Prophecy or Divination?

6 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


Charismatic wolves have opened the doors wide to religious demons with divination masquerading as prophecy.

Have you ever wondered why astrology is forbidden in the bible as an abomination to God?  Having once been an astrologer back in the 70’s, I will venture a guess.

Astrology is one of many forms of divination.  Divination is simply “fortune-telling” or making prognostications with pieces of information–probabilities and possibilities— that are not exact knowledge.

To please God, we must trust Him by walking by faith and not by sight.  To seek to know the future is to “not trust God.” Simple.

Furthermore, behind every act of divination are several assigned demons or fallen angels.  These spirit entities have been around a lot longer than human beings.  They live in a realm where the past, present and the future are a continuum and time is not bound by our linear expectations.  So angels and demons have the capacity to reach into the future or reach back to the past and reveal bits of potential truth to the seeker.  However, pulling out a segment of the future and presenting it before its time can have disastrous consequences.

In “the New Idolatry“ you will find these words concerning divination in the Institutional Church:

Divination within the organized church community is aimed at controlling the lives and destinies of gullible people. Pulpits are filled with diviners and soothsayers–charismatic type hype masters —-that have no other message but one that caters to our flesh.  Like the astrologers, the card layers and such, the divination of old has progressively worsened in our time because the church community is now flooded with false prophets who the ignorant seek “for a personal word from God.” These pseudo messengers leave devastated people in their paths. As they prophesy presumptuously in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, declaring things that He has NOT spoken to them, is comparable to New Age divination.”

Here is how divination works. The enemy has difficulty “putting a spell on you” unless he first informs YOU about it. So a spirit will tell you that your friend or your neighbor is a witch or a wizard. And it may be true. But they want to make sure you know it so they can put fear in you of that person. Then the demons will use your self-induced anxieties, doubts and fears to bring THEIR plans about in YOUR life. In other words, devils and demons are skilled at making YOU your own worst enemy.

You see, they can’t “do what they do,” without your cooperation and consent.

In order to control our lives, the enemy has to “plant his desires” into our spirits. About five years ago, someone sent me a message. She had a vision that witches were trying to bring harm on me and that they were attempting to put a spell on me. I didn’t scold her. Wouldn’t make any sense because the damage had already been done.  The goal is to project fear into their target by making sure they hear that someone is practicing witchcraft on them.  At that very moment, I was involved in an antagonistic situation with someone who had “witchcraft in her background.” So of course, my eyebrow was raised but I didn’t panic. I was just extra careful and observant. That was seven years ago and nothing has transpired.

The thing to do is to “watch and pray.” Keep your mouth shut until the crisis, if there is one, has passed. Also, you would-be prophets, don’t let the enemy use YOU to plant fear into someone who you care about. Pray and rest in God. If God showed her that someone was praying against me, then the Holy Ghost was calling her to pray. Fallen angels are extremely skilled at using friends, the people even of your own household, to speak evil into your life. So wisdom is certainly necessary. I learned the hard way to “be slow to speak.”

For more information on this subject, the New Idolatry is a must read. So is “The Church of the End-time Zombies, The Fake Jesus and Faces of the Religious Demon. Also Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries revels how some who claim to be casting out demons are in fact unknowingly helping demons out with their predictions that do not emanate from the Holy Spirit.

If you believe you are cursed or that someone is practicing witchcraft on you, use the contact form below or call 1-888-818-1117. You can also email

To get the books mentioned above and all other books by Pastor Pam Sheppard, go to


2 Responses to “Prophecy or Divination?”


  1. The New Age Movement vs. Christianity : Pam Sheppard Ministries - September 11, 2019

    […] these are empowered by malevolent spirits who disguise their evil in their messages of good.) Particularly, such divination practices demonstrate how the New Agers attempts to predict and contro…Hence, they display that they aren’t really at peace, but rather they are in the illusion of […]


  2. The New Age Movement vs. Christianity: How’s Your Spiritual Palate? | Pam Sheppard Ministries - August 30, 2019

    […] or anywhere. Although, without spiritual discernment, they play a game of Russian Roulette. It’s a trap of unregulated food products when you get into divination as evil spirits are quite listed on the box of crystal stones, the label of the tarot cards, or […]


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