How to Recognize a False Conversion: Testimony of “Anonymous”

18 Jan

By Pastor Pam Sheppard of Pam Sheppard Ministry

So as to why i contacted you Pastor Pam, and to let you  know a bit about myself. I spent a good portion of last night watching Pastor Pam’s YouTube videos and was struck by many of the exposing statement about the kundalini being at work in the church and its ties to false signs and wonders. As well as having some connection to what you termed spirit rape….to back up a bit to start with what was my first touch or encounter with the Lord.

I was raised in a church and religion free home so i had no knowledge or concept of god really leading up to my conversion. But about 2 months before this encounter a man at my work told me that god loved me unconditionally and gave me a bible. I heard what he said but had no faith for this god or his goodness. fast forward 2 months on a one Friday evening I went and smoked some pot, ate some taco bell and spent about an hour or so in my truck contemplating the universe and its vastness. Trying to reconcile in my mind how it had all come to be and how \ this planet is suspended in this great space by unseen forces and the reality that it is all just to big to take in. After this I drove home to my parents house to go to bed. While walking towards my room I was just stopped by this small wooden cross on the wall with jesus standing in a robe with his hands raised. You know risen jesus not the broken body version. Anyhow while gazing at those little wooden eyes I felt this warmth fall on me and I started to weep…..

i then immediately looked in my room and saw that bible under my bed, that i had been given 2 months earlier. So I went and opened it. It opened to Matthew 5 the beatitudes. 5 was my number in sports and Matthew being my name, I was captivated. As i started to read the words of jesus the warmth over me turned to this electricity moving up and down my body which turned in me crying uncontrollably and eventually saying i love you out of my mouth because the experience just felt so unbelievably good. I knew I was being touched by an invisible force and the closest word i had to the emotion of it was love. I felt loved.

My tears subsided and I quickly fell asleep under this heavy warm blanket presence of peace. I awoke not 3 hours later, as I had an early shift on sat. morning. When i hoped in my truck i noticed my radio was not on the cd I was listening to on the way home. But instead the first lyrics i heard playing where from the song kiss of heaven .”I’m walking a new walk, I won’t be the same again” . As I heard those words I knew they where true and I cried my eyes out almost all day in this realization that God is so very real! And that he had touched me! I cried when the sun came up, i had never seen it with the new eyes i felt i had been given. Like I was seeing with my heart. So something happened for sure …….

Yeah so as to repentance, which at the time I had no vocabulary for it, but immediately lost my desire to smoke pot. I felt convicted for the first time about my sexual relations, and even my foul language.

I didn’t yet have any revelation of the cross or my sinfulness. i just felt loved and whole. and I started to have an inner dialogue with who I thought was God……..

I did have a lot of joy and energy. i wept because it dawned on me that god had designed at the things about our earth and universe. It just overwhelmed me. i was in awe of the design and beauty for the first time.

I used the word conviction. but it was more like i no longer had a desire for pot or swearing, but with the sex i just somehow knew it was wrong in the way i had been having it without commitment. and this was all just kind of in my mind when i woke up. The next few weeks after that experience were full of ah ha moments like that. my mind was just undergoing this big perspective shift

it wasn’t until, maybe 2 weeks later that i reconnected with the guy that gave me the bible, and turns out had been praying for my salvation for almost 4 years, that i was asked the question ” do you believe Jesus died for your sins?” I answered “Yes!” he was super surprised that all of this stuff I’m telling you had happened so hands off on his part. He recognized the drastic change in me and became a very supportive friend of mine. still is today

obviously we are now talking some 12 years later and I did not continue on in this blissful state but started to attend a church as I was excited to find others who were enjoying this sweet revelation of God and his goodness. It was all that long after this that I fell back into old patterns of behavior and lost touch with the spiritual relationship that I had begun with.

As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because i believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..

Yet this young man ended up the victim of spirit rape and other forms of demonic torment. 

This is a false conversion instigated by a fallen angel, Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

Here is my assessment:

When the Holy Ghost leads one to salvation and draws to the cross, He does not lead them to God as Creator but to God as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

The person will first experience his own sinful nature as separation from God. That is the conviction the bible speaks of. He will experience himself as lost and needing a savior. Then,when he turns toward the cross, he may weep over how God Himself took his sins on that cross, suffered and died for him.

Once born again, that person will instantly feel clean, new, like he had never sinned before. He will also feel forgiven. This state of being turns weeping to unspeakable joy. He feels washed, cleansed,brand new with no thought of sin.

This person reports  almost the opposite. He felt awe for God as creator, wept for that recognition and not for himself as a sinner, and God as the sacrifice. Then he see his sins and not that his sins have been forgotten by God, but he reports that he uses flesh own flesh to deal with his sins.

Because of the pot smoking and the meditation, a doorway of communication was opened to the fake Jesus, an imposter called Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

One other important thing. I do not hear any emphasis on the resurrection in your testimony.

Though not providing details, any one who is spirit raped is not saved.  The enemy has no authority or access like that to a born again Christian.


There has been an MO that the fake Jesus uses, as a pattern has developed with testimonies of people Sananda has approached. Sananda  typically  draws them in with warm, gooey, loving feelings, leave them high and dry so that they then begin to start the journey of trying to pursue the fake Jesus relentlessly trying recapture those initial feelings and getting deeper into the trap of the enemy.

The real evidence can be found in this person’s own words — As I kept, so to speak, pursuing the spiritual high that I first encountered. I increased my religious intensity and activity. I quit hanging out with my former friends as we had little in common anymore. I started to attend many churches. The seeker friendly ones, pentecostal churches, non-denominational. I was striving to keep my passion alive. I ended up quitting my work because I believed that god had spoken to me that i was to quit my work and trust him for my provision. This was a hard pill to swallow for me. I was always very self-reliant. I then went through a two-year period of fasting food almost every other day with extended fasts worked. And constant bible studying and prayer…..


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Contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email for any questions.

5 Responses to “How to Recognize a False Conversion: Testimony of “Anonymous””

  1. angiemarie January 19, 2019 at 12:59 am #

    Thank you so much for sharing this post. I can honestly say that I’ve never heard of the fake Jesus. I’m so grateful that I came across this.. Sadly, for some reason, these types of things aren’t discussed or mentioned near enough for people to be aware of them. Nor is deliverance. I don’t understand why they aren’t either. The enemy is so sneaky, it’s amazing just how many different tactics he can and does use. Wow! Praise God for His grace and mercy and glory to the Lamb of God! Blessings multiplied to you sister. Much love


  2. angiemarie January 19, 2019 at 12:53 am #

    Reblogged this on Andreasavoia's Blog.


  3. abbles182 January 19, 2019 at 12:10 am #

    Reblogged this on Come Out Of Her My People: Rev 18:4.



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