Tag Archives: Jesus

How to Recognize a False Conversion: Testimony of “Anonymous”

18 Jan

By Pastor Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry

So as to why i contacted you Pastor Pam, and to let you  know a bit about myself. I spent a good portion of last night watching Pastor Pam’s YouTube videos and was struck by many of the exposing statement about the kundalini being at work in the church and its ties to false signs and wonders. As well as having some connection to what you termed spirit rape….to back up a bit to start with what was my first touch or encounter with the Lord.

I was raised in a church and religion free home so i had no knowledge or concept of god really leading up to my conversion. But about 2 months before this encounter a man at my work told me that god loved me unconditionally and gave me a bible. I heard what he said but had no faith for this god or his goodness. fast forward 2 months on a one Friday evening I went and smoked some pot, ate some taco bell and spent about an hour or so in my truck contemplating the universe and its vastness. Trying to reconcile in my mind how it had all come to be and how \ this planet is suspended in this great space by unseen forces and the reality that it is all just to big to take in. After this I drove home to my parents house to go to bed. While walking towards my room I was just stopped by this small wooden cross on the wall with jesus standing in a robe with his hands raised. You know risen jesus not the broken body version. Anyhow while gazing at those little wooden eyes I felt this warmth fall on me and I started to weep…..

i then immediately looked in my room and saw that bible under my bed, that i had been given 2 months earlier. So I went and opened it. It opened to Matthew 5 the beatitudes. 5 was my number in sports and Matthew being my name, I was captivated. As i started to read the words of jesus the warmth over me turned to this electricity moving up and down my body which turned in me crying uncontrollably and eventually saying i love you out of my mouth because the experience just felt so unbelievably good. I knew I was being touched by an invisible force and the closest word i had to the emotion of it was love. I felt loved.

My tears subsided and I quickly fell asleep under this heavy warm blanket presence of peace. I awoke not 3 hours later, as I had an early shift on sat. morning. When i hoped in my truck i noticed my radio was not on the cd I was listening to on the way home. But instead the first lyrics i heard playing where from the song kiss of heaven .”I’m walking a new walk, I won’t be the same again” . As I heard those words I knew they where true and I cried my eyes out almost all day in this realization that God is so very real! And that he had touched me! I cried when the sun came up, i had never seen it with the new eyes i felt i had been given. Like I was seeing with my heart. So something happened for sure …….

Yeah so as to repentance, which at the time I had no vocabulary for it, but immediately lost my desire to smoke pot. I felt convicted for the first time about my sexual relations, and even my foul language.

I didn’t yet have any revelation of the cross or my sinfulness. i just felt loved and whole. and I started to have an inner dialogue with who I thought was God……..

I did have a lot of joy and energy. i wept because it dawned on me that god had designed at the things about our earth and universe. It just overwhelmed me. i was in awe of the design and beauty for the first time.

I used the word conviction. but it was more like i no longer had a desire for pot or swearing, but with the sex i just somehow knew it was wrong in the way i had been having it without commitment. and this was all just kind of in my mind when i woke up. The next few weeks after that experience were full of ah ha moments like that. my mind was just undergoing this big perspective shift

it wasn’t until, maybe 2 weeks later that i reconnected with the guy that gave me the bible, and turns out had been praying for my salvation for almost 4 years, that i was asked the question ” do you believe Jesus died for your sins?” I answered “Yes!” he was super surprised that all of this stuff I’m telling you had happened so hands off on his part. He recognized the drastic change in me and became a very supportive friend of mine. still is today

obviously we are now talking some 12 years later and I did not continue on in this blissful state but started to attend a church as I was excited to find others who were enjoying this sweet revelation of God and his goodness. It was all that long after this that I fell back into old patterns of behavior and lost touch with the spiritual relationship that I had begun with.

As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because i believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..

Yet this young man ended up the victim of spirit rape and other forms of demonic torment. 

This is a false conversion instigated by a fallen angel, Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

Here is my assessment:

When the Holy Ghost leads one to salvation and draws to the cross, He does not lead them to God as Creator but to God as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

The person will first experience his own sinful nature as separation from God. That is the conviction the bible speaks of. He will experience himself as lost and needing a savior. Then,when he turns toward the cross, he may weep over how God Himself took his sins on that cross, suffered and died for him.

Once born again, that person will instantly feel clean, new, like he had never sinned before. He will also feel forgiven. This state of being turns weeping to unspeakable joy. He feels washed, cleansed,brand new with no thought of sin.

This person reports  almost the opposite. He felt awe for God as creator, wept for that recognition and not for himself as a sinner, and God as the sacrifice. Then he see his sins and not that his sins have been forgotten by God, but he reports that he uses flesh own flesh to deal with his sins.

Because of the pot smoking and the meditation, a doorway of communication was opened to the fake Jesus, an imposter called Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

One other important thing. I do not hear any emphasis on the resurrection in your testimony.

Though not providing details, any one who is spirit raped is not saved.  The enemy has no authority or access like that to a born again Christian.


There has been an MO that the fake Jesus uses, as a pattern has developed with testimonies of people Sananda has approached. Sananda  typically  draws them in with warm, gooey, loving feelings, leave them high and dry so that they then begin to start the journey of trying to pursue the fake Jesus relentlessly trying recapture those initial feelings and getting deeper into the trap of the enemy.

The real evidence can be found in this person’s own words — As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because I believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..


For more information about this topic click the book images below



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Contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email rescueonfb@icloud.com for any questions.

Deception In End-times: God Is In Control!

8 Aug

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

In order for truth to set us free, we are going to be challenged in all ways, spirit, soul, body, and mind. Challenges emerge from  people, places, and things, attitudes, and beliefs. The  main challenge  is linked to our assumptions.” Many of us don’t realize it but we assume God is not in control, and that we need to help Him out with everything. Part of walking in the spirit is to walk by faith knowing that God is ordering our steps. If you’ve had a false conversion and you know it, that was God. God has ordered your steps to know it. The word of God says that God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Now you have some knowledge that you can work with.

Don’t panic and try to figure out  “what must I do now?” What you must do now is wait. We need to learn how to wait. If things are going along the way God wants them to go along, then you may not hear from Him. Think about walking a dog. The dog is on a chain, and he’s walking along, and then he moves over into an area or a location where the one who’s walking him doesn’t want him to go, and a tug is placed on that chain. That’s kind of how walking in the spirit is. You’re walking by faith. God has got the path laid out, and He’s even got the trouble spots there for a reason. Don’t just think that because you ran into trouble or it looks like you failed in a particular situation that God was not guiding your journey. With decades to look back on and review, I  see God  in my failures because in His divine wisdom, He knew  that I would learn and retain  more wisdom from my  failures than from my apparent successes, particularly where my  productivity was not a struggle.

Bearing fruit is cultivated and refined by trouble and tribulation. So, when you have a piece of information that doesn’t sit well with you, and you say “Well why didn’t God tell me before? Why is it that I spent so many years in the Institutional Church and I was blind? Why didn’t He come to me before?” when I was finally undeceived, I never asked God such questions.  Why not? Well, because I have been blessed with  too much respect and fear of the Lord.  Not fear derived from panic, but sheer homage and respect.  So I am careful not  to question Him about His timing.  Even though I came into the church without any religious background, God took  28 years before my  blinders started coming off.  The issue I had to come to terms with is an assumption that the three dreams I had that compelled me to go to a particular  local denominational church DID NOT COME FROM GOD. As the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil,  the Holy Spirit led me into a a local church to be deceived. As such,  He allowed the enemy to send me those three dreams. Why would God do such a thing? Well,  He had His reasons. I  could not do the work that I  am chosen to do if I  had no background in the IC.  I would not be able to understand what those of you who He is calling out  of Her now have been through if I  had not been through it myself.

So yes, the enemy is put into the plan by God Himself.

Consequently, I have  never asked  God, “why did You wait so long?” Nor did I  go running around to other people or to other ministries to desperately confirm what God was saying and doing with me. Actually,  I  never looked for anybody’s approval or disapproval.  I  just kept moving forward. I simply  shook  all  religious dust from my feet. If people reject what I teach and practice, I leave them alone.  I don’t sulk.  I am too busy  preparing myself for those who WILL hear my voice. . As far as those who don’t hear, I say to myself  “Maybe they’ll come back around again, perhaps  they won’t.” that is it.  My thoughts on those who reject my teachings are brief and impersonal. The problem is too broad, too severe to get stuck on any individual.  When I am about the business of moving forward, I don’t challenge my equilibrium by turning around to look back.  I keep in mind that God is in control. He is in control of what He will allow the enemy to do to one of His own. He is in control. Period.

Think about Job. The enemy could do this, this, and this, but couldn’t do that. He couldn’t take Job’s life. There was something that God wanted Job to learn from that experience and he learned it. What Job learned was to stop being so religious because his religion was based in fear. After all, the very thing Job feared came upon him.  So Job learned to trust God, because He,— God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit— is in control, and He’s guiding our steps.

So be warned that the Lord will resist the proud. Spiritual pride can be our strongest enemy. .

So when you feel and even say things  like “how could I have been deceived, how could I have been so stupid,” you should understand this.  Present day deception is not new.  In fact, it  has been going on for centuries. So just be happy when God wakes you up. Don’t get all offended. God resists the proud. So receive your grace  by your humility.

Are you being undeceived and you want some personal advice, complete the contact form below:

If you think you need help contact 1-888-818-1117.

For all books by Pam Sheppard go to  http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/pam_s911

“Spiritual Discernment in 2012” by Pam Sheppard

28 Jul

cover_the fake Jesus_new

I have been saved, born again since Monday— March 29, 1977 at about 4pm. Yet, once I wrote the book “the Fake Jesus” about 5 years ago, I found myself cleaning out my own temple from the deceptive influence of Sananda, Ashtar and perhaps other so-called ascended masters. You see, this book connects the dots between the church system, the new age movement and the ascended masters, aka the fallen angels. I discovered in retrospect that once the demons lost me to the One True God, they immediately set out to derail His plan for my life. Through dreams and other supernatural experiences, I was deceived on many levels for almost three decades..For 3 years BEFORE I was saved, I was steeped in the occult. I also had healing powers and I was able to see into the future through astrology and other means. Once saved, my occult powers carried over into Christianity without my knowledge primarily because I was ignorant of Satan’s devices. I’ve learned a lot about the enemy in 38 years!

When you examine EVERYTHING, you are actually resisting the devil and he shall flee from you, IF YOU PRESS ON!.

Whether in ignorance or by design, when a person has made an appeal to Satan’s services by either a formal pact or an informal agreement, that person has unwittingly submitted himself to the powers of darkness.. When signs, wonders and strange religious practices that did not emanate from the Holy Ghost are accepted as divine, a spiritual invitation is made to the fake Jesus. Without hesitation, the fake Jesus pushes his way through the doors of your soul. . My testimony is too long for one blog. However for the sake of the subject matter at hand, I can testify that I was one who ignorantly made an informal pact with the fake Jesus by not properly severing ALL of my ties to my pre-conversion practices of occultism and mediumship.

Through presumption, I assumed that once saved, ALL of my occultic practices of the past were behind me, since I had burned all of my astrology and occultic books in 1983. My personal testimony is a classic example of how the fake Jesus can fool a true Christian by deception, capitalizing on its target’s ignorance of certain spiritual matters. Hosea’s word continues to ring true.(Hosea 4:6) God’s elect are overwhelmingly deceived and if we are not careful, ultimately destroyed by a lack of knowledge of how “all spiritual manifestations are NOT from God!”Another reason why I share various aspects of my own personal testimony is to give you hope and confidence that the principalities and the powers of heaven shall not win. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and I am an overcomer.

Here is just one of several examples. I received tongues at a meeting held in Albany New York through the ministry of the late Kenneth Hagin. Hagin is really the founder of the word of faith movement as it is operating today. I have no idea whether or not Hagin was a false prophet or a deceived one. I simply look around as I view Charismania, and I know Hagin by his fruits. Anyway, I never truly embraced the way that I received tongues because it had no resemblance to the way the early church received this gift as revealed in the book of Acts. Yet, I grew to speak prolifically, at my own will, what charismatics call in “a prayer language.”

The reason why I have not been convinced about tongues is that for 25 years, I was not able to find a bona-fide interpreter, nor was I able to interpret myself. So I ask, “Where are the interpreters?” The Holy Ghost does not expect me to throw away my commonsense. If I have prayed off and on for decades to receive the gift of interpretation of tongues as Paul suggests that we all do, 25 years passed and I still found no one, including myself to interpret my “prayer language”, good sense suggested to me that the tongue that I received in 1983 is not from God. So if it is not from God, then who did it come from?

Well, its obvious. It didn’t come from me. I suspect that it came from one of the Ascended Masters, perhaps Sananda or Ashtar. What would be the reason for the demons to desire to imitate tongues? Well, if we don’t know what we are saying when we speak in an “unknown” tongue, we could very possibly be used by demonic beings to “decree and declare” that their will, purposes and agenda be done on earth, rather than that of the will of the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the One, True and Only Creator–the one that Lucifer rebelled against in the first place.
I have been involved in almost all of what is passing itself off today as emanating from the Holy Ghost. Early on, I was groaning and weeping in very strange ways beginning in 1979.. Kenneth Copeland provided me with the explanation that I was looking for, confirming to me that my strange experience was a manifestation of intercessory prayer. Kenneth taught that the strange weeping and groaning that I did was a sacrificial work for the lost and the bound, emanating in travail from the Holy Ghost. TD Jakes and his “wailing women” seminars concur with Copeland. So Copeland, Jakes and others had me convinced that God was using my travail to break yokes and bondages, ie. setting captives free. Since I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to intercede, it is only natural that I held on to this strange work.

My mind was certainly unfruitful when I travailed and so often I tried to guess the reason behind it. I convinced myself that much of my groaning and weeping was for sinning preachers to repent. If so, it did not work. They just kept on sinning. I also laughed wildly in the spirit before I even heard of Hagin and Brown’s practice of what is called “holy laughter.”. My laughter was different, as I believed that the Holy Ghost was using me to laugh at the devil. When I laughed, I cried also. I found several scriptures to support my style of holy laughter and so I never tried this phenomena to see if it be of God. I just assumed that it was. The only supernatural experiences that I have not personally experienced is holy dance and shouting, African-American style. Perhaps that is because I have no cultural background in the South and I was not raised in an African-American Church or any church. In other words, holy dancing was not a part of my ancestral upbringing.

Furthermore, even though demons could no longer “step into me and speak,” some of my mediumistic traits DID survive my conversion. Nevertheless, when a counterfeit was exposed by the Holy Ghost in recent years, I have been duty bound to remove it by repenting and disavowing it. For example, I could heal BEFORE I was converted. I sucked pain out of people with my hands, particularly my left hand, BEFORE I was converted—proof that my healing gift was mediumistic and not charismatic, NOT OF THE HOLY GHOST.

Once I realized that my healing gift was tainted, I have made every effort not to touch anyone unless I am sure that I am being led by God to do so. I know today that more was required. I have come to the conclusion that my healing gift was not from God and therefore I vehemently repented, rebuked, resisted and renounced it. Perhaps the Lord will give me the true gift of healing from the Holy Ghost. Perhaps not. I just kept on cleaning house as I press toward the mark of my high calling and truth flooded down upon me like rivers of living waters.. I resisted the devil and he fled from me.

Here is another example of my occultic powers influencing my Christian service. Since I could see into the future through astrology and through dreams BEFORE I was converted, I had never learned the absolute necessity of trying the spirits to see if they be of God. As I look back over my Christian journey, some of my most significant dreams of future events that actually transpired were sent by the Fake Jesus. I see now with a clarity that I have never had before. The fake Jesus uses counterfeits of the Holy Ghost as “a hook.” Whenever I receive information of a futuristic nature in a dream about people I know, I rebuked the spirit of divination. Now I rarely hear from this demon.

In the last seven years, when the Lord wants me to know the future, I just “KNOW IT.” Very quietly. Don’t have to see a thing. I walk in faith these days and I don’t have a need of knowing the future as I once did. I soberly remember the Lord’s warning: A PERVERSE NATION SEEKS AFTER A SIGN! So, yes, I can admit without reservation that I myself have been deceived by the fake Jesus, and it has taken all of 30 years to get clean. There is evidence that I am completely clean but seriously speaking, I can’t yet say that I am absolutely certain. I wait on the Lord for Him to expose what may yet need to be uncovered.

How do I feel as a dedicated believer in Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Only and True Begotten Son of God who has been deceived by the Fake Jesus for decades? Do I feel like a failure,–fooled frustrated, faithless ? Bamboozled, run a muck? To that, I must say, emphatically NOOOOOOOO! I am joyous, relieved that real truth has truly revived me and I am free at last!!!! .And I declare, ” BETTER LATE THAN NEVER!!!

You see, in my relentless search for truth, the Holy Ghost has granted me the wisdom to deny all mediumistic gifts once He has exposed them to me. However, He would not expose them to me until I was willing to humble myself, In 2012, I strongly recommend that all my readers humble themselves. To begin the process the first step involves questioning every significant supernatural experience that you have had since you believe you were saved, including your conversion experience. I would not recommend this step to you, if I did not take my own advice. Having been there and done that, I am pleased to report that the quality and consistency of the wisdom that I have received in the last seven years as compared to the previous 27 years, is truly beyond comparison. And the wisdom of God just keeps on coming.

If you have been in the occult, you were in the hands of the fake Jesus. Once you became saved, the fake Jesus assigned a religious demon to you to attempt to make your Christian journey unfruitful. The deception is like a maze or an intricate spider web. You may need help in unraveling the deception that the enemy has woven for years, even decades. Help is available. Call 518-477-5759 or send an email to rescueonfb@icloud.com

Related articles

Set Free from Endtime Churches (settingcaptivesfree.wordpress.com)
Setting Captives Free (pamsheppard.wordpress.com)

For a copy of Pam’s book, “The Fake Jesus” go here:
Paperback: http://www.lulu.com/content/2716532
Ebook: http://www.lulu.com/content/12044954

You can also contact us rescueonfb@icloud.com
or call us at 518-477-5759


30 Oct


A stumblingblock is an interconnection of a person(s), a place or surrounding, an event, a personality defect or a thing that demons continue to employ to cause the captive to fall. Often there is something in the captive’s personality or character that draws him either by attraction or seduction to perform an act that proves to be detrimental, by acting as a doorway for particular demons.Usually the stronghold is upheld by a particular sin, serving as a stimulator to the weight that continues to beset the captive.

A stronghold may consist of one demon or a constellation of demons. The bigger the stronghold, the more unproductive theclient’s spiritual life will be.Upon searching for strongholds, you should prepare the captive to face them squarely by recognizing factors and issues that may lie in either his subconscious or even the unconscious mind. In this regard, dream interpretation will be an important tool in uncovering subliminal strongholds. As a deliverance counselor, you should seek the Lord in prayer, asking Him to uncover that which is hidden so that the captive can receive a powerful insight that might be earth shattering. For example, consider a captive who was raised in the church. She strongly believes that she is saved because of her church affiliation and the fact that she speaks in tongues. The captive in this example never suspected that her inability to contend with demons is because she never got saved while attending church. However, the Lord has revealed to you that He has allowed the demons to torment her because her eternal salvation was in the balance. In other words, the torment drove the captive to you for help, so that the Lord could open up the captive’s eyes so that she could perceive her true spiritual condition.

Some captives are very invested in maintaining the power of their stronghold, even though they would like to be relieved from torment. Consider a person who is out on the ledge of a highrise apartment house, trying to get into the window of her apartment which is several feet to the left of her. In order to reach her destination, she must avoid looking down or to the right to avoid getting dizzy or distracted and end up falling to her death. Similarly, a person bound by a stronghold may try to avoid any deviation from his usual patterns for fear that  he may fall. The course that the captive has developed over time consists of unconscious defense mechanisms, designed on a subliminal level to keep the captive on his path, even though the captive would agree that the path he has chosen is destructive.

As an example, a female captive who is dependent upon an abusive partner will be hindered from making any independent moves of her own. As such, those in the bondage to a stronghold most likely lack spontaneity of feeling, thought and/ or willpower, making his soul weak and unstable. Each stronghold will create a specific  fear or doubt as well as an accompanying behavior of his self concept and pride system. Captives who are in bondage to their own self-created stronghold will often attribute the strength of the stronghold to demons, when in fact, casting out the demons will not bring any relief. In a case of this kind, the stronghold is embedded in the captive’s personality defect. The demons take advantage of the personality defect.  So through deliverance counseling, it is imperative to deal with the personality defect prior to casting out demons, for the will eventually return.  Deal with the defect, and don’t be surprised if the demon walks away on its own.

Be Free! Cease From Your OWN Works and Be Saved!

4 Mar

After watching my video series entitled “False Conversions,” certainly you were startled, perhaps even horrified.  I understand.Clearly the adversary has had a religion, recognized by the Lord in His message to te church at Smyrna, called “the synagogue of Satan. Little did we realize that the profession of godliness without the inward witness of the new birth is in itself an aspect of Satan’s religion. under the delegated authority of the fallen angels Maitreya, Sananda and Mother Mary for the Catholics. Te Lord refers to “the deep things of Satan” in His word to the church at Thyatira.  Seducing spirits with doctrines of devils do not fail to mention the cross and the resurrection, yet they do so deliberately without understanding so as to eliminate their power.In a false conversion, the enemy hs taken the symbols of his defeat and used them against his conquerors where multitudes are unknowingly under  the sway and in the power of Satanic religion

So to unravel a false conversion, the first step is to disavow either Maitreya, Sananda or Mother Mary.  You may need some spiritual warfare help with that, so call me at 518-477-5759.

In this post, lets  take a look at point 2—-one must pass through the gateway of the cross. Since no one can lift himself out of the horrible pit of sin, it is impossible without the ministry of the Holy Ghost. Here is where faith and trust in God comes to te rescue. Once te captive is made aware of is or er need  and desires te true Jesus of the cross, the Spirit will unveil the Prince of Glory, hanging upon a tree and convict the captive of sin. He will also give te captive a measure of faith to truly believe and te ability to experience peace and assurance through the Lord’s blood sed on te cross for the forgiveness of is sin and the washing and cleansing of te newly created spirit. Once the soul learns the meaning of the cross in te deliverance from the bondage of sin, then the Holy Ghost will bring you to the Risen Christ as you—as a  former captive take your  seat in heavenly places.

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What is The Great Falling Away?

28 Feb


(An Excerpt from the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us)


Protestants have contended that only the Catholic Church is a part of the Harlot because of the deification of Mary, the priesthood and the worship of saints. They believe that these practices hinder the salvation of Catholics.  Yet, what of Protestantism?    Are souls being saved among the denominations and the non-denominations of the Protestant faith today?  I am finding that even the best churches are hazardous, primarily because subtle deception is actually held in place by the sincerity and the commitment of its leadership. To be sincerely wrong can be almost as deadly as being obviously deceived or purposefully deceptive.

From my own vantage point from a deliverance perspective,I have been put in contact with several    demonized Catholics AND Protestants around the country and even the world. As such, there is one major sign that suggests that the church age may be coming to a close.  I am willing to bet that some of you are guessing that the most outstanding sign of the demise of the Protestant church is either dying churches, sinning preachers, the prosperity gospel or even false prophets. These are certainly signs that “Satan has a seat”. But   the most outstanding sign  that Satan may be standing behind the pulpits is one of his cosmic beings,  Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

Consider this. The main reason why the church was commissioned in the first place was to preach a gospel that the Holy Spirit could use to draw the elect to the cross of  Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Yet for 200 years or more, the gospel has been tainted with an insidious error that no one seems to be able to correct and most ministers are totally unaware of it. In a nutshell, the main error is that the people are being taught worldwide   that “God will save them once they make   a decision to choose Jesus Christ of Nazareth.—ie.that the ability to be saved lies in man’s hands.” e-book www.lulu.com/content/12044954 soft cover www.lulu.com/content/8761420

Such a teaching borders on blasphemy because if man is saved by “accepting Jesus,” then the decision is a work of man and not a gift from Godaccording to grace, “lest any man should boast  and declare “I am saved because I ACCEPTED JESUS! Whether denominational or non-denominational, pentecostal or Charismatic, practically the entire Protestant church upholds the “free will” decision approach to salvation.

Do you yourself believe that you can or could be saved any time that YOU wanted to? Do you believe that you are NOW saved simply because you responded to an altar call and/ or you repeated a sinner’s prayer where you “asked Jesus to come into your heart?” If you can answer in the affirmative, then you have been deceived and therein, defiled! You are in jeopardy on judgment day when the Lord looks at you and declares,”I NEVER KNEW YOU!!”

             Alarmingly,what is being preached in practically ALL of the Protestant churches is that through a personal decision–the volition and choice of human will—the lost  can ACCEPT Christ to be saved. This is a tenet that has so strongly grieved the Holy Ghost, that it is reasonable to wonder if He has left Protestantism entirely. Started by a preacher called Charles Finney about 200 years ago, this foundational error has pervasively spread like yeast throughout every corner of the Protestant church. Even the most renowned evangelist of our time, Billy Graham has also preached the ” make a decision”doctrine of salvation to millions upon millions.

Moreover, the church practices of the invitation to Christian discipleship through an altar call and the repeating of “the sinner’s prayer” are the main   anchors that hold the foundation of the “free will method” in place in its attempt to convince the lost that they must be saved by “choosing Christ” before it is too late. Some will even preach the doctrine of hell as a scare tactic to browbeat a “decision for Christ.” The essential root of the problem is that when a person sits in church, in a huge stadium, watches a TV evangelist, or even “is led to Christ” by another professing Christian, the lost are being taught that they can ACCEPTJesus into their own hearts and salvation is automatically theirs for the asking.

Interestingly enough, no where in the word of God is it written that “we accept Christ into our hearts.” Paul wrote to the Romans that we”believe in our hearts that Christ was raised from the dead.” However, Paul did not write that we must “accept Jesus into our hearts.”When we are born again, Jesus does not “enter our hearts.” How can He enter our hearts when He is at the right hand of the Father??? This is why the Lord told His disciples that it was better for them that He went away so that the Holy Ghost would come. The Holy Ghost is that part of the godhead who enters our spirits, causing us to become “temples of God.” The heart and the spirit are two distinctively different entities in man. Similarly, like the words “rapture” and “purgatory”,the phrase “accept Jesus”is yet another religious euphemism, not backed up by scripture.

Furthermore, the message of “I accepted Christ” is so preposterous that it is an offense to the triune Godhead. We DO NOT ACCEPT CHRIST. NO ONE CAN BE SAVED UNLESS GOD HIMSELF HAS ALREADY MADE THE CHOICE!!!! The Father and the Son have already done the choosing or the electing before the beginning of recorded time. When the sinner actually hears the call, he simply responds. Even when a sinner cries out for Jesus, it may appear to be an act of his own free will, yet the Lord said that no man can come to Him unless the Father which sent Him draws them. (John 6:44)

Subsequently, even when a sinner begs the Lord for mercy to save him, he does so because he has been drawn to the cross by the Holy Ghost. Therefore, even our repentance is not human but godly. Godly sorrow is a repentance for sin that has been divinely given to the sinner to cause him to repent, to sorrow over the Lord’s sacrifice.At the cross, a sinner’s spirit is washed, cleansed and forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

It is important to state here that nothing stops God, not even the church.When the Lord is ready for the elect, He calls them. If they are sitting on a church pew, He can still reach them, regardless of what they have been listening to. The problem is that many of the elect who are in church believe that they are already saved but they are not. The Father plans to save them. Nevertheless, for the Holy Ghost to draw them to a genuine salvation experience, the strong man must be bound with the light of truth. In this instance, the “strong man” is the religious demon, aka,the Fake Jesus. Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

The Deception of the Unsaved Churchgoer

26 Feb

Charles Finney and the Fake Jesus

From the days when Lucifer fell from heaven because of his rebellion against God, what compels this number one fallen angel is that he desires to be worshipped like God.  As such, he will go to ANY lengths to obtain it, even deceive people who think they are worshipping the Son of God when in actuality, they are worshipping one of Satan’s cohorts, the fake Jesus.  The eastern religions are assigned a fallen being who calls himself Maitreya, and deceived Christians and new agers are in league with the fallen angel who called Jesus Sananda Immanuel.  Together, they are an unholy trinity of Satan, the Anti-Christ and the false prophet of the book of Revelation.

Sananda’s plot took shape  under the ministry of a preacher called Charles Finney.

Charles Finney

Finney was quite a wicked looking man, as you can see the devil all up in his face. The man lived a long time when you consider that in his lifetime, the average live span was  from the late forties to about 65.  Finney lived to be 83, from 1792-1875. A fiery New York preacher, Finney’s impact on church traditions and practices has been  so profound, that his influence is still spreading globally almost two centuries later.  Finney’s notoriety is that he is the one who brought the entire church the “make a decision for Christ” through repeating the sinners prayer and the altar call.  A practicing freemason for 8 years, Finney eventually disavowed if.  Yet what I have learned about freemasonry is that it is witchcraft. And you just  don’t walk away from witchcraft without a struggle.

Anyway, in a nutshell,  Finney believed that human beings were capable of choosing whether they would be corrupt by nature or redeemed, referring to original sin as an “anti-scriptural and nonsensical dogma”  In clear terms, Finney denied the notion that human beings possess a sinful nature. Therefore, if Adam leads us into sin,  he does so not by our inheriting his guilt and corruption, but by our  following his poor example, this leads logically to the view of Christ as not having died for sins but for some lofty, moralistic reason.

Well, this was the man who started the altar call, invitation to Christian discipleship, “I accept Jesus,” practice that has led to the greatest falling away—the one that Paul himself predicted would transpire.  Consequently, due to Charles Finney, souls have probably not been saved within the organized church system for at least 150 years!!!! This doctrine has  primarily affected the Protestants much  more than the Catholics. Another fallen angel, Mother Mary had a different strategy for THEM. The “make a decision, I accept Jesus gospel has so permeated all Protestant Church tradition, a problem that Baptist preacher Paul Washer is diligently trying to correct, to no avail.  Washer is correct on this score but there  are errors in his teaching as well, which is yet “another story.”  Another practice that Finney started was to use the preacher’s invitation at the end of a sermon to evoke an emotional response, in other words to create a charged up atmosphere to manipulate a false conversion.

Anyway, the organized church is incapable of fixing a problem that has been built so deep into its foundation for almost two centuries. What makes it “incorrectible” ,  is that the church is not even aware of this essential problem, so Sananda has had his seat in it for quite some time.  His next step was to inspire artists to paint images of a white, blondish hair, blue eyed image of Jesus to put on the walls of the churches, thereby cementing his claim to them.  For when a demon or fallen angel  successfully plants  an object of themselves into any place, they establish squatters rights for the practice of their idolatry.

If you were one who repeated a sinner’s prayer, chances are, you are not saved.  Help is available.  Call 518-477-5759

Overcome Rejection in 2012

10 Jan

  We are just ten days into the New Year.  So there are 355 days left to deal with a subject that  823,000 people a month google for help  with.  The keyword is REJECTION.

I suppose that anyone would ordinarily consider that rejection is evil and “of the devil.” Yet it ain’t necessarily so. Now I’ll use myself as an example. I was born “rejected”. Not that I was deprived of a family, friends, and the essential necessities of life. However, from an emotional perspective, I was not really accepted from the time I was a child because I was not pleasing to various “significant others,” and I was by nature NOT a people pleaser.

However, rejection was one of the best things that ever happened to me on many levels. As a starter, I was rejected by my peers. So not being popular, I became an A student in school, went on to obtained a master’s degree in my chosen field. That led to obtaining decent employment with an organization that afforded me the financial independence I now have as a retired person with an excellent pension. However, rejected in my career was a good thing because if I had been found pleasing and acceptable to those in authority, I would have overworked, gone against my own nature and become a “company person,” and I would not be writing this newsletter right now. I could go on an on with this line of discernment from work, to family, to personal relationships—I am filled with blessings derived from rejection.

Even more, from a spiritual perspective, there are too many benefits to account for that came as a result of rejection. In fact, the book  “Come Out of Her God’s People” is a testament of how I have been blessed by being rejected so I won’t belabor it here. For those who are interested, I recommend the book to you. It can be purchased at http://www.pamsheppard.com/bookstore, Amazon, and several other book retailers. Suffice it to say for now, that if it were not for rejection, I would not be the author of all 6 books, nor would I be writing this newsletter. If it were not for rejection, at this very moment in time, I would be a blind pastor, leading a blind congregation, in a dead church.

Therefore, I thank God for my blessing. For as I try the spirits, I come to understand that I have been rejected not so much because of who I am, but because of who Jesus IS, so as He wisely stated, I rejoice and I am exceedingly glad.

So Beloved, you have your own cross to bear. If not, then I question whether or not you belong to Jesus Christ of Nazareth. We must overcome as the Lord overcame if we are to share in His Throne and in His conquest. Jesus led the way. We must follow. Jesus passed through His hour and the power of darkness at Calvary yet to rise in victory. We pass through that same dark valley of the shadow of death. In order to pass through the darkness, we need the wisdom of God to comprehend it. For on the other side of the dark valley is victory.

Anyone who has no victory over sin remains in the dark valley and you are food for the enemy. Client after client that I come in contact with are in the dark valley, not because they have sinned, but because they are consumed with a consciousness of sin. In other words, they have not been cleansed, washed in the blood of the Lamb with no condemnation in their minds or in their hearts. Its like having sex without an orgasm. If you never experienced being washed in the blood, not feeling like a sinner anymore, always worried about whether you committed the unpardonable sin, then Lord have mercy on you. You might as well be in the world doing your thing than to claim to be “in Christ” yet you always feel condemned.


Know this, Dear Reader. Religious demons can counterfeit both sin and self-condemnation. Consider a person who has never had real sexual pleasure, yet because she allowed a woman to fondle here breasts a few times years ago, the enemy has convinced her that she is a lesbian. A Pentecostal, holiness person, she is STILL being tormented by an incident that happened several years ago, yet she claims that she is saved. Whatever thoughts are accepted from evil spirits gives these beings both entry and power. When a believer knows the Cross and his position of death to sin, whenever sin is alive in your mind but you are not actually sinning, then those thoughts are not your own and they need to be cast down.

Finally, we are a unique counseling center  because our Christian counselors are licensed by the state of New York to practice counseling and our mentors are trained and  certified by Sheppard’s Counseling Center.  If you would like to finally overcome rejection, depression and other stumbling-blocks and strongholds, we offer you our help.  So call 518-477-5759. We look forward to hearing from YOU in 2012.

Nephilim—Have They Returned?

9 Jan

An Excerpt from “the New Idolatry.”

JESUS  predicted that endtimes would be like the days of Noah.  Beside the flood, the most outstanding feature of Noah’s day was the reason for the flood as revealed in Genesis Chapter 6–namely that fallen angels found a way to have sex with human women and they produced an offering known as the giants, aka the Nephilim. When all is said and done, if we accept the Book of Enoch, the spirit beings who specialize in sex with human beings are not evil spirits or demons but fallen angels who are NOT human and who have never been human..

Here is a passage taken from the book of Enoch:

Ch. 18:10 And I saw a great abyss of the earth, with pillars of heavenly fire, and I saw among them fiery pillars of Heaven, which were falling.

11 And as regards both height and depth, they were immeasurable.

12 And beyond that abyss I saw a place which had no firmament of heaven above, and no firmly founded earth beneath: there was no water on it, and no birds,

12 But it was a desert and a horrible place. I saw there seven stars like great burning mountains

13 And an angel questioned me regarding them. The angel said: “This place is the end of heaven and earth.

14 This has become a prison for the stars and the host of heaven. And the stars which roll over the fire are they which have transgressed the commandment of the Lord in the beginning of their rising, because they did not come out at their proper times.

15 And He was angry with them, and bound them until the time when their guilt should be consummated even for ten thousand years.

Chapter 19: 1: And Uriel said to me: The angels who have had sex with women shall stand here, and their spirits, having assumed many different forms, are defiling mankind and shall lead them astray into sacrificing to demons as gods, here shall they stand, until the day of the great judgment in which they shall be judged and are made an end of.

2 And the women also who went astray shall become sirens.

3 And I, Enoch, alone saw the vision, the ends of all things: and no man shall see as I have seen.

In summary, the book of Enoch reports of the union of angels and humans resulting in bloodthirsty giants who scar the earth and abuse its inhabitants. The angels, or watchers as they are called, also contributed to humanity’s decline in Noah’s day by introducing all sorts of forbidden arts. Although these angels come to be imprisoned at the ends of the earth, their spirits continue to wreak havoc by inciting humans to commit idolatry (see 1 En. 19:1). Yet what of the women who associated with the watchers? As if an afterthought, 1 En. 19:2 briefly recounts the fate of these women as well. According to the Greek manuscript tradition, the wives of the angels who transgressed are to become sirens, mythological creatures often associated with seduction. Perhaps this is what is called “incubus.”

The book of Enoch and the Bible indicate that the angels who had sex with women are imprisoned forever. They shall not ascend into heaven again for all eternity, and they are bound on earth for all eternity. (Enoch Ch 14: 5) So if these angels are bound forever, then who are the entities who are having sex with women today?

I believe the answer is in Enoch, Ch 19:1, namely, the jailed angels have the capacity to “take on many forms.” Therefore, though jailed, they can still “transport” their spirits similar to what occultist refer to as “astral travel.”

For those who do no not accept the veracity of the Book of Enoch, I can think of a few other possibilities. .For example, perhaps more of God’s angels have fallen from heaven in modern times, long after the bible was written and published. Nevertheless, from a biblical perspective emerges yet another possibility. Since there is an indication that the abyss will be opened in the last days and entities referred to as locusts will ascend upwards from the bottomless pit in the last generation., perhaps the pit has already been opened.

Revelation 9:1 The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

2 When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss.

Yet another possibility, as depicted in Revelation 12, the war in heaven may have already taken place and Satan may no longer be in the heavens but he is now only able to roam about on earth. Likewise, when Satan is kicked out of the heavens, so are his angels. Surely, among Satan’s angels are those who, like their predecessors in Noah’s time, lust after women and have sex with them while the women have entered into passivity, facilitated by an altered state of consciousness. This is a potentially viable possibility, since most of the women who report a sexual encounter indicate that it happened at bedtime when they were half sleep and half awake. Nevertheless, my theories lead to the conclusion that spirits that engage in sex with women are NOT DEMONS.

So who are they? I believe that they are the very same fallen angels though bound in hell, remain capable of astral projecting one of their numerous forms into the bedrooms of Christian women. If you have experienced spirit rape, help is available.  Call 518-477-5759

How Satan Wars Against The Saints With False Signs

8 Jan
 How Satan Wars Against the Saints With False Signs by Minister Kellie

Image via Wikipedia

Thirty eight years of Pastor Pam Sheppard’s   life have been filled with signs to “wonder” about, several of them occurring in  her dreams. Before Pastor Pam  was saved, she  was demonized by a spirit of divination. She  used to dream as many as 10 dreams a night, remembering MOST of them. Several dreams contained predictions that actually came to pass. When Pam went into ministry in 1981, she had a loose-leaf “dream book” where she had journaled about 3,000 dreams. Pastor Pam  never forget the day that the Lord asked her to throw out the dream journal. In her book “Come Out of Her God’s People, Pam proclaims:

  “I was fit to be tied!”. I complained, “Lord, I have been maintaining this journal for years because I plan to write a book about dreams.” He responded: “Pam, you have some dreams that I sent to you in your journal, but most of your dreams are from the devil. Throw it away. I’ll give you other books to write.” I reluctantly put the dream book in an outside garbage and went back 3 times to retrieve it, asking myself “was that REALLY God?” Finally, I let the garbage truck take it. Thank God, I finally obeyed.’

In 1985, Pastor Pam had a supernatural sign—a dream where a 7 foot,bald-headed, muscular being loudly and boldly declared, “I am an angel sent from God to show you your future ministry.”This “angel” showed her a huge residential Christian rehabilitation center for ex-offenders and recovering addicts. In the center of it was a huge chapel. The rehab center was so large that she couldn’t figure out if it was one piece of land with several cottages and buildings on its grounds, or if the blueprint consisted of several individual sites around the country.Since her secular background includes writing proposals and obtaining large government grants in human services, she asked the angel, ” Do I write a grant?” The “angel” bellowed loudly,”NOOOO!!!! This is God’s project and He shall fund it.”

Very religious, pious sounding, right? Well, it took Pastor Pam 20 years to find out that this being was a demon sent by the fake Jesus to derail her and “set her up.”. The religious demon even poured into her the desire and the zeal to do prison ministry work—a desire that she took for granted came from God. As one example out of many, I read in the book that Pastor Pam had a supernatural experience in the parking lot of a prison, with travail and groanings that knocked her to the ground. Periodically over the years, she spent hours on my face, weeping and travailing for the salvation of prisoners. Accompanied by her daughter Zee, Pastor Pam actually preached and taught in prison every week for 8 years. Nevertheless, once the spotlight of truth hit her in the face, –that she was NOT called by God to a prison/substance abuse ministry,—- the wisdom received was not at all painful. Pastor Pam  just said to myself “oh well.. I’m in the Lord’s hands. He will guide my next steps.”

Instantly Pastor Pam understood how and why a religious demon had been successful at deceiving her on this and other significant issues for so long. Simply put, the Lord knew that the deception would be good for her since she has been in training for  this hour for more than 35 years. One of many  truths that I learned from the book  is that the best way to learn Satan’s strategies is to be deceived,and then to watch the Holy Ghost unveil and expose the deception.  In other words, it was necessary for Pastor Pam to go down the trail of deception herself, so that she  could yell back to those behind her, ” Hey, you guys, go back!!! You don’t need to follow this path, I’ve seen what is ahead so turn around and start again.”

I can relate. When the Lord called me out of a charismatic church, literally, all hell broke loose on me. I don’t blame the people the enemy sent into my life to derail me. They had no idea what was going on. They were just pawns in a demonic chess game invisibly and secretly played out with my spiritual  life as the chessboard.  Pastor Pam reveals in her amazing memoires  that she took  full responsibility for being duped by the fake Jesus because clearly, the Lord never assigned her to work in a substance abuse prison ministry.The problem was that SHE DID NOT TRY THE SPIRITS TO SEE IF THEY WERE OF GOD, assuming this huge angel was who he said he was.. Also, due to her impatience to “get things rolling” in what she believed to be the Lord’s work, she actually put herself into the devil’s hands because it suited her own purposes to believe a lie.

What stands out in the book is  that while Pastor Pam  STRONGLY DESIRED THE WORK TO BEGIN, SHE DID NOT REALIZE  THAT SHE  WAS BEING REFINED AND CLEANSED THROUGH WHAT I ENDURED AND SUFFERED. I think we all can relate.  It takes great faith and patience to wait on the Lord.

One day Pastor Pam  looked up and the zeal for prison ministry and substance abuse counseling was completely gone from her spirit. Vanished. With the zeal gone, she  immediately withdrew from prison ministry. Shortly thereafter, her spiritual eyes were opened to the whole truth. She had been hooked by an intricate, demonic setup. This truth has set her free to complete what God has REALLY chosen her to do.

So what is Pastor Pam’s  divine assignment?  To train ministers for the return of the Lord. I  know from personal experience  because  I am one of the ministers she has trained for the last 3 years. First she cast a demon of depression from me and then she began to train me for ministry in this unique season.

So what I learned from “Come Out of Her, God’s People,” is this.  If you have been given a specific blueprint about your spiritual journey in the Lord–if you have been shown signs of who you will marry and such, if your plan has lots of details with confirming signs, you’d better stop, look, listen  and STAND STILL.

Its the devil!

 I have only told of my understanding concerning one spiritual truth.  There are many more in  “Come Out of Her God’s People: Don’t Receive Her Plagues.”

We do not have much time left to prepare for what is about to unfold!

If you have left the organized church, then perhaps Pastor Pam is called to train or mentor you. She can be reached at 518-477-5759 Ask for Pastor Pam

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