You Are A Deliverance Worker!

26 Mar
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When I was religious I use to think that I had to search “land and sea” for some kind of deliverance worker to set me free. It seemed everywhere I went, no one really understood my complex spiritual issues. Yet, when I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries and began learning about deliverance, I discovered an important deliverance worker…ME! You see, you are a deliverance worker for your own soul!


I recently watched a video of Pastor Pam Sheppard explain this concept. She goes onto tell how there exist many self “deliverance” ministries who give you prayers and such things. Yet, these traditions and practices do not have power and can leave you in an even worse condition.

Self-deliverance is simply YOU working out the deliverance of YOUR soul. It’s you taking a STEP, a MOVE, and WALK to actively GAIN BACK your ground from the Devil and his demons. Proclaiming your freedom by knowing truth, and REVOKING and REFUSING are what is involved.

Centrality of Truth

No amount of prayers, and “affirmations” can deliver you. I know this to be true. I would pray and pray, “decree and declare” to a vain defeat. Simply because in all my efforts I did not know nor understand the TRUTH, and the real reason behind my problems.

For example, I recently went to the hospital because of a horrible blistering migraine. Part of my going to the hospital was to get a diagnosis of why I was having them. But, to my (not) surprise they only gave me drugs and numbed the throbbing pain. Although the pain left, I never the less was left with the same issue and condition and lo and behold exactly a weak later I would be struck with another migraine! They only would treat the symptoms and not the underlying cause…

It’s in this way that nearly all deliverance workers operate they only treat the symptoms. And, they analyze their success by the “symptoms” being healed and not the underlying cause.

Doctor Patient Deliverance Analogy

It’s an excellent analogy to use: doctors and patients. You see, doctors have to figure out what’s wrong with you and your medical condition. However, they can only do so much to understand what’s wrong with you. At some point you will have to explain your issues, pay attention to your symptoms, and such so the doctor can properly diagnose you and provide treatment.

I would go from “doctor” to “doctor” to get healed in and even outside the church, but only superficially. My symptoms would leave, but then would return or new symptoms would strike. A common issue is that they did not have any experience with sound-deliverance. It wasn’t until I arrived to Pam Sheppard Ministries did I receive diagnosis of my spiritual condition and receiving true freedom and healing.

How can a doctor diagnose a medical condition if a doctor is only in med-school? You see, our Pastor and ministry leaders have a combined unique experiences and knowledge that are equipped to properly “diagnose” your issues and get the results you NEED.

Things To Do

Part of the process of deliverance is “self.” The self, or soul of a captive must be liberated. And, it can only be liberated if the captive is willing to also work out their freedom. At our ministry we effectively give courses and books to help you in your personal road to spiritual recovery. If you desire to learn more about true deliverance, and need deliverance contact us. But, be prepared to put in the work, pay attention and FIGHT.

2 Responses to “You Are A Deliverance Worker!”

  1. Anonymous May 8, 2020 at 8:56 am #

    The Enemy has used religion to steal your will. This ministry helped me get my will back! God will not Will for you. You will need to fight, fight and fight Right!


  2. Tee April 14, 2020 at 4:13 pm #

    That’s right! It’s all about YOU!!! You get back what you put in! You’ve gotta do the work in order to see real progress.


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