Witchcraft Spells and You: What a Believer Needs to Know By Minister Marlene…Part One

27 Sep


Witchcraft Spells and you is the focus of this article. What do witchcraft spells have to do with a believer? I know a few things about witchcraft that I’d like to share with you in this article. Witchcraft spells and withcraft magic uses spoken words, chants, declarations, incantations and other demonic devices as a means of control. Witchcraft is used by those who seek to control you. Are there witches in the church? Are their unsaved people in the church? The answer to both of these questions is yes. Thats right! Your own pastor could be a witch.

Witchcraft spells and and all it’s evil renderings is about power, control and domination. Witches seek to control you by any evil means necessasary. Witchcraft is all about manipulation and control. Witchcraft denies the power of Jehovah God, and those who practice it are in league with demons. Witch- craft comes from the kingdom of darkness. There is no such thing as a good witch, just as there is no such thing as a good, harmless devil.

Witchcraft Spellcasting and it’s Evil Devices have been Recorded in the Word of God…

A Christian must believe in witches, because God warns us about them in His word. In the Book of Micah, chapter three, God passes grave judgment on witches. What does God say? Jehovah God will cut off witchcrafts totally. Witches and soothsayers will perish.

As you can see, witches and their demonic spell castings, were under the wrath of God. Your church is not exempt from having members that practice witchcraft. How could your church be exempt from witchcraft controls, when Jesus said let wheat and  tares grow together? King Saul consulted the witch of Endor, requesting that she call up the spirit of Samuel. This incident is recorded in 1 Samuel 28:7.

Be Advised… Beware…And Be Vigilant…

You know, fact beyond doubt, that witchcraft spells can hold you in bondage if you are not truly saved. If your salvation is not built on the rock, a witch can afflict and run a train wreck through your life. Be advised and beware, witches are a reality in church or out. Witches will use any evil means necessasary to afflict,control, and harass you into letting go of your faith.

The devil stalks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. If there were no such thing as witches in church, why would apostle Paul tell us to be sober and vigilant against the wiles of the devil? The devil stalks about looking for converts. In fact, Satan and his demons make themselves at home in the church. Evil spirits thrive in an atmosphere of sin. One look at the Catholic church, and it’s abominable molesting priests proves my point. One look at the ever growing list of churches evading the IRS proves my point yet again.

What do You Think?

Are you convinced that there are no witches in the church. Do you find it hard to believe that witches sit in the pews and pulpits of churches? Are you positive that you need not worry about withcraft spells? I’m here to tell you that witches sit in church, and practice withcraft spell casting. Some of them are under such strong delusion,  they believe they are saved.

I Know of Two Witches who Where Members of a Church…

If you don’t believe in witches in the church, I want you to know, that I knew of two warlocks (male witches) who used to be, or may still be members of a church. One owned a curio shop where witchcraft supplies were sold. If you are sober, vigilant and put on the full armor of God, your eyes will open.

Stay Tuned for Part Two of This Article…

I’m going to share a series of articles, about witchraft spells and it’s demonic controls in part two of ” Witchcraft Spells and You: What a Believer Needs to Know”. I will be exposing love spells and sex magic. What is a sex spell? How to tell if you might be under one. What is a love spell? How to tell if your fatal “UNEXPLAINABLE ATTRACTION” is a result of witchcraft spells?

 Do you think that witchcraft spells and controls are the reason for your troubles, and afflictions? Do you have a friend, family member, or someone that you suspect is under a witchcraft spell? Would you like to know more about deliverance counseling?

 Pam Sheppard, has over 25 years of pastorial experience, and her expertise in deliverance counseling is second to none. Please join this blog, and feel free to comment and ask questions. Be sure to read all Pam’s articles. Your eyes will be opened just as mine were.

 Follow along with me too, because in my next article, I will expose four red flags, that could mean, witchcraft spells have been put on you. The first red flag is called an ” UNEXPLAINABLE ATTRACTION “. If you can’t explain why your helplessly drawn to a man or woman, something is definately wrong.

See you in Part two: ” UNEXPLAINED ATTRACTIONS “…I’d love to get a comment from you. What did you think of this article? Did it help you? What else would you like me to write about?

2 Responses to “Witchcraft Spells and You: What a Believer Needs to Know By Minister Marlene…Part One”

  1. Lisa June 10, 2015 at 11:40 am #

    All I can say is Amen and Amen I was under attack in my dreams all most lost my life I knew it was witchcraft but every one though I was crazy.


  2. Jimmy Shilaho September 16, 2011 at 3:24 am #

    I agree with you completely. Those witches hiding behind the church are the worst of them all.


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