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Sexual Sin Is An End Time Sign

29 Jan

The Sex-Witchcraft Connection began in the days of Noah and it is an end time sign  NOW!

How did it all begin?  The answer can be found in the book of Enoch:  the rise of witchcraft.  Fallen angels of Noah’s day taught their human wives curious arts.  In other words, the fallen angels of Noah’s day birthed witchcraft with the human women they were having sex with, and from whom they conceived children, called the giants or the Nephilim.  According to this ancient book, mankind’s involvement with witchcraft and other aspects of occultism fell under the direction of Semjaza, Armaros, Baraqijal, Kokabel, Ezeqell, Agragiel, Shamsiel and Sriel.  Here is a quote from Enoch ch8:2

And there was great impiety, they turned away from God, and committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semajaza taught the casting of spells and release from spells, Baarqijal taught astrology, Kokabel taught the constellations and portents, Ezeqeel the knowledge of clouds, Araqiel the signs of the earth, Shamsiel the signs of the sun and Sriel the course of the moon.  And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven.

Generally, we associate witchcraft with Africa, Haiti, Louisiana, predominately among people of color.  Nevertheless, witchcraft also thrive for centuries in Western Europe, as early as the 12th century.  Back then, anyone who had sex with a demon was considered a witch in the 12th century and beyond.

Consequently, illicit sex is central to the definition of witchcraft itself, particularly sex with demons.  The Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth warned that the last days would be “like the days of Noah.”  People of today don’t necessarily realize  it but when they go off into their sexual perversions, they are having sex with demons and are actually practicing witchcraft.

The bible says that rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft—that when we fornicate, we are sinning against our own bodies.  When people have oral and

Sexual sin and perversion: The Devil’s Playground

anal sex, they are making an invitation to demons who then open up demonic doorways which the occult world calls chakras.  Those who practice sexual immorality and perversion have opened themselves to demons through the demonic doorways  in the  mouth and throat, the sexual orifices and their anus.

Here is a classic example of the sex-witchcraft connection.  I received a telephone call from a woman who was seeking prayer whom I will call “Diana.” Diana stated that she wanted me to pray against a demon that occupied her home.  The pressure was on.  It was tormenting her.  My first question to her was “are you in sexual sin?” It turns out that Diana had been fornicating with another woman’s husband.  Diana believed that this outraged wife hired a voodoo worker, who in turn, put a spell upon her. This kind of thing is a common end time sign.  Repent of the illicit sex, and very often, the witchcraft demon will depart.

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In my book, the New Idolatry, I delve much deeper into the witchcraft-sexual connection.  The book has an entire chapter called “Demonic Copulation.” Like in the days of Noah, spirit beings are having sex with professing Christian women.

If you need help on matters such as these, help is available at 518-477-5759, from noon to midnight, EST, 24/7.


We would like to introduce a new author, Wenona Russ, with her first eBook, ‘The Makings of a False Prophet.  See this and more publishings by clicking here.

False Prophets, the Charismatic Movement and the Python Spirit

29 Jan

False Prophets, the Charismatic Movement and the Python Spirit


 A python spirit is a spirit of divination as portrayed in Acts 16:16, the woman who foretold who the Apostles were. Even though she told the truth, Paul cast that demon from her. He was grieved,

Only the Holy Ghost knows how many in Christendom who claim to be prophets by declaring , “thus saith the Lord,” or “God told me,” or “I was led in the spirit”—are really the messengers of Satan sent to control your life in God by the python spirit. Today, in the 21st century, churches are filled with soothsayers and charismatic hype masters whose message from the pulpit is merely a gratification of the flesh. There is a seductive spirit of divination sweeping across churches of all persuasions, seeking to control the lives of the un-suspecting. Laity leaders serve as divination foot-soldiers,forearmed “with a word” to maintain the power and authority of those in the pulpits. Demons help out also as they whisper into congregant’s ears, “give a $1000 dollars.”

I can recall that one of my associates, Minister Kellie,  completely delivered depression  in record time by the power of God, was approached by a member of her former church. Although Kellie’s  progress is quite  remarkable, the former church member approached her with a “thus saith the Lord.” “I had a vision of you and I saw you have a python snake attached to your spirit.  Are you okay? Since you left the church, we’ve all had concerns about you. We’ve all been praying for your return to the fold.”

In one of our mentoring telephone  conversations, Kellie casually mentioned this but I could tell that she was shaken by it. I yelled through the telephone “NO! STOP. THAT WORD CAME FROM THE HEART OF A DEMON ASSIGNED TO STEAL YOUR RECOVERY FROM YOU! DO NOT RECEIVE IT!!!!”

Certainly, professing Christians without knowledge may seem to have good intentions.Yet, when you find yourself in bondage to what they claim God has said about you to them, what does it matter whether they had either good or bad intentions??? The results are the same.Your spirit has been penetrated and the enemy has successfully planted his desires into YOUR spirit to cause you confusion and ultimate harm!!!!

Take it from someone who knows. I am well insulated by God from face to face contact with people who allow demons to use them as messengers of Satan to control my life . I have even learned how to block out my dreams. So when the enemy cannot “reach me,” he’ll make a phone call, send a Facebook message or send an email.

Now I know that’s right!

I have personally  received “thus saith the Lords” in emails and over the telephone on quite a few occasions. Now when I personally receive “a word” about someone else, I have learned to “keep my mouth shut.” Control freaks can’t do this. They are under too much compulsion to blurt out knowledge obtained by supernatural means to prove that “they are anointed of God.”

Here is how divination works. The enemy has difficulty “putting a spell on you” unless he first informs YOU about it. Then he will use your self-induced anxieties, doubts and fears to bring his plans about in YOUR life. In other words, devils and demons are skilled at making YOU your own worst enemy. You see, it is easier  “do what they do,” with your cooperation and consent. In order to control our lives, the enemy has to “plant his desires” into our spirits.

Recently,someone sent me a message. He had a vision that witches were trying to bring harm on me because of my website and that they were attempting to put a spell on me. I didn’t scold him. Wouldn’t make any sense cause the damage was already done. Coincidence or not, at that very moment,I was involved in a situation with someone who had “witchcraft in her background.” So of course, my eyebrow was raised but I didn’t panic. I was just extra careful and observant.

The thing to do is to “watch and pray.”

Keep your mouth shut until the crisis, if there is one, has passed. Don’t let the enemy use YOU to plant fear into someone who you care about.Pray and rest in God. If God showed him  that someone was praying against me, then the Holy Ghost was calling him  to pray. Fallen angels are extremely skilled at using friends, the people even of your own household, to speak evil into your life. So wisdom is certainly necessary. I learned the hard way to “be slow to speak.”

Therefore, when someone comes to you with a “thus saith the Lord” and it does not compute with you, you must become verbally aggressive.I do it regularly. People may think that I am crazy but I am quick to get animated and boldly declare, “no. I rebuke that. I don’t receive that.”

Sometimes I get worst and like the Lord, I’ll speak directly to that demon and say “get thee behind me.” I don’t care what people think. It is too important that I guard my spirit.


If you have left the church or you are considering leaving, perhaps you would like to be assigned one of our ministers to mentor you.  If so, give us a call at 518-477-5759

 To know more about the python spirit, divination and the charismatic movement, you need “the New Idolatry.”  Here is a short quote:

Like New Age mysticism, charismatic witchcraft is the practice of white magic.  For the sake of comparison, consider how both a new age practitioner and a Charismatic Christian would approach a typical problem, namely, a woman seeking to stop the infidelity of a lover or husband. 

 From the occultist, the woman might be required to purchase a defense enchantment like burying her man’s shirt at full moon, while pronouncing a curse or magic formula 7 times.  As the shirt wears out and disintegrates in the ground over time, so also will the man’s love for the other woman fade and dissolve. 

 What does the Charismatic Christian advise in a similar instance? 

 Pray over the man’s side of the bed, anoint it with oil or holy water, name it and claim it by sending forth evil prayers against her husband’s  lover, in unsavory ways, unfitting to Jesus Christ, and pray controlling, manipulative prayers to change the man’s behavior.

  Rather than deal openly with the issues of infidelity, sin and spousal abuse, Charismatics are infamous for seeking “the supernatural solution.” (page 16)

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I want to take the opportunity to introduce a new writer, Wenona Russ, author of ‘The Makings of a False Prophet.’  I highly recommend this book if you want to further guard your spirit against false prophets and false prophecies.

Deliverance and Spiritual Warfare For Such A Time As THIS!

29 Jan

Greetings in the precious name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ.  This is an exciting endeavor.  It was more than 20 years ago that I had a dream of 12 miles of a highway where people were standing “on-line”, single file, at arm’s length.  It has only been recently that the meaning of this dream was revealed.  The “highway” is the Internet and you, the people, are “on-line!”  Allow me to share with you “on-line”, thirty-nine years as a therapist in a licensed field  and thirty  (30) years as a ministerial servant of the Lord Jesus Christ! 

I personally believe that we are living in the end times, and it is my hope that I will not see the grave before the Lord returns.  However, if I depart and leave you among the living, allow me to share with you the mandate, the  mission, and the method  of Pam Sheppard  Ministries so that you can go forth and “set captives free!”


Spiritual  Empowerment With Discernment, Commonsense, and Intelligence

Our mission is  to be used by the Holy Spirit to build up an international body of Christ-centered deliverance counseling coaches and mentors.  Setting captives free  in these times is not as simple a matter as commanding and expelling. The demons of today are extremely clever and sophisticated and unfortunately, the church is poorly equipped for the demonic onslaught that the people of God are facing in these times.  Our goal is to equip the Body of Christ through training people like yourself who will “stand, having done all to stand, STAND THEREFORE!”

We  commit ourselves to excellence in every service that we render.   You will have hands on, personalized  and individualized mentoring and coaching, with scheduled chat sessions, emails and telephone calls. Some of you may even visit us at our home site.  We want to develop associations and teams that will work together around the country and around the world.

So if you feel a call to set captives free and you realize that you need to be purified and refined before you attempt to take the mote out of another’s eye. then give us a call at 518-477-5759 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            518-477-5759      end_of_the_skype_highlighting