Tag Archives: spiritual covering

The Mantle of the Prophet Elijah; Is it outdated?

17 Jan

You know I was just meditating on the word ‘mantle’ today.  And the Lord led me to see that a mantle is nothing more than a coat.  A piece of cloth/clothing used to cover the body.

I have heard ppl today use the word mantle and make it to have some deep spiritual meaning.  Some would say that a mantle is a spiritual thing, the mantle is the ‘anointing’ of someone who we respected in the past-but who are now dead and gone.  And we covet their anointing.

We get this belief system from the story of Elijah and Elisha.  More in particular, 1 Kings 19, when Elijah has his encounter with the Lord while he is hiding out from Jezebel.  After he gets the Word of the Lord, he goes to Elisha and hit him with his coat-as if to anoint him-as he goes about the mission to bring down Jezebel.

Later on, in 2 Kings 2, this is when Elijah and Elisha are DIVINELY separated….by the HOLY GHOST.  Verse 1 says the Lord was taking Elijah up to heaven.  Not that he was gonna die.  Three times, Elijah tried to prepare Elisha for his departure.  First, he tells him, ‘Im going to Bethel.’  Then to Jericho.  Then to Jordan.  All three times, Elisha wasn’t having it.  He responded, “As the LORD lives and as you live, I won’t leave you.”

On the 3rd time, Elijah took off his mantle/his coat, and smote the Jordan.  It parted and the both of them crossed over.  Elijah asked Elisha ‘What do you want me to do for you?’  Elisha coveted after the ONLY anointing he had ever known or see…or beheld…which was that of Elijah’s!  So, of course, he wanted it.

Elijah told him ‘This is a hard thing.  But if you see me when Im taken, then you got it.  If you dont see it, you cant….’

Elijah was trying to build Elisha’s FAITH.

I want you all to see this:  in this realm, dispensation of the world, the Holy Ghost WAS NOT GIVEN!  The only power ppl in the OT ppl witnessed was thru the hands of other ppl.  Chosen vessels God set apart to dispense that power and glory in this earth realm.  But b/c the Holy Ghost was not yet poured out on the earth, b/c we were yet in our sins, because only a select few vessels were usuable in the hands of God….AND since the WORD OF THE LORD was Precious and RARE in those days…then YES, they practically WORSHIPPED man.  This is why Elijah, Moses and other prophets had to be taken away after a few years.  Because it was (and is) the nature of man to worship flesh.  And if flesh is all they see and behold, man will worship….FLESH.

So we know the story, how it ends.  Elijah is taken up in chariot of fire and Elisha wallks in ‘Elijahs’ anointing,’ which in essence really ISN’T his…but GOD’S!!!

Moses had to be supernaturally taken away, too. Hmmm…



We no longer have to covet the anointing-or the mantle-of another!  NO MATTER HOW POWERFUL THEY ARE!!!!!!!



We dont  need to wait til someone dies and then go off into the spirit somewhere, to call upon the mantle of Roberts, Kuhlman, Allen, McPherson or any of the other greats of the past to do the will of God for TODAY!!!!



We must NOT venture off into idolatry and witchcraft by calling on the mantles and spirits of dead men and women of God.  THIS IS NOT pleasing to God….not at all!

There IS NO power in the so called mantles of the past.  

There is ONLY power the anointing that destroys EVERY yoke!  And that anointing-unlike evil spirits-are NOT transferrable!  I know-the most popular of preachers have taught this, but that is error and deception.


Seek that from NONE other!

The reason why it is so important to me that you all understand this is b/c that today a mantle is something entirely diff’t than what it was in the OT.  In the OT, the mantle, or the addereth, the prophet’s garment, glory, simply put, a cloak.    But in the NT, the word ‘mantle’ is NOT found.  I wonder why?

A cloak is an outer garment.  More specifically, A loose outer garment, such as a cape. Something that covers or conceals.

We have ALL heard it said, ‘The OT is the NT concealed and the NT is the OT REVEALED…’

Well, the reason why the prophets in the OT had to go around wearing cloaks is b/c the whole spirit of prophecy HAD to be concealed!  For the Holy Ghost had not yet been released in the earth and JESUS CHRIST had yet to come!  So it all had to stay a mystery!

But in the NT, there was no longer any need to conceal, only to REVEAL!


So the equivalent word for mantle in the NT would be garment.

But I must share with you that cloaks were NO LONGER NEEDED after Jesus was revealed and manifested n this realm!

After the birth of the early church, cloaks only became important to those who were workers of witchcraft….and the religious!

Religious people place over-importance on outer garments.  This is why after the apostles were martyred, and the fake church was instituted, they started putting extravagant outer garments, cloaks and robes on the leaders…that was supposed to give them importance, pre-eminence, power and authority!

They could only imitate and emulate the power that THEY were aware of and knew about.

I want you to take a good look at the picture I posted to this note:  it is a robe that a witch or a warlock would wear.

I am sure in many a satanic cult or witches coven, they STILL have these rites of passages like the one that occurred between Elijah and Elisha.  ‘What?’  I can hear many of you say right now…

‘How could u say that? That was Elijah and Elisha!  Are you saying the exchange of power that occurred between those two was demonic?’


What I AM saying is that it was necessary ….FOR THEN.  But NOW?

NO!  It is not necessary!

We can go STRAIGHT TO GOD OURSELVES and HE CAN ENDUE US WITH POWER FROM ON HIGH…not merely from some garment!  And THAT exchange WE KNOW will be a godly one.  A pure one.  A holy one.  AN ordained one!

Remember, the devil is a master imitator.  Whatever God does, he wants to do.  You better believe, if he could imitate impartation services, he could….and does.  I PROMISE you…at many sacrifices and satanic rituals, there are demonic ‘impartation services’ too.  They are ppl that pull on the ‘mantles’ of ppl like Anton Lavey, the founder of Satanism, who passed in the late 90s.  Or Jim Jones.  Or even Hitler.

Yes, there are evil ppl that COVET power….and they DO NOT CARE WHERE OR WHO is the source of that power!

This is why we have to be SO VERY CAREFUL of the experiences that we embrace in the church!  Teachings and doctrines that we wholeheartedly accept, w/o balancing that thing in the spirit or against the integrity of the SCRIPTURES…we are OPEN PLAYING FIELD FOR DEMONIC activity…in our lives, in our homes, and in our churches!

So before you start praying for mantles….ask God to open your understanding and not to be deceived or duped by religion.


Want to learn more about ministry?  Check out my new eBook:

“The Makings of a False Prophet”

to learn how to test and see if you are in fact called by God and how to prevent later corruption and perversion once you are operating in your call.  Just click on the link to get your copy today!

The Makings of a False Prophet

Endtime Ministers and Spiritual Covering

7 Jan


Spiritual covering! Have you heard about it? Do you need it ?  What is spiritual covering? Are you one of those who were sent…or are you one of those who just went, minus a spiritual covering? Whose your spiritual daddy? Whose your spiritual Mama? What about an apostolic covering, do you have one of those? Please don’t answer, because there’s no such thing as a spiritual covering.

The Spiritual Covering Fallacy

Charismatic churches, and churches in general, seemed to have latched on to yet another fallacy, yet another  unscriptural doctrine of demons. The laying on of hands is not something to be toyed with. Didn’t the apostle Paul say we are to touch no man suddenly? So why is the organized church, scampering about, in a hurry to lay hands on those they say they are about to launch into ministry? Why would a spiritual Papa or a spiritual Mama need to lauch you out to tell people about Jesus? Jesus said to spread the Gospel to the nations. Jesus never said we were to wait on a spiritual father or mother for permission.

Since when do we need a permission slip to share our testimony, or share the Gospel? The notion that ones needs a spiritual covering, sounds like demonic controls to me. Sounds like manipulations akin to witchcraft to me. What about you? So then the Gospel that calls us by our faith, to share the message of Christ has been twisted yet again.

All of a sudden, you have to wait for approval, for something Christ already said we should do. You better not go, unless you were sent. Sent by who? Sent by someone who wishes you to submit to them, rather than submit to God. The spiritual covering doctrine is responsible for a myriad of criminal behaviors in church. Wasn’t it a spiritual Daddy who was accused of some heinous acts? Do you know the story? Even if you don’t, our father is God.

We don’t want to go the other extreme into lone rangerhood either. We don’t want to be off in a corner by ourselves, refusing authority and teachings which are God sent. Spiritual coverings are unscriptural, but so is being a lone ranger  who refuses correction. Were there any lone disciples in the New Testament? Did God ever say that a time would come when disciples would stand alone to be taught, solely by him?
Some people, are sure that the organized church is the ” Her” spoken of in Revelations 18:4. Some people agree with the Sheppard’s Publishing stance. Sheppard’s Publishing views the organized church as the harlot we must all exodus from. Unfortunately, those who agree, agree only to a point. They  fall into error, by believing that God will now speak directly to them. The lone ranger pastor has lost his way, and is headed for deep deception.
I am  an independent endtime minister yet I am no lone ranger. In fact,  I am guided, supported, mentored, equipped and trained  by Pam Sheppard Ministries.  I submit to this ministry in love because a relationship of trust has been established.  No one tries to “rule” over me, nor am I required to give tithes and offerings to be a disciple. In fact, I am sent monthly donations for any service I render. I have the power to question PSM in doctrine and in practice. Yes,  I am free to come and go as the Lord leads ME without anyone’s “permission”, knowing that Pam Sheppard Ministries has  my back. Pam Sheppard, an ordained minister for 30 years— treats her ministerial associates as equals, regardless of age, spiritual maturity or background.  No authoritarian abuse with her. I provide accountability without being asked or required.
A back-up of love is a precious pearl in the Body of Christ.. An affiliation with Pam Sheppard Ministries has broken my bondage  of trying to serve the Lord under abusive authoritarian leaders. If the Lord has called you to a ministry outside of church walls, you will not be able to find a more understanding yet powerful ministry for this season. Call 518-477-5759 for more info or visit www.pamsheppard.com


24 Oct

Spiritual covering is yet another doctrine of demons that puts God’s people in bondage by taking one scripture out of its natural context and forming a teaching that brainwashes and hoodwinks those who submit to it.

When people try to control you, you are going to react in one of a few ways. You are either going to give in and acquiesce, give up and pretend that “all is well, ” when deep down, you are really seething inside.  This is a dangerous reaction because your inner rage will eat away at your health.

Now if you are like me, you are going to resist. The bible says that rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft. True—-if it is God that you are rebelling against. However, if religious pretenders and hypocrites try to throw what they call a spiritual covering over you, rebellion is good, but running is even better!.

As a minister in an authoritarian bureaucracy ruled globally by just 12 bishops, I watched and experienced how the traditions of men made the word of God of none effect. In certain denominations and even in the charismatic movement, bishops rule the pastors under their authority like holier than thou puppet masters. In the denominations, the power and control of the Bishops lie in their ability to appoint pastors and fill pulpits. Any pastor in full time ministry is totally dependent upon whether or not the Bishop chooses to favor them with an appointment to a church  that will be lucrative enough to financially provide for himself and his family. In the non-denominations, What you have is a clique based upon popularity.  If the bishop is a mega preacher of 25,000 members or so, then the money must first flow to the bishop—the man or woman of God FIRST, with a slow trickle effect of money rolling down to the most obedient, the most compliant, those who suck up and kiss “royal behinds.”

The denominational  “spiritual covering” net entrapped me for 25 years. Since spiritual covering is really about money,  those who “cover,” desire to be paid by YOUR hard earned cash for their “blessing” that trickles down to you in slow, tediously slow  drops.  In my particular situation, I was not well liked by bishops because I had a full time secular career. As such, I could not be placed under any Bishop’s thumb in order to survive financially. So my punishment was that I was appointed to those churches  that could not afford to pay a full time pastor’s salary—churches that no pastor without a secular job could survive serving. In most cases in such a system, the pastors’ primary objective is to protect his own power base and therefore, their interactions with the Bishops are usually characterized by subservience, flattery, subtle manipulation and “out and out” lies.

The irony is that in the denominational set up,  the Bishops are dependent on the ministers they rule to advise them since the Bishops don’t usually live in the communities that they oversee. So a bishop  needs his ministers to tell him the truth. However, a Bishop’s ministerial advisors are so threatened by him financially speaking,  that one lie begets yet another lie and the entire leadership system operates on a foundation of lies, cover-ups and pretenses. With Satan being the father of lies, no wonder the devil has a seat in such a religious/political system.

Within a complex bureaucratic hierarchy as I have described, sin spreads like leaven from top leadership in a circular, downward fall, then in an upward spiral. As the root of such a system is rotten, the deception within charismatic, non-denominational systems spreads far beyond just a few pastors or a handful of ministries. Ministers and laypersons within a charismatic system alarmingly and systematically mimic the same key people. Leaders watch and imitate well-known leaders as they pass on the same false teachings.I personally have moved beyond correcting either system by any attempt on my part to fix it.

In my ministry, I work with associates.  My associates are my equals. Everyone of my associates is valued because  they are valuable.   They work with me and help me because the Holy Spirit has revealed to them that I am both a lover of truth and of freedom.  If somebody RULES over you in ministry, you need to know tha you are not serving the One who died to set the captives free, but rather you are serving false gods And, if you cannot recognize and admit to yourself that your beloved church or ministry, or pastor  is practicing, unbiblical and ungodly doctrines and practices, then you are definitely brainwashed and under the spell of “deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons” and these demonic lies are “seared in your own conscience as with a branding iron” (1 Tim. 4:1,2). And, that means you need deliverance to be set free from Satan’s bondage and deception. It also means you are deceived about who you are serving. You are not serving the true Jesus, but the Fake One, who is the master of idols — which is idolatry, which means you are an “idolater,” and idolaters do not inherit eternal life or have an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God (Gal. 5:20,21; Eph. 5:5)!

So RUN from your captors and RUSH out of the arms of the Fake Jesus Sananda Immanuel into the arms of the True Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who died and was raised from the dead to set the captives FREE! “He whom the Son sets FREE is FREE INDEED!

Here is the deal. The bottom line. Anytime you come away from a corporate experience with demons attacking you, you need to “book.” To “book” is to hit the road Jack, and don’t cha come back no mo, no mo and no mo!  Sing along with the late Ray Charles and “hit the road, Jack, and don’t cha come back no mo, no mo, no mo, no mo!!. Hit the road Jack, and don’t cha come back no mo!!!!!.” What you say?”Yeh! Now sing it again before you submit yourself to their demons.

Sheppard’s Counseling Center provides training to ministers who have left the organized church, from 3 months, to 6 months, to a year in a unique deliverance mentoring model called Spiritual Empowerment Workshop or the SEW Program. Training is oral and by telephone  for those who are in full-time jobs. For others, training modules are written and  with video lessons, assignments, on the job training, OJT with pay, done on-line. Some remain with SCC and become affiliates and associates. Others go and do their own thing.  We don’t try to control or rule over anybody.  If you are interested, call 518-477-5759 or send an email to pamsheppard911@yahoo.com .


17 Oct

I must admit that in the first 5 decades of my life, I did not particularly like women because in my  world space, there were just  too many  meely mouthed, back stabbin  female crabs in a barrel. And even though I had my issues with men as well, I liked them better and preferred their company and friendship to that of my own gender.  In fact, when I was in my twenties and thirties, my best friends were gay.  We could shop and do the hair, nails and dress up thing, but when I was pulled into a cat fight, their masculine strength would rescue me in  a New York minute.

Now that I have been saved 34 years, about to celebrate my 3oth year in ministry in a few weeks, I have really grown to love my sistahs and my sisters. Don’t know what I would do with out my crew.   Yet, online, I have run into a wild, unruly bunch  of professing Christian women who are like bulls or heifers  in a China shop.  I call them, “Holy Phony Silly Women!” lol

Silly women are those who think they can step out on the Internet—on facebook, in chat rooms, by email, Skype, youtube, you name it, they are out there from all over the world, buttin heads with Christian  folk like wild heifers. The freedom of the world wide web has mesmerized  them to forget Pauls words–-not to use liberty as a license to rebellion. Paul  said it like this.  “All things are expedient to me but all things are not lawful or helpful.” 

Much too much that women are “teaching”  and “preaching”  on the web is not only NOT helpful, but it is harmful.

The bible also tells us to avoid silly women and unfortunately, in spite of my affection and concern  for them, I have to turn away. It is not necessary to know a lot to teach.  The issue is that what you know—you KNOW!— and what you teach should be without error.

 One who teaches needs to be able to discern fact from truth, an hypothesis from a finding,  a  supposition from a conclusion.  Yet women are on video clips and writing facebook notes and tweeting  about spiritual growth and endtime matters. when they have not a clue.  Then, when they are  confronted, they angrily  justify and defend themselves with,

 “Oh, I am just a housewife.  I am not teaching.  I am just “spending quality  time with my online friends. I am not as bold as YOU Pam, to say that I am a teacher.  Oh no.  I am not a teacher.  I am just “having conversation.”  For after all, I am too humble to appoint myself, as YOU have done.   I have the fear of the Lord because I know that a woman is not suppose to teach.  And I know that teachers receive the greater judgment and condemnation for teaching error!”

Holy Baloney!

This is that same ole slippery way that women deal with their husbands.  You’ve played your manipulative games with him for so long,—letting him believe that he is running your home when you KNOW the truth is  that YOU are!!! Consequently, you rationalize  that you can also manipulate God and pretend that “you are not teaching YOUR interpretation of the word of God. 

 Let’s get real, Sisters.  This is Holy Phoniness to the max.  It stinks in my spiritual nostrils. You not only quote scripture, but you declare to people how they ought to worship and “get in the presence of the Lord,” whether or not to fast, how to fast and pray, —and even deeper—that there is no rapture, that Jesus is not literally coming back but that it is a “spiritual” return, that people should not prepare themselves for endtimes, that those who speak in tongues are going to hell, that pentecostals are all unsaved heathens.  That various folk are false prophets—I’ve heard a woman call them lunatics.  And on and on it goes, day after day. 

But this is not “teaching” you see! It is that great ole euphemism called “sweet fellowship with the saints and harmless, idle conversation”  Oh, no.  YOU  not a teacher.  Yeh!

To that, I say this.  Consider the “technical virgins” of today.  They believe themselves to be righteous because they have never experienced coitus by vaginal penetration, yet they masturbate 4 times a day to online porn or they are having anal and oral sex on a regular basis. “Look yall, I’m still a virgin. Yeh!

So I say to Holy Phony Silly Women. Stop accusing Me of flaunting my “education.” Stop being a crab in a barrel. Stop sneering about me behind my back and then cooing at me with an “I LUV U Pam! Ugh!

  After 30 years in ministry, if I don’t know my calling  BY NOW and if I am not bold enough to stand in it, then I am as Holy Phony and as Silly as YOU are.   (In the first place, you are not correct.  I have a masters degree but I have no Christian education, never went to seminary. I simply have 25 years experience in the organized church as a preacher AND a pastor and 38 years as a licensed counselor.) And I don’t teach what I DO NOT KNOW!!!!

So I say to others of you clearly.  You know who you are.  Since you will not allow me to teach you, then  stop plagerizing my books and come out of the closet.   If you are going to steal my words, at least give me a shout out!!! If you like what I write THAT much , I am willing to teach YOU and YOU know it. 

So “either teach, as WOMEN OF GOD,  OR GET OFF THE POT!

If you decide to teach, I can train you in 3-6 months. You don’t have to affiliate with me and no one has to know that I am the one who “undeceived you” and you can go about your merry way. It won’t matter to me.  My concern is for those who are following you that you are feeding error every day.


Time is runnin out, Gurl!

Humble yourself  right now, Gurl,  to the fact that you just ain’t ready! Time is too short to be narrowminded and petty. You need to get your act together, like yesterday! ASAP!


 Anybody who wants to come out of the silliness, rise up and get wise, call me at 518-477-5759. I’ll hook you up!!!

Spiritual Covering Exposed: Part 3… Top 3 Reasons Why Pam Sheppard is my Teacher

12 Oct

Minister Marlene

Spiritual covering is really a false doctrine. In my last post I explained why. We certainly don’t need a spiritual Daddy, or spiritual Mama to give us a permission slip to share the message of Christ. Jesus never, ever gave this directive. I think I’ve already blown the dilapidated roof off this false teaching. So why is Pam Sheppard my teacher, I’ll be explaining why, as I go along. In fact, I’ll give the top three reasons why and then some.

There are teachers in the body of Christ. If you are a lone ranger pastor or disciple refusing correction, and harboring an unteachable spirit—something is wrong. Something has to be wrong, for why would God say he would speak directly to you?  Where in the Bible do you see this? Where in the Bible did God say that a time would come when he would teach individual ministers directly? Even so, Jesus had 12 disciples, sent them out two by two to minister. Has the gospel changed since then? No follower of Christ is an island unto himself. Even though it is time to exit the organized church, how is it possible that God has left us without teachers?

Allright! You agree with Pam Sheppard, and understand Rev 18:4. You know that the organized church is the harlot we must come out from. You fundamentally agree with her teachings, but insist God will teach YOU personally, and you need not be taught by Pam or anyone else?

I’d like to share some thoughts from something I read, that was written by Pam Sheppard. If we are going to be used by God, in these last days, or any day, we must have a teachable spirit.  Pride comes before a fall, and the prideful think they know everything. But guess what, the devil thinks he know’s everything too. A lot of would be teachers believe they are the  only ones God will use in this hour. They and no one else. The devil is adept are setting up traps and tricks. To think that you, or I are the only ones who will sit at the Lord’s final table, is a lie from the pits of hell.

Some lone ranger pastors have indeed become elitists, clannish and even brutish. Some are condescending looking down their noses at others. I almost went that route myself. As Pam states, God intends to use people from the old system, once he delivers them from it. A remnant is a piece of the original. Yet, as the remnant we need retraining. If you’ve read any of Pam’s messages, you know this. You know it and I know it, we know that Pam’s teachings are mostly new to us, and yet we’ve already learned from them.

Having said that, I’d now like to share my top ten reasons why Pamela Sheppard is my teacher:

1. The first message I heard by Pam Sheppard is the counterfeit births audio message. A light bulb turned on in my head. I already knew that many I had connected with, as I wrote minstry articles online, were unrepentant. Most were caught up in false doctrine. I did not know that so many in church were unsaved. I knew nothing about the fake Jesus. Pam’s counterfeit births teachings are full of proofs and addresses exatly why the organized church was a place of demonic controls. I now  understandd why fallen angels and demon possessions were erupting from the very altars. This first revelation, set me free from figuring and wondering, what had gone wrong with church. This is the first reason why Pam Sheppard is now my teacher.

2. Pam’s articles explained many things. In fact, an article at www.pamsheppard.com helped me understand obsessive compulsion. I was trying to counsel a person who was a hoarder. I knew after reading Pam’s article, that I was far from being able to help this person. I did not know enough about deliverance. I had cast a spirit of depression out of myself, but had no idea how to help someone else. This is the second reason why Pam Sheppard is now my teacher. Pam is a deliverance specialist.

3. I read Pam’s website for over a year. Time passed, and I got a message from the Lord that I was to come out from among them. I was to come out from the organized church. God told me to get out of the church system. The first few times I read about Pam on her website, I had not yet received this message. That day, I was up until the wee hours of the morn reading the 29 mentoring newsletters on http://www.pamsheppard.com

I read and I read  and my spirit bore witness that everthing Pam was teaching was 100% true. God had also told me that not only was I to come out from the church, but I was to go to a place He would show me. What was that place? That place was SEW, the Spiritual Empowerment Workshop (a private group on Facebook). I also began on the job training in deliverance ministry. I’m not ashamed to need re-training. Rrather I’m happy that God did not leave me in my ignorance. I need to learn many things,and unlearn many of the false teachings I was  exposed to. This is the third reason why Pam Sheppard is now my teacher. Pam has been refined in the fires while on the battlefield.

I accept Pam Sheppard as my teacher. Even so, I know , that I know, that I know that God has placed Pam here, for such a time as this. She is here to train ministers. As I shared, my spirit bears witness that God has taught, and called Pam out for this purpose. What sense does it make for me to stand alone, and continue being ineffective in ministry? There is no such thing as a lone ranger pastor. How could it be possible that God has left us with no teachers in the body? Is God a deserter of his people?

Part 1


Part 2


I hope you enjoyed this article. I think it’s important to read as many of Pam’s articles as you can. Not just catching a few truths, here and there. This way,  you will get the fullness of the messages God has revealed to Pam. We  willing to drink in the false teachings, so as disciples, ministers and teachers who must retrain, in these last days…Let us show the same diligence for truth.

Read much more about Pam and and draw on her 37 years of  experience—right here on Pam Sheppard Publishing.

If you, or someone you know needs deliverance, please go here:


If you are  looking for deliverance  training, teachings, workshops, tele-seminars et. Please go here:


Spiritual Covering Exposed: The Truth about Spiritual Covering Part 2

12 Oct

Minister Marlene

Spiritual covering? I’m back again with part 2 of Spiritual Covering Exposed: The Truth about Spiritual Covering.

All right then, I’m going to make a confession right here in this blog post. I was a spiritual covering junkie. Yes, at one time I was obsessed with finding a spiritual covering. Here’s why:  When I left the organized church, I felt lost for a while. I felt like a fish out of water.  I felt like I was treading unknown territory.

I had left the Word of Faith church, which I consider to be a cult. I have to call em’ as I see them. The WOF is one twisted bundle of rusty wired fallacies. I had been on the WOF hook for a few years.

I escaped, opted out because I had heard the Lord tell me  ” come out from among them”. Here’s the kicker: my pastor actually gave a sermon about how those who left his church to start ministries failed. Not only that, he warned me that I would need an intro letter before I could be accepted to another ” spiritual covering” church. I never bothered to get such a letter. The pastor had proven himself to witnesses that he was  a thug and a theif. A few left his church. I was among the few.

As time went on, I eventually understood that the Lord was calling me out of the organized church totally— bar none. This happened because of Pam Shepppard. She was told the same and explained, in detail why the system was corrupt.

The whole organized  church system is full of corosion, but I was not 100% sure about that yet. Okay, so there I was churchless, wondering if I had heard the Lord correctly. Somehow, the term spiritual covering popped up while I was websurfing. I was websurfing wondering if anyone else had heard what I had heard. At the same time I was mostly searching for someone to be under. i.e a spiritual covering. My web searches changed from day to day.

Spiritual covering was a buzz word I had heard in the past. Since I was out of the organized church I looked to find a spiritual covering. Not realizing, that God had called me out of all things churchwise. God had called me out of the organized church, which meant…ALL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS.

But that didn’t mean I was to fall into the lone ranger minister trap. This much I knew. I kept asking God why I would be alone? I kept praying on that point and referring to scripture. I knew lone ranger disciples never existed. Jesus had the 12, and sent the 12 out two by two to minister. Who was I? Was I better than Jesus himself?

I found myself a ministry association and joined up. I had my— so called– spiritual covering. So I thought! I felt secure, fear of not having a spiritual covering left me. I left my old church with some ministry experience, especially women’s ministry and writing. So I picked up from there, and started writing ministry articles online. I was feeling good, I had my coveted spiritual covering.

But time moved on, as it always does, and I soon began to suspect that spiritual covering was unscriptural. I wasn’t 100% sure yet. I went on to get a certification in Christian life coaching. I figured two spiritual coverings might be better than one. But it was all an illusion. I had been  feeling like my hands were tied, and I couldn’t teach or share the Gospel, without the phony spiritual covering. The spiritual covering fallacy was really bondage personified.

The ministry association left me with very little support. Their main concern was whether or not my dues were up to date. I did find a second ministry association/so-called spiritual covering, but soon knew I had to submit to what the Lord had told me. I had to  denounce any membership with the harlot aka organized church. So I can certainly understand, if you feel or felt you needed a spiritual covering.

But I can’t continue in sympathy with you, because if you believe that having a spiritual covering is paramount to being able to even say the name Jesus— we must part ways. I can’t support a doctrine from left field just because I was fooled as well.

I spun my wheels round and round for a while publishing online to a Christian audience. The more articles I wrote,  the more I began connecting to Christian’s blogging, teaching and trying their best to minister online. I was on a merry go round, and started meeting people in un-repentant sin. I did meet some very nice folks, but mostly I got a real eye and earful of deception and lawlessness from professing believers.

Meanwhile, I was looking for a place. What do I mean by that? Well, the Lord had not only told me to come out from the church, he also said: ” to a place  I will show you “.

Now I can get into giving you the true meaning of spiritual covering. Why? because Pam Sheppard and Pam Sheppard counseling and publishing is ” the Place ” the Lord revealed as my destination. I have arrived!

The true meaning of spirtual covering, has nothing to do with  laying on of hands ceremonies. Submitting and coat tailing  elders, or foot kissing. The true meaning of spiritual covering begins with truth. When you find that one who you know teaches truth, your spirit bears witness that the person is of God. Part of  Pam Sheppard’s assignment includes  exposing the devil in his evil entirety, and casting out demons, and fallen angel’s— once and for all. Pam has 37 years of deliverance counseling experience. This fact alone, should have your ears at attention, and inspire you to want to know her.

Pam Sheppard also has a strong undeniable calling from the Lord, to train ministers for such a  time as this.

In the case of Pam Sheppard, check the spirit. Read as many articles, and books of hers as you can. If you do, I’m pretty sure you and I will end up on the same page, concerning her.

Part 3 of this article is going to blow off the dilapidated roof of the spiritual covering concept fallacy lie.


If your under torments , difficulties and what you think are demonic afflictions, and need deliverance…please go here. A team of deliverance mentors, supervised by Pam Sheppard, are waiting to serve you:


Spiritual Covering Exposed: The Truth about Spiritual Covering Part 1

12 Oct
Minister Marlene

Spiritual covering! Have you heard about it? Do you need it ?  What is spiritual covering? Are you one of those who were sent…or are you one of those who just went, minus a spiritual covering? Whose your spiritual daddy? Whose your spiritual Mama? What about an apostalic covering, do you have one of those? Please don’t answer, because there’s no such thing as a spiritual covering.

Spiritual Covering Fallacy

Charasmatic chuches, and churches in general, seemed to have latched on to yet another fallacy, yet another  unscriptual doctrine of demons. The laying on of hands is not something to be toyed with. Didn’t the apostle Paul say we are to touch no man suddenly? So why is the organized church, scampering about, in a hurry to lay hands on those they say they are about to launch into ministry? Why would a spiritual Papa or a spiritual Mama need to lauch you out to tell people about Jesus? Jesus said to spread the Gospel to the nations. Jesus never said we were to wait on a spiritual father or mother for permission.

Since when do we need a permission slip to share our testimony, or share the Gospel? The notion that ones needs a spiritual covering, sounds like demonic controls to me. Sounds like manipulations akin to witchcraft to me. What about you? So then the Gospel that calls us by our faith, to share the message of Christ has been twisted yet again.
All of a sudden, you have to wait for approval, for something Christ already said we should do. You better not go, unless you were sent. Sent by who? Sent by someone who wishes you to submit to them, rather than submit to God. The spiritual covering doctrine is responsible for a myriad of criminal behaviors in church. Wasn’t it a spiritual Daddy who was accused of some heineous acts? Do you know the story? Even if you don’t, our father is God.
 We don’t want to go the other extreme into lone rangerhood either. We don’t want to be off in a corner by ourselves, refusing authority and teachings which are God sent. Spiritual coverings are unscriptual, but so is being a lone ranger pastor who refuses correction. Were their any lone disciples in the New Testament? Did God ever say that a time would come when disciples would stand alone to be taught, solely by him?
Some people, are sure that the organized church is the ” Her” spoken of in Revelations 18:4. Some people agree with the Sheppard’s Publishing stance. Sheppard’s Publishing views the organized church as the harlot we must all exodus from. Unfortunately, those who agree, agree only to a point. They  fall into error, by believing that God will now speak directly to them. The lone ranger pastor has lost his way, and is headed for deep deception. I’ll tell you why in part two of this article.
What is a true spiritual covering?…
Part 2
If you you believe you need deliverance from false teachings and demonic controls, and are ready  to work with a deliverance mentor, please sign-up below. A team of trained deliverance mentors are waiting to serve you here: