Casting Out Demons Doesn’t Save Anyone!

6 Nov

Your captivity is more about YOU than it is about DEMONS.

Casting Out Demons Does Not Save Anyone By Pam Sheppard

The bible warns us to “be not many masters, for ours is the greater condemnation.”In other words, “Don’t rush in where fools ought not to tread.” Or “something like that.’  At least, take heed of the worldly proverb which says, “don’t bite off more than you can chew or else you will choke,” if you get my drift.  The bible also reveals  through the prophet David, that man was made “lower than the angels.”Oh, he got THAT right.”

Only ONE human being—the God/man of the universe— has power over angels, both divine ones and evil ones.  His name is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  When we have faith in Him, then when we confront devils, they must obey us,—not because of USbut because of Him!!!
 So I warn the so-called “Army of God,”  the Dominionists, the Manifest Sons of God, the army of the locusts or “The New Breed,”—by whatever handle they are using at the moment.   If you are out of step with the Lord, then don’t expect that the Holy Ghost will protect you from Satan’s army.  Since the major belief among you is that as a  special “Superman type” you are  going to overcome the devil, just know that Satan is laughing at you. When the enemy comes out against you, without the backup of the Holy Ghost,  hopefully you will NOT be dealt with more harshly than were the sons of Sceva.

Until you’ve been standing “toe to toe” with the enemy, you haven’t a clue of what devils and demons can do to you. After 30 years in ministry—25 of those years in deliverance—, I speak from experience.  When God finally  “un-deceived” me, He politely informed me that “He didn’t call me into deliverance ministry.”

So since I knew that I didn’t “call myself,” THERE WAS ONLY ONE OTHER CHOICE.  I didn’t have to be a Rocket Scientist to figure out that “the devil called me into deliverance ministry.”  Simple logic told me that if the devil called me into deliverance ministry, then “the enemy is in FULL control, the author and the finisher of it.” 

I have had many “encounters” with the enemy in what is called “deliverance ministry.” I have watched  all of  the pre-staged shows, the “charades,” and even the circuses, where demons play games and cough,vomit,convulse, whine, growl, talk,  roll, prophecy, and hiss like snakes. The foolish then believe that because “demons manifested,” the captive is now free.

WRONG! I have stood flabbergasted, as a demon picked up a crippled person OUT OF A WHEELCHAIR—one of our ministers, Ola Cruz. Ola is  a young woman   who has never walked on her own.  Yet,  a fallen angel picked her up and  mobilized  her to walk down a long aisle toward me in what I call “the Frankenstein stroll”, screaming the F word, bellowing in a Dracula-type voice,  blaspheming and trying to hit one of those present in the head with a bible.  Three religious demons were cast out of her at that time  but she did not get saved until 2007. Besides Minister Nydia, I have only met a handful of people who had a false conversion whom God has saved.

The reality is that casting out demons is just the beginning of freedom. Complete freedom can only be obtained when a captive is able to receive the total truth about self, God and the ways of the enemy that trapped him or her off in the first place.

Demons are like actors who far excel over the master Houdini’s of this world. They can imitate any human voice, appear in a mirage as any  human being, and they communicate with each other by telepathy. !!! Whatever you see with your human or even your spiritual eye is “not what you see!!!”   Like movie stars, they like to put on a show.  They particularly like to mock Christians.   So be careful, New Breed!  Even your  “generals” like Todd Bentley haven’t a clue.   You can not  “take back what the enemy has stolen,” because the enemy has stolen YOU!” That’s right!  Joel’s Army is working for Satan!  Get a grip, people!!!  Come out from under Satan by resisting pride.  Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and admit that you are in gross error.

Once I got wise and realized that the enemy is in control of deliverance ministry and  any movement that uses the term “spiritual warfare,”  I put on the brakes. 

So how did I defeat Satan’s personal agenda against me?

First, I reclaimed my commonsense and learned how to try the spirits.  Throughout,  I stayed at the cross of Calvary!  I resisted personal pride by allowing the Holy Ghost to break me. Therefore, I lost all ambition to be anyone special. It just LEFT!!!  Nothing IN me desires to be a part of Joel’s army as I have been stripped of personal ambition. I no longer seek the help of mega preachers to mentor or embrace my ministry.  In fact, I no longer have “a ministry.”  I no longer stand behind any pulpits nor do I answer to any man’s authority.  Even though man has ordained me and I remain in good standing with my credentials, I no longer submit myself to the approval  of men. I will not be
called, “pastor” any longer, or “Rev” any longer.  When people call me by those titles, with tact, I correct them.

I have ONE General.  Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I walk by faith and not by supernatural signs and wonders.  One of my practices is to quickly   admit when I am wrong. I not  only acknowledge my error without rancor, but I also make immediate changes.  When, after 25 years,  God said to me, ” If you stay in that denomination, I will not be able to use you.  But let them put you out,”  I did just that and in 9 months, I was “outta there!”  When I found error in one of my 6 books, I tried to  immediately take it off of the market.  When that failed, I no longer market it. When the Lord revealed that the enemy had taken over my church, I shut down a church that I loved–a storefront church that  I had founded 12 years previously.  Whatever God shows me, I DO ACCORDINGLY– once I have tried the spirits and I am assured that it is HIM.

  As a result, God has been  impressed with my meekness and  my obedience.  Realizing how truly powerless I actually am, I am constantly shocked when  the Lord honors my prayers. As I write this,   I perceive that I have entered  into  the secret place of the Most High and that  I abide in His shadow. I  stay in His shadow, because, unlike “the New Breed,” I know full well that the devil is exceedingly more powerful than me, in my own strength.  I  also realize that “this is the enemy’s hour,” given to Him by God Himself.  So I understand my boundaries.  I don’t fret, fear, nor am I sad, nor do I say things, like, “Oh, my heart hurts so bad for God’s people.”  I just keep ready and alert for the moment when I perceive that ONE of God’s people has been prepared to be “un-deceived.”  Then I do what “God has called me to do.”

Therefore, the Lord’s  burden is light to me.  As one who continues to cast out devils,  I no longer struggle with them—not even for 5 minutes— once I have uncovered their presence!  I simply  give the command and the Holy Ghost backs me up.  Since I have humbled myself and perceived that in truth, I am nothing where the power of the enemy is concerned,  demons cannot stand before me when  the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is in my mouth.  I have real faith in His Name.  You cannot have faith in His name if you don’t live a life of repentance or if you don’t understand His bodily resurrection.

Consequently, it is a dangerous thing to use the rhetoric that I hear in the mouths of those who call themselves frontline warriors, locusts, the new breed, etc. You cannot stomp on the enemy or pull the devil’s teeth.  You are not “the violent who take the kingdom by force” for you have already “been taken.”
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One Response to “Casting Out Demons Doesn’t Save Anyone!”


  1. The Reason For Counseling : Pam Sheppard Ministries - November 5, 2019

    […] our day and age deliverance is not as simple as it seems in the Gospels. Only one person who had demons cast out of her, remained an active follower of Christ, Mary Magdalene. All other accounts of demonic deliverance […]


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