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Delivered from Addictions and Finally Free: Part 1 By Minister Micael

25 Oct

Minister Micael

Dear reader, this is the story of my deliverance experience. I was constantly depressed before the year 2000. It got worst in junior high. And even more of a problem when I started drinking during the second half of high school. Then I fell into zombie mode, by way of drinking vodka most days, for the period of a year. I had the demon of death on me. I was in so much torment that I wanted to embrace death.
Some school days I’d stagger home, then pass out for the rest of the day. I would be worn out. Not able to address life, or be sober enough to see what was in front of me. After I came down from the effects of regular usage, I could hardly make it through the sober days. I could hardly cope, because of overwhelming anxiety and depression.
While I was liquored- up, I’d read a meditation book which the authors claimed to be inspired by angels. In addition, I would alternate my reading with a new-age occult book called the Ennegram. I was attempting to learn and understand myself into salvation. The reading material promoted the belief of mine that if I could only ” not be ignorant ” and ” know enough ” about my personality I could save myself from self-destruction; a belief in Gnosticism.
One day, after many years, having lessened my alcohol use, I witnessed a family member pass away as I stared at them. It was slightly traumatic…
A month later I admited I could not continue going on the same way and I knew I needed God’s help. I merely kept this stance in mind in December of 2009. While I was wandering around Youtube in mid 2010, I came across a well known Christian channel, and began to watch it regularly. Months went by, and I started seeking Jesus. A seed had been planted and started to grow…
My story of deliverance and true salvation will continue in my next article. Until then know this: if the Son has truly made you free you shall be free indeed! (John 8:36)
If you need deliverance, and are experiencing affliction of any kind, please call Sheppard’s Counseling Center now! Pam Sheppard, a true woman of God counseled me into true salvation. God is not a respecter of persons, he will do for you what he did for me. Call 518-477-5759
To be continued…

Pam Sheppard, 30 years a minister for the Lord Jesus. If your under the bondage of addictions ,call her office now! (518)477-5759

Finally Free!

Diary of a Seducing Spirit

25 Oct

By Minister Marlene

Seducing spirit? What’s that? The church doesn’t even have an ounce of knowledge, when it comes to understanding demonic seduction by religious demons. Religious demons are in full control of the organized church. These seducing spirit as have imbedded themselves into the very walls and pulpits of the organized church. Seducing spirits live in the organized church, inside their human hosts, and they are quite comfortable there. No church is exempt!

These seducing spirits in the form of the religious demon, will not budge and members have quite happily invited them in.

Folks it’s 2 am and I’m sitting here reading a book by Pam Sheppard, entitled ” Faces of the Religious Demon “. Pam’s book is more than a book–rather it is a text book on how seducing spirits, in the form of the religious demon, have taken up office in the organized church.

Hello world!

25 Oct

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25 Oct

Control freaks are masked in Christian hypocrisy.

Normal strivings for power in a believer are motivated by a sincere desire to be used by God  to deliver those in  the kingdom of this world  so that they might enter  the kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. What distinguishes normal inclinations from obsessions is that demonic striving for power is often rooted in fear, hatred and feelings of inferiority. A passive-aggressive control freak wears a phony mask.

 Let’s bring it down home to where we all live. Racism is a cultural factor that involves hatred and fear. . When the predominant culture is in fear of losing its power and even worse, becoming extinct, demons of fear, hatred and pride conjoin with the witchcraft demon to control, dominate and suppress those of another race or culture. Then there are those who feel insecure mentally and emotionally who strive for power as a means to protect themselves from anxiety and from a feeling of helplessness.

The  religious demon is also attracted to a soul that feels very insignificant. Those who have been consistently oppressed will develop a rigidity and an unbalanced “super strength” which makes them think and act as if they can master any situation in their own power. Such a person will pretend that he is leaning and trusting on the Lord’s power by spouting scripture like “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, yet within his soul he considers any weakness as a disgrace and he is steeped in pride. For example, he judges other saints as being weak, when in reality, he himself feels weak and insignificant. This is fertile ground for demons and devils  because they  can use the captive to intimidate the weaker brethren and to cause the control freak to feel condemned.  When the control freak feels condemn, WATCH OUT FOLK! The ruling  entity  will  cause the control freak  to despise himself when he has fallen. When the control freak despises himself, EVERYBODY is a target!

The control freak will  demand to know every detail of even the most insignificant situations. When he or she  has not been informed of EVERYTHING, extreme agitation sets it which a passive-aggressive control freak will be skilled at hiding from others. People with this character flaw can appear to be extremely generous. No one may even notice his desire to dominate and control because the captive is so subtly manipulative. Usually in such cases, a lying demon is involved also. People who appear to be submissive and giving will surprise you with how manipulative they can be. For example, when you righteously confront them with issues that are important to YOU , they avoid the issue at hand by simply responding with counter accusations, whether they be true or not. All confrontation, no matter how small or insignificant, causes them to perceive you as THE ENEMY.

Secular psychoanalysts would agree that constant striving for superiority or “one upsmanship” is at the center of the narcissistic personality, forming a stronghold that is very difficult to shake or even to weaken.  The question to as is “What is at the root of the constant striving?” In some cases, it is an unconscious sense of inferiority. Such people are in a perpetual search for something that will make them feel more personally competent and they get a temporary satisfaction in dominating others by outshining them.

Elder Jones was of this sort.  A dark-skinned African-American, Elder Jones was born and raised in the segregated south.  Too many times did she expose the fact that she felt inferior because of her skin color.  So she compensated. In the denomination, Elder Jones  became the FIRST woman regional administrator in 150 years. So once she obtained this noteworthy position,   why would she unnecessarily place herself in competition with her immediate predecessor, and determine that she would outshine him? Why would she continue to try to outdo all of the ministers that she now had oversight power over? It made no logical sense.

 For example, a church lost its pastor in the middle of the year  and a temporary appointment was in order.  Elder Jones had 5 ministers available to her to pick from.  Did she select one of them?  No.  She selected herself, even though she already was pastoring a church when it is the normal policy for someone in her position to relinquish the role of pastor entirely.  So she became the pastor of not one church but two, also remained the regional administrator, with 10 other churches and pastors under her watch care.  Once she appointed herself pastor of the second church, the members passively  rebelled by not attending on Sunday mornings, a mistake on their part.  Elder Jones used her power as the right hand of the Bishop to recommend that this 100 year old church be closed and the Bishop acted upon her recommendation.  The church is NO MORE! 

Passive-aggressive people can be very dangerous in uncountable ways. The truth will set them free but the truth hurts them to much.  Pride causes people to not want to admit that they are suffering from feelings of inferiority that cause them to “lord it over” others.  This is a most serious situation.  Not only are these types at risk of perdition, when they obtain positions of power and authority, they are dangerous. Control freaks are particularly dangerous because they DO have a form of godliness because they behavior is eccessively polite, and they are very skilled at feigned poise in their strivings for position and power.  The central issue of a control freak is domination and control. Elder Jones strong desire for power is masked by her being “a good person.”  So she uses her good character to be in a position of unchallenged prominence and prestige. The dangerous element of the woman is that she feels herself to be surrounded on all sides by competition for the ascendency that she herself craves. As a result, her strong need to outshine or excel over others, to outsmart them, to make them subservient to her wishes play a crucial role in her control freak style. For example, every situation or interaction with her is viewed from the standpoint of “can I top his or her performance?” or “is this person trying to make ME look bad?  What can I do to protect myself?.”

Well she can cut your spiritual head off!

Today is my 30th anniversary as a minister.  Take my word for it. Churches are overrun with Elder Jones personality types, both male and female–people who need deliverance counseling.   If you are in their spiritual prison, the time to break out and escape to freedom  is NOW! Help is available at 518-477-5759.


25 Oct

Consider this real life case  of a control freak with a name change. This is a woman who once was my late  pastor’s wife back in the ’80s. In fact, it was under her husband that I was licensed to preach 30 years ago today, Oct. 25, 1981.   I’ve had the opportunity to study Sister Black at least 20 years.

Sister Black is a well known, beloved, influential  lay leader in her denomination for decades.  

 Much could be written about Sister Black.  Prior to his death, Rev. Black was in a constant but subtle battle with Sister Black to rule his own congregation in his own despotic way.  Rev. Black  did everything he could to block his humble acting wife  from taking over.  Sister Black was always the hurt one, portraying herself as suffering for the Lord,  by  not being understood by her coldblooded  husband. She fooled me for at least a decade, until I started seriously observing her. I could do so because we spent time together in Christian service and on a quasi-social level.

 Once Rev. Black  died, at the center of Sis. Black’s thoughts  was usually not the Lord Himself but her own spiritual journey.  Her priority in conversation is most often turned to  her newly appointed  pastor and his particular approach to leading “her” church and how the members have to seek counsel from “her” because of what the pastor is incapable of providing.  Since his appointment to Sis. Black’s church she and Rev. Johnson have been persistently battling each other over various church projects.

The warfare seems to be centered in a battle between new members and those who have been members prior to Rev. Johnson’s appointment.   For example, Sis. Black was co-chairing a project with another member and Rev. Johnson has been avoiding Sister Black and solely communicating with the other co-chair.  Now these are Sis Black’s exact words:  “Isn’t the Lord’s sense of humor so wonderful?  The co-chair fell and broke her leg and can no longer function in the job.  Now Rev, Johnson HAS to speak to ME bevause the other co-chair is out of commission.  Isn’t the Lord grand?”

If this is not an example of a neurotic control freak, then I don’t know what is.  I wonder if the sick thoughts to FORCE Rev. Johnson to speak with her directly did not cause the co-chair’s accicent.  Why?  Because Sis. Black sincerely believed that God broke the leg of one of His children so as to force Rev. Johnson to have to communicate solely with HER! This is a reprobate mind if I ever saw one yet Sis. black believes that she is a part of the remnant church.  Admittedly, her pastor DOES have his problems, but Sis. Black used her ecstatic, kundalini spirit type of experiences as a weapon to contend with him.  For example, she will appear to be completely consumed or “caught up” in the Holy Ghost—faling back and wailing loudly.  Others respond by jumping up from the pews to either restrain her or to hold her up to keep her from falling and hurting herself or those who may be sitting near her. 

One of her outstanding spiritual fits occurred as the service was being brought to a close.  While the congregation was singing the doxology, suddenly Sis. Black fell  “under the anointing.” In other words, she fell backwards into an euphoric state, a form of being slain in the spirit.  Most of the congregants left the sanctuary, but a group of 10 or more women stood by her and ministered to her for another 45 minutes.  Sis Black retorted, “Rev. Johnson didn’t even stick around to minister to me.  Well, too bad, we all got caught up in the glory cloud and we had ourselves another wonderful worship service, praise the Lord! Pastor just went into his office, slammed the door and sulked.” My question is,  “How was Sis. Black  even conscious or focused on what Rev. Johnson did if she was “so caught up in the spirit.”?!

The bottom line is that Sis.  Black  is a religious control freak that desires a pastor–any pastor— to humble himself to HER  so that she controls every aspect of church life. She had every opportunity to enter ministry herself, but the devil likes to use her to keep other pastors in bondage.  Her “opponent,” Rev. Johnson is one of the denomination’s most popular sermonizers, yet he is a homosexual, raising adopted  male children as a “single parent.”  The late Rev. Black was a cold, lifeless pastor who hated  bible study and who restrained anyone who seemed to be genuinely saved.  He was also an adulterer, almost understandable— living with a woman like Sis. Black.

 The visible church  has  several of these kinds of people in them. The true story of Sis. Black, Rev. Black and Rev. Johnson is typical in the church world where I served as a minister for 25 years.  Today-October 25-is my 30th year in ministry.   The good news is that the organized church is not the Body of Christ.  Therefore, if you desire to come out of the bondage of religion, you can do so.  The Lord will not work in the organized church in its present condition, so you need to commit yourself to become free. Judgment has come to the household of faith because God’s people are unable to repent.  Control freaks of this kind are completely out of touch with who they really are and therefore they can not even approximate normality because to their spiritual strangeness has been accepted by them to be normal. If you want to be set free to grow in Christ, then the phone lines are open at 518-477-5759.



25 Oct

Consider this real life case  of a control freak with a name change. This is a woman who once was my late  pastor’s wife back in the ’80s. In fact, it was under her husband that I was licensed to preach 30 years ago today, Oct. 25, 1981.   I’ve had the opportunity to study Sister Black at least 20 years.

Sister Black is a well known, beloved, influential  lay leader in her denomination for decades.  

 Much could be written about Sister Black.  Prior to his death, Rev. Black was in a constant but subtle battle with Sister Black to rule his own congregation in his own despotic way.  Rev. Black  did everything he could to block his humble acting wife  from taking over.  Sister Black was always the hurt one, portraying herself as suffering for the Lord,  by  not being understood by her coldblooded  husband. She fooled me for at least a decade, until I started seriously observing her. I could do so because we spent time together in Christian service and on a quasi-social level.

 Once Rev. Black  died, at the center of Sis. Black’s thoughts  was usually not the Lord Himself but her own spiritual journey.  Her priority in conversation is most often turned to  her newly appointed  pastor and his particular approach to leading “her” church and how the members have to seek counsel from “her” because of what the pastor is incapable of providing.  Since his appointment to Sis. Black’s church she and Rev. Johnson have been persistently battling each other over various church projects.

The warfare seems to be centered in a battle between new members and those who have been members prior to Rev. Johnson’s appointment.   For example, Sis. Black was co-chairing a project with another member and Rev. Johnson has been avoiding Sister Black and solely communicating with the other co-chair.  Now these are Sis Black’s exact words:  “Isn’t the Lord’s sense of humor so wonderful?  The co-chair fell and broke her leg and can no longer function in the job.  Now Rev, Johnson HAS to speak to ME bevause the other co-chair is out of commission.  Isn’t the Lord grand?”

If this is not an example of a neurotic control freak, then I don’t know what is.  I wonder if the sick thoughts to FORCE Rev. Johnson to speak with her directly did not cause the co-chair’s accicent.  Why?  Because Sis. Black sincerely believed that God broke the leg of one of His children so as to force Rev. Johnson to have to communicate solely with HER! This is a reprobate mind if I ever saw one yet Sis. black believes that she is a part of the remnant church.  Admittedly, her pastor DOES have his problems, but Sis. Black used her ecstatic, kundalini spirit type of experiences as a weapon to contend with him.  For example, she will appear to be completely consumed or “caught up” in the Holy Ghost—faling back and wailing loudly.  Others respond by jumping up from the pews to either restrain her or to hold her up to keep her from falling and hurting herself or those who may be sitting near her. 

One of her outstanding spiritual fits occurred as the service was being brought to a close.  While the congregation was singing the doxology, suddenly Sis. Black fell  “under the anointing.” In other words, she fell backwards into an euphoric state, a form of being slain in the spirit.  Most of the congregants left the sanctuary, but a group of 10 or more women stood by her and ministered to her for another 45 minutes.  Sis Black retorted, “Rev. Johnson didn’t even stick around to minister to me.  Well, too bad, we all got caught up in the glory cloud and we had ourselves another wonderful worship service, praise the Lord! Pastor just went into his office, slammed the door and sulked.” My question is,  “How was Sis. Black  even conscious or focused on what Rev. Johnson did if she was “so caught up in the spirit.”?!

The bottom line is that Sis.  Black  is a religious control freak that desires a pastor–any pastor— to humble himself to HER  so that she controls every aspect of church life. She had every opportunity to enter ministry herself, but the devil likes to use her to keep other pastors in bondage.  Her “opponent,” Rev. Johnson is one of the denomination’s most popular sermonizers, yet he is a homosexual, raising adopted  male children as a “single parent.”  The late Rev. Black was a cold, lifeless pastor who hated  bible study and who restrained anyone who seemed to be genuinely saved.  He was also an adulterer, almost understandable— living with a woman like Sis. Black.

 The visible church  has  several of these kinds of people in them. The true story of Sis. Black, Rev. Black and Rev. Johnson is typical in the church world where I served as a minister for 25 years.  Today-October 25-is my 30th year in ministry.   The good news is that the organized church is not the Body of Christ.  Therefore, if you desire to come out of the bondage of religion, you can do so.  The Lord will not work in the organized church in its present condition, so you need to commit yourself to become free. Judgment has come to the household of faith because God’s people are unable to repent.  Control freaks of this kind are completely out of touch with who they really are and therefore they can not even approximate normality because to their spiritual strangeness has been accepted by them to be normal. If you want to be set free to grow in Christ, then the phone lines are open at 518-477-5759.



25 Oct

Paul taught the Galatians that witchcraft and idolatry are “works of the flesh.” A work of the flesh is simply a character flaw of the old sin nature BEFORE Christ that lingers on if the person does not submit him or herself to the cross. To submit to the cross is to allow the Holy Spirit to progressively break you in both your personality and your character traits.So what does this mean, exactly. Does it mean that demons are not involved in a “work of the flesh?” Absolutely not. Witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. What it DOES mean is that people who have witchcraft in them as a work of the flesh—a personality flaw— are more susceptible to demonic influence, particularly religious demons and devils.

 I have witnessed too many manifestations of evil spirits in ALL of the works of the flesh, so clearly there are two definitions of witchcraft andidolatry. Where a work of the flesh is a personality type that is predisposed to demonic involvement, the actual act of witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. When demons are looking for “human workers” to implement their agenda, they target people who already have witchcraft and idolatry built into their persona as “a work of the flesh.”Along these lines, the witchcraft demon is attracted to a person with a soul that is predisposed to to the three (3) “P”s of position, prestige and power. Those who wish to dominate, to acquire fame and prominence, can become a safe haven for the witchcraft demon.

In such cases, the captive’s own personality will be a secure place in which demons of a similar nature will be able to hide and secretly function. This is because no one will suspect that the captive’s ambitious striving for control and domination is demonic because the captive has continued to demonstrate over time a steady pattern that propels them to seek power. Consequently, everyone just assumes that the captive is simply being true to his nature or character and therefore, doesn’t have a demon. The witchcraft demon will also hide within weaker personalities.

For example, there are those who wear a facade of false humility, who appear to be very self-effacing and passive. However, deep within his or her soul is a striving to “be somebody.” People with this kind of soul will offer up many testimonies of their inadequacies and their lack of ambition, yet when confronted, they will show in their actions that they are not at all convinced of their own unworthiness. In fact, when there is even a minor concern or question about their actions or motives in a particular situation, they will become extremely defensive and resentful. If others show a tendency to take their self-belittling attitude and recriminations seriously, a seething anger may erupt that is out of balance and extreme. For instance, while the so-called “humble” will proclaim their unworthiness, a witchcraft demon will cause them to make great demands for consideration and admiration from others. The witchcraft spirit will rise up and expose itself in these “low key” people, presenting a strong unwillingness to accept even the slightest degree of criticism.

You will find many people like this among professing Christians.  They are passive on the outside but inside, they are seething, ravenous wolves who will use a humble demeanor and manner as a weapon to bring others down.  Repressed anger and envy has opened passive-aggressive people to a religious demon. In such cases, passivity masquerades and humility. The inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an appearance of good fellowship.  This “front” is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived enemies in an effort to shame others with their “nice” behavior.  The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.


25 Oct

Paul taught the Galatians that witchcraft and idolatry are “works of the flesh.” A work of the flesh is simply a character flaw of the old sin nature BEFORE Christ that lingers on if the person does not submit him or herself to the cross. To submit to the cross is to allow the Holy Spirit to progressively break you in both your personality and your character traits.So what does this mean, exactly. Does it mean that demons are not involved in a “work of the flesh?” Absolutely not. Witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. What it DOES mean is that people who have witchcraft in them as a work of the flesh—a personality flaw— are more susceptible to demonic influence, particularly religious demons and devils.

 I have witnessed too many manifestations of evil spirits in ALL of the works of the flesh, so clearly there are two definitions of witchcraft andidolatry. Where a work of the flesh is a personality type that is predisposed to demonic involvement, the actual act of witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. When demons are looking for “human workers” to implement their agenda, they target people who already have witchcraft and idolatry built into their persona as “a work of the flesh.”Along these lines, the witchcraft demon is attracted to a person with a soul that is predisposed to to the three (3) “P”s of position, prestige and power. Those who wish to dominate, to acquire fame and prominence, can become a safe haven for the witchcraft demon.

In such cases, the captive’s own personality will be a secure place in which demons of a similar nature will be able to hide and secretly function. This is because no one will suspect that the captive’s ambitious striving for control and domination is demonic because the captive has continued to demonstrate over time a steady pattern that propels them to seek power. Consequently, everyone just assumes that the captive is simply being true to his nature or character and therefore, doesn’t have a demon. The witchcraft demon will also hide within weaker personalities.

For example, there are those who wear a facade of false humility, who appear to be very self-effacing and passive. However, deep within his or her soul is a striving to “be somebody.” People with this kind of soul will offer up many testimonies of their inadequacies and their lack of ambition, yet when confronted, they will show in their actions that they are not at all convinced of their own unworthiness. In fact, when there is even a minor concern or question about their actions or motives in a particular situation, they will become extremely defensive and resentful. If others show a tendency to take their self-belittling attitude and recriminations seriously, a seething anger may erupt that is out of balance and extreme. For instance, while the so-called “humble” will proclaim their unworthiness, a witchcraft demon will cause them to make great demands for consideration and admiration from others. The witchcraft spirit will rise up and expose itself in these “low key” people, presenting a strong unwillingness to accept even the slightest degree of criticism.

You will find many people like this among professing Christians.  They are passive on the outside but inside, they are seething, ravenous wolves who will use a humble demeanor and manner as a weapon to bring others down.  Repressed anger and envy has opened passive-aggressive people to a religious demon. In such cases, passivity masquerades and humility. The inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an appearance of good fellowship.  This “front” is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived enemies in an effort to shame others with their “nice” behavior.  The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.