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Free will : a treasure given by God.

24 Jan

Let’s go back to the root of the truth.
As Pastor Pam explains here, the church system and ALLLLL of its teachings are inspired by an imposter : The fake Jesus. That same fake Jesus is also posing as an ascended master in New Age (even Oprah talks about him and the “Christ consciousness”). It’s not GOD. It’s from Satan.

This is a very unique almost unbelievable message, as we are all told that church = God and God = church. But it took the testimony of a former occultist, Pastor Pam, who got born again OUTSIDE of church, SNATCHED from her “heathen ways” WITHOUT NOTICE in a powerful way, to prove that GOD IS BIGGER THAN CHURCH. Her multiple experiences in the system later proved that God is NOT in the church at all anyways (to read more about that go check her book “Faces of the Religious Demon”, links below).
As of today, I am a “heathen” too. Religiosity keeps me from admitting it but it’s my truth. I held onto religious beliefs because they felt safe, like a precautionary measure not to fall. I followed whatever seemed right, suppressed any emotions and thoughts that would go against it even though it was simply my truth.

Religion teaches us that following blindly is the key to “avoid hell and please God”, but human beings CANNOT do that on their own. Also, what’s most important to a non born again person and born again person is the use of your free will. It is divinely given and demons CANNOT override it. God would NEVER tell us to give up our free will. Giving it up to ANY spiritual entity is probably the worst idea ever ; yet church encourages us to do it all the time. In addition to that, giving away your free will to “follow God” when you’re not even born again just pushes the idea that you have to choose God, which is simply not true.
God respects your free will and wants you to use it by faith not out of fear or habit.

If you find yourself pushed, harassed even, by people in the church, condemning voices and need counseling and deliverance our Pastor will be there to help you with a loving ear to listen and loving straightforward words to encourage, rebuke and set free.

Call us at 888 818 1117 or send an email to in order to set up an appointment with Pastor Pam.

Links to the book The fake Jesus, Faces of the Religious Demon and all the books of Pastor Pamela Sheppard :

Do You Want to Be in a Church Run By Fallen Angels and Demons?

2 Mar

By Pastor Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry

One of the reasons that makes  witnessing to churchgoers both difficult and unpleasant  is because  they have not yet heard from the Lord in a revelatory way.  Most of the religious  believe that if your argument is not bible-based, then it is not worth listening to.  So, a way to get through to them is using the scriptures in red.  In other words, “What did the Lord Jesus say?”  Use the Lord’s own words to reveal the truth to them.

The Lord  Jesus presented a group of kingdom of heaven parables, most of which He did not explain, but he left some clues. One of the clues as depicted in Matthew 13, is the birds. Therefore, when you’re keeping things very general, your focus is to  rely on what the Lord said, what the Lord shared. Consequently,  ask your religious churchgoer,” what do you think that parable means?”  Listen to what they say. You also  ask questions. First of all  Ask them, “what do the birds represent?”  They won’t know.  So remaining focused and patient, you highlight   the verse which most people know by taking him, her or them  to the parable of the mustard seed  that grew into a large tree.

The trunk of that tree is the Catholic church, and the branches of that tree that come out of that trunk are the plethora of Protestant denominations and non-­denominations that have been formed since the 1500’s. Protestantism  are the branches of that tree. There should be no argument that the tree is  the system of the Institutional Church. So in this context, you can also clarify that the Body of Christ is not the Institutional Church where believers gather together for Sunday morning worship. So it will be relatively easy  to distinguish the difference between the Body of Christ and the Institutional Church. It follows that  you should be able to get agreement that  the body of Christ consists of every born again person who ever lived, who’s living now, and who ever will live. Clearly,  the body of Christ and  the institution of church and religion are not the same.

Once these matters are clarified, then continue to interpret  the mustard seed  parable.  Next consider the birds, nestling in the branches. Now you can make the point  that the non-Catholic denominations have the devil as well as the Catholics.   The trunk is the Catholic church! The people who started the Protestant churches were  themselves  originally Catholics,  believers  who left Catholicism who started a whole new branch of religion. Your major point is this.   The Catholics are the trunk of the tree and  Protestants are the branches. . In the Protestants we have the denominations and the non-­denominations. Simple. Keep it simple.

Now, some believe  that the Catholic church is of God , but it’s the branches that spoiled things. Others believe  that God set up the branches , therefore  it’s the Catholic church that is demonic.  “Oh, forget about the Catholics, they’re all  about witchcraft, with their worshipping the saints and all that, they bigtime got the devil. But the denominations, I mean, these are the ones, this is the true church.” No. Make it plain that one comes out of the other. In fact, there is a movement going forth today to unite the Protestants back with the Catholics.

Then ask the question, ” who are the birds?”  THE ANSWER TO THIS QUESTION IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!!

Once  Jesus used a symbol, it makes sense that the symbol  will have a similar meaning when  He uses it again. In Matthew 13, known as the parable of the Sower,  the Lord is metaphorically discussing the reasons why some hearers of the word do not become  born again.  Jesus shared that the one who hears the word by the wayside do not become born again because the birds come and eat the seed.  Later on in that chapter, the Lord interprets His parable to the apostles, revealing that the birds are wicked beings. They are evil spirits: fallen angels and demons.

So, go back and look at the mustard seed parable concerning the birds in the branches of the institutional church system. Keeping things simple, if the birds were demons in the parable of the Sower , than Jesus is  giving us a clue that the birds up in the branches of the mustard seed parable are evil spirits  also. So if the birds up in the branches are demons. believe me, the Catholic church is also run by fallen angels. In other words, in His office as a Prophet,  the Lord revealed that Fallen angels and demons would one day be  in control of  the Institutional Church.

Perhaps you will be asked if you believe  God ever been involved with Institutional  Church? To answer this question  refer to the  first two or three chapters of the book of Revelation, where a message is sent from the Lord , not to the church, but to the angel of the church. Clearly,  God’s  angels play an important role in the operation of the Institutional Church, and seeing as it was a Roman emperor–Constantine— who started the Institutional Church in 313AD, it doesn’t take too much common sense to realize that the angels who are in control of the Institutional Church today are fallen, they’re not God’s angels.

From the book of Revelation, God’s angels were involved in the churches at  Ephesus, Smyrna, and Philadelphia.  For example,  point out that the Churches at Pergamos and Thyatira   reads a lot like the Catholic Church as Laodicea clearly represents the Protestant churches of  our times. So it would be beneficial if you spent with those seven letters.

Churchgoers, both traditional and charismatic tend to leap from topic to topic.  In this case, you must stay focused by making only a few points. .  The major point you should make is God’s relationship to the institutional church according to the words of Jesus in His parables and in the book of Revelation. The average committed churchgoer is going to defend THEIR local  church and their pastor, with defenses like  “oh, well my church doesn’t do what these charismatic churches do, they don’t ask for tithes, they don’t teach this, they don’t teach that.”

You have to point out that certainly there are righteous, sincere people in some of the churches, both pastors and laity. The question is “Do you want to be in a church that regardless of how committed and faithful the people seem, their organization is run by fallen angels and demons?”  The birds in the branches is the bottom-line to consider!  Until a religious, deceived person comes to the realization that Satan, the god of this world, is in control of their beloved church edifice and system , is it really safe to worship there?  The next question to address is “what about the plagues that the Lord mentions in Rev 18:4 when He warns “Come out of Her My People, less you partake of Her sins and receive of Her plagues.”

In fact, where are God’s people for the most part?  Let the churchgoer answer that question.   The very first place even an atheist will think of is “the Institutional Churches. “

This is all very simple.  The enemy keeps the confusion complicated so that churchgoers will protest with all kinds of explanations, rationalizations  and excuses for continuing to do what the Lord has warned them not to do.

For even more information about plagues in the institutional church, click on the book image below.


If you have any personal comments to make or questions to ask that you would prefer to keep private, then complete the contact form below:


Why and How Does An Ordained Minister of 25 Years Leave the Church?

27 Oct



My personal testimony of how I came to leave  the church is in the first chapters of  my book “Come Out of Her, God’s People”.  Most of my life I have been  open and transparent, caring less about what others had to say about me.    Lately,   I have become quite private and much more guarded.  I suspect that its a matter of  “increased wisdom.”  I personally wonder today if perhaps  in “Come Out of Her, God’s People,”   I may have  shared way  too much about my intimate  life.   In fact, I recall a few rather ignorant, jealous , ineffectual hypocrites attempting to take  advantage of my openness in order   to slander me.  It did not work. Actually,  it is difficult to  slander a person who is not bound by the world’s religious standards. Even so,  I am more guarded than I used to be.   Nevertheless, since readers  have reported  how much my testimony helped them,  I don’t regret writing the book. 

 In regards to when and how to leave the institutional church,  it has been  my experience that the Holy Spirit will inform you when it is time for you to make your move.  In fact, if I had not heard from Him in 2003, without a doubt, I  would still be there.  Why?  Because the denomination left me alone  to my own devices and as a result,  I was enjoying myself doing my own thing in ministry.  I was deceived into believing that  I had the best of both the denominational and the charismatic church worlds.

So at the season that  the Holy Spirit led me out of church, I was pastoring a work that I had founded myself in 1996 for about 8 years at that time.  Therefore,  it had never crossed my mind to leave the church because in my own mind, I viewed myself as “there but not there.”  So within my rational mind, it would be a mistake for  a minister of the gospel to leave the church  system after 25 years of faithful service.  I was not about to rock the boat on my own, as such an action was way  too  preposterous an idea–absolutely inconceivable.  I was settled and comfortable in the denomination, in spite of the fact that I had never really been embraced with open arms. Not only did I have  spiritual covering from a well-respected denomination that  left me to my own devices,   I also had almost complete independence to bring forth Pentecostal, word of faith teachings in a cold and dry denominational setting.

So what happened? How was I led out? 

First of all, I had a dream. A very clear, significant dream where the Lord actually appeared and spoke to me. I never saw His face, only his feet and the back of His robe.   I wanted to believe it was the devil because I didn’t like what I heard and saw in the spirit.  I was called by name. the Spirit said “Pam, I cannot use you in this place. You are a light— hidden under a bed.  You MUST leave.  But let them PUT you out!”

Put ME out?  This MUST be the devil, I thought to myself.  They can’t put me out.  I have been a faithful servant in this denomination for 25 years.!!!!

Well, I did not have long to wait. I was at the Y, doing my  afternoon lap swim  when my pregnant daughter came waddling in and screaming “they are after you, Ma! The denomination is investigating you.” I got out  of the pool, sat on its side and listened to my daughter’s emotional report.  She had run into the proverbial grapevine.

Yet this was not gossip.  It was true. My  dream was confirmed in less than a week. The denomination was setting me up  to PUT ME OUT. A hidden religious enemy,  a ministerial collleague targeted my website.  At the time,  I was exposing error among the mega preachers.  I was not running a smear campaign but where there was error, I was boldly calling names. The denomination feared that I would cause some multi-millionaire to sue them.  Ironically, an enemy that I had personally mentored had   secretly planted the seed of fear in the Bishop’s ear.  Since he never liked me in the first place,  the Bishop grabbed that seed and ran with it. Under the Bishop’s wishes, my colleagues in the district voted to  take  my name off the rolls, under the pretense that I did not send them the annual dues of $660.  I did not send it because I was purposefully facilitating my leaving by not showing up and also  not sending them the money!!!! I did what the Lord said.  I LET THEM PUT ME OUT!

It took almost a year from the day I had the dream in early July 2003 for  the denomination to remove  my name from its rolls on  June 25,  2004.  I remember the day I was “put out” because I had a  startling dream that very  morning. I saw my head under the chopping block. I was beheaded. With that dream, it was revealed to me  that I have the same ministry as John the Baptist: Like the Prophet John, my job is  to preach  repentance and prepare the way for the Lord’s SECOND coming.

Anyway, I still had my church that I had founded.  Since  the denomination  had not embraced my church, the Bishop   had no authority or power to close it.  So I continued leading my church, expecting the Lord to send me to another church affiliation or denomination.

Various sects and word of faith churches made me some offers. However,  it was quite clear to me that all they wanted was my money as well as  my attendance at their various meetings and conferences  so that they could obtain MORE money via conference fees.  These mega ministries also planned  to tax  my church and take for themselves a hefty percentage of our donations each month.  We were small and poor. I could not rob my own congregation to send   hard-earned dollars to an aloof, uncaring mega preacher’s ministry, just to pay to sit on the front row of some televised  conference.

So I waited 3 years. My  next sign  was more powerful than a dream.  I was wide awake.  I heard a voice in my head ask me this question, “Pam. would you put curtains up at the windows of a condemned building?”  I looked around to see if someone was there,  but I was alone.  I answered in my head “no.’  The voice continued. He talked for what seemed a long time.  Then He said “Pam. You are planning to travel around the world to conduct deliverance training seminars in any church that will open its doors to you.” I answered, “Yes.!”   I had already  been to a church in Lawrenceville Ga and one in Bermuda.

The voice then said “Well. Pam. Conducting seminars in any church is like putting up curtains at the windows of a condemned building, I have already judged HER.”

Now I did not want to believe that my 25 years in ministry was full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.  So I tried the spirits for one year.  Out of it came the book called “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.  Even more books followed.  One conversation with the Spirit of God in 2007  led to a total of four more books, well over 1000 pages!!!

So for the next 14 years, I have gladly put 25 years of religious acts without power behind me.  In 2008, I  closed the church that I had founded after 12 years.  I simply put my religious past and all of  its fake fruit behind me,  moved forward, baggage free– following the leading of the Holy Ghost.  For the last 14 years, my life has been filled with peace, revelation,  real power  and wondrous anticipation.

If the Lord is leading you out and you want to talk about it, give Pam Sheppard Ministries a call at  888-818-1117 or  complete the contact form below:

Witchcraft: A Work of the Flesh

8 Nov

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

If you EVER dabbled in the occult, then your personality is susceptible to witchcraft as a work of your flesh. What do you do with a work of the flesh? YOU CRUCIFY IT. Treat it like it is DEAD! You cannot cast out what is a part of your personality.


If you have any questions you can email or call 1-888-818-1117.

The Fall From Grace of Mega Preachers:The People vs Joel Osteen

9 Sep


Right on the heels of the Charlottesville riots, Hurricane Harvey made landfall near Rockport, Texas bringing with it death and the loss of property. One of the major headlines concerning this natural disaster had to do with Joel Osteen,  a prominent, mega-preacher in Texas who sent a tweet stating that he and his wife will pray for the those affected. The backlash started almost immediately on alot of social media platforms. Many  tweets, memes, videos were posted where people were berating Joel and demanding more than “prayers” from him.

Joel Osteen and Lakewood Church are experiencing a PR nightmare, we have seen corporations that have bounced back from corporate gaffes and others destroyed from it. We are yet to see how this incident will affect Joel in the long-term. The Institutional Church herein referred to as the (I.C.) is part of the world system so it uses the tactics of the world to get by, the Spirit of God is not in any of their dealings.
There are those who have shown unwavering support for Joel  but what caught my interest is that there is a substantial amount of people as seen on social media who feel one thing for mega-preachers – ANGER. Gone are the days when people would shy away from speaking against a “man of God”.After Joel’s tweet, the comments came fast & furious making it seem like people were waiting for an incident to happen so they can let loose and tell Joel what they really feel.
There are people who are mad, fuming not just at Joel but at the I.C. and at mega-preachers. In some way it felt like there was nothing Joel could do to appease the critics, the arguments started with why didn’t he open the church early to he opened the church because of the social media pressure. Any interview Joel gave was dissected to show how his efforts weren’t genuine, even his body language was being analysed to strengthen the claims that he didn’t want to be there helping people. Every thing he did was an offense.
Clearly, there are people who still love & support mega preachers but there is also another group that have become weary of mega-preachers and refuse to see any good in them. This group sees mega-preachers as scammers, Period! even acts of kindness are looked at suspiciously as many wait for the money grab to revealed sooner or later.
I have belonged to both groups of people at different times in my life. I have blindly loved and supported mega-preachers and even defended them to critics, then as the years went by I became a critic as I noticed their teachings were pseudo-deep, they embraced the world and repeatedly taught the prosperity gospel. I left the church and would watch a lot of videos exposing ministries and false preachers we have today, which are plenty. The Irony is, in both states I thought I was walking in truth but the reality was I was still deceived. I had some partial truth in that I could see some of these leaders were false teachers but I still engaged in I.C. practices & believed I was born again because I had asked Jesus into my heart, I believed in a false gospel.
The major spiritual problem today is not the mega preacher phenomenon or false teachers – that is just a symptom of a bigger issue . If we spent time analyzing who is a false prophet and who isn’t we would be here for days as the list is endless. Time is really of the essence so what you need to see is that the entire I.C. is condemned and the Spirit of God is not there. For those who have left the I.C., if they still engaged in religious practices or hold on to church teachings, they could still be deceived.
Pastor Pam Sheppard addresses the Spiritual problem in our time in The Church of The End Time Zombies, an excerpt reads:-
Statistics show that floods of people are leaving the I.C. daily. The question is, where are they going? It could be that many of these folk are just joining up with yet another branch of the I.C. or doing the I.C. thing at home. Opening a church in your home by teaching the same false doctrines and practices, causes your home to be just as dangerous.”
The I.C. has been taken over by fallen angels and demons, nothing good can come out of it. The Lord Jesus already prophesied the future of the I.C. in the parable of the mustard seed.
As people who are preparing for the return of the Lord Jesus, we need to understand that holding on to partial truths is just as dangerous as believing a lie. It is good to know who is a false teacher, so you can avoid their traps, but spending time studying and exposing one preacher to the next is a tedious task as there are many.
The I.C isn’t under attack by being infiltrated by false teachers, it’s actually the I.C. that creates an environment for these preachers to grow and thrive. A word from Pastor Pam concerning mega-pastors in her own personal experience.
A word of caution. The religious demon assigned to me tried to set me up to become  a false prophet.  In several dreams, he showed me standing before huge audiences, walking up and down across a platform with my bible in my hand, preaching and teaching.  He even showed me pastoring a church of about 10,000 people.  Because I sought after the power to slay in the spirit, after 10 years of seeking, I got it. I could wave my hand, and certain ones would fall out, unconscious.  However, I began to question this power because I noticed that the ones in my congregation who fell out the most, were also those who could not STAND for the Lord, relapsing or backsliding constantly.  So I said to myself, “Pam, there is something wrong with this so-called gift. This cannot be from the Holy Ghost!”  Once I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to “show me the darkness,” I got quite the wakeup call that revealed that  the mega preacher phenomena of today is NOT of the Lord.  It is a combination of human charisma, “anointed” by the enemy’s power.”
Understand the times that we live in so you wont be deceived with the spiritual blindness that’s all over, if you don’t know where to start read “The Church of the End Time Zombies”, you can get a copy at:-

Maitreya and Sananda as the Anti-Christ; and the False Prophet

29 Aug

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

I believe the Fake Jesus is my worst written book but it is my most important book.  

I evaluate the book as the worst written of the 8 of them, simply because it was conceived and produced at a time when I was not sufficiently bold enough to expose my thought beyond a few folk, the fact that I suspected  that the church has already been infiltrated by fallen angels.  Generally  a consummate professional,  I was once concerned that  I would be called a conspiracy theory quack.  Therefore I wrote it in the third person, like I was talking about someone other than me., writing  “we” instead of “I”.

For some of you, after you read the Fake Jesus,  I suspect that you will be as astonished as even I was where the institutional church is concerned.  For as I reviewed the book I had written,  I realized that I was not personally exempt from its findings, particularly as a pastor. For I realized that even the church I founded was connected to the same religious system and consequently a fallen angel was assigned to MY church as well as all others.

I started writing the book In 2007. Wow!  That was 10 years ago !!!  In a decade, my belief in a fallen angel takeover of the global church is even stronger than it was when I collected my research.  Anyway, by 2008, I shut down my church and I buried her name.  Healing Waters: a name given to me by a fallen angel in the mouth of a nine-year old girl, Leandra in 1983. I uncovered in my research that Healing Waters is a by word for the fallen angel  Maitreya !!!!

There are about 50-200 Ascended masters of different ranks. The Fake Jesus is among the top five. Maitreya, Sananda, Mother Mary, St. Germaine and Ashtar. Under their command are other fallen angels who are in charge of the churches.

Maitreya is pinpointed as the expected leader whom the new age occult world is waiting for in these times with his forerunner being Benjamin Creme. As described by Crème, Maitreya” essence and his mission to earth is akin to the biblical Antichrist.  Maitreya is also the  unseen father of the Eastern religions.  The climax  of this book is its clear understanding and interpretation to be seriously aware what Benjamin Creme claims Maitreya will perform by miracles and healings around the world, to draw followers who will believe that he is God Almighty. The book reveals how and why the great hoax will deceive and disciple many by the power of the altered state.

“The Fake Jesus” also reveals a trick to be enacted upon the entire world that will cause the uninformed to believe  that Maitreya is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. In other words. GOD! Maitreya is the fallen angel who will possess a world leader aka the Antichrist while Sananda will be in  control of the false prophet.

The rest of the book reveals the history of how the enemy pulled it off in the churches, including Sananda’s work with the Protestants and Mother Mary’s work with the Catholics.

Once I penned  the next  book, the  New Idolatry, I find that I have fully embraced my bold character, since I am  no longer concerned at all whether I am thought to be a quack. I consider  The New Idolatry as a sequel to the Fake Jesus.

There are some additional interesting  tidbits about the Fake Jesus. The book was typed on a computer and completed in 2007.  While doing the final reading, I noticed that the word “angel” had been  removed from the entire book.  Considering that the word was repeated at least 500 times, I had to type each word in each sentence  manually.  Needless to say, I missed a handful of replacements.  So if you are reading and you come across  the word “fallen” without anything after it, just add in “angel” into your mind  as you read.

Another interesting aside is that the fallen angels have actually responded to the book quite vigorously, vehemently expressing how much they hate it.  In one instance fallen angels, entered into an acquaintance and sent me “their” book review by email and another time, a fallen angel caused a reader to throw the book into the next room while she was reading it. Here are a couple of  reviews from humans, not under the influence of evil spirits: :

I am currently reading The Church of the End time Zombies. I have read The Fake Jesus. In the beginning I knew something wasn’t quite right with the church but I was in denial thinking how could I and everyone else be wrong. But the Fake Jesus gives history and insight on how deceived we all have been. Pam just didn’t come out of the church to invent these things she tested the spirits and took time to research the matter. She has done all of the work for us. Pam herself will tell you to ask God to reveal the truth. I did just that and found that she is a true woman of God. I also counsel with Pam once a week. She is patient yet real but don’t get it twisted for a moment she also commands her respect but in a loving way. The stuff I have learned from counseling, her videos and books have been immeasurable. I have learned more in these last few months than I have attending years in the church.

I have read Pam Sheppard’s books, “The New Idolatry”, “The Fake Jesus”. I have also purchased the Church of the End-Time Zombies. Her teachings have helped me a lot. The Fake Jesus explains really well how evil spirits are deceiving Christians in the church. The New Idolatry is a good book that reveals the dangers of the occult and how demons, religious demons, fallen angels, Satan and his cohorts are spreading their agenda, masquerading in many ways (i.e yoga gods). I have also joined her rescue online ministry group. I am glad that I did. The problems I was experiencing, the church was not able to help me, in fact my situation just got worse. Today I am doing much better, and have been armored with so much truth and strength. I recommend that anyone who feels that something is not right in the church, experiencing anything strange, supernatural, then read Pam Sheppard’s books and contact her for further help if needed. There are not too many people who are truly born again in Jesus Christ but Pam Sheppard is one of them, to those that God is un-deceiving, it will be easy for you to tell.

If you would like to speak to me about the books,  complete the contact form below:


Click the cover for the ebook and the title for the paperback



For help or questions call 1-888-818-1117

The Devil is in YOUR Church!

13 Dec


One thing that this election has shown me for certain is the fact that the enemy resides in the organized church system, or what society tends to identify as “church.” You meet there on Sundays for “worship” which is really just people’s way to gratify their flesh by participating in something that “feels good.” Nevermind the lack of TRUTH that is involved. You go there to engage in all types of religious practices that are supposed to be attempts to serve God, but are rather a bunch of different rituals that most who attend have know idea their reasoning for engaging in.

Progressively,  you find that you have believed in FALSE DOCTRINES that are preached, because the religion has blinded you so much that you could not see the difference between a form of Godliness vs the real thing…but now you are in desperate search for the real thing because, quite frankly, what is offered out here is obviously not of God.

There are so many different things that go on there that you KNOW are wrong, but you just can’t put your finger on it. You notice that people out there who consider themselves “Christians” actually voted for and/or supported an elected official whose entire platform is based on hatred, bigotry, racism, and divisiveness, yet people who say they stand for Christ actually SUPPORT this platform. You SEE the evil operating behind the scenes in the churches, and you see how this evil causes church leaders, who are supposed to be men and women of God, to ignore it and sweep it under the rug.

In shock, you realize that everything you have been raised in, everything you have based your morals and values on, and have come to believe as true because it was taught to you as being true, is actually NOT TRUE, but rather the devil has been hiding behind the scenes deceiving people into thinking that they are worshiping God by “going to what they describe as ‘church.’” 

Finally, you question practices like tithing, speaking in tongues, the laying on of hands, intercessory prayer, and praying Jesus into your heart. You wonder why if God’s church is supposed to be of one faith, one Lord, and one Baptism, then WHY IN THE WORLD ARE THERE SO MANY DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS THAT PREACH DIFFERENT THINGS, AND PREACH DIFFERENT SALVATION GOSPELS, WHEN ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES,  THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY???!!! You’ve witnessed outright sinful practices going on in what they call, “church,” yet this is supposed to be a HOLY PLACE? OF GOD? This puzzles you. “You KNOW that no good tree can bear bad fruit, yet you see bad fruit growing from the “church” tree, and realize that something is terribly awry here.

If this is you, and you connect with what I am saying here, then it is by NO ACCIDENT that you have landed here. You have realized that the organized church is NOT the REAL CHURCH, LED BY CHRIST, but rather an attempt by man, inspired by the devil, to try and duplicate the real thing. The Lord may be drawing you out for such a time as this.

You are not alone. There are others out there just like you. We are  endtime ministers and watchmen who believe that NOW is the time of the tribulation. Our mission is to help you  prepare for the Lord’s return.

If you KNOW something is wrong, and you need help sifting through all of it, then hit us up at: and we will be there to help guide you through this. You do not have to go through this alone. The Lord has sent you help as you prepare for his return. We are here. Contact us. Help is available.

18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

(Matthew 7:18-20, NIV)

Leaving Churchianity for True Christian Fellowship by Pam Sheppard

16 Oct

Most of us in RESCUE have already come out of the institutional church. A few may be at a place where they are wrestling with the idea of coming out of the institutional church.

One of the things that is very frightening for a churchgoer contemplating leaving church is the idea that once they are out, they will be like a fish out of water. They may feel like they won’t survive without the fellowship, the ‘teaching’ (even if the teachings are false), the worship, even though it is attracting demons, have created an emotional tie to a building, where people really do not know each other, much less love each other.

One of the very real needs for ALL believers is the need to have a safe place where they can be real. Where they can confess their faults, one to another, in the fear of God.

And be healed…And be set free.

If we are all honest, we can truly say that most of the time when we went to confess our faults to others in the church, that we were condemned, ostracized, rejected…NOT restored or healed.

Which is why we have online christian fellowship for those who dislike churchianity; have been damaged by church, and see who church as dead and corrupt.

For more information about Rescue, call 518-477-5759 or email us at


11 Aug

Hello, My name is Tee, and this is my story:

For the past 16 years, I had considered myself saved, born again, gone to church my whole life…the whole nine yards. But, throughout those years, I realized that I had continued to be entangled in my sins…For example, I even dibbled and dabbled into occult practices about 4 years ago…I had actually convinced myself that it was all from God! But yet, I was saved??? I also had trouble with keeping my flesh subdued in certain situations, particularly when I would become angry or upset. I practiced idolatry by putting other things before my relationship with God, and not living for God first…the list goes on. Sure, I was a “good person,” whose life on the outside reflected that I may have been a true Christian….I didn’t curse, get drunk, and pretty much lived a decent life…even primarily listened to Christian music, but yet something was STILL WRONG. On the outside, I “appeared” to live like a Christian, and I always loved God, and all things “good,” but I only had a “form of Godliness.” Little did I know, I was not really saved.

I had been on a quest for TRUTH since about 2006. I began to notice the problems with organized religion, and how it really got in the way of my relationship with God, and I left the organized church because I truly could not hear the Holy Spirit’s voice because religion and false doctrine preached in the churches kept getting in the way. Sure, I visited churches from time to time, but was never led by the Holy Spirit to a particular church. The Holy Spirit has been leading me to the truth the entire time. Now, still believing I was saved, I continued on, posting in facebook groups, sharing the truth I was learning, which was good, but because I believed I was saved at the time, I preached some error about salvation…error that included works…because that’s what I thought salvation was.  This occurred when I had preached to someone about salvation in one of the groups. I was preaching in error…much of it was my pride of letting the guy know I was, “right.” Now, I have always had a lot of knowledge about Biblical things, and the Holy Spirit allowed me to discern a lot, but I still WAS NOT SAVED. Bible knowledge DOES NOT SAVE YOU! NOR DOES BEING A “GOOD PERSON” OR HAVING A GENUINE LOVE FOR JESUS, OR DOING CERTAIN WORKS TO ATTAIN SALVATION.

Not long after that post, I started questioning my salvation because the Holy Spirit began to deal with me mainly about how my life did not reflect the Fruits of the Spirit. Sure, I preached about it, but my OWN LIFE DIDN’T REFLECT IT!!! Lol! I then sought out Pam Sheppard’s help, because I felt like I really needed help with sorting things out about my salvation. I met Pam through a mutual facebook friend, and I read about her unique story of how she was led to Christ. I also found out that she is a Christian Counselor who has a love for helping people. I identified with her story because the Holy Spirit had already spoken to me about what she had been saying in her videos, blogs, etc., and because she always preached about the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. Contrary to what I had believed, and what MOST churches taught about salvation, I knew I could not have been saved based on even the fact that no change occurred in me, and because of the false doctrine that was preached to me. . I talked with Pam Sheppard on June 26, 2012. This is what happened:

The way I knew I was saved for sure was that when I heard the Gospel…it hit me like NEVER before. I talked with Pam by phone on June 26, 2012, and she asked me whether or not I believed I was saved. I replied, “Possibly.” You see, I knew the Holy Spirit had already been working on me about that, and I had recently started realizing that something was just NOT RIGHT…I started thinking about how I don’t think I truly repented and became a new creation back when I thought I had gotten saved back in 1996. Then, Pam preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me, and I knew that there was no way that I was saved because I wasn’t certain based on the Gospel. I didn’t understand the depth of what had happened…I just had knowledge.

Throughout the day, the Holy Spirit began to convict me about who I was before him….he began to deal with me…I thought a lot my conversation with Pam…but it didn’t stop there…when I got on the computer that night, well early that morning…I pretty much stayed up all night…I watched Pam’s “False Conversions” video series  on youtube…all of’ em! I began to truly understand what had happened with Jesus…and the DEPTH of what had happened. I realized that I had some “knowledge,” but don’t think I truly BELIEVED the Gospel! Right then, it was like faith just entered in me, and I believed the depth of it all. Details of the gospel resonated with me. He then led me to Galatians 5:19-23….and I saw my sin before me…I didn’t really see my sinful nature until that point.

But the video, “False Conversion Part 2_the Resurrection,” that’s the one that hit home with me….namely, during the end where Pam describes his resurrection, using an example of a dead person coming back alive at their own  funeral; becoming alive again in their same body, but then she goes on to say, THIS IS RESURRECTION. Then she powerfully says, “I believe a DEAD man lives, his name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and he is GOD!!!!!” that, right there, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD HIMSELF IN THE FLESH…..resonated with me WOOO HOOO!!!!…I kept listening to that over and over again a few times…and I sat up and said, “Oh my goodness!” It never even occurred to me that I don’t think I really believed that JESUS CHRIST WAS GOD IN THE FLESH….just that part really helped me.  Also the fact that he CAME BACK TO LIFE IN HIS VERY SAME BODY, and got up, in the FLESH!!! I kind of knew that, but not to the depth I that come to know it this time, and I’m not sure if I really truly believed that either, before.  And, every time I heard Pam say that one sentence, my entire body would get a big huge chill…Not long after that, I couldn’t sleep, and something said, “Hosanna.” So, I immediately just took the computer in the bathroom, and listened to a you tube song that I know, called “Hosanna,” by Hillsong United.

That song really spoke to me. Right then and there I cried a lot, just blown away by the fact that he would even do all of that…for ME, and for that reason alone compels me to want to live for him. I’m just so grateful that GOD…would come in the form of flesh, live in the flesh, go through that horrible death, bearing all of MY sins that I didn’t even realize were there….I didn’t realize how much of a sinner I really am.. God could not fellowship with me because of who I was…because of my wickedness. It separated me from him. The life I had lived was NOT a death to my flesh, and he did all of that just so I can have a chance at salvation. That’s LOVE! I don’t know anybody on this earth who died, then came back to life in the VERY SAME BODY! That’s MIND BLOWING! At that point, I knew that there was no way I could ever live like that again…I cried a little more after the song went off…

I watched the video yet again, and in my entire body, from head to toe I got a big, for lack of a better word, “chill” over my ENTIRE BODY…. all over from HEAD TO TOE….it was like having the chills to the maximum extent, if that makes sense. And then I said, “Well I just heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ :o, ” and smiled. I sat there for a minute. Then, on the computer screen (on the you tube screen where I watched the music video) there were suggested videos of the cross on the right…so I clicked one of the videos, and just watched the crucifixion and cross. I think I watched 2 more music videos…and was reminded, yet again how Jesus overcame sin and death for me. All of those sins that have been just so EASY for me to commit ALL THE TIME….he bore them. There had to be a blood sacrifice for our sin because God cannot accept sin….he did the ULTIMATE thing. He was the ULTIMATE sacrifice…it should have been my blood, but he took my place. The day before, Pam had preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me…like I’ve never heard it before…and that changed me. I now know that I am a NEW CREATION…it’s a big difference. The Holy Spirit power within me keeps me from indulging in sin…and it convicts me at all times to keep me from sinning. It’s hard to explain…but the power of the Gospel does something to you…once you really hear it and come to believe and have faith in what happened.

I no longer wonder about my salvation. My eyes have been opened to the TRUTH. I will NEVER FORGET the power of God I experienced right in that moment on June 27, 2012 @ 4:42 a.m. I was joyful after sobbing over the fact that God did all of that just for ME…I just can’t live a life of sin anymore. I KNOW the Gospel of Jesus Christ now! Nobody can take that away from me! Everything happened real fast! lol When everything happened, I was like, “Huh?” I knew the Holy Spirit was in me when it happened…I recognized its presence. This is the part that is wild: THE HOLY SPIRIT ENTERED INTO ME, AND I RECOGNIZED ITS PRESENCE IMMEDIATELY. I KNEW IT WAS THE HOLY SPIRIT. You can’t believe the Gospel if you don’t understand it. You can’t understand it without it being properly preached to you. And without the understanding, you cannot be saved/ born again. But, religion, religious pride, and false doctrine blocks us from hearing the TRUE GOSPEL…happened to me for years.

Setting Captives Free from Organized Religion Part 2

11 Feb

When Pastor Pam Sheppard  was led out of the Denomination she was ordained in and served in for 25 years, she waited  3 years for the Lord to show her where to go to resume her ministry. She had no idea  the Lord had no intentions to have her ever  be a part of the organized  church service again, until He spoke to her in 2007. While Pam waited, she wrote 3 books. After the Lord spoke, she wrote 4 more books and has begun to publish other authors. To review the list of  books, click here.