  Why?  SO THAT THEY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO DISCERN GOOD AND EVIL!!!!

The devil does NOT want folks to discern a THING.  He likes for you to keep thinking that discernment is this ethereal, invisible magic force that is given to you by the laying on of hands, or some other supernatural experience.  ‘Girl, one day, prophet laid hands on me, and BAMMM!  I got the gift of discernment!’


What you got was that prophet’s demons.  Transference of spirits.  You picked up a suspicious spirit, just like they got.  But TRUE discernment you did NOT get!

Discernment is built up as you MATURE in God, as you get into HIS presence and let HIM reveal the Word to you…on a constant basis.  The Spirit of God IS a teacher.  He teaches you how to discern between good and evil.

And that ability does not come by osmosis or touch.  That comes from your willingness to eat, digest and feast on the MEAT of the Word, on a continual basis.

And you must realize that meat takes time to go through our systems.  It’s filling, stock full of protein.  We won’t be hungry in two hours once we have feasted on a nice juicy steak!

If beef takes two weeks to get out of your system, how much more so would the WORD OF GOD?

In prophets in the bible didn’t get visits from God every day.  He didn’t speak to them every day.  THAT is what that scripture means that says ‘living from EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of God…’  A procession takes TIME.  Just because we sit down here and ‘WAAAHHH, WAAAAHHH’ like a baby 24/7 for some milk every two hours does NOT mean God’s gonna give it to you…when YOU want it!

Babies do that.

But if you are a mature believer in God, then He expects you to patiently wait on HIM.  If you’re seeking Him for some truth or revelation, or a word….then PATIENTLY do so.  Patience, waiting on God, speaks to your FAITH.  Without FAITH, it is impossible to please God.  The answer to prayer hasn’t come yet, then WAIT ON IT.  STOP stalking prophets, going broke attending prophetic conferences, staying up all hours of the night on conference calls….seeking a Word from the Lord!

Because the Spirit of Antichrist is waiting, to give you a false word!

A religious demon is always waiting on those folks who are so super spiritual that they always gotta have a word-EVERY DAY-from the Lord.  READY to deceive and mislead!

And you would be the only one to blame, because your impatience, your seeking after a word, a sign, a wonder would have been the reason why the fake Jesus was invited to come into your heart and give you false words, miracles, direction, prophecies, etc.

God has given us 774,746 words in the Bible.

If you’re that hungry and desperate for a ‘word,’ then crack open that bible and ask for one.

It is NOT necessary to hear the audible voice of God every day.  Don’t let ANYONE tell you that it is necessary.

Stop stalking prophets for a word.  Pay your rent and stop going to these fake prophetic conferences.  Stop giving these master prophets your whole paychecks in promises that you will be ‘blessed.’

When God gives you a word, take your time and chew on it.  Let it digest in your spirit.

If direction is given in the word, then walk it OUT…act on it!

Let God continue to show you NEW revelation on what you perceive to be an ‘old word.’


Religious Spirits 201

8 Apr

I know you have heard a lot of talk on religious spirits.  If you are new to church (as we know it), or if  you’ve been in church for over 40 years, this term may baffle you because you have been taught that – as the song goes ‘Religion SO sweet…’

We all have been lulled into a semi- or fully-delusional state where we are drugged into believing something we know deep down inside ‘just isn’t right.’  We just went to church and went along with the programs to get along.  We didn’t want to rock the boat, so to speak, out of fear that we would be labeled ‘rebellious,’ ‘unfaithful,’ ‘unteachable,’ or a host of other names leadership likes to place on thinking people who were blessed with common sense AND wisdom to know game when they see it.

Yet even the most discerning, the most wise, the most street-wise of us check our brains in at the door of a church once we enter therein.  We erroneously think that we are NOT supposed to use the wisdom and common sense GOD HIMSELF has blessed us with once we walk through the doors of a church.  We erroneously believe that God does NOT deal with our minds at all.  So any inkling deep down in our guts and minds that game is being played we suppress that, thinking that it’s the devil trying to get us ‘out of the ship.’

How do we properly discern a Religious Spirit?

Well, for starters, I want to present to you that after we are born again, we should not check in our brains at the door.  EVERYTHING that God has allowed you to learn-whether it was via books and a teacher, or on the streets, or by life experience-EVERYTHING has been allowed to happen in your life so that you can LEARN A LESSON from it.  The good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful.  We have to learn to not have any regrets…even over mistakes.

Human beings are learning creatures.  From the moment we are born into the earth, until the hour we breathe our last breath, we are supposed to be in a CONSTANT state of learning, and probably re-learning, too.

If your gut tells you something ain’t right, then TRUST YOUR INSTINCT!

A religious spirit knows how to look holy, righteous.  Just by first glance, you can’t tell the difference between a holy person and a religious one.  They will look just like the woman above.

But as time goes on, and you start spending time with that person, you will start to notice inconsistencies.  Certain things just wouldn’t line up.  You will start seeing glaring imperfections and brazen outright sin in their lives…but the more those weeds in their lives manifest, the more they try to COVER IT UP with works of righteousness, more church work, more random acts of kindness to strangers, more religious works.

The more works of religion and righteousness they do, you will begin to notice that their life does not line up with the Word of God.  They will sin and not be convicted of it.  They will not respond to the conviction of the Holy Ghost of sin and justify sin, or be in outright denial about their sinful state.  And the more they do this, the more active they get in the church.  They do more ‘church work,’ hold more revivals, conferences, and convocations, preach harder, prophesy harder…all in an effort to gain their OWN righteousness, to atone for their sins on their own.  Their mindset is ‘If I stay in church enough, that will make up for my fornicating last night,’ or ‘If I do A & B, then that will make up for my dealing drugs at that school…’

The demon starts to manifest by then.  And it looks a little something like this:

By now, the church lady is cussing, drinking, smoking, lying, threatening to cut folks.  When she goes to church, she has her hands upraised.  Praising God, speaking in tongues, running around the church, preaching….the whole nine.  But when you see her in situations that require her to have patience, she has none.  This religious spirit has NO patience.  It wants what it wants, when it wants it!  They gotta preach…NOW!  They gotta prophesy….NOW!  They gotta get married…NOW!  You wanna see if someone has a religious spirit, tell them NO…or WAIT.  If they go off in a tantrum, then you got a religious spirit on your hands!

A religious spirit also is very unaware of the very real fact that they are, too, flawed individuals…with sin.  They swim in a pool of SELF-DENIAL.  They are in self-denial about EVERYTHING.  But the one thing they are in self-denial about is the state of their own selves.

A religious spirit is a potentially dangerous spirit, for there is nothing-NOTHING-a religious spirit WON’T do to protect THEIR IMAGE!  THEIR IMAGE IS EVERYTHING TO THEM!!!  They don’t believe in self-exposure or disclosure.  When they fall into sin, drastic measures are taken to COVER UP their sin.  If the religious spirit is a pastor, he/she will employ the help of the church to participate in the cover up.  They will use fear tactics and mishandle the Word of God to manipulate and control people into doing what THEY want them to do.

A religious spirit NEEDS an entourage.  They need a following.  If they dont have anyone following them, they feel useless, rejected, persecuted even.  This is when a religious spirit-that demonic spirit-will FULLY manifest….right before your eyes!

A religious spirit is a proud one.  It won’t ever admit to being wrong, or doing wrong.

When you have discerned that you are dealing with a religious spirit, the only thing to do is to get away from them.  Because until the person comes into the realization and revelation that they have something DEMONIC that’s driving them to do things in church, or do ministry, or for a good cause, there is nothing that can be done for them.  Religious spirits are SO insidious and subtle that its hard to recognize….at first glance.  It takes TIME to observe a person in all their various atmospheres to determine if they have a religious spirit or not.

In ‘Faces of a Religious Demon’ by Pam Sheppard, many faces of the religious spirit/demon are exposed.  It is one of the most thorough teachings on religious spirits that I have ever read.

To find out more on how to discern a religious spirit, get your copy today!


6 Apr


I have been doing the work of deliverance for 28 years and so I learned that I must “plead the blood.” Even so, I know full well that there were times when I did not fully understand the power of the blood, yet  my faith was fully grounded in the power of the Name of Jesus and I have had a modicum of success with casting out demons.  However, the power of His name comes from the power of the cross, the blood and the resurrection.

In order for a deliverance to occur and be long lasting, it is important that both the worker and the captive realize that being crucified to the world is essential to a complete victory over the enemy.  Yet in order to fully understand how to be crucified to the world, the terms need to be defined.

First of all, the world is not the earth.  The world is an invisible group of “systems” that the enemy of our souls is still the god of.  So in simple terms, if Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not Lord over a particular system, that system is a part of THE WORLD.  Put another way, if Christ is not the head of it, it is “the world.”  That includes people, places and things.  For example, if Christ is not the head of your family, then your family is “THE WORLD.”  If Christ is not the head of your school, then your school is “THE WORLD.” If Christ is not the head of your career, your sport, whatever, it is THE WORLD. If Christ is not the head of your church, SHE IS THE WORLD!

Actually, ALL religious systems are a part of THE WORLD, if Jesus Christ of Nazareth is not the head of them.   Christianity and the organized church are a significant part of the religious WORLD. If you are born again, you must be crucified with Christ  to the religious world. Since the religious world includes the organized church system, you must be crucified to Her. If you love the organized church system, then you are a lover of the world.

There are other blogs where I explain why the organized church is a part of the religious world and must be rejected.  Just know that what I write herein is premised on the fact that I believe it was the Lord who spoke to me in 2007 and said that “He has already judged the organized church and that the Holy Ghost has been removed.”  So as I am dead to the world, I am also dead to the organized church and her practices. I don’t argue that point with anyone.  I simply walk by faith and not by sight.  The organized church is quite “visible” yet She is dead to me and I have buried Her.

According the word of God, the cross of Jesus is the great separator between the Lord and every aspect of the world.  Consider Lot’s wife.  When God was destroying Sodom–the visible world—He warned those He was about to deliver “not to look back.”  Looking back was a sign of a love for Sodom and the things of the sodomite world.  Today, some seek deliverance yet like Lot’s wife, the cross has not separated them from the longing that still remains in their hearts for the world.

Two years ago for my 65th birthday, I planned to celebrate by attending a gospel fest held in a Pentecostal church during the holiday season.  I thought to myself, “What could be the harm? After all, there would be no preaching, but only worship through song.  So I ordered 4 tickets. 

Two days later, I heard in the spirit very clearly, “ARE YOU LOT’S WIFE?”

Four little words!  Believe, me folk! My imagination was live! lol No more needed to be said.  I cancelled the tickets with a quickness! Think of it!!! I was planning to return to the enemy’s territory, “to worship God!”  The bottomline is that I was “looking back”, possibly TO GO BACK! Who knows but God. A very bad move  AFTER God had delivered me out of the oppression of the enemy that I had withstood for 25 years!!!.  This is what I believe.  If I  had attended that service, my days of celebrating birthdays would have come to an abrupt end.  The fear of the Lord came on me, a fear that is  the beginning of wisdom!

Some have left the world, even the church world, but like Lot’s wife, the cross has not separated them from the longing that remains in their hearts for the world. So I warn everyone who has an ear to hear and an eye to see.  There is a religious world in our times  which is far more dangerous tha other systems that are obviously evil and a part of Satan’s domain. This religious world consists of professing Christians who deny the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ in more ways than one.

You see the cross symbolizes deliverance from this present evil age (Gal 1:4),—from the powers of darkness (Col 1:13)—from the devils and demons who rule the world under their leader, Satan–(Eph 6:12) and—-on the resurrection side of the cross—WE ARE TRANSLATED INTO THE KINDOM OF THE SON OF GOD! When we plead the blood, we are telling the enemy that we are dead to his world, that he no longer has authority over us, that we walk in that same power that raised Jesus from the dead. 

Yet–if we look back—Satan treats us as if we were “Lot’s wife.” The cross and the resurrection loses its victory in our lives.  If the world STILL has the power to attract us or to influence our spiritual walk, then we are not crucified.  If we are not crucified, then we are open and vulnerable to demonic attacks and the fate of Lot’s wife can be OUR fate.

We arrive on the resurrection side of the cross only AFTER we have been crucified to the world.  No crucifixion? No power to defeat the enemy. For we overcome Satan by the blood of the Lamb! Pleading the blood is of no consequence to demons if the one who stands as a deliverer of captives is not crucified to the world.

If this message rings true to you, then you are the right person to enter into our mentoring program for those who have left “the religious world.”  Visit

If you are interested in being trained as an online minister, then visit

5 Apr

Spiritual Warfare Library of PSM

I remember speaking with an ‘apostle’ one day.  We were talking about ‘hearing from God.  Since being led by God is a sign of being a son of God, and one cannot be led unless they have ears to hear, it was very important.  I was very interested in hearing what this person had to say (or teach) about hearing from God.

I was with him and agreed with everything he was saying until he proclaimed, ‘I hear the audible voice of God every day.’ My spirit man screeched to a sudden halt.

Then he went on to say, ‘if someone doesn’t hear from God every day, then something is wrong with them.  They’re not right with God.  If you’re a prophet, you MUST hear from God…EVERY DAY.’

The Spirit of God in me immediately sent up a red flag when I heard this, so I did not receive this.

View original post 1,296 more words


5 Apr

By Pamela Sheppard

” Many readers and visitors to will be shocked to hear a minister of 30 years write that for most of you, it is best that you not attend church in your local community. I served as a pastor for about 15 of the 27 years both denominational and nondenominational service. Today, I personally believe that a person can grow spiritually without regularly attending an organized church. Most definitely, you should assemble with the saints, but the word of God does not lay out a detailed order of service, nor does it suggest the day you should assemble, the time or even the nature of the place or building where gathering together should take place. We live in a computerized world, where we can “assemble” 24 and 7.

Simply put, I truly believe that the organized church as it now stands will be completely revamped by the Lord. Why? Because quite frankly, the traditional structures are not working. I myself have no replacements to offer, as my ministry is in the process of being completely revamped and reformed. When I wrote 3 of my 6 books, I was hopeful that repentance would bring about reformation and renewal to the organized church. However, the love of money, which is the root of ALL evil, has permeated most of the church and I seriously doubt if the Lord is going to allow it to continue to exist in its present state. Judgement is swiftly coming and I shudder at what is going to happen to church and to churchgoers. In the meantime, for those of you who feel that you need to assemble in an organized church, the following comments are provided for you to assist you in your pursuit to find a church.

The following excerpt is taken from one of the chapters in “Faces of the Religious Demon.” If after you read this you would like to obtain either the ebook or the softcover, click here. In truth, I do not believe that Jesus intended for any one who follows Him to lower their spiritual guard by relying on others to watch on his behalf. Just as we don’t need a weather man to tell us that spring is coming, we also don’t need people to complicate the obvious. Case in point. If the Anti-Christ is actually a human being, then it is clear to me that he shall come forth out of Christianity for a very simple reason. Satan has had a seat in the organized church for centuries. There is no better place for the devil to conceal, prepare and empower his son of evil and destruction than within a worldly Christian system.

The word of God clearly testifies not only to the fact that demons were operating during the Lord’s earthly ministry, but that renewed demonic activity will manifest in the latter days. (I Timothy Ch:4:1-4) Paul’s warning to Timothy does not merely relate to new manifestations of evil in the world but to an ever-increasing apostasy in the professing church, a cult promoted by seducing spirits of a highly sensitive spirituality. In spite of this infiltration by demons into the organized church, it is not my personal intent to disparage the local church or to suggest that all local churches need to be closed down. I myself pastor a local assembly as well as an international Internet body of believers. However, the organized church is an institution created by man, not even described or promoted by the Word of God:

“There is nothing inherently wrong with being involved in a local church. But realize that being part of a group that calls itself a “church” does not make you saved, holy, righteous, or godly any more than being in Yankee Stadium makes you a professional baseball player. Participating in church-based activities does not necessarily draw you closer to God or prepare you for a life that satisfies Him or enhances your existence….Sadly, many people will label this view ‘blasphemy.’. However, you should realize that the Bible neither describes nor promotes the local church as we know it today. Many centuries ago religious leaders created the prevalent form of ‘church’ that is so widespread in our society to help people be better followers of Christ. But the local church many have come to cherish—the services, offices, programs, buildings, ceremonies—is neither biblical nor unbiblical. It is a-biblical— that is, such an organization is not addressed in the Bible.” (Revolution, pg. 37) 5

Therefore, since the church model of modern times is neither promoted nor discredited in the Word of God, I believe that it’s viability should be determined by some very wise and practical applications:

1. In terms of its structure, is it an episcopal denomination or an independent body? Quite frankly, if it is a connected church, then even though it may be uncorrupted at the local level, linked to an ungodly authority or “Mother Church”will eventually spoil or damage the spiritual fruits throughout the entire system. By nature of its organization, a religious demon will have a seat in high places. The complicated, political form of an episcopal church with a connected governing body should be avoided primarily due to its structure. Consequently, its bishops and leaders will be prone to cover-ups, particularly where improprieties and outright sin may be involved among its various charges. In my second book, I describe this dilemma:

“A Bishop’s power lies in his ability to appoint a pastor and fill a pulpit. Since pastors in full-time ministry are totally dependent each year upon whether or not the Bishop chooses to favor them with an appointment to a church that will be lucrative enough to continue to provide for themselves and their families, a conflict of interest automatically inherent within the Episcopal form of church government will ultimately manifest.” (The Making of A Prophet, pg. 84) 6 Dealing with sin in such a structure is like trying to eliminate roaches from a city block where all of the buildings are erected side by side and are therefore “connected”. If you bomb one apartment with a pesticide, or even exterminate an entire building, the roaches will simply run upstairs, downstairs or to the building next door. Regardless of how clean you keep your apartment, you will not be able to contain the roaches, especially after dark. Just go in the kitchen and turn on your lights and hundreds of them will be flying around as if they had wings!!! Every connected building has to be bombed from one corner to the other on the entire street, or the roaches will soon return. So is the fate of the connected churches. The leaven of the Pharisees is impossible to contain without a complete annihilation.

2.Where an independent church is concerned, the issue is not so much its structure but whether or not it has a system in place to avoid spiritual neglect or abuse. Within a small assembly or a mega church, every sheep in that church should have someone who personally knows him and who ministers to his personal needs. If members are compelled to go outside of their local church to receive competent counseling, deliverance, healing and recovery, then I suspect that the primary benefit experienced in church is merely a soothing of their flesh as a byproduct of the worship experience of song and praise. Moreover, congregations of this kind provide a social environment for family members. In my opinion, social contacts with Christians can be obtained at a Christian concert and family activities are available at the local YMCA. If your spiritual needs are not being met at your local church, then you are just involved in a social club and your local church has no real spiritual value. Recently I learned that state of the art children’s ministry programs can become traps due to the fact that the parents won’t leave a church even when they realize that the basic core of the church is corrupt. The pressures for dissatisfied parents to remain are exerted by the social and entertainment needs of their children.

3.The independent churches that can be very dangerous include those that call themselves “deliverance churches.” In some of these assemblies, the religious demon and the witchcraft spirit are running rampant with counterfeits in worship, doctrine, prayer and other strange practices including a heavy emphasis on being slain in the spirit.

“A demonstration of real power is not falling slain. We see a lot of this phenomena in the ministries of TV evangelists, particularly in the Pentecostal and non-denominational churches. Demonstration of God’s power would be after you have fallen out in the spirit, what condition were you in when you got to your feet?!!! Where you healed? Were you delivered? Did God speak to you a word in due season concerning a special problem you have been challenged with? Or did you just pass out because everybody else was passing out!? ( The Making of a Prophet, pg. 199) 7

4. I agree with Dr. Rebecca Brown’s warning concerning various counterfeits manifested through the speaking in other tongues, primarily among word of faith, pentecostal and Charismatic Catholic churches:

“Christians have made the terrible mistake of assuming that ALL tongues are from God. How wrong they are!…It is well-known that many occultic rituals are done in tongues….The fact that Catholics speak in tongues is not proof that they are filled with the Holy Spirit. Too many of these precious Catholic souls assume that because they are speaking in tongues, they are saved. How can the Holy Spirit be operative and manifesting in a system of idolatry? Those involved in the Catholic Charismatic movement who really start reading and studying the Bible soon realize they must separate themselves from the idolatrous Roman Catholic Church if they are going to serve the true Jesus of the Bible.” (Prepare for War, pgs. 182,183) 8

5.However, the crucial factors of your assessment of a local church actually relate to the security of your eternal life,which is truly where the rubber meets the road. Why go to church if, in the final analysis, you do not escape damnation by traveling the narrow way to eternal life? Assuredly, you should examine how and with what regularity the doctrines of repentance, resurrection and rebirth are being preached and taught? A church with a Jezebel influence will minimize or overlook the importance of these “3 R’s” through excessive tradition, polity and other less important priorities of doctrine.

6.If a local church minimizes the need to learn the devices of the devil or does not even recognize the existence and the workings of demonic forces in these times, then it is in a low condition of spiritual life and power. I believe that such a church should be avoided like the plague. In fact, such ignorance on the part of a congregation’s leadership is an indication to demons of the leaders’ accommodation to them through fear, an open door to demonic influence. According to Jessie Penn-Lewis:

“A perspective view of the ages covered by the history in Bible records, shows that the rise and fall in spiritual power of the people of God, was marked by the recognition of the existence of the demoniacal host of evil. When the Church of God in the old and new dispensations was at the highest point of spiritual power, the leaders recognized, and drastically dealt with, the invisible forces of Satan and when at the lowest, they were ignored, or allowed to have free course, among the people.” (War on the Saints, 9th edition, pg.27)

Consequently, if there is no emphasis in the local church on spiritual warfare and deliverance, that church is without spiritual power.

7.The emphasis upon the Word of God in a church should and could be a good sign; Nevertheless, it is misleading and immaterial to base your assessment of a church solely upon evidence that all its members carry bibles, yellow markers and recite scriptures. For when leadership doe not rightly divide the word, then heresies posing as revelation truths give place to the doctrines of devils that Paul warned Timothy about (I Timothy 4:1): the prosperity gospel, dominion teaching, “name it and claim it”, pre-tribulation rapture, submission to authority, eternal security, no ordination for women, and other doctrines too numerous to mention even in one book.

False doctrines of this kind are skillfully birthed by teaching demons to deceive and exploit the people. If the devil had nerve enough to get “religious” by reciting scripture out of its context to tempt the Lord Jesus Himself, then he has trained his demonic army to do likewise to us. (Matthew 4:1-11) “Out of context” preaching tends to draw those who have not truly repented nor been converted, but who are enticed to come to church by the excitement that scriptural hype can produce. Such preaching and teaching draws people, places and things to the building.—those who seek blessings to get their needs met or to fulfill their dreams—but they have not really been drawn to Christ.

8.A church after the Lord’s heart is the church of Philadelphia: those who do not deny His name and who have kept His word.(Revelation 3:7-13) This is a church that will not compromise the truth, either for the favor of the world or for unity with other churches. Since we all see through a glass darkly, a good pastor is one who continually examines if he is rightly dividing the word. When errors and contradictions are uncovered, then a good pastor openly and publicly admits to his or her mistakes, correcting any inaccurate teachings without hesitation. The Lord declared that the church of Philadelphia was of little strength, so it is clear that His assessment was not based upon numbers of members, wealth or resources. I believe that a major part of keeping His word is to go forth and cast out demons. A good church is about building people so that they can confront the demonic influences to expel the darkness in their own environment, equipping the sheep to be living stones, holy vessels for the Spirit of the Lord to dwell in.

9/22/11 I’ve come a long way since I wrote this article. In this hour, I believe that all churches have become dwelling places of demons for one primary reason. They all teach that man chooses God by a decision of his or her own free will, by saying :I accept Jesus” and by asking Him to “come into my heart.” Jesus is at the right hand of the Father. The Holy Ghost comes into the human spirit and not the heart. The heart is a function of the fallen soul of man and it is desperately wicked, and as such, has no capability of choosing God without the ministry of the Holy Ghost.