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Endtime Spiritual Warfare and Satan’s Agenda

11 Jan

It is easier for Satan to control and manage fallen angels  than human beings. Due to  the intricate requirements that  full-scale deception and seduction entail as well as the limits that God Himself sets on Satan where it comes to His elect, Satan’s job is not as easy as we might expect.  Moreover, due to our  multiplicity of social and ethnic groupings,  as a species, human beings  have countless conflicting  desires and agendas.   Therefore, issues of self-interest lead to  clashing wills in our  everyday struggle to uplift all kinds of opposing agendas.  To further interfere with Satan’s overall agenda,  the demons themselves have different areas of responsibility  that often conflict with other groups of demons.

       Take the abortion issue as a simple example.  Under the domain of  the spirit of death known in scripture as “the death angel”, there are  fallen angels  who specialize in killing fetuses.  Yet on the opposite side are   demons who use  anti-abortion zealots to bomb  clinics.  So one military company of  demons lines up against another  evil spirit company with a clashing agenda on two opposing sides–those who kill for “pro-choice”  and  pro-lifers who kill by assaulting pro-abortionists. In any major issue, there will be demons opposing each other on several sides of the equation,  as they attempt to kill, steal and destroy.

       So Satan’s army is often at odds with each other over priorities and targets of spiritual warfare. The Lord Jesus revealed that from the days of John the Baptist, Satan’s kingdom suffered violence, as his demonic forces became divided against themselves.  Charismatic interpretations have suggested that God’s kingdom suffered violence, but actually it is Satan’s kingdom that suffered violence with the preaching of repentance. From that point on, Satan has failed  to unify his own spiritual forces.

       So who are “the violent who take it by force?”   We suspect that “the violent” are the strongest  in the battle, whether they be God’s  or Satan’s demons.  We can comprehend the nature of a spiritual  battle by studying Daniel Chapter 10. An angel  was bringing an answer to prayer to Daniel, when he was delayedby opposing demons.  The angel declared to Daniel, “The prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for 21 days,and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.”  So Jesus declared that from the preaching of John the Baptist, the violence between angelic beings would increase.

       In the midst of spiritual militarism, Satan has reserved  the Ascended Masters— the devil’s final “big guns,”— cosmic beings of great power and intelligence. In this regard,  Satan’s final stand before he is thrown into the lake of fire is to mobilize his highest ranking generals  to organize and rule the world before the return of Jesus Christ of Nazareth—in his final effort  to prove that the world does not need the real Jesus.

        As the Master of Masters,  Maitreya is Satan’s top  “endtime general”  whose job is to bring order to the chaos of this planet by establishing a regime based on brotherhood.   This is Maitreya’s “rap.”  Through Benjamin Creme and others, Maitreya’s motives seem too pure and unselfish to be connected to  Satan, and there lies the power behind the  deception. Not only the lost of the world but even some of the elect will not suspect that the elimination of racism, poverty, starvation, unity, and sharing for the common good could possibly have its roots underlying Satan’s  ultimate agenda.  With this kind of positive rhetoric, the devil is portrayed in the mystery of Maitreya as “the least likely culprit.”

An excerpt from “the Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us” 

Cindy Trimm and the Fallen Angel Ashtar

11 Jan

It was this video clip that birthed the book “The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.  I’m not sure, but I suspect the year was 2006.  I had recently heard a voice say to me that the entire organized church was akin to a condemned, boarded up dwelling and that the Holy Ghost had vacated it. As a pastor for 25 years at the time,  I wa truly s hoping that the message I had received was not from God.  So I decided to take a year and do some research. As I was about to begin by studying church history,  I watched this particular video.

At that point, I had never heard of Dr. Cindy Trimm so I watched the video without any preconceived perceptions of  her ministry.

When the clip reached the 2 minute and 42 second point, my book “the Fake Jesus” was conceived, for it was at that exact moment that I heard Dr. Trimm “declare,” I THANK YOU FATHER THAT THE SPIRIT OF THE ASHTAR HAS FALLEN UPON THE PEOPLE as the people were falling slain in the spirit like ocean waves across the entire building where the congregation was assembled.

Astar? That sounded familiar.  I first went to my bible and found Ashtoreth, an old testament idol. Once I googled the name “Astar,”  Google  corrected my spelling  to ASHTAR. Beyond a doubt,  I was in a state of shock.  For the door to aliens, ascended masters, and fallen angels imitating our Lord  flung wide open. All because of the 2:42 slide of this video. Now have gotten many contacts from people who claim Trimm  said “Esther.”  Even if Trimm said “Esther” and not “Ashtar” it does not matter.  Why?  Because , it was extremely important for me to find out about “Ashtar” and I have  God to thank for causing me to hear it as I did.

This is only one manifestation of Ashtar. He also appears as an alien.

False Proofs of Reincarnation and the Dangers of Hypnosis

11 Jan

By Pastor Pam

In all seriousness, before I was saved in 1977, I was a psychic medium and an astrologer from 1974 to the day the Holy Ghost stepped in, saved me, and wiped out most of my occult powers. . I was also a practicing hypnotist. Anyway,  I had  ended up believing in reincarnation so strongly, that I  began to conduct past life hypnosis with anyone who would be my guinea pig which was usually either a friend or a family member.  Well, I  seriously snapped out of this practice when one of her past life regressions went sour and  “refused to come back.”  That’s right.  I  took a friend back into the womb  and then “beyond” into 3 different so-called past lives with 3 different names and identities.  I was in for a very rude awakening.

       When I started the count down for the comeback to close out the hypnotic trance, the demon ( I  didn’t know it was a demon back then) began to mock me  by mimicking me.  As I  closed out with, “5, 4, 3,—coming back, opening your eyes,”  the demon repeated my  very words in a “sing-song” tone  through my friend’s mouth  and refused to let my friend go.”  Panicked, I  leaped out of my seat, grabbed her   and shook her until she woke up.  When she “came to” she had no idea what had transpired, nor any remembrance of the 3 entities.  Yet she looked at the wall and saw some handwriting on it that I could not see.  There was a message written there to her by  one of her so-called “past lives.” When the  friend read  the names of the 3 entities, I was flabbergasted.  She was correct.  So after this incident, I conducted no more past life regressions.

Hypnosis can seriously BLOW YOUR MIND!

So what ACTUALLY DOES happen to convince people to believe that reincarnation is real?

 There is a rather simple explanation.  The demons that are on earth now were here since BEFORE Adam and Eve were created.  So they know everyone who has ever lived, including the details of their lives. Like magicians, they can even materialize on occasion, usually at someone’s deathbed or in dream.  In the movie the Exorcist, the demon who possessed the girl was able to imitate the voice of the priest’s mother and work on his conscience for not having been a dutiful son while his mom was alive.  Demons often are assigned to families and they know everyone, generations past. It is a small matter to reveal to  a psychic or a medium information concerning the past histories of anyone–including details.  With this same principle and pattern, a demon can provide information to a medium relative to a crime that was committed, a hidden object, etc.  The demon was there not only invisibly  watching and “takin notes”, but doing everything within its power to make the crime happen. Demons also   know where objects are hidden.  How?  Well the demon   was either there itself or one of its cohorts sent it the information through telepathic communication between demons within our atmosphere. Just as we have telephones and we can send messages anywhere in the world through the airways, demons have  their    own unearthly means of communication.

      If you have entered a deep trance through meditation or hypnosis, you ignorantly opened yourself to demons and fallen angels in the spirit realm Not wanting to panic you out, you may be safe and un-harmed.  However, some of you may need help being set free from these forces.  If so, help is available.  Call 518-477-5759.

Walk-Ins, Fallen Angels and the Church

11 Jan

By Minister Doris Partin

                 A “walk in” is actually a fallen angel who is said to enter the body of someone who went through a near-death experience and was still alive when the demon moved their spirit aside and “took over” both the body and the soul during or after resuscitation.

In other words, as the spirit of an accident victim or of a terminally sick person loses the will to live on an operating table and begins to vacate the body, the demon steps in and takes over the dying just moments before their appointment with death. If this is true, with all of the “near death experiences” that have been reported in our lifetime who have been resuscitated, the foundation of a global build-up of true demon possession is already laid. In fact, it is not surprising that literally every “near death survivor” has “come back to life” preaching the false doctrine of universal love and universal religion with no mention of sin, repentance and the cross of Calvary.

An Excerpt from “the fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among Us.”(soft cover)

Consequently, Satan can manipulate earth events with ‘hands-on’ experience through the embodiment of some of his demonic troops. This would also fit the description, in the Book of Revelation (e.g., Rev.9:1-12), of the demon infested conditions on earth prior to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ at the end of the Age — not to mention those in the time of Noah (Gen.6:1-6; cf. Mt.24:37).The concept of “walk ins” may also be connected to dissociative identity disorder (DID) and other mental health conditions where a very fearful, traumatic event has caused a person to “flee out of body” in order to cope with horrendous circumstances. The flight of the human spirit in moments of great and sudden terror and fear may very well provide yet another doorway for the embodiment of a discarnate demon. Rape, horrendous accidents, brutalities, torture, horrors of war, to name a few.

So what happens to the spirit of the one who has lost the will to live at his or her death-bed once the “walk-in” WALKED IN???? Pastor Pam’s occult experience as a former psychic medium may provide a clue. Before the Holy Spirit rescued her and led her to the cross, she experienced a supernatural phenomena a handful of times in the early 70’s that can only be understood through our recent research on the so-called “embodiment” of fallen concerning the “walk-ins.” Described in  three of her  6 books, the best description is in “Recovery In Christ”

“I did not think a thought or take an action without consulting my spirit guides. As time passed, the style of their communication went from Ouija Board, to spiritual writing with a pen or pencil,(channelling), to their coming into my body for about 5 minutes and speaking through my mouth by taking complete control over my larynx.”I remember the first time that I was “taken over” or possessed by them. I did not go into a trance. I was fully conscious, but also totally out of control. One day, after an exhaustive session of spiritual writing, I began to feel dizzy and a little weak. There was a tugging feeling in my throat. Suddenly, my spirit vacated my body and stood on the opposite side of the room, listening to a conversation that others were having about me. As I stood outside of myself, I can remember thinking, “what in the world is going on here! Let me back into my body.” (pg. 26)

So since the captive to a “walk-in” has not actually died, his or her spirit is lingering on the outside. Weakened for a particular length of time, due to passivity brought about by a death wish, the captive can only return to his or her body when released by “the walk in.” Given an awareness of supernatural evil, whether or not we accept the ‘Walk-Ins’ theory — it is evident that extraordinary signs are taking place. If the rulers of the darkness of this world are now appearing in a physical body, it would appear to give credence to the fact that the aims of the Ascended Masters are being implemented on the earth today. The goal? A Universal Church that denies the cross, desensitizes sin and the need of the Savior, preaches selfhood and “breakthrough” , and a universal world order as it lifts up what the occultists refer to as “the Christ Consciousness”— a bunch of mumbo jumbo.

So as in the days of Noah, spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies has come to earth. I suspect that we are  already  entertaining “fallen”angels , unaware. So be ye also ready not to be deceived when folk come to you with “come see Jesus in the flesh over here or come see an angel in the flesh over there.”We hope that this article is a wake up call to the elect because there are numerous signs to suggest that the ascended masters have been secretly working within the organized church since around 1830. The groundbreaking book, the Fake Jesus  (ebook link)  traces how it all began in order to assess where we stand today.

I’m Discerning Spirits in 2012 and Beyond! By Minister Doris Partin

11 Jan
Wake up and smell the coffee! By  Minister Doris Partin 

I’m discerning spirits today because this is the season I’m in. As a member of Pam Sheppard’s Spiritual Empowerment Workshop, this is the season I’m in. As one who has been fooled and double fooled by false prophets and false doctrines, this is my season of discerning the spirits, and I must examine that which I thought came from God. Perhaps I better not use the word season, for we are to continually discern the spirits. Correction…I’m discerning the spirits today and until Jesus comes.

"This book was a loud wake up call to ME! Minister Doris

If you read my last post, I shared that I thought the Lord sent me to a place that turned out to be a cult. I was wrong! I did not discern the spirits. The man who led this cult is behind bars for 100 counts of child molestation. God did not send me there. The vision I saw of Jesus, was none other than the ” Fake Jesus ” Pam Sheppard has written extensively about in her book entitled “The Fake Jesus“. In fact, no other person in the world has exposed this truth with such intricacy and clarity.

All right! We know from scripture that discerning spirits is a must. We also know that the organized church neither likes or intends to discern the spirits. Case in point, corrupted Bible translations, turning Bible translating into a career, denominations galore, falling slain in the spirit, babbling in un-known tongues, rape and sexual abuse in churches, thieves fleecing the congregations, tax evasion, popes letting priests go on child molesting sprees, etc. Church leaders are not discerning the spirits and neither are their members. Why? Here’s that phrase again which Pam Sheppard has coined to denote false converts: ” Counterfeit Births “. If you’re a false convert, or under the leadership of a false convert, you will do and/or approve of all of the above. I’m discerning the spirits today….
Here’s why I’m discerning the spirits today: As a student of Pam Sheppard’s Spiritual Empowerment Workshop (SEW), this is what Pam teaches us to do. Discerning the spirits is part of the curriculum. So what am I trying to discern today? Well, I woke up thinking about my own dreams, sometimes I dream about something and it happens. I once dreamt that there was a fire in my son’s room. He was 10 years old. I had to go out that Saturday morning briefly to a nearby destination. When I returned, my son had used the portable heater, the curtain got caught in it. There was a small fire. My son said he prayed and the Lord showed him to plug out the heater, and how to smother the fire. I had left a neighbor to check in on him, but thank God my son (now 16) is a praying young man.
It would seem like that dream of warning was from God. But was it really? Do you remember the psychic woman who followed Paul about, her prophecy was true. What did Apostle Paul do? He cast that spirit out of her. Do you see why I’m discerning the spirits today and until Jesus comes? Do you see why I’m examining myself? Do you see why I’m discerning my own spirit today? Some dreams are NOT from God. I intend to ask Pam about this situation, and the above dream.
Dear Lord, make darkness light before me and crooked things straight (Is 42:16)
If your ready to learn to discern the spirits, examine your salvation and be totally free in Christ, sign-up for Pam Sheppard’s mentoring program here:
Pastor Pam Sheppard has over 30 years of experience as a pastor and deliverance counselor. Believe me, you’re in good hands. She is never too busy to leave the 99 to go after the onE lost or troubled sheep. So give her a call.  518-477-5759

Rejection and Hope

11 Jan
There is hope for you….

By Minister Kellie

“By definition, rejection is a two-edged sword. It can come into a person when that person is rejected (denied love and acceptance) and it can cause as much damage even when the person perceives that they are being rejected. The rejection is real to him, regardless if it is real or not. Rejection can also come out of a person when they refuse to agree to, submit to, or believe an established norm. i.e. rebellion, stubbornness, or refusal to believe truth” (Null, 1996)

How does this affect those who have been on either side of that sword?  Well, rejection is the root of all other heart issues. It causes fear and pride. A person who accepts rejection with acceptance will experience fear. If he refuses the rejection  then pride enters.  All fruit of rejection is classified as works of the flesh.

How did this affect me? I felt rejected most of my life. As a little girl, I was the only blonde haired person in my family. Not to mention that my mother told me that I was “the milkman’s daughter” on various occasions, especially when she was introducing me to friends that would stop over. When you are 3, if your mother tells other people you are the milkman’s daughter, you tend to start asking questions to yourself. Was it true?  ”No” it wasn’t. The enemy tended to use my mother a lot as I was growing up. She always made comments about how different I was from the rest of my siblings. She was not an affectionate individual and this too played into the rejection card. She had a hard time showing love and receiving love. This is hard for a little girl who needs the real unconditional love of her mother. I always felt different in my family, as if there was something different about me. I felt like a round peg in a square hole. Rejection allows the enemy to set up camp in you if you allow it to. It’s like a huge open door for the enemy to bring all of his friends.  Satan tells you that you have every right to feel anger and hatred for the wrong that has been done to you, God says, let me use it to teach you humbleness.

 This is what happened to me. Just as God allowed Saul to feel rejection, Saul used it to turn his heart against David for fear that he would take Saul’s place as king, to the point where he wanted to kill him. If Saul would have just repented, things would have been different for him.   God uses judgement and rejection to delete pride out of us. Saul was chosen because of his humility and rejected because of his pride.

God’s breaking and refining hand  enabled  me to see that He allowed all of the rejection in my life to bring me to the point that I buckled under the weight of it. Whether I had received rejection by my mother’s comments, or I refused the truth and lived by my own standards, it brought me to the same conclusion. Apart from the Lord, I could not do anything. I couldn’t remove it by myself and I couldn’t be saved unless He saved me. With the Holy Spirit breaking my heart, drawing me to the Cross—- it produced Godly sorrow for doing things my own way for all of those years. With my heart turned, I repented and God saved me.

If you are in bondage to rejection, we can help you. Call 518-477-5759.

A great read to help you while God is dealing with your rejection is:
