Preparing for the Lord’s Return

3 Dec


Those who are called to salvation and live in the end of the age just before the return of Christ will be able to recognize the times in which they are living. If one is able to recognize the prophetic meaning of the events recorded in books like Daniel and Revelation, one should be able to recognize these events unfolding, the enemy operating behind these events, and is not deceived into continuing to make the mistake of worshiping and serving a false god like in the churches and in the occult. Being able to recognize these things should also give one a measure of assurance and peace of mind as to the final outcome of the terrifying times spoken of in these prophecies.

For those of you who are the elect of God, you will clearly understand this one word that is a weapon that the enemy currently uses: DECEPTION.

The true elect of God will recognize this and bear witness with us. If you are of the elect, you will notice the deception that exists within the churches. You will clearly see the forms of Godliness that outright deny the power of Jesus Christ, through false religious practices including, but not limited to: praying Jesus into your heart, intercessory prayer, speaking in tongues, promoting of the “I accept Jesus” doctrine, the laying on of hands, and so forth…MANY will automatically OUTRIGHT DENY this, and will accuse people like us of being “false prophets” because they are so bound by their religious ways that they cannot see past it due to being deceived by the enemy. I would surmise it to say that ALL churches that are part of the organized church system (all denominations, including non-denominational groups) are run by THE DEVIL. Yes, people may have good intentions and may mean well, but they are DECEIVED by the devil and his agents. It is FALSE. It is COUNTERFEIT. It is but a copy of the real thing. People think God is in their church when he is NOT. Demons are in charge of these churches. People are worshipping the devil and his demons, thinking they are serving God. Why? Because they do not know the truth, and are blinded by their religion. If you are seeing this, YOU may be one of God’s elect. Once again, God’s TRUE elect will bear witness to what we are saying here. If you recognize that there is a difference between TRUE CHRISTIANITY AND THE RELIGION THAT EXISTS IN THE CHURCHES OF TODAY, then you may in the right place.

The true elect of God will also recognize the enemy operating in occult practices like yoga, meditation, the celebration of Halloween, the belief in New Age forms of thought, psychic phenomena, fortune telling, necromancy (trying to communicate with deceased loved ones), automatic writing, and the like. In this current day and age, occult practices seem to be hidden in just about everything, so you have to DO YOUR RESEARCH about these practices. Do YOU notice the occult trying to use deception to influence our society today?

In addition, the TRUE elect of God will notice some parallels with the current election and the events that play out in the books of prophecy, like Daniel, Isaiah, and Revelation. We believe that this is the time that the Antichrist will appear and eventually make himself known…a POLITICAL FIGURE WHO USES RELIGION TO DECEIVE, CONTROL, AND BRING A FALSE SENSE OF PEACE TO MANY.

How about YOU? Do you sense the Lord’s return? Do you notice FALSE DOCTRINES being practiced in the churches? Do you notice people carelessly engaging in occult practices like yoga and meditation, thinking they are harmless and simply promote “good health”? Do you see the enemy operating within religion and politics? As this new election has come to pass, you probably have begun to notice some endtime signs that are difficult for you to ignore. It seems pretty OBVIOUS that we are now in the time of Tribulation. Could the organized church be Mystery Babylon?

If this article speaks to you, we can help you prepare for the Lord’s return. We are a group of Endtime ministers and watchmen, committed, ready, and willing to be there for you as the 2nd Coming of the Lord approaches.

To contact us, email us at and we will be here to help.


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