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Top 8 Things People With A Religious Demon Do

23 Jun

A section from the e-book Face The Devil:

Number One: No Godly Fruit

ALWAYS the most noticeable in a worship service—dancing, shouting, wailing, falling slain in the spirit, doing the “holy dance”— yet there is known, repetitive sin in their lives. In truth, their Christian walk does not manifest the 9 fruits of the Spirit. Jesus said “you shall know them by their fruit.” Although they may be intelligent and successful, the fruits of holiness: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, gentleness, faith, self control, and meekness are not apparent. It has been my experience that those who have an addiction history are also susceptible to the religious demon. For example, I have known several recovering addicts to be an active, public voice in expressing their belief in Christ, yet their repetitive relapses into drug abuse spawns barefaced and degrading sins. The demon then uses their ineffectual religiosity among onlookers in the church and in the world to publicly shame Jesus Christ and deny Him as the only eternal power of God by whom the world can be saved. 

Number Two: Hypocritical Judgment 

Some professing Christians can be extremely Narrow MINDED, CRITICAL, JUDGMENTAL, AND LEGALISTIC. They are skillful at keeping in bondage those “less spiritual” than themselves. These kinds of people can be found in any church, but they tend to infiltrate Pentecostal settings, particularly because of their “waiting meetings.” (War on the Saints, pg. 63) 

Number Three: Church Over People

They love worship and church more than they are concerned about people. This demon will persistently divert attention away from the Great Commission with “too much church!” Then there are those who are so overwhelmed with thoughts of revival and the needs of others, that they are blind to their own condition. 

Number Four: Fear of Satan

Some do not want to hear about Satan, demons, or deliverance. Their actions are often based upon a great fear of this subject. If demons are “in” them, the demons will fear that someone with faith may cast them out and so the captive will be negatively affected by the demon’s fear of being unseated. 

Number Five: Too Much Pride

The most outstanding character trait in a person who may have a religious demon is PRIDE. These are often people who cannot take correction or ever admit to being wrong. 

Number Six: Popularity over the Welfare of a Few

They are more concerned about growth in numbers than about the spiritual growth in Christ of each babe in Christ. 

Number Seven: The Prosperity Gospel

They are preaching a prosperity gospel. It should also be noted that even people who are good tithers may have a religious demon, particularly with the advent of the devilish doctrine of prosperity and materialism. I am referring to the “plant a seed and reap a hundredfold harvest” believers. In short, the best religious demon is a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” Sheep praise the Lord, they tithe, they support the pastor, they pray for the sick and shut ins. To recognize a wolf, one needs the Lord to reveal him or her to you, as well as bless you with the wisdom to know how to handle the situation, once the wolf has been identified. How does a religious demon manifest itself? Well, if my words have penetrated your mind by now, you will not be surprised to realize that the answer to this question is that its manifestations are limitless. 

Number Eight: Saved Since Childhood

I have come upon a new breed—those who have grown up in word of faith churches or who may even be the offspring of preachers who claim to have gotten saved when they were toddlers or prior to the age of 12. When they reach adulthood, they are practiced in religiosity and Christian platitudes but will have no real fruit of salvation. They are like word of faith robots, yet there comes a point in time when they realize that what they thought was faith was really habituated learning, akin to reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or singing the Star Spangled Banner. They memorized and recited words without real intellectual or affective understanding of the scripture’s significance. At some point in their adulthood, these “church trained” young people realize that “something is missing.” Some will continue with the religiosity because their pride keeps them from embracing the truth, others will rebel and seek worldly pleasures, while others will be convicted and seek to know what is blocking them from true salvation. I am amazed at how many of those of this persuasion are being tormented by demons in this hour.

Free will : a treasure given by God.

24 Jan

Let’s go back to the root of the truth.
As Pastor Pam explains here, the church system and ALLLLL of its teachings are inspired by an imposter : The fake Jesus. That same fake Jesus is also posing as an ascended master in New Age (even Oprah talks about him and the “Christ consciousness”). It’s not GOD. It’s from Satan.

This is a very unique almost unbelievable message, as we are all told that church = God and God = church. But it took the testimony of a former occultist, Pastor Pam, who got born again OUTSIDE of church, SNATCHED from her “heathen ways” WITHOUT NOTICE in a powerful way, to prove that GOD IS BIGGER THAN CHURCH. Her multiple experiences in the system later proved that God is NOT in the church at all anyways (to read more about that go check her book “Faces of the Religious Demon”, links below).
As of today, I am a “heathen” too. Religiosity keeps me from admitting it but it’s my truth. I held onto religious beliefs because they felt safe, like a precautionary measure not to fall. I followed whatever seemed right, suppressed any emotions and thoughts that would go against it even though it was simply my truth.

Religion teaches us that following blindly is the key to “avoid hell and please God”, but human beings CANNOT do that on their own. Also, what’s most important to a non born again person and born again person is the use of your free will. It is divinely given and demons CANNOT override it. God would NEVER tell us to give up our free will. Giving it up to ANY spiritual entity is probably the worst idea ever ; yet church encourages us to do it all the time. In addition to that, giving away your free will to “follow God” when you’re not even born again just pushes the idea that you have to choose God, which is simply not true.
God respects your free will and wants you to use it by faith not out of fear or habit.

If you find yourself pushed, harassed even, by people in the church, condemning voices and need counseling and deliverance our Pastor will be there to help you with a loving ear to listen and loving straightforward words to encourage, rebuke and set free.

Call us at 888 818 1117 or send an email to in order to set up an appointment with Pastor Pam.

Links to the book The fake Jesus, Faces of the Religious Demon and all the books of Pastor Pamela Sheppard :

Deception in the Church: On Becoming Deception-Proof by Pam Sheppard

28 Feb

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

“Just because a person is born again does not make them “deception proof.”

click book cover for ebook and the book title for the paperback


The Lord would not have warned His disciples to “take heed and be not deceived” if there was no danger that they COULD be deceived. It does not matter how many things you are or were deceived about. It will all unravel like snagged yarn in a sweater.

Take me as an example.. For 25 years, I was deceived about a few things in comparison to what other churchgoers were deceived about. Yet the Holy Spirit did not release me from the deception until He was ready to. He simply stepped in when He chose the time to be right and started unraveling things. What I remain cautious about is this. Just because I am undeceived NOW, does not mean that it is impossible for me to be deceived again. For me to think otherwise would be both pride and arrogance and I do not want God to resist me.

So what is deception?

Deception has to do with thoughts in the mind. Simply put, we believe a lie or a half truth. The worst of it is the assumptions. if you start off with even one little wrong assumption, everything else falls like dominoes.

I  have  been noticing  how a person can start out with truth and how the enemy can use the truth they have received and lead them into a lie. What happens is that the enemy takes advantage of our misconception of truth. He uses the weaknesses of our personalities to lead us into believing what suits us best.

This realization is humbling me quite a bit. I believe that once we are given truth, we have to seek God in prayer to help us not to misunderstand truth for our conception of truth may cause us to err.

So my question is “how do we make ourselves fool-proofed to deception?”

I think we can all answer this from experience. Just examine how we got deceived, what was it about us that caused us to be open to the deception, and how did you come out of it?”

To know more about becoming undeceived and staying that way, the following books are recommended:

The Church of the Endtime Zombies: A Guide to Religious Detox, the New Idolatry, Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministry. The Fake Jesus: Fallen Angels Among us, War on the Saints, and Come Out of Her God’s People.  Most of these books can be obtained from

If you need the personal touch, perhaps hands on teaching or guidance, then send an email to

Excerpt From “Faces of the Religious Demon.” Pg 89-91

22 Nov

Written by Pastor Pam Sheppard

The Narcissistic Personality and Spiritual Strangeness

When bordering on mental illness, a phrase that I have coined called “spiritual strangeness”can manifest in deep depression, the hearing of voices, visual appearances that are invisible to others and manifestations of narcissistic personality disorders of different varieties. (Where the demon of Jezebel is concerned, at the core of the mental illness is a pride system that reinforces false or counterfeit religious beliefs and practices. Psychic phenomena like telekinesis and astral travel emanate from the witchcraft side of the face of Jezebel.

As such, when supernatural manifestations are present, the spirit of Jezebel is generally the lead demon. The Jezebel demon is also at the root of self absorption, where legalism, perfectionism and self righteousness will progressively debilitate
the soul. I suspected that previously mentioned 92 year old Bertha was also personality disordered, particularly as it relates to her perfectionism and the confusion and despondency she experienced when even mildly challenged or suspected of being in error. Although Bertha manifested symptoms of perfectionism, a more classic influence of the face of Jezebel is more clearly evident in a professing Christian whose name I have changed to Pearl.

Claiming to be a doctor of holistic medicine, Pearl contacted me by email with a rather desperate and impertinent cry for a deliverance from an alleged physical infirmity that she believed to be demonic. She reported that she was without any physical strength, continuing to cough, vomit and remained without appetite. By virtue of her New Age profession alone, I was immediately aware that the spirit of witchcraft was definitely unmistakable. Moreover, the fact that Pearl professed faith in Jesus Christ while simultaneously misquoting the Lord frequently, I suspected that I was dealing with not only Jezebel, but perhaps the spirit of the Anti-Christ as well.

For example, Pearl views herself as “Christ-like”, not at all considering that her 30 year practice of homeopathic healing is an occult practice, nor would she consider
that her own beliefs could in any way be demonic. Working with a captive bound to the Jezebel spirit is no easy task. The complexity of the situation is that when helpless and in the middle of a crisis, the captive is usually cooperative and approachable. Due to the urgency of Pearl’s situation and the importunity of her emails and her phone calls, I overruled the steps and stages of my usual procedure. I confronted the demons by telephone in order to bring Pearl some immediate relief.

By reversing the process, I cast out the demon of torment first so that Pearl would be free to work on her other issues and problems. For example, her adult son had threatened to commit suicide if Pearl did not stop interfering in his life. As is the case with this personality type and the Jezebel spirit, Pearl’s life is one of chaos, instability, confusion and broken relationships. Once I exercised the authority of the Name of Jesus over the demon of torment, the spirit of Jezebel and the spirit of the Anti-Christ were clearly exposed, discernible in Pearl’s transparent self love and obvious sense of superiority. Pearl obtained immediate relief.

Interpreting her well being as a sign of a complete deliverance, Pearl backed off from any further counseling, disregarding and opposing all of my suggestions and comments that she was not at all “delivered.” With much debate and contention, Pearl conceded that “the Lord DID use me to set her free,” but she vehemently refused to address those underlying characteristics that permeate her very proud personality. Considering the length of time that she has been narcissistic, it is only logical that she would tenaciously defend her own self concept. Therefore, in Pearl’s mind, she is “as SHE says she is”—loving, giving, honorable, forthright, righteous, selfless, the perfect mother, superior—to name but a few.

It is apparent to me that Pearl is one of the unsaved professing to be saved. Notwithstanding, in Pearl’s mind, she is “Christ-like” even though she defied several of His words and His ways as evidenced in her emails. Once relieved of torment, the contradictions between Pearl’s actual character and her idealized image of herself became so obvious that it was amazing that she could not perceive it with her own self proclaimed intelligence.

On the contrary, Pearl is consistent in her ability to ignore the unconcealed. In fact, Pearl would only accept the reality of demons in her life as being sent to her through the jealous witchcraft practices of others, never once considering that she could be in any way responsible for her own torment. This inherent blind spot coupled with her adamant resistance to authority is the most serious obstacle to a complete deliverance. Furthermore, within her emails are numerous statements that would cause a knowledgeable Christian to seriously question her salvation.

Unwilling to be broken in spirit, the religious demon’s motive is self evident. Pearl’s solution is to do away with all demonic doorways of a personal nature by declaring herself “above it all.”Pride has hindered Pearl from taking a realistic assessment of those un-submitted areas of her soul. As Paul wrote, “God resists the proud but give grace to the humble.” (James 4:7)

To get a copy of Faces of the Religious Demon for yourself, click on the book cover.

For questions about this topic contact Pam Sheppard Ministry at 1-888-818-1117 or email

Prophecy or Divination?

6 Sep

By Pastor Pam Sheppard


Charismatic wolves have opened the doors wide to religious demons with divination masquerading as prophecy.

Have you ever wondered why astrology is forbidden in the bible as an abomination to God?  Having once been an astrologer back in the 70’s, I will venture a guess.

Astrology is one of many forms of divination.  Divination is simply “fortune-telling” or making prognostications with pieces of information–probabilities and possibilities— that are not exact knowledge.

To please God, we must trust Him by walking by faith and not by sight.  To seek to know the future is to “not trust God.” Simple.

Furthermore, behind every act of divination are several assigned demons or fallen angels.  These spirit entities have been around a lot longer than human beings.  They live in a realm where the past, present and the future are a continuum and time is not bound by our linear expectations.  So angels and demons have the capacity to reach into the future or reach back to the past and reveal bits of potential truth to the seeker.  However, pulling out a segment of the future and presenting it before its time can have disastrous consequences.

In “the New Idolatry“ you will find these words concerning divination in the Institutional Church:

Divination within the organized church community is aimed at controlling the lives and destinies of gullible people. Pulpits are filled with diviners and soothsayers–charismatic type hype masters —-that have no other message but one that caters to our flesh.  Like the astrologers, the card layers and such, the divination of old has progressively worsened in our time because the church community is now flooded with false prophets who the ignorant seek “for a personal word from God.” These pseudo messengers leave devastated people in their paths. As they prophesy presumptuously in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, declaring things that He has NOT spoken to them, is comparable to New Age divination.”

Here is how divination works. The enemy has difficulty “putting a spell on you” unless he first informs YOU about it. So a spirit will tell you that your friend or your neighbor is a witch or a wizard. And it may be true. But they want to make sure you know it so they can put fear in you of that person. Then the demons will use your self-induced anxieties, doubts and fears to bring THEIR plans about in YOUR life. In other words, devils and demons are skilled at making YOU your own worst enemy.

You see, they can’t “do what they do,” without your cooperation and consent.

In order to control our lives, the enemy has to “plant his desires” into our spirits. About five years ago, someone sent me a message. She had a vision that witches were trying to bring harm on me and that they were attempting to put a spell on me. I didn’t scold her. Wouldn’t make any sense because the damage had already been done.  The goal is to project fear into their target by making sure they hear that someone is practicing witchcraft on them.  At that very moment, I was involved in an antagonistic situation with someone who had “witchcraft in her background.” So of course, my eyebrow was raised but I didn’t panic. I was just extra careful and observant. That was seven years ago and nothing has transpired.

The thing to do is to “watch and pray.” Keep your mouth shut until the crisis, if there is one, has passed. Also, you would-be prophets, don’t let the enemy use YOU to plant fear into someone who you care about. Pray and rest in God. If God showed her that someone was praying against me, then the Holy Ghost was calling her to pray. Fallen angels are extremely skilled at using friends, the people even of your own household, to speak evil into your life. So wisdom is certainly necessary. I learned the hard way to “be slow to speak.”

For more information on this subject, the New Idolatry is a must read. So is “The Church of the End-time Zombies, The Fake Jesus and Faces of the Religious Demon. Also Be Delivered From Deliverance Ministries revels how some who claim to be casting out demons are in fact unknowingly helping demons out with their predictions that do not emanate from the Holy Spirit.

If you believe you are cursed or that someone is practicing witchcraft on you, use the contact form below or call 1-888-818-1117. You can also email

To get the books mentioned above and all other books by Pastor Pam Sheppard, go to


Are You A False Prophet?

24 Jul

By Pastor Pam Sheppard

In ministry since 1981, I know a thing or two about false prophets. Besides the TV mega preachers that I watched for years, I also came to know at least 200 ministers while I was pastoring in a well-known denomination. So from my observations, I have designated 3 different types of false prophets. The deceived, the detoured and the diabolical.

There are those false prophets who are really saved but they followed the wrong leaders, and “sucked into themselves” mixed and false doctrines and practices. In short, they heeded and harkened unto the voice of seducing spirits and doctrines of the devil. However, they have not yet departed from the faith. These I call, “the Deceived.” Some of them will be set free. Because of pride, sad to say, others won’t be. Some false prophets would prefer to be caught up in a scandal than to admit that they taught error and thereby “led the people in the wrong direction, away from God, and not toward Him.” They are too spiritually proud to admit that they did not rightly divide the word of God.

Then there is the false prophet who was once used of God mightily, but he or she got deceived by the enemy and fell into disrepute. These I call “the Detoured.” This man or woman becomes a pretender—one who is very dangerous to those who are babes in Christ or who remain carnal Christians. Their followers “stand by their man” even when they should jump ship. The bible has a classic example of how the detoured “Old Prophet” deceived the man of God, resulting in the latter’s death. (I Kings 13)

Then of course, there is the out-and-out pretender who knows that he or she is serving the spirit of the Anti-Christ and everything they do is a masquerade. These I call “the Diabolical.” They are imposters, planted in among Christians to willfully bring confusion that will lead to destruction.

Every false prophet type— whether the Deceived, the Detoured, and the Diabolical— is equally dangerous. Why? Because they can leave a huge trail of victims.  I am humbled and thankful that although I was on the road to becoming a false prophet, the Holy Ghost jerked my chain, then cut it and broke it.  When  I was deceived by charismatic teachings,” God blessed me by closing doors and blocking me from spreading error. Even though I once had the heart, the skill and the desire of a mega preacher, God purposefully would not allow me to become a popular celebrity.. When a door opened, the Holy Ghost closed it and blocked my way through it. Moreover, among those that I have pastored, even though I personally believed some mixed doctrines, I didn’t teach them to those who allowed me to lead them. So praise God, after 43 years as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I have no victims.

For example, I spoke in tongues, but I didn’t teach my followers to do so. I tithed, but I did not preach a “sow a seed,” prosperity gospel. In fact, I was completely self-sustaining. I gave back my church salary in the form of tithes and offerings to the churches that I pastored. When I practiced healing and the laying on of hands, I never told anyone to stop taking their medicine and “walk by faith.” I primarily preached the cross, sin, repentance, rebirth and the resurrection. But make NO MISTAKE. The false prophets of all 3 varieties:— the deceived, the detoured and the diabolical— are equally dangerous! Your prayers for them to repent may NOT prevail. And why not?

In order to repent, the false prophet has to do more than apologize and ask for forgiveness from those he has abused and deceived. If he has been made rich off of the backs of poor people by preaching the prosperity gospel, then God will require him or her to “give back” all of that money to the poor. Not too many false prophets are willing to give up those jet planes, million dollar homes and those Bentleys. Even the false prophets who are NOT mega, many of them have practiced the lie for so long, that it is practically impossible to receive the truth and act on it. Far too many have made “ministry” their career and not their calling.

Ask the Apostle Paul. He maintained as a tent maker. He would not allow any of the churches that he set up to totally provide his livelihood. That is why he could write, “whether abased or exalted, I can do ALL things 4 through Christ who strengthens me.” In other words, JUST SO YOU KNOW, I am not dependent upon YOU to live and to serve my God. When a false prophet’s livelihood is intricately tied to church dollars and resources, he or she is captive to a self-made trap that cannot be escaped from without God’s help. Actually, some false prophets have to be stripped naked to find God again, if they ever knew Him. So if you really think a particular false prophet is deceived, perhaps detoured but not diabolical, then your prayer should be “Lord, strip him.”

A word of caution. The religious demon assigned to me tried to set me up to become  a false prophet.  In several dreams, he showed me standing before huge audiences, walking up and down across a platform with my bible in my hand, preaching and teaching.  He even showed me pastoring a church of about 10,000 people.  Because I sought after the power to slay in the spirit, after 10 years of seeking, I got it. I could wave my hand, and certain ones would fall out, unconscious.  However, I began to question this power because I noticed that the ones in my congregation who fell out the most, were also those who could not STAND for the Lord, relapsing or backsliding constantly.  So I said to myself, “Pam, there is something wrong with this so-called gift. This cannot be from the Holy Ghost!” Once I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to “show me  the darkness,” I got quite the wake-up call that revealed that  the mega preacher phenomena of today is NOT of the Lord.  It is a combination of human charisma, “anointed” by the enemy’s power. My testimony is in “Come Out of Her God’s People.”

So if you are on that road, you need to get off, and get off with a quickness! If you have been burned by a false prophet, there is help.  Call 1-888-818-1117


For more help about how to recover from experiences with false prophets I recommend The Church of the End-Time Zombies. Paperback  and e-book


Faces of the Religious Demon  Paperback and e-book

FACES OF THE RELIGIOUS DEMON: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling

For all books by Pam Sheppard go to

Setting Captives Free

1 Dec

Setting Captives Free

In the beginning of my work in deliverance counseling in 2002 , I was  shocked and horrified at the manifestations that emanated from professing Christians. To hear even tongue talkers be used by demons to roar, growl and shout blasphemies that include 4
letter words is so astounding, that it can be rather “disconcerting” to say the least.  What I have found is that religious demons are now dwelling in the human spirit of professing Christians, the place which is intended for the Holy Ghost. I have also learned   that these demons must be cast out first, before the Holy Ghost will enter.

This is a formidable task because religiosity has become “a high
tower” in the lives of the lost who insist that they are saved. This high tower must be pulled down by truth, brick by brick. Simply put ,to reach a churchgoer
who believes that he is saved because he repeated a
sinner’s prayer and accepted Jesus “into his heart” is like trying to put a camel through the eye of a needle. But as the Lord declared,”what is impossible for men is possible with God.”

 I marvel at what the Lord is doing. Compelling case studies are presented in “Faces of the Religious Demon.”

Grieved and quenched, it has been my experience that the Holy Ghost will not move either the called or the chosen by the “free will” method because the gospel has not been properly preached. Since faith comes by hearing the gospel, we need to understand “what the gospel is.” The gospel is plain and simple yet very rarely heard in what is commonly known as “a sermon.” In fact, most sermons heard in churches today are “not the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

They may be interesting, inspiring, enthusiastic, joyous, dramatic, charismatic and even
life changing relative to coping with the natural challenges and circumstances of life. Yet, unless the gospel of the kingdom is preached in every sermon, the Holy Ghost will not draw anyone to the cross and without the cross, no one will be saved. You may cry, shout, jump up and even fall on your face yet without the complete truth, there will be
no   fruit that leads to eternal life.

Here is the dilemma. If you believe that you are saved but you have had a false conversion, you will not be delivered.  Deliverance is based upon truth. As Jesus said, when we know and accept the truth, the truth will MAKE us free. The acceptance of truth will cause fallen angels to walk away from you and cause demons to come out of their hiding place within your soul. Captives will be set free and deliverance  will be made EASY!



The Power of Religion To Seduce

20 Nov
The Power of Religion to Seduce
A book Review of “Faces of the Religious Demon: Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling

Seducing spirit? What’s that? The church doesn’t even have an ounce of knowledge, when it comes to understanding demonic seduction by religious demons. Religious demons are in full control of the organized church. These seducing spirits have imbedded themselves into the very walls and pulpits of the organized church. Seducing spirits live in the organized church, inside their human hosts, and  they are quite comfortable there. No church is exempt!

These seducing spirits, in the form of the religious demon, will not budge and members have quite happily invited them in.

Folks, it’s 2 am and I’m sitting here reading a book by Pam Sheppard, entitled ” Faces of the Religious Demon”. Pam’s book is more than a book,— rather it is a textbook on how seducing spirits, in the form of  religious demons, have taken up office in the organized church. Yesterday, I wrote only one article. Why? I got caught up in Pam’s groundbreaking text ” Faces of the Religious Demon “. Listen, my friends, I can’t put the book down, I took a nap and I’m up reading yet again.
If you are ready for the truth about seducing spirits/religious demons and their new home, the organized church, purchase Pam’s book here: http://www.lulu/content/11647727 I am reading the e-book but for those who prefer a softcover,
” Faces of the Religious Demon”. By Pam Sheppard
If you ever wanted an inside look at seducing spirits read Pam’s book. If you ever wanted to peek into the diary of a seducing spirit, in the form of the religious demon, Pam’s book ” Faces of the Religious Demon ” is the closest you’ll ever get to understanding exactly what a seducing spirit/religious demon is, how it operates, and exactly how it has infiltrated the church with doctrines of devils.  Religious demons crept into the organized church and every last person, down to the preacher was just plain unaware.
I gotta’ tell you, the organized church doesn’t want to know a thing about seducing spirits. They show no interest, and couldn’t give a hoot about a seducing spirit takeover in the form of the religious demon. Why?Because they themselves are now hosting religious demons within themselves.
What does a seducing spirit in the form of the religious demon do, how do we define their brand of demonic seduction?
1. seducing spirits lure you
2. seducing spirits tempt you
3. seducing spirits entice you
4. seducing spirits lead you astray
5. seducing spirits corrupt you
6. Seducing spirits charm you
7. seducing spirits captivate you
Does it sound like I know a lot about seducing spirits in the form of the religious demon? Dear readers,  I got caught up in reading the textbook Pam wrote called ” Faces of the Religious Demon”. Remember I told you that it is now 2 am and after taking a nap, I’m at it again and can’t put Pam’s book down. In fact, if I don’t leave off reading, and writing to you guys, the sun will soon come up. Folks, I’m just now coming into, and understanding who and what a religious demon is. At this point, I was about to reveal a page from the book but I’m nodding off.
You would do a lot better by buying the book, and getting that exact, first hand knowledge from the professor yourself. I’m inclined to call Pam Sheppard a professor, because of her advanced level understanding of the  deep wiles and intricate demonic workings of the devil, seducing spirits, and the religious demon. But her knowledge doesn’t stop there. Pam has written five other  books of the same masters level.
You can talk to Pam Sheppard’s team of deliverance ministers today. The phone lines are open, and we’re standing by waiting to hear from you. Pam Sheppard has been on the spiritual battlefield for 37 years, 3 years in the occult and 34 years born again.. No matter what your affliction is, Pam is a specialist covering countless areas of demonic affliction, including and not limited to seducing spirits and religious demon bondage. Call today (518)477-5759

The Religious Spirit and Passivity by Ola Cruz

20 Nov

Passive personalities have a unscriptural understanding of what it means to be a peacemaker. They deny their own anger, and pretend everything is O.K. When we are passive, and believe that to be a Christian means to be a doormat, the religious demon moves in. Why does the religious demon gain a foothold? Pam Sheppard is not only the expert on the topic, but she has written a book called ” Faces of the Religious Demon” that covers all in detail.

According to Pam, the religious demon causes passive spirits to become spiritually crippled in regards to taking a stand against principalities and powers. I can certainly attest to and understand what Pam is referring to. I have been physically crippled all of my life. Because of the wheelchair, the enemy has tried to use fake Christians to spiritually cripple me.  Yet for my own protection and for the power to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ in a hostile world, , I am as bold as a lion. If you can’t take a stand against other Christians who  are obviously  pushing you around, and taking advantage of you, something is wrong. How on earth will you be able to confront demons?

10/25/11 Thirty years a Minister and the author of 6 books

When Christian leaders are allowed to vent their unholy appetites in the organized church, because their passive followers are too weak to confront them…Those who are passive personalities, because of a distorted and unscriptural understanding of the Gospel, are fodder for the religious demon. How so?

Tell me why Christian leaders who are tyrants and bullies, leave a trail of passive personalities quivering in their boots?  And also tell me why Christian leaders like Pam Sheppard who are sincere, and God sent, are attacked by passive personalities simply because of their  boldness and love for the truth?

On page 207 of the groundbreaking textbook ” Faces of the Religious Demon” Pam Sheppard writes in reference to personality types that religious demons gain power from:

soft cover
Faces of the Religious Demon By Pam Sheppard

Pam Sheppard writes:

In each personality type there will be Christians who have not rightly divided the word of God relative to being  a peacemaker, where forgiveness and meekness are taken for weakness. Acclimated to the general role of peacemaker, captives may live a life of pretense, where they habitually hide and deny justifiable hostility and anger so as to turn the other cheek ” religiosity “.

In this regard, the religious spirit will cause passive saints to become spiritually crippled in their counterfeit moral purity, predisposing to a shrinking process that stifles their ability to strike back–not so much at people who have wronged them, but for taking a stand against principalities and powers. They end up feeling like one of my clients who dreamed she was the  back seat driver in her own car, and the person whom the Jezebel spirit has manipulated to keep the client in captivity was metaphorically ” behind the wheel ” of her very soul.

A passive personality invites religious demons. Passivity and counterfeit love (term coined by Pam) are pretense, if you are  angry– you’re angry.  Pretending not to be angry is a counterfeit emotion. If we are such passive personalities, that we can’t deal with onslaughts and abuse upon our own person, what then? Can God use a passive personality? Or will your passive personality better serve the purposes of the religious demon?

While Pam Sheppard was pastoring a church in Troy NY that she and her daughter founded, I was an active member. My kind of passivity was that I never tried the spirits.  I had received a false conversion when I was 11 years old. Consequently,  I preached, prophesied, , and spoke  in tongues by the power of a religious demon. Everyone believed that I was anointed by God.However, in 2002, the Lord spoke to me in a dream.  He showed me that I had 3 demons, one of which was a spirit of divination aka “a religious demon.” As my pastor, Pam was bold enough and loved me enough to go “toe to toe” with those 3 demons, and the Holy Ghost used her boldness to set me free to truly be born again. Based upon our testimony together, Pam wrote “Faces of the Religious Demon.”

Pam Sheppard has been born again for 35 years.  Once an atheist, new age channeler and astrologer, the Lord intervened and defied the fallen angels that had her bound. Spiritual entities do not mess with Pam today  because of her boldness and her faith in Jesus Christ.. She’s an expert on the topic of deliverance. If you need deliverance from passivity, and allowing yourself to be abused, call her. If you need deliverance from allowing the organized church, and abrasive Christian leaders  to dog you out, call her. If you need deliverance of any kind, even if you just need to talk, call Pam. The phone lines are open, and her team of supervised deliverance mentors are waiting to serve you. Pam has been on the battlefield for a long time.  This fact alone should spur you to make that call Now! (518)477-5759

You also need her groundbreaking book, “Faces of the Religious Demon.” 

The Spirit of Jezebel Is A Personality Flaw

19 Nov


Paul taught the Galatians that witchcraft  and idolatry are “works of the flesh.” A work of the flesh is simply a character flaw of the old sin nature BEFORE Christ that lingers on if the person does not submit him or herself to the cross. To submit to the cross is to allow the Holy Spirit to progressively break you in both your personality and your character traits.So what does this mean, exactly. Does it mean that demons are not involved in a “work of the flesh?” Absolutely not. Witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. What it DOES mean is that people who have witchcraft in them as a work of the flesh—a personality flaw— are more susceptible to demonic influence, particularly religious demons and devils.

I have witnessed too many manifestations of evil spirits in ALL of the works of the flesh, so clearly there are two definitions of witchcraft and idolatry. Where a work of the flesh is a personality type that is predisposed to demonic involvement, the actual act of witchcraft and idolatry are demonic practices. When demons are looking for “human workers” to implement their agenda, they target people who already have witchcraft and idolatry built into their persona as “a work of the flesh.”Along these lines, the witchcraft demon is attracted to a person with a soul that is predisposed to the three (3) “P”s of position, prestige and power. Those who wish to dominate, to acquire fame and prominence, can become a safe haven for the witchcraft/control demon.

In such cases, the captive’s own personality will be a secure place in which demons of a similar nature will be able to hide and secretly function. This is because no one will suspect that the captive’s ambitious striving for control and domination is demonic because the captive has continued to demonstrate over time a steady pattern that propels them to seek power. Consequently, everyone just assumes that the captive is simply being true to his nature or character and therefore, doesn’t have a demon. The witchcraft demon will also hide within weaker personalities.

For example, there are those who wear a facade of false humility, who appear to be very self-effacing and passive. They call themselves “helpful and tactful.” They court a person in leadership, pretending to be a supportive helper. Yet , deep within his or her soul is a striving to “be somebody.” I am reminded of the Bette Davis movie of the 50’s called “All About Eve.” Our generation calls them “suck ups” or “behind kissers/” They appear to idolize there leader when in fact, they want to replace the one they pretend to emulate.  People with this kind of soul will offer up many testimonies of their inadequacies and their lack of ambition, yet when confronted, they will show in their actions that they are not at all convinced of their own unworthiness.

In fact, when there is even a minor concern or question about their actions or motives in a particular situation, they will become extremely defensive and resentful. If others show a tendency to take their self-belittling attitude and recriminations seriously, a seething anger may erupt that is out of balance and extreme. For instance, while the so-called “humble” will proclaim their unworthiness, a witchcraft demon will cause them to make great demands for consideration and admiration from others. The witchcraft spirit will rise up and expose itself in these “low key” people, presenting a strong unwillingness to accept even the slightest degree of criticism.

You will find many people like this among professing Christians.  They are passive on the outside but inside, they are seething, ravenous wolves who will use a soft,  humble demeanor and manner as a weapon to bring others down.  Repressed anger and envy has opened passive-aggressive people to a religious demon. In such cases, passivity masquerades as humility or “niceness.”. The inner hostilities are hidden from view by a veneer of a pretended politeness, feigned fair play and an appearance of good fellowship.  This “front” is a coverup used in subtle ways to move against perceived enemies in an effort to shame others with their “nice” behavior.  The facade consists of pretenses, hidden fears and some genuine caring mixed in with an ability to make YOU look bad in comparison to THEM.

Here is a quote from “Faces of the Religious Demon:”

One of the many motives of a religious demon is “to kill the prophets of God.” Religious demons will seek those by nature who have a jealous, envious spirit, hostile and rebellious to all spiritual authority. Like a shark or a snake, these captives can be most cleverly vicious and dangerous, particularly to those who are called into the fivefold ministry.  For example, these captives will circle the lives of others within the congregation, looking for teachable, fleeceable, controllable disciples of his or her own. For those with a religious demon  like to birth disciples unto themselves, disciples that will eat a false doctrine from their tables. Toward this end, some of these captives will seek out others who are in rebellion, yet who are weak, wounded, or those who are already in conflict with their spiritual leaders authority.”

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The spirit of Jezebel is a personality flaw that religious demons find conducive to use to attack a man or a woman of God. Like Judas, their end is the way of destruction. The religious demon will ultimately destroy its host or hostess.